Fallout tale of two wastelands обзор
first off
take this to the ttw forums, they made it, they know it
they are pretty helpfull in making it work
second ( this is like goto step one in crashing issues for fo3 )
make sure that is in the fo3 ini
ttw uses fo3
fo3 crashes on multicore pc's ( no matter what )
RESTRICT it's core usage
Ttw uses the FNV exe which doesn't have those problems. All it uses from Fallout 3 are esm's and assets from the bsa files.
logical enough
however "roy" over at ttw gives this advice all the same
it sure can't hurt, to adjust it under fnv as well
if we are going modding
the pinned one on top is a good place to start
so op, read trough that and get those things all the same
ttw is stable enough ( i only found some light objects missing in tenpenny so far )( nothing major ) as is, but even so it's an everlasting work in progress and will have it's failures :)
casm with mcm support ( independent save system designed to counter save-corruption by extending saveslot usage ( instead of overwriting endlessly )( GET THIS )
mcm ( obviously )( to allow finetunign of mods that have mcm support )
they aren't a requirement, but they are pretty much recoomended at this point
i'll go ahead and stress the folloiwng as well
assuming you can get ttw running
without it you WILL crash as soon as you try to enter moriarty's saloon ( a storyprogresion required place )
you can not paly this game wihtout ttwfixes.esm, there is no real way around it
ttwfixes.esm breaks the female playermodel ( more specifically the pip-boy )
you can not acces your pip-boy on female models ( making the game uplayable )
°°° male models are just fine. i call sexism :p °°°
over on the ttwforums roy uploaded a file named "pipboytest"
if you want to play a female model you WILL need pipboytest installed as well :)
op, before we list all the obvious things ( well obvious to us )
what exactly have you done and not done so far
just drag 'n drop nvse and then run the ttw installer to make the fommod and load it up with FOMM or NMM?
IF SO, are you sure ALL the postpatching for ttw is in there as well ?
( like i said above, TTWFIXES is a must, but it's not direclty listed under the patches section on the download page, edit: i just checked, it doesn't )
( the zip files that is called "hotfixes" does not contain TTWFIXES.esm. YOU NEED TO GET THIS ON YOUR OWN BY LOOKING FOR IT ON THE TTW FORUM )
have you already gone trough the basic bugfixing steps that come with default fnv ?
26 мая. 2018 в 4:44op, before we list all the obvious things ( well obvious to us )
what exactly have you done and not done so far
just drag 'n drop nvse and then run the ttw installer to make the fommod and load it up with FOMM or NMM?
IF SO, are you sure ALL the postpatching for ttw is in there as well ?
( like i said above, TTWFIXES is a must, but it's not direclty listed under the patches section on the download page, edit: i just checked, it doesn't )
( the zip files that is called "hotfixes" does not contain TTWFIXES.esm. YOU NEED TO GET THIS ON YOUR OWN BY LOOKING FOR IT ON THE TTW FORUM )
have you already gone trough the basic bugfixing steps that come with default fnv ?
I installed ttw puted the ttw files in the new vegas mods folder i put the esms from fallout 3 ect then i ran the FOMOD i did the corect order of the mods then i ran the packages, i have the anti crash fix casm and mcm as well but i donwloaded the fixes all at one package puted them in the data folder of new vegas and everything seemed fine then i ran the game true nvse i got to the main menue and i crashed
(sorry for bad english it aint my native)
26 мая. 2018 в 4:51"the fixes all at one package" has me believe you got the "YOU NEED THESE PATCHES'" zip they listed on their downlaod page ( which you also need obviously :p )
for the ttwfixes.esm which does a converted ttw thing much like the unoffickal patch does, but more specific
try this and see what it gives
if it works out
come back and i'll try to find the pipboy fix to link it here
if it doesn't. then we'll need to look further :(
26 мая. 2018 в 4:56"the fixes all at one package" has me believe you got the "YOU NEED THESE PATCHES'" zip they listed on their downlaod page ( which you also need obviously :p )
for the ttwfixes.esm which does a converted ttw thing much like the unoffickal patch does, but more specific
try this and see what it gives
if it works out
come back and i'll try to find the pipboy fix to link it here
if it doesn't. then we'll need to look further :(
26 мая. 2018 в 5:04"the fixes all at one package" has me believe you got the "YOU NEED THESE PATCHES'" zip they listed on their downlaod page ( which you also need obviously :p )
for the ttwfixes.esm which does a converted ttw thing much like the unoffickal patch does, but more specific
try this and see what it gives
if it works out
come back and i'll try to find the pipboy fix to link it here
if it doesn't. then we'll need to look further :(
Thanks i will try it out soon
let's hope that does it
if not, you might want to just delete all and try again from scratch though
even when done right ( as far as your internvention ), it's not exaclty a failsafe install
creating the fomod ( which is out of yoru controll ) can screw up all the same making it non-working
( but let's assume for now it did fine :) )
26 мая. 2018 в 9:44let's hope that does it
if not, you might want to just delete all and try again from scratch though
even when done right ( as far as your internvention ), it's not exaclty a failsafe install
creating the fomod ( which is out of yoru controll ) can screw up all the same making it non-working
( but let's assume for now it did fine :) ) So i did start from a scratch just incase did everything right and puted the new fix but still crash in the main menu.
Edit: i read the the last posts and i twiked the game and now it works! thanks alot everyone
26 мая. 2018 в 10:10let's hope that does it
if not, you might want to just delete all and try again from scratch though
even when done right ( as far as your internvention ), it's not exaclty a failsafe install
creating the fomod ( which is out of yoru controll ) can screw up all the same making it non-working
( but let's assume for now it did fine :) )
So i did start from a scratch just incase did everything right and puted the new fix but still crash in the main menu.
Edit: i read the the last posts and i twiked the game and now it works! thanks alot everyone
twiked as in "tweked" as in you added those corerestriction lines to the ini ?
So i did start from a scratch just incase did everything right and puted the new fix but still crash in the main menu.
Edit: i read the the last posts and i twiked the game and now it works! thanks alot everyone
twiked as in "tweked" as in you added those corerestriction lines to the ini ? Yep 26 мая. 2018 в 10:15
either way, i'm hapy to hear we got you set upt
now as a final set of adivce
i assume you are going to start with fo3 under the new ttw mod
in case you wish to enable the survival element fnv provided, keep in mind that fo3 was never designed to support that
cooking and water sources are much harder to find ( cooking is nearly impossible to find )
to get the best out of the survival element within the fo3 setting of ttw
i suggest :
"solar's bottled water mod "
( enables you to crouch next to a sink or firehydrant and fill an empty bottle with water turning it into drinkable "dirty h2o" to carry around ) ( providing you hae an empty bottle and a bottlecap on you )
"oven cooking"
( every oven in the fo3 world has been recoded to now allow for survival crafting )
( most of them are broken and require fixing though to compensate a bit in some way )
ofcourse this is just adivce :)
if you want to mod onto ttw now
aything not on that list has a great chance of breaking things more then adding them :)
scroll trough the forum untill you find a post by "roy" that says pipboytest.7z
that fixes the female model
if you pay a male model, then irrelevant as you won't have the problem to deal with :)
Проектом занимается Falcon-Lair TEAM. Глобальный мод-проект для Fallout New Vegas, который переносит игровой мир популярной видеоигры Fallout 3 (со всеми DLC) на более современный игровой движок Fallout New Vegas, совершенствуя его в соответствии с полученными возможностями обновленного движка и нового контента.
Проще говоря 'Дух павших миров' - это попытка соединить два разных игровых мира в одной игре и сделать их доступными для игрока практически в любой момент его путешествия по миру. Вам предоставляется полная свобода действий: вы можете выполнять множество заданий, узнавать как изменились разные части Соединенных Штатов после Великой войны или же просто исследовать, в одиночку или вместе с компаньоном, разнообразный игровой мир, который теперь более чем в два раза больше!
Спешим заверить, что SFW - это всего лишь очень большой мод для Fallout New Vegas, т.е. подавляющее большинство модификаций для F:NV прекрасно работают.
- Объединенный и прочищенный мастер-файл FalloutNV.esm, что увеличивает скорость загрузки игры, облегчает процесс адаптации модов, без путаницы с дубликатами записей.
- Полная адаптация и исправление F3DLC, включая перепаковку архивов.- Доработка перевода, включая исправление известных ошибок и вшитие багфиксов оригинальных игр.
- Абсолютно новая сюжетная цепочка, объясняющая превращение Одинокого Странника в Курьера 6.
- Возможность выбрать место начала игры без какого-либо ущерба погружению.
A Soul of Fallen Worlds: Ruined America
Кроме того, командой Falcon-Lair подготовлена сборка модов "A Soul of Fallen Worlds: Ruined America".
SFW RA - это комплекс модификаций, адаптированных друг к другу, объединенных и доработанных. Целью данного проекта является максимально расширенная и улучшенная игра.Стиль проекта - нечто среднее между углублением (или по крайней мере сохранением) атмосферы и увеличением разнообразия, но с небольшим уклоном на второе. В SFW RA нет и не будет никаких красочных элементов, всяческих пони-рас и прочего мусора. И хотя присутствие 'чистого' оружия будет иметь место, всё оно (и остальное подобное), будет максимально 'лорно' вписано в мир игры.
Особенности SFW RA:
- Параллельная и равномерная доработка обоих миров.-
Модульная система. Игрок сможет отключить отдельные квестовые комплекты после их прохождения, не потеряв при этом набранное непосильным трудом.
- Минимальный список подключаемых плагинов, без безумного количества всяческих патчей совместимости и многослойных зависимостей плагинов друг от друга.
- Многие модификации в составе эксклюзивны, или переведены эксклюзивно для SFW RA, т.е. вы не найдете их отдельно.
- Ресурсы запакованы в BSA, что хоть и усложняет работу с их составом, но значительно структурирует вашу папку Data, позволяя быстро избавиться или обновить нужные архивы.
История двух Пустошей (Tale of Two Wastelands) – мод, который даёт вам возможность играть в Fallout 3 и ее DLC в Fallout: New Vegas и перемещаться между двумя мирами с тем же персонажем – получил долгожданное обновление 3.2, «полную переработку», которая была в работе более трех лет.
Данный мод даст вам возможность играть в Fallout 3 и Fallout: New Vegas одним персонажем и перемещаться между округом Колумбия и Пустошью Мохаве с помощью железнодорожных станций. Это полностью преобразующий мод, который переводит все квесты и настройки Fallout 3 на движок Fallout: New Vegas, дополняя механиками из New Vegas, вроде режимов стрельбы и Спутникового круга.
Версия 3.2 находилась в разработке с 2015 и полный список ее изменений состоит более чем из 30,000 строк (если хотите, можете посмотреть его по этой ссылке). На странице FAQ обновление описывается как «полная переработка» мода, так что если вам когда-нибудь было интересно поиграть в него, то сейчас самое время.
Чтобы запустить мод, вам понадобятся чистые версии обеих игр со всеми DLC, причем неважно версия Steam или GOG. Вы можете скачать его на этой странице и там же найти полную инструкцию по установке.
Он может конфликтовать с другими модами, так что не стоит ожидать, что моды на ваших Fallout 3 и New Vegas будут работать с ним автоматически. Однако у многих модов есть отдельная версия специально для Истории двух Пустошей; на форуме вы найдете страницу, где написано, какие моды совместимы с ней, и как заставить их работать. И еще раз, читайте FAQ, прежде чем ввязываться в это.
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To your left you'll see Alpha Download, click that, once there you should see the latest version of TTW. Once you have downloaded the .rar file simply unzip the file to any folder.
It should look like that.
Alright, off to the next one.
So you have the file unzipped, great thats awesome. Now you run the installer in that same folder
if everything goes to plan it should automatically pick up the locations of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
As for the third section make it any folder other than your two other selected locations,just do what I did for TTW location.
So once you did that click install, BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, Doughnut DO NOT UNCHECK SEXY
Once you did that just go to the next section of this guide.
While waiting at some point it'll ask you if you want to make this a .fomod, say yes.
Alright, Alright, lets see, once the .fomod is ready, it'll be in that folder you made for TTW. you'll have two files a Main file and a Optional file like so:
Open up Fallout Mod Manager, you may see a much uncluttered version of this Load Order
Click Package Manager on the right.
On the right again, press Add fomod
find that main file I was talking about earlier and click that, you can also add the optional file if you want to afterwards, but I forgot whats in that one. It should like this afterwards:
Wow you got this far into this horrible guide, good job.
Go to this folder, you can see how to get there off of my windows screenshot:
This may already may have been done for you, but just in case it didn't do this:
Now just go to your Fallout.ini file and your falloutprefs.ini file and change the following:
SCharGenQuest = 001FFFF8
sIntroMovie = (yes this one is blank on purpose, it needs to be blank)
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
It's also important to mention that once you decide to go from the Capital Wasteland to the Mojave Wasteland, once you take that first train ride to Vegas, it'll lapse the years by nine, beginning the story of New Vegas where you normally wake up in Doc Mitchell's house, to bridge the chronological time gap of the two games, so its advised to 100% the missions in Fallout 3 before you move on to the Mojave.
Taking that train to the Mojave Wasteland (starting the Fallout: New Vegas storyline).- Go to the National Archives, [Stealing Independence]
- Walking up you'll see a metro sign it looks like a Manhattan style [M] Pointing to the right
- Follow those signs
- It should lead you to the subways from there navigate your way to Grand Century Station
- When you go inside the terminal of where the subways stop.
- Go to the tunnel all the way to the back right corner
- Follow that tunnel down until theres a maintenance door to your left
- Go inside that door
- Follow the corridor till it leads to a staircase with a few steps going up toColumbus Circle
- That huge building is the Grand something something station
- Go inside
- All the way on the otherside will be some doors
- Interact with them
- IT should say "♥♥♥♥ you I need power"
- It'll then give you this tedious quest running around the whole♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid ass station getting shot at by some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumbass green ass jolly green giant corn mascot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ selves.
- Don't ask me where those breakers are, its not that hard, its Fallout, I'm sure you are capable of turning on a switch.
- Once you finish the quest go look at the sign:
- Go through those doors you couldn't go through earlier.
- Go through the hall on the lower level
- You'll see a terminal:
- Shell out 500 caps.
- The train will be in front on you down stairs
- Go in the front Car, you'll see an electrical switch on the wall.
- Say yes and travel in time:
Boom Bingo Kapow wow youre here you made it
If you ever want to go back to the DC wasteland, go to freeside and look for the trainstation where the NCR gives out free meals to NCR squatters, you know the place, off to the right near the watch tower, near cerulean robotics, if you dont, play the game some more.
Yo when I get to the citadel the first time, even though the door opens up, theres an invisible wall!
Talking to the BoS initiate/knight you saw back at the ladder in the tunnels will trigger the wall to dissappear, in FO3, he says upon sight, not the case here
Yo when I go to the Citadel, I spawn on a plain of nothing but rocks and hills and everyone from the citadel Bailey is clustered together!
Go back to your mod manager and switch off TTW Edition of Nevada skies and turn on Ultimate instead, the recent update of TTW makes the two uncompatible
Yo, when I get to the last story mission when I have to activate Project Purity, at the end of the cutscenes my character is either motionless on the ground or motionless standing up!
Yo, in Mothership Zeta the aliens are staring at me after I'm injected at the table!
Either update to 2.9.4a of TTW or download the hot fix off of the TTW main website
Yo, When I tell the Doc at the ChopShop to wake up Riley, he just stands there!
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