Just cause 2 multiplayer mod обзор
Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer is revolutionary. No other game offers the same level of insane chaos this game can muster.
From the moment it began as a mod after being backward engineered by Trix it was obvious to many that the potential was huge. During the beta tests Just Cause 2 Multiplayer gained a cult following and developed a keen audience eager to play and experiment with others in a massively diverse and interesting game world.
Personally I have played Just Cause 2 Multiplayer in so many different ways it's astounding that it really is just one game. I've played with friends experimenting with the grapple and laughed my head off. I've arranged Destruction Derby that were so successful the developers made a gamemode out of it. I've participated in some of the biggest, most insane mass racing, skydiving and faction wars I've ever witnessed in a game. I've performed solo and combination stunts with friends while co-ordinating over voice chat. I've went on a kill spee with my trusty sniper rifle and noscpoe killed hundred of enemies (other players at the airport).
It truely is an amazing game with almost no limitations: the biggest is probably your imagination.
If you thought Just Cause 2 was good then you're gonna be blown away by the multiplayer with 100+ players on a server. It's something special.
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer is revolutionary. No other game offers the same level of insane chaos this game can muster.
From the moment it began as a mod after being backward engineered by Trix it was obvious to many that the potential was huge. During the beta tests Just Cause 2 Multiplayer gained a cult following and developed a keen audience eager to play and experiment with others in a massively diverse and interesting game world.
Personally I have played Just Cause 2 Multiplayer in so many different ways it's astounding that it really is just one game. I've played with friends experimenting with the grapple and laughed my head off. I've arranged Destruction Derby that were so successful the developers made a gamemode out of it. I've participated in some of the biggest, most insane mass racing, skydiving and faction wars I've ever witnessed in a game. I've performed solo and combination stunts with friends while co-ordinating over voice chat. I've went on a kill spee with my trusty sniper rifle and noscpoe killed hundred of enemies (other players at the airport).
It truely is an amazing game with almost no limitations: the biggest is probably your imagination.
If you thought Just Cause 2 was good then you're gonna be blown away by the multiplayer with 100+ players on a server. It's something special.
Практически все мы играли в игру Just Cause 2 и представляли себя Антонио Бандеразами, убивающий плохих нехороших редисок и освобождающий бедных людей Панау. В нашем арсенале было огромное количество оружия, навороченных Гаджетов и практически любая техника, существующая в реальном мире. Но чего-то не хватало. И вот, команда разработчиков презентовала мультиплеерный мод для этой головокружительной от экшен-игры. (Правда по экшену с новым лысеньким максимкой уже не сравнится. )
Теперь у нас появится возможность разнести весь город в щепки вместе со своими друзьями, погонять на катерах, спорт карах и самолетах. Заняться скайдайвенгом в небе с друзьями тоже неплохо .
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod Gameplay
Давным-давно, в далёкой-далёкой галактике. Короче, писали мы уже про мультиплеер Just Cause 2, и сейчас я вам отвечу на несколько вопросов.
- А что это? Что за мод?
Представьте: остров из одиночной игры, по которому бегают множество Рико родригезов, пытаясь убить друг друга. Собственно, режима 2: ДМ и песочница, но всё сводится к тому, что тебя переезжает катер, когда ты летишь по небу на своём грузовике. В общем, делай, что хочешь. Доходчиво?
- Эй, Цянид, а почему разработчики молчали с августа и вестей от них не было?
Да всё потому что они работали для вас, ребята. И могут с гордостью заявить: JC2-MP идёт Пар доступна в Стиме. А это значит, что вы можете добавить игру себе в библиотеку и присоединяться к вашим друзьям.
- А что изменилось-то, Цянидка?
-Так, ну, самое главное, как говорилось выше, игра стала доступна в Стиме. И чтобы это отпраздновать, разработчики изменили интерфейс в меню. То есть окно настроек, браузер в игре и многое другое - всё это адаптировано под Стим. Можно через него любимого присоединяться к игрокам. Изменяются и добавляются новые функции консоли. Её максимальный размер буфера 1024, а старые элементы удаляются. Реализованы новое главное меню, браузер серверов, функция быстрого коннекта, диалоговые окна для ошибок и меню паузы. Об обновлениях можно очень долго рассказывать, лучше вот вам полный список изменений на английском копипастну:
New Features:
Base features
Added being able to join on other players through Steam
Console now scrolls to the bottom on the addition of a new item
Console now has a maximum buffer of 1024; older items are purged
Added client/dropzone as a place to drop in JC2-MP zip assets such as images
Improved hit detection considerably; almost all weapons willl correctly report attacker
Replaced D3DX image loading with ResIL, resulting in improved compatibility and a 3x speedup
JC2-MP is now initialized at start-up instead of at the main menu
Window title is now "Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod"
Implemented a main menu
Implemented a password dialog
Implemented a server browser
Implemented quick connect
Implemented a pause menu
Added modal dialogs for errors
Added LocalPlayerForcePulseHit so the air propulsion gun, etc can be suppressed
Added Image:Draw( position, size, uv1, uv2 ) to simplify operations
Added Model:GetTopology and Model:SetTopology to replace the argument to Model:Draw
Added a ref-counting system for the mouse cursor, fixing all bugs where the cursor would be invisible/visible for no apparent reason
Added a new syntax for Image.Create to allow creating assets from different sources
Added a VehicleCollide event for player vehicle and vehicle vehicle collisions
Added EscPressed to TextBox
Added Game:FireEvent for firing JC2 events
Added missing entries to GameSetting enum
Added Network:SendToPlayers( players, event_name, [args] )
Added PlayerAuthenticate event for when a player is authenticated by Steamworks
Base features
Implemented Steamworks
Added camera-relative streaming, making a spectator mode possible
Added World class to significantly simplify operations with virtual worlds
Worlds are automatically removed after module unload
Added Vehicle:GetTemplate and Vehicle:GetDecal
Added Vehicle:GetDriver
Added Vector:DistanceSqr, Vector:DistanceSqr2D, and Vector2:DistanceSqr
Added Scalar * Vector and Scalar * Vector2
Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash where the local player's parachute was used without checking for existence
Fixed crash where the character controller was used without checking for existence
Fixed minimap not following modified camera position
Fixed crash where players could crash upon entering a motorbike, or seeing someone enter a motorbike
Fixed bug where players could be stuck in the sitting animation while their vehicle was removed
Fixed bug where players could be entered into a vehicle at random
Fixed Properties exposed to Lua being incorrectly named
Fixed bug where drowning resulted in no respawn due to Player:GetHealth returning greater than 0
Fixed crash with Vehicle:SetHealth repairing tyres
Fixed bug where IsValid could return false for a LocalPlayer
Fixed bug where you could spawn with a SMG / grenade with an empty JC2-MP inventory
Fixed bug where bikes would spawn with the wrong colour on the fenders
Fixed crash where mouse ref could persist and attempt clean-up
Fixed Input:GetValue being completely broken
Fixed permanent Woet Time on start-up (bright cyan skies, completely blackened ground)
Fixed bug where mouse cursor clipping wasn't applied correctly
Fixed being able to open the chat while the chat was invisible
Fixed bug where Rico would flicker in and out of existence due to model loading issue
Fixed crash when attempting to update the panel colours of an invalid game vehicle
Fixed crash when a nearby vehicle blew up and damaged the player
Fixed SetMass crash where the vehicle may not exist
Fixed crash on module unload resulting from GUI events not being removed
Fixed crash when Refcountable attempted to remove invalid refs
Fixed bug where weapons would have insanely high impulse values
Fixed Client:GetStreamedPlayers returning a table instead of an iterator
Fixed crash when player was subject to something in the world exploding
Fixed bug where Model vertex count was uninitialized
Fixed bug where you could go into an undead state if restored to full health from death
Fixed bug where Alt+F4 would pause game; now instantly closes game
Fixed bug where GWEN sliders would not update their bar from their value after layout
Fixed crash when disconnected during loading screen
Fixed bug where players who failed to spawn on your client would remain unspawned; the "ghost vehicles" are no more
Added protection against creating a vehicle with an invalid model ID
Removed invalid weapons from valid weapons list
Modules can now fire registered events to themselves on load
Moved Player:EnterVehicle to the server
Fixed bug where a module was being kept alive by an unnecessary reference
Fixed crash when a non-existent module was loaded
Fixed the disabling of unoccupied vehicle respawn; was broken due to refactoring
Fixed crash upon destroying a world with a player inside of it
Fixed ambiguous message when ban list was missing
Fixed crash-on-close when cleaning up Worlds
Fixed invalid reporting of player count / max player count
Fixed crash-on-close when destroying the DefaultWorld
Fixed bug where overriden camera positions were ignored
Restricted network messages to 5 megabytes in size
Fixed potential crash with the no-argument version of Network:Send
Fixed crash when firing a registered event across modules with an expired pointer
Fixed invalid vehicle mass; mass is now server-authoritative; broken vehicle physics fixed
Fixed _init.lua not being loaded in subdirectories
Fixed missing vehicle names in vehicle name array
Vehicle:SetHealth(>0.2) now removes fire and smoke particle effects
HSVColorPicker now uses a shader instead of per-pixel draw calls, resulting in an incredible performance boost
Vehicle:SetHealth(1) now restores wheels to normal condition
Removed F2 to connect
Removed player death messages in server log; scripts can be used
Renamed PreClientTick/PreServerTick and PostClientTick/PostServerTick to PreTick and PostTick respectively
Сразу ясно, что разработчики не зря хлебушек едят, одних багов вон сколько исправили.
Финальный бета тест пройдет в период с 7 декабря 2013 года по 14-е.
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