Blackthorn arena обзор
I bought this game and I'm having some fun with it, but I'm having an equal amount of frustration with it as well. It was a coin flip to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. This could be an incredible game, I certainly thought so when I looked at the pictures and video and description. A management sort of game, that's well done and has interesting combat. But you can see the good stuff already, so I'll tell you about the frustrations.
-Crafting. Let's start with the blacksmith. You can craft some amazing weapons late game. I'm using several of them on my gladiators right now, they're great. However, armor crafting is worthless. There are so many sets of armor that you need to research an absolutely ridiculous amount before you discover anything you'll want to craft. I still haven't, I fell into the trap of researching it a lot though. It costs money and takes time, making your early and mid game finances a lot tighter for what appears to be no benefit at all. I'm sure there's worthwhile stuff, but discovering it is probably like a needle in a haystack, and with the constant drain on funds I'm not sure if it will EVER pay off. Most of what you discover, armor and weapons isn't worth making, you'll find or buy what you need as is. Next, cooking. The diet recipes are your day to day food for the gladiators. This is worthwhile, let's you upgrade the basic daily healing and morale, but higher end stuff gets too expensive to use on a regular basis, I'm still using the first upgrade for each as my daily fare. The buff recipes are 100% worthless, they provide a consumable that helps for one fight and it's gone, and finding ingredients is infrequent. Modest buffs, too. Now the doctor/alchemist. The ingredients are so varied and hard to obtain that most of this won't happen, it's just a list of dreams. There's great stuff, but without the ingredients, well. tough luck. Mediocre stuff, the occasional healing potion or something, you can make. But the GOOD stuff? Haven't made any yet, and not sure if I'll ever be able to. Again, each time you research it costs 10 silver, so 10 silver per research for cook/doc/smith, each taking some days to produce results, it's just about crunching your wallet for little return (except late game weapons and daily diet).
-Camera. In some arenas you'll find stuff around the fighting area getting in the way of your clicking for movement or to attack, depending on the camera angle. That should never happen. You'll have to pause, swing your camera around, try to find a better angle, then you can continue. Not game breaking, just annoying.
-Free gladiators challenging you at your arena. This is the biggest trap of them all. It pays well to defeat them, but you can't sell them off, and you can't execute them, you're stuck with them FOREVER. It costs money to feed your gladiators every day, as well as to pay the guards (up to a cap of 6 guards), and you'll be stuck with these chumps in addition to whoever you already have. So what to do? Get rid of gladiators you've built since level 1 who are exactly what you want? You can't get rid of these chumps who have their own builds already when they arrive, and a potion of forgetfulness (aka skill point respec) is EXCEEDINGLY rare. Basically they just clog up your roster and cost you money, and if you have too many gladiators there is a risk of escape. You are capped at 6 guards, so once you have enough that they're risking escape at that 6 guard cap. you're out of options. Can't hire more guards, can't get rid of the dead weight. just hope it works out, I guess.
Ok, this is too long already. There's more along those lines, but you'll find it yourself if you buy it. I am enjoying the game. but that fun comes with an equal share of frustration and annoyance. Is it worth it? Eh. It's a coin flip. Oh, and the last bug fix patch was 2 months ago, so who knows if they're even going to keep working on it at this point. They're not active on the forums.
Контент для этой игры Просмотреть все (3)
Ready For Wishlist
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Об этой игре
Действие игры проходит в суровых Вольных землях, состоящих из городов-государств и торговых поселений, где рабство – все еще обычная практика. Вы – новый хозяин арены Блэкторн, она достается вам в наследство, и вы клянетесь вернуть своей семье былые честь и величие.
Внимание: игра находится в раннем доступе, и работа над оптимизацией потребления памяти еще не закончена. Во избежание технических проблем, игрокам с 8 Гб ОЗУ и меньше настоятельно рекомендуется играть с низкими или средними настройками эффектов. Мы приносим свои извинения и обещаем сделать все возможное, чтобы оптимизировать игру к официальному релизу. Спасибо.
1) Создавайте своих гладиаторов:
Покупайте рабов и обучайте их, превращая в суровых гладиаторов. Вы будете следить за их характеристиками, способностями и талантами, в то же время подбирая им лучшее снаряжение, которое можете себе позволить. Однако рабы могут быть не только гладиаторами, некоторые из них найдут себя в роли поваров, лекарей, тренеров, кузнецов и так далее.
2) Пожинайте плоды:
Отправляйте гладиаторов сражаться на 10 разных аренах Вольных земель, вам предстоит победить не только других гладиаторов, но и более 30 разнообразных чудищ. Бросайте вызов чемпионам других арен и свергайте их с пьедестала. Создавайте своих собственных чемпионов и станьте самым могущественным хозяином арены в мире.
3) Управляйте своей ареной:
Не забывайте о том, что у вас есть собственная арена! Когда ваши гладиаторы сражаются на других аренах, вы зарабатываете деньги и репутацию. На деньги вы можете купить новых рабов, более совершенное снаряжение, а также улучшить свою арену. Используйте их с умом, потому что на деньгах держится все. Важна также и репутация. Используйте ее, чтобы проводить игры на своей арене, и это принесет вам значительные доходы.
1) Все гладиаторы живут своей жизнью:
Все гладиаторы живут в динамическом игровом мире – причем не только ваши, но и гладиаторы других арен и других хозяев. Персонажи-гладиаторы будут записываться на различные состязания, которые проходят в разных уголках мира игры каждый день. Они могут погибнуть, получить ранения или стать сильнее, так же, как и ваши бойцы. Побеждая гладиатора, вы вольны казнить или пощадить его. Пощадив гладиатора, в дальнейшем вы можете снова встретить его на арене.
2) Создание и прокачка персонажа на уровне RPG
Blackthorn Arena предлагает игрокам CRPG-уровень глубины при создании и прокачке персонажей. Выбирайте между 6 основными характеристиками и 6 типами оружия, комбинируя более 100 способностей, чтобы создать уникального бойца. Здесь нет классов, создавайте собственные! Также, в ходе своей карьеры, ваши гладиаторы будут развивать различные черты, которые могут значительно повлиять на ход битвы.
3) Разнообразное снаряжение:
Выбирайте между более 200 различными частями доспехов и оружия, не только ради боевой эффективности, но и для красоты! Каждый набор доспехов имеет уникальный внешний вид, а наша продвинутая система аватаров будет учитывать изменения в снаряжении бойцов.
4) Множество событий:
Как хозяин арены, каждый день вы должны реагировать на множество событий. Какие-то из них – это выгодный шанс, другие – крупные неприятности. Решение самых разных неотложных проблем и вопросов – прямая и очень важная обязанность хозяина арены.
5) Бои в реальном времени с тактической паузой
Игровые сражения проходят в реальном времени, но вы можете в любой момент поставить их на паузу и отдать приказ, переключиться между персонажами или принять другое тактическое решение.
6) Настаиваемый боевой ИИ
В бою вы можете управлять только одним гладиатором одновременно. Остальные будут сражаться автоматически. Но вы всегда можете настроить искусственный интеллект своих гладиаторов, чтобы они правильно реагировали на различные ситуации.
7) Суровый и тяжелый, но такой увлекательный путь гладиатора:
Путь гладиатора – это путь крови и жестокости. Ваши гладиаторы могут выйти из-под контроля во время особенно тяжелого боя. И имейте в виду, проиграв в сражении, ваши бойцы могут умереть навсегда! Дорожите их жизнями, но не слишком привязывайтесь.
Описание контента для взрослых
Разработчики описывают контент так:
This Game contains some gore and violent contents during battle/fight phase. It also contains a place called torture chamber that could have some scene of physical torture, however neither sexual nor extreme(such as alcohol abused) included. Our game does have slight naked appearance for some characters (mostly are low level slaves)
Контент для этой игры Просмотреть все (3)
Ready For Wishlist
Популярный дополнительный контент
Новый дополнительный контент
Об этой игре
Действие игры проходит в суровых Вольных землях, состоящих из городов-государств и торговых поселений, где рабство – все еще обычная практика. Вы – новый хозяин арены Блэкторн, она достается вам в наследство, и вы клянетесь вернуть своей семье былые честь и величие.
Внимание: игра находится в раннем доступе, и работа над оптимизацией потребления памяти еще не закончена. Во избежание технических проблем, игрокам с 8 Гб ОЗУ и меньше настоятельно рекомендуется играть с низкими или средними настройками эффектов. Мы приносим свои извинения и обещаем сделать все возможное, чтобы оптимизировать игру к официальному релизу. Спасибо.
1) Создавайте своих гладиаторов:
Покупайте рабов и обучайте их, превращая в суровых гладиаторов. Вы будете следить за их характеристиками, способностями и талантами, в то же время подбирая им лучшее снаряжение, которое можете себе позволить. Однако рабы могут быть не только гладиаторами, некоторые из них найдут себя в роли поваров, лекарей, тренеров, кузнецов и так далее.
2) Пожинайте плоды:
Отправляйте гладиаторов сражаться на 10 разных аренах Вольных земель, вам предстоит победить не только других гладиаторов, но и более 30 разнообразных чудищ. Бросайте вызов чемпионам других арен и свергайте их с пьедестала. Создавайте своих собственных чемпионов и станьте самым могущественным хозяином арены в мире.
3) Управляйте своей ареной:
Не забывайте о том, что у вас есть собственная арена! Когда ваши гладиаторы сражаются на других аренах, вы зарабатываете деньги и репутацию. На деньги вы можете купить новых рабов, более совершенное снаряжение, а также улучшить свою арену. Используйте их с умом, потому что на деньгах держится все. Важна также и репутация. Используйте ее, чтобы проводить игры на своей арене, и это принесет вам значительные доходы.
1) Все гладиаторы живут своей жизнью:
Все гладиаторы живут в динамическом игровом мире – причем не только ваши, но и гладиаторы других арен и других хозяев. Персонажи-гладиаторы будут записываться на различные состязания, которые проходят в разных уголках мира игры каждый день. Они могут погибнуть, получить ранения или стать сильнее, так же, как и ваши бойцы. Побеждая гладиатора, вы вольны казнить или пощадить его. Пощадив гладиатора, в дальнейшем вы можете снова встретить его на арене.
2) Создание и прокачка персонажа на уровне RPG
Blackthorn Arena предлагает игрокам CRPG-уровень глубины при создании и прокачке персонажей. Выбирайте между 6 основными характеристиками и 6 типами оружия, комбинируя более 100 способностей, чтобы создать уникального бойца. Здесь нет классов, создавайте собственные! Также, в ходе своей карьеры, ваши гладиаторы будут развивать различные черты, которые могут значительно повлиять на ход битвы.
3) Разнообразное снаряжение:
Выбирайте между более 200 различными частями доспехов и оружия, не только ради боевой эффективности, но и для красоты! Каждый набор доспехов имеет уникальный внешний вид, а наша продвинутая система аватаров будет учитывать изменения в снаряжении бойцов.
4) Множество событий:
Как хозяин арены, каждый день вы должны реагировать на множество событий. Какие-то из них – это выгодный шанс, другие – крупные неприятности. Решение самых разных неотложных проблем и вопросов – прямая и очень важная обязанность хозяина арены.
5) Бои в реальном времени с тактической паузой
Игровые сражения проходят в реальном времени, но вы можете в любой момент поставить их на паузу и отдать приказ, переключиться между персонажами или принять другое тактическое решение.
6) Настаиваемый боевой ИИ
В бою вы можете управлять только одним гладиатором одновременно. Остальные будут сражаться автоматически. Но вы всегда можете настроить искусственный интеллект своих гладиаторов, чтобы они правильно реагировали на различные ситуации.
7) Суровый и тяжелый, но такой увлекательный путь гладиатора:
Путь гладиатора – это путь крови и жестокости. Ваши гладиаторы могут выйти из-под контроля во время особенно тяжелого боя. И имейте в виду, проиграв в сражении, ваши бойцы могут умереть навсегда! Дорожите их жизнями, но не слишком привязывайтесь.
Описание контента для взрослых
Разработчики описывают контент так:
This Game contains some gore and violent contents during battle/fight phase. It also contains a place called torture chamber that could have some scene of physical torture, however neither sexual nor extreme(such as alcohol abused) included. Our game does have slight naked appearance for some characters (mostly are low level slaves)
With such a wide array of different styles & genres, I thought I'd share some tips I've learned.
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The very first thing you should do is go back to the main menu and open the Role Library. From here you can create any number of starting slaves. While it seems strange to start there, this feature was added during beta at the request of players. Your first 2 slaves form the core of your team, and players would restart repeatedly to get a decent pair.
Open the attributes section and Roll up your slave stats. They start at a flat 30 pts, and you role from 5-10 more. Spam that button if you want, because the most important attribute for your gladiator slave isnt here. While it can be useful to have 10 strength and 10 willpower this is not the game maker, same with the weapon preference which is randomly rolled at this time too.
Your slave will have a pair of " Genre ". This is their natural talents that will determine the skill trees available and subsequent fighting styles. Some pairs work very well together , while others do not .
I should emphasize that this is the only point you can assign Genre. You can also set the race and sex at this point. The appearance is less important since you can change it later.
Incidently, all the slaves that you create in this library become available as seed characters for the slave market. They will appear with the name & attributes you've assigned, with a random race/sex and appearance. I have been naming my role library slaves after their genre-pair for easy identification.
Most of the classes do get clear bonuses from attributes not focused upon, Berserker for example gets bonuses for all six. I have listed those that clearly give the most bonus to that genre ..
GLADIATOR focus:Strength, Agility, Willpower.
Melee damage experts, with a weight reduction bonus to Medium armor, they can self buff, kick enemies down and spin for area damage
COMMANDER focus: Willpower, Intelligence.
Usually the squad leader, he buffs his allies & debuffs the enemy. This commander can also heal with first aid, and even revive fallen comrades.
DUELIST focus: Agility, Intelligence, Precision
Combat, accuracy and dodge focused, can force enemies to fight him and even disarm them.
DEFENDER focus: Endurance, Willpower
The heavy armor expert, with damage resistances and a weight reduction buff, that specializes in drawing aggro, can guard allies, intercept and impair enemies.
ROGUE focus: Precison, Agility, Intelligence .
With the abilities to lurk, reduce their threat and backstab, they can surprise attack enemies. They also use dirty tricks like blinding dust and envenomed blades, and get a reduction for light armor.
RANGER focus:Agility
Highly agile & mobile on the field of battle, getting bonuses at short range. They melee and even knock enemies down with their bow. They specialise in multiple & trick shots.
BERSERKER focus: Strength, Willpower
He is all about chasing down the enemy, and flailing at them as rapidly as possible. They also get even faster as their health gets lower.
MARKSMAN focus : Precision, Intelligence, Agility
The snipers of this world, they can slow down & concentrate for better accuracy. Allowing them to curve arrows, jump them to multiple targets, knock enemies down and even set them on fire.
You may have multiple Genre, adding more through the coach. Your character will be placed in training and after 7 days learn a new genre, ADDING it to those he already has. Here you can mix & match creating truly custom characters.
So now you can start your game. I have tried different modes & find that Senior (the default) is nicely balanced. I am old and gave up keyboard bashing a decade or so back so I play in no manual combat mode and concentrate on building my team & let them fight themselves.
IRONMAN MODE will prevent you from save-scumming to win all your fights, however since there are TRAPS all over the field in many of the arenas, and bad RNG can get a highly trained valuable slave killed for standing in the wrong place too long. I wont use it. Your choice, but not recommended.
In the character creation screen you can use the same appearance selection system to create your arena master and then name him/her. Now finally, you can hit START.
Eventually after the monologue videos, background and presentation are done your slaves will come out & fight their first battle. The AI will provide them with suitable starting gear, that is based upon their initial stats as well as your difficulty choice.
Hurray you won your first battle!
unless you didnt.
You can now go through your menu & look at your characters abilities & items. At least one of the two slaves will have levelled up, so you can start building. Your first points will probably go to the weapon type you want to specialise in. That is, if it didnt already start with it.
With each level increase you will get 2 skills pts & 3 attribute pts to spend. Attributes cost a base 2 pts per level, while the weapon stats take 1 pt for levels 1-3, 2 pts for 4-6 , 3 for 7-8, and 4 for 9, and 5 pts for the final level. 10 is your maximum weapon skill, and each point spent extends to a new tier of weapon based skills.
It is generally better to specialise in only one weapon as any points spent in the skill tree of a weapon you dont swing are producing no benefit.
You should go to your treatment center, and assign your injured slaves to heal. You are going to go to market while they do so. This next bit is really important, and essential to your success. When you travel to market one day will pass and you will be unable to battle with your gladiators on this day.
Each of the three different markets sells slaves, weapons, armor & other items .. with a slightly different flavor to them. When you are done with one market,DO NOT click the BACK ARROW at the bottom left of the screen, instead go to the bottom right menu & select a different market .. you can travel between markets MULTIPLE times before returning home .. and only one day will pass.
Use this ability to jump back and forth between markets, take your time now because it will pay off later. The slave markets will have some pre-levelled slaves available for up to 5x the cost of a normal slave (1 gold vs 20 silver) and can be used to help you start to great effect. This can be a gamble, as he could have 10 pts into a skill tree you want, but in the wrong skills.
Your slaves left back at the treatment center will heal..slowly, You want to increase that. Gladiators will get injured and gain no experience while recovering, so first thing to do it hire a slave with the MEDIC ability. You will also want to hire one with the COACH abilty at this time, and this is where jumping from market to market really helps.
You will want a Cook, but you dont need one yet as the only food available is bread & water. Better food & drink will help with health and morale, very helpful once you get established.
You should already have someone willing to Torture his fellow slaves, as that is the easiest way to raise obedience. and not a job you need to assign someone to permanently.
Fnally you can start looking for & buying new slaves to be turned into gladiators.
Once you own them, you may change their names and appearance as much and as often as you wish. Race and sex are fixed.
Humans are the baseline character, and recieve a racial trait of fast learner, giving them one extra skill point every 5 levels. (+10%)
Elves are Lithe, letting them move 15% faster.
Dwarves are Son's of a Rock, and have 25% reduced weight penalty and have increased health regen below 30% HP.
Brutemen are Unchained Beasts and gain 20% Melee damage below 30% HP.
Because you have access to your slaves while at the market (you can raid villages & sell slaves)
You also have access to their inventory. Open the slave list, click any portrait, you will now be able to equip items to them. You can swap items, or right click to unequip .
All slaves start out geared, sort of. Slave gear is about 1/2 as effective as the junior (white) gear you can get but will still work in a pinch if you are short of funds.
Speaking of funds, try and keep 10 - 20 days worth of cash available, since if you run out of money you lose. You will spend less than 5 silver per day at the start, so 1 or 2 gold coins is usually enough to save, that way you can train your guys for at least a week, get them level 4 or so.
Later when you have sufficient funds and decent income, hiring a Smith to work the forge can be useful. I found that since they can learn armor skills, I use them to upgrade my green senior armor sets into blue tier 2 items with set bonuses. They use iron & leather that you get from winning. While they can also make weapons, I find myself winning more than plenty weapons.
The short answer is YES!
I fumbled with the map to try & locate places to battle, don't do that. Use the ARENA menu on the drop down list on the right. This gives a list of all arenas, and their scheduled events. There are five basic types of event.
Exhibition is a team vs team event with 1-4 members all entering and doing battle at once.
Tag Match has one member from each team battling at a time, with the loser being replaced with a fresh face until one team or another is completely eliminated.
Tournaments have 4, 8 or 16 teams pairing off & eliminating each others as they advance rounds to the final match. This is the spring games format.
A Throne match pits two teams randomly, and the winner then has to battle each of the other teams entered sequentially until you have defeated them all .. or are defeated.
Venationes, or beast fights pit from 1-4 gladiators against some random group of monsters. You cannot bet on these fights, but you do get the animal parts when you defeat them.
When selecting a fight, check your opponents carefully. In particular when you start you are weak and will most probably lose ANY fight you enter. For this reason I recommend that you train a couple days. Slaves will quickly level up their first few levels by just punching a straw-man.
Choose your fights carefully, and take the time to heal up fully between matches. You have 90 - 95 turns until the spring games, so there is no rush. When you have learned the secret of patience, you will succeed.
Early on it will seem that are not enough games, or those you see are far too hard for your newbling slaves. Just keep training them when they cant fight, the first couple weeks are the hardest.
You will need to keep winning contests to keep that purse full. Make certain to bet on ALL your own fights (unless you plan on losing. ) You can only bet 1000 coins (10 silver) on any one fight, with 2:1 the average payout.(less if you are dominating) Early wins will payout from 10 - 20 silver on a win (plus your gambling winnings) so you can literally win only one fight every 3-4 days and not run out of coin. Later fights start paying out more but normally no more than 40-50 silver.
Once you win the Spring Tournament, hosting your own games at Blackthorn is like having a licence to print money. You do not even have to fight in them.
Like many fantasy element games the trifecta of tank-heals-dps works well. Defender genre has tank abilities, including some aggro management. Commanders heal & buff and for dps. any class.
My own team look's historically accurate, as I use a sword & board tank, a DPS with a Lance and an Archer. You will need 4 character to fight the tournament, but you should fill all 6 slots. At least one of those spares MUST be a tank to backup your main.
Battle damage to real damage conversion was recently reduced, making tournament more survivable. After each round the damage is applied to your actual health, so you can be disabled in one round but still fight the next at full health. The lower your true health is, the greater the chance for lethal damage to occur. I swapped my tank champion out for the spare on the last fight of the tourney even though she was NOT disabled, because I wanted to complete the final challenge, with less risk of death.
No spoilers, but you do want to complete the final challenge, or you lose access to 1 of the 4 major arenas. These give the best competitions & rewards.
BADNESSO created an awesome guide, which I used. His dwarf tank - triple archer method works very well, almost to the point you'd think archers are broken. The Archer will get destroyed by a fast melee dps(or a better archer). That same Dps gets worn down by a tanky sword & board, who will be smashed flat by a strong Polearm. The polearm in turn gets turned into a pincushion by the archer. so it is all balanced in that way.
But you can play it in a broken way if you wish, a full squad of low level archers can destroy a team of RNG characters many levels higher. but once you pass the spring games, you will meet some custom characters that have been designed by the developer. . then there are the Orcs.
I have stated that I personally play it with no manual control. Because of this, I developed my characters weapons & passive skills almost exclusively for their first 5-8 levels. I only give them what I find are the most useful active abiities, this way instead of burning through all their stamina, they rely on the ability cooldowns and are not inhibited by a lack. If you do decide to let the AI run them, you can also modify tactics for each gladiator.
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