Grim dawn топ дпс
Been trying quite a few builds and stumbled upon dw purifier.
How about you guys what were your top damage builds
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castHighest DPS build/s without end game gear.
Dual wielding 1h weapons with lots of WPS skills will shoot your DPS through the roof while levelling. For 1h ranged you take inquisitor, for 1h melee you go with nightblade. Then take devotions that proc extra damage on hit, preferably with low cooldowns, and profit. DW Purifier with max fire strike and aetherfire will decimate pretty much anything, DW spellbreaker using cold damage is another example. I recently levelled a HC Reaper using vitality/aether damage with the necromancer and nightblade WPS and it just wrecks everything.
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1) Специализации некроманта открывается только в длц, а за длц нужно баблинского отвалить, но есть способ оставить себе честно заработанные деньги. Заходим в корневую папку игры и удаляем все файлы, идем на любой торрент и ищем игру со всеми длц. Главное корневую папку с игрой не удалить, а то в стиме не будут идти часы.
2) Все локации где нужен динамит не обязательны.
3) На общей карте где указаны телепорты с одной стороны (левая) это основная сюжетная линяя, а с другой (правая) идет длц.
4) Если у вашего друга нету лицензии то можно скачать один и тот же репак и хомачь. (Хотя вы уже должны были заменить стим версию игры на торрент)
5) Любые программы для совместной игры кроме хомачя мега юзалес.
6) Лучше всего пойти на пляж к тёлочкам.
7) Если вы не знаете куда нужно идти, то нужно оставить отрицательный отзыв об игре ибо гейм дизайнеры игры совсем оборзели.
8) После прохождения игры можно взять перерыв от игр.
8) Самый главный лайф хак можно не покупать grim dawn, а взять лучше Titan Quest.
9) Последнего босса можно убить на 10 лвл раньше чем задумали разработчики.
И так подытожим лайф хаки, мы получаем длц совершенно бесплатно, максимально быстро проходим игру или вообще не играем в эту ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Тут все просто, броня вся юзалес можете брать любую. Оружие просто мега юзалес в нашем билде прямой контакт вообще запрещен нам лучше быть на расстояние от противника. А вот с набожностью все сложнее главное правильно найти нужное созвездие, нужное созвезди которое усиливает ваших питомцев.
Hi guys. As the title states, i just wanted to know what the top 5 or so builds were.
I brought the game over the weekend and i sunk something close to 15 hours into the game and really enjoyed it. I made a conjure and while i enjoyed that play style, i kind of got a bit bored around the 12 hour mark.
So im going to roll a melee character this time and was looking for a end game viable spec that is solo and group capable (is group play a thing for end game content? Please excuse my ignorance 0_0). I was thinking of a demo/warrior, what do you think?
Thanks in advance for your responses
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castim playing high level with these melee builds :
Pyromancer (demo+occult) : high fire damage with good physical damage, high physique for equipment/hp, wreak havoc each step; using occultist for Blood of Dreg (healing) and Curse of Frailty (CC+damage buff);
Commando (soldier+demo) : physical damage + fire damage, no brainer, just bombing everything;
Witchblade (occult+soldier) : melee caster with high Chaos melee+magic damage, Sigil of Consumpion is one of the main healing/tanking sources this character have + shield that makes him even harder to bring down;
There are my melee builds that i play on high level; had some difficulties with the Warder (at the time just Shaman) against the final boss on Veteran difficulty, but after the nerf and some adjustments now it can kick ass almost like the other builds.
Hi mate, thanks for the detailed response. Your witchblade is interesting, i have always really enjoyed the melee caster play style. Do you think you could givd me a bit more detail on some things? Like skills and devotion, maybe some gear to shoot for?
No one really knows at this point to be honest. Release occurred last Thursday and the B31 update hit the Tuesday prior, which shifted a lot of the meta. And I say that despite having 787 hours in the game.
Damn thats alot of hours, that is 32 days. Damn lol. I didnt realise the meta shifted so much, guess ill just have to level up the new character and see how i go. I was thinking of a sowrd & board commando with maybe a ranged weapon on swap. I found a guide for this set up on the grim dawn forums that looks pretty good.
My best character so far is a dual pistol Sorcerer (Demo/Arcanist) focused on Fire Strike and the really powerful self buffs those two classes offer, as well as the massive synergy between Flash Freeze and dealing lots of fire damage with my weapon attacks.
My buddy is doing a 2h ranged version of the build and absolutely walks ultimate.
This sounds interesting. You enjoying the play style? How do you find your survivability as a ranged class?
Important things to note. You want to max out Mirror up until +levels on it leave it at 12 points in. More are worthless. Maxed out CDR grants it about a 6 second CD. 3 seconds invulnerability on a 6 second CD. Guess how that plays out. You will take out points in a few other places to make sure it happens, most likely from base Shadow Strike (which, while core on your Single Target damage, is less valuable than a lower CD on your invunerability time).
Devotions are complicated. Fortunately, there are a select few paths that are generally better and more efficient than others. Here are some great options for a solid endgame viable devotion build.
The Start of Every Character. Dryad and Scales of Ulcama. (14-16 points)
Decision Time and Three Major Paths
There are three paths that I consider best for the endgame.
The first is a red, green, ulzuin torch and meteor shower build. The main benefit of this build is the life leech and giants blood (a temporary huge hp regen), and a really fun endgame proc. If you are using fire strike, this is your spec. Meteor shower is also my personal favorite power aesthetically.
Second, is purple, green, leviathan and whirlpool build. This spec comes great resists and arguably the most damage. It also comes with an on block elemental absorb (requires shield) and -elemental resist power that is tremendously useful for some builds. If you are running an elemental build other than fire, this is a great choice.
Lastly, the tree the most defensive spec. This spec provides significant resists, an automatic "oh shit" power, and passive healing but lacks an endgame offensive celestial power. This is for squishier specs or people who generally want to feel tanky. You will miss out on a bit of damage, a very rough estimate would be
20% depending on your build. However, survival is generally more important than damage. A viable build for any character.
To get the remaining green, respec that green crossroad and grab scholar and raven. This puts you at the necessary points to go grab meteor shower. You can choose to fill torch or the last two points in scales.
Purple and Green. Leviathan (34 points)
Blue. Tree of Life and Light of Empyrion (33 points)
There are other perfectly viable specs although I highly recommend the initial path for dryad and scales. The paths above can be used as a good base for other specs as they generally take what I consider is the best constellations of the given type. Some quick modification suggestions:
Spear of the Heavens:
Follow tree of life build and instead of taking tree and empyrion, take jackal, ghoul, and spear.
Follow tree build. Drop compass, tree, and empyrion. Take jackal, vulture, and dying god.
Follow leviathan. Drop leviathan and falcon, grab hawk, fox, and sage.
I wrote this guide as much for my own notes as I did to share. Devotions are complicated and a lot of headache to learn from scratch. I highly recommend new players pick one of the above paths and can experiment as they get some experience with the system.
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