Dinosaurs prehistoric survivors обзор
The Full Release Update (V. is now LIVE!
This update marks the transition of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors from Early Access to Full Release and brings a new mode into the game, the Survivor Mode.
With that said, lets get started. As always, we’re only going to highlight the general elements.
- Survivor mode has been added to the game. This mode challenges the player’s ability to survive as a dinosaur in treacherous regions.
- A bonus Mode has been added and can be unlocked once the survivor mode has been completed.
- Underwater gameplay for survivor mode
- Boss fight for survivor mode
- New dinosaurs creatures have been integrated for Survivor Mode
- New combat system for Survivor Mode.
- Environment hazards for survivor Mode.
- New player HUD and UI for Survivor Mode.
- Visual effects and gore for Survivor Mode.
- New sound effects management system for Survivor Mode.
- General optimization
- General balancing
- Minor IK improvements
- Minor Spawning system improvements
- Minor acceleration system has been added when transitioning from walk to run
You may need to restart Steam for the update to take into effect
We have a very exciting news, Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors will soon be out of early access and be fully released! With that said, lets get started.
Over the past few months we are able to successfully integrate much of the core elements needed for the game, this includes the survivor mode and other gameplay fixes. And although some elements were omitted and some were changed, such as the home base and squad mechanic, we believe that the integration of the survivor mode has made the game feature complete, therefore we have decided to no longer prolong the game through early access and instead fulfil our promise by releasing the game, which will take place alongside the new upcoming update, the Full Release Update - V.
Hi everyone, lead dev here. I wanted to tell you guys this personally and say thank you for making all of this possible. Without your support, I would have never gone remotely close to getting the game where it is right now, and I am truly grateful for the trust and opportunity you all have given me. Its not perfect, and the game will still be updated after release, but at the very least it has come to a place where I feel it is good enough.
I hope that a lot of you would enjoy the game, especially the survivor mode, as it has a lot of new gameplay elements that I feel best experienced hands on than told here in this devlog.
And that’s currently it for this devlog and make sure to keep an eye out for the game as it will transition to full release very soon.
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 131 пользователь посчитал этот обзор забавным
Пара вроде бы даже неплохих моделек динозавров, терпимо выглядящий мир, какое то подобие сюжетной линии и прокачки. Всё. Больше тут ни хpeна нет. Кроме разве что кошмарного звука и анимаций животных. Ти-рекс стоит наплевав на земное притяжение, а трицератопс пытается освоить лунную походку, так как явственно скользит по земле.
Ну я даже и не знаю зачем в ЭТО играть на данной стадии - даже в сыром и кривом Saurian можно неплохо так побегать, а уж в The Isle - тем более.
Пока что ставлю "неуд", но если разрабы поднапрягутся, то всё может измениться.
Игра действительно напоминает низкобюджетную версию The Isle - концепция, графика. анимации, звук являются cильно упрощёнными по сравнению с последней. Немного странно, что крупные цератопсы убивают хищников с 2-3-х ударов, при этом сами погибают от десятка; многие виды - ретекстуры друг друга, отличающиеся размерами. Во всём остальном - нормально: ботов в игре много, река близко от места изначального появления, так что выживать - можно, в то время как в The Isle можно умереть, пытаясь отыскать немногочисленных ботов на огромной карте (по крайней мере, так было с 2016 по 2019 год включительно). С учётом относительно низкой цены и неплохой достоверности имеющихся моделей, любителям динозавров может понравится. Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 60
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 5
I just completed the game today and before I get into my thoughts of the game keep in mind that this is an Early Access Game which has been out for only 16 days. That being said you can’t expect it to be on the same level as a game that has been in Early Access for months or the same level as a finished product. Onto my thoughts…
After 20.1 hours of gameplay I have found that this game is well built for the most part and is well thought out. The game requires using a different play style at the different phases of your dinosaur's development. The way you set your dinosaur's stats really does affect how easy or hard the game is.
The game’s main weaknesses are things that tend to happen because it is early in development and they are listed below.
1) Dinosaurs being dead and still standing up.
2) Your dinosaur being able to walk on water.
3) NPC animals being able to go into the end of the game world.
4) Your dinosaur randomly looking up at the sun.
5) All dinosaurs can walk through logs that are laying down on the ground.
6) Lastly the game crashing.
The hunting in the game is not dramatic and since there is no music in the game the only things that cause tension when you are hunting or being hunted are the sounds of the dinosaurs and your thoughts.
Some people may not like the lack of music in the game and it can sound a bit repetitive, but the sounds make it feel like nature. I did notice that there aren’t any sounds made by your Tyrannosaurus Rex while it is eating which is unrealistic since at the least you would hear the sounds of the bones being crushed and the flesh torn when the Tyrannosaurus Rex takes a bite.
The objects in the game are well made and nicely detailed. The movements of the animals are smooth and the textures are well done. The level of realism with the shading and all of the textures is nice.
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors is a single player game that includes several game modes such as the Survivor Mode, the Arcade mode, and the Free Roam Mode.
The Survivor Mode is a mode designed for players who prefer a more challenging gameplay experience. The Survivor mode puts the players ability to survive as a dinosaur to the test in a variety of treacherous regions where players must navigate through environment hazards and sometimes fight in order to obtain resources. Aside from surviving a brutal environment, the player is also given an objective and that is to defeat a guardian that resides within each region. Defeating a guardian marks the completion of a region. Unlike other modes that features dinosaurs from cretaceous North America, the Survivor Mode features dinosaur from cretaceous Asia.
The Arcade Mode is a mode designed for players who prefer simulation type gameplay where players would live the life of a dinosaur from juvenile to adult in a dynamically populated open world environment. The world in the Arcade Mode changes as the player grows, creatures will migrate or go extinct, corpses will decay overtime, creature behavior changes based on available resources and competition, and all of these dynamic elements are designed to give players unique challenges that would test their ability to adapt to the ever changing world.
The Free Roam Mode is designed for players who prefer a more serene and hassle free gameplay experience where the player can choose to play as a dinosaur without the worry of missions and objectives.
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors lets players choose from a selection of more than 25 dinosaur species, from the feeble Parkosaurus to the mighty Tyrannosaurus, ranging from multiple game modes.
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors brings a variety of environments for players to explore and experience. Some of these environments include dense forests, swamps and wetlands, beaches, rocky mountains, volcanic regions, and underwater environments.
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors — это игра в жанре выживание и приключения, разрабатываемая Arcupion Art для платформы PC. Окружение в игре относится к cтилистике история, а выделить особенности можно следующие: early access, симулятор, инди, приключенческая игра, экшен, ролевая игра, динозавры, выживание, для одного игрока, ранний доступ, приключение, открытый мир, от третьего лица, похожа на dark souls, природа, реализм, песочница, сложная, атмосферная, охота, игра против ии, ролевой экшен, приключенческий экшен. Вам будут доступны такие игровые режимы как «для одного игрока».
Во всем мире игра Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors распространяется по модели разовая покупка издателем Arcupion Art. На данный момент стадия игры — запущена, а дата её выхода — 13.08.2021. Бесплатно скачать Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors, в том числе и через торрент, нельзя, поскольку игра распространяется по модели разовая покупка.
MMO13 еще не вынес Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors оценку. Игра распространяется в магазине Steam, пользователи которого оценивают эту игру своими отзывами на 6.9 баллов из 10.
На этой странице вы можете познакомиться с визуальной составляющей Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors в действии посредством трейлеров и видео. На этой странице вы найдете как официальные трейлеры проекта от разработчиков, так и другие видео по игре, например обзоры, превью или видео мнения.
Трейлер – это рекламное видео, цель которого - представить проект в наилучшем свете. Трейлер может быть сделан как на основе реального игрового процесса, так и с применением сложной компьютерной графики (CGI).
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