Когда выйдет madness project nexus 2
Контент для этой игры Просмотреть все (1)
Об этой игре
MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Train your custom Madness combatant for the endless trials of Arena Mode, building weapons from your own sick imagination to get through just one more wave of deranged assailants. Or, play through the core campaign as the antiheroes of the Madness universe and unearth the terrible secrets of Project Nexus itself.
MADNESS: Project Nexus challenges your use of immersive & tactical combat, on-your-feet decision making, environmental navigation, a massive selection of weapons, and a pretty heavy dose of comic blood and violence. You'll progress through the game by navigating between rooms and overworld stages, engaging baddies along the way (who become wiser and more tactical as you advance). Not everyone is cut out to survive; we think you may be the exception.
Can you overcome the hordes of gun-toting Agents, sword-brandishing assassins, and bullet-deflecting giants that Project Nexus throws in your path? Grab your trusty weapon and let's find out.
It's finally here. After over 7 years of anticipation. After 7+ years of eye-straining, sanity-draining, bank balance-straining work. Through crowdfunding campaigns, cross-country moves, life changes, code-rewrites, engine updates, part time jobs and a freakin' worldwide plague, the end of our wild journey is almost here.
And it has a date.
We've been waiting so long to finally get this thing into you folks' hands, and we know you sure as heck have been waiting for us to give it to you. In just two and a half weeks the wait will finally be over. Whether you backed us all the way back in 2014, are one of our Funky new friends, or hopped on this crazy train somewhere in between, we're all eternally grateful that you've continued to stick with us through to the end.
Спасибо, что помогли этой игре оказаться в магазине Steam. Более подробную информацию, включая ссылку на страницу в магазине, вы можете найти ниже.
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Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Контент для этой игры Просмотреть все (1)
Об этой игре
MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun-slash-Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Train your custom Madness combatant for the endless trials of Arena Mode, building weapons from your own sick imagination to get through just one more wave of deranged assailants. Or, play through the core campaign as the antiheroes of the Madness universe and unearth the terrible secrets of Project Nexus itself.
MADNESS: Project Nexus challenges your use of immersive & tactical combat, on-your-feet decision making, environmental navigation, a massive selection of weapons, and a pretty heavy dose of comic blood and violence. You'll progress through the game by navigating between rooms and overworld stages, engaging baddies along the way (who become wiser and more tactical as you advance). Not everyone is cut out to survive; we think you may be the exception.
Can you overcome the hordes of gun-toting Agents, sword-brandishing assassins, and bullet-deflecting giants that Project Nexus throws in your path? Grab your trusty weapon and let's find out.
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