Agatha knife обзор
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“The developers have created a wonderfully thought-out, profound work and also one of the funniest adventures I have played in the last years.”
“Agatha Knife is well worth a play for those with a wicked sense of humour.”
Bonus Stage
“Agatha Knife may steal your heart; just don’t expect to get it back in one piece.”
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Об этой игре
Познакомившись с религией, Агата быстро понимает, что может использовать её как инструмент для завоевания сердец животных, искоренения всех их страхов, перед смертью в частности. Помогите Агате создать свою собственную религию, Мясоедение, и убедить животных, что пожертвование собственной плоти откроет им секрет вечного счастья.
Действие игры происходит в той же вселенной, что и в игре MechaNika - первом проекте студии Mango Protocol. Agatha Knife заполнена чёрным юмором, задpoтcкими отсылками и сложными головоломками. Используя юмор и остроумие для разрешения противоречивых вопросов, игроки окажутся в мире внутренних противоречий Агаты, взирающей на мир глазами наивного ребёнка.
Разработчики из Mango Protocol уже успели отметиться игрой «Mecha Nika», в которую я, к сожалению, не играл. Но дело происходит в одном и том же городе, а эти две героини дружат между собой, поэтому не думаю, что первая игра менее странная, чем «Agatha Knife».
Играть мы будем за юную Агату, семилетнюю девочку, которая живет и работает в мясницком магазине/бойне вместе со своей мамой. Ей очень нравятся животные, а ещё ей очень нравится их разделывать, шинковать и есть их мясо. Но вот незадача: покупателей становится все меньше а долгов все больше. Да и не нравится Агате то, что животные ее боятся. Что же делать? Правильно. Пойти на курсы создания собственной религии!
Всю игру мы будем постигать науку создания религии, а попутно решать свои и чужие проблемы. Что бы вы не делали, всегда найдётся какие-то новые проблемы: то конкурентов надо устранить, священное писание сделать, прочие атрибуты религии обустроить.
И если сюжет более-менее интересен и забавен, хотя после прохождения у меня осталось странное послевкусие, то вот игровой процесс подкачал. Дело в том, что вам будет доступно пять-шесть улочек и штук пятнадцать помещений. И вас постоянно будет мотать с одного конца города на другой, и так много-много раз. Видимо, это сделано специально, чтобы растянуть игру, так как сюжета там на полтора часа, а то и меньше, а со всей беготней прохождение выходит часа два-три. Но эти полтора часа активных действий достаточно забавны, и если бы не вся эта тягомотина, то было бы гораздо лучше.
Графика немного аляповата и больше напоминает старые флеш игры, но у Mango Protocol определенно есть стиль. Если честно, очень тяжело описать происходящее на экране, особенно рассказать о графической составляющей, но некоторые моменты выглядят очень впечатляюще, а какие-то – очень жутко, особенно финал. Но об нем стоит узнать самому.
«Agatha Knife», ко всему прочему, переведена на русский язык, что не может не радовать. Стоит отметить, что эта игра носит развлекательный характер и ни в коем случае не является пособием к созданию собственной религии. Но если вам интересно, справится ли Агата с поставленной задачей, то загляните в мясную лавку.
Два года назад от независимой студии Mango Protocol вышел небольшой квест MechaNika о семилетней девочке, которая ненавидит весь мир и для его уничтожения строит гигантского робота. Единственным другом (если у этой маленькой социопатки вообще могли быть друзья) была девочка Агата, живущая в мясной лавки и на досуге устраивающая странные кровавые ритуалы. Собственно, Агате и посвящена вторая часть серии игр от Mango Protocol.
Агата вместе с матерью работает в мясной лавке, и дела, если честно, у них идут не очень. Одним воскресным днем, пока мать пыталась молиться в церкви, Агата натолкнулась на странную организацию, помогающую в создании самых дичевых религий. Маленькой девочке это показалось лучшим решением всех проблем. Ведь собственная религия - это круто!
Действие происходит все в том же кишкообразном городе, что и в MechaNika, но если Ника шарахалась по помойкам и магазинам радиотоваров в поисках запчастей, для Агаты открыты новые области - звероферма, зоопарк и даже библиотека (где Ника - лучший читатель месяца). События развиваются параллельно MechaNika, так что, походив по городу, можно узнать, что кто-то взял книгу по созданию гигантских роботов, а сама Ника то в перерывах между работой бухает коньяк с какавушкой.
Окружающие Агату персонажи в шоке от ее образа жизни, интересов и действий в игре, при этом сами постоянно творят такую дичь, что на их фоне главная героиня смотрится самым адекватным жителем города.
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Game autosaves every time you enter a new location.
Avoid talking about cards with Sandro as there's an achievement for not using his hints.
Double click to run.
To open inventory click on agatha.
We backup our save to avoid having to replay the game twice.
Start a new game, and pick any of the font you want to use.
Go left and talk to the elderly couple sitting in the front row.
Exhaust dialogue and you will get some money.
Go to the right and use money on the FAITH ATM.
Use the FAITH ATM to pick up a candle.
Use the candle on the cheese on the right, next to the candles.
Redeeming Cheese
You put a candle on a cheese.
Go to the right, and exit the church through the door.
Keep going right, and enter the first building you see with the lion head.
Go right and talk to the person at the desk.
Exhaust the dialogue until the person closes the book, and brings out a form.
- Agatha Knife.
- At my house.
- Seven.
- Insomnia.
- I like the smell of blood.
- I've had enough of talking.
Extracurricular Activities
You signed up for the course on creating religions.
Leave the building by going left.
Go left and enter the church.
Talk to mom( lady with blue hair) and select: Let's go back to the butcher's.
Go through the right door, and talk to the person.
Exhaust the dialugue with Sandro, and you will get a bottle.
Leave the room.
Pick up the butcher knife's from the wall.
Pick up the bucket.
Use the bucket on the pig.
Use the knives on the pig.
You killed a pig.
Use the bottle on the blood bucket.
Go through the door.
Talk to Sandro for a bizzare cutscene.
Dormant Imaginarium
You met the Great Bleeding Pig.
After the conversation is over, leave the room.
Go through the red door on the left.
Go left until you see traffic lights.
Interact with the traffic light's and cross the road.
Keep heading left, and enter the door before the next traffic light.
Talk to Mr's Allen sitting on the couch and exhaust dialogue.
Go upstairs.
You hung out with Nika.
Try to pickup the red hammer from the floor.
Talk to Nika and exhaust all dialogue.
Pick up the red hammer and leave the house.
Go all the way right and across the street to enter the butcher's shop (red door with a knife sign).
Go through the right door.
Use the hammer on the piggy bank and take the money.
You broke the piggy bank and collected your savings.
Leave the butcher's shop.
Keep going left, keep crossing the street until you reach a lottery ticket booth.
Go slightly to the left and enter the library.
Pick up the Flyer from the desk.
Go left and talk to the person near the printer/copy machine.
Exhaust all dialogue.
Call the lift and the left and go up.
Interact with the computer, and exhaust all search options.
Go right and enter the Geography Isle (2nd one, with the globe image).
Move the ladder to the left twice, and search the bookshelf in 2A.
Interact with the bookshelf again to get an access card.
Lost and Found
You found the library access card.
Leave the aisle.
Enter the art aisle (last one with paintbrush).
Talk to the person sitting on the floor and exhaust conversation.
Stan Lee
You met one of the game's creators.
Leave the aisle and go back down using the lift.
Use the access card on the person near the printer/copy machine and exhaust the dialogue.
Good Samaritan
You gave the library access card back.
Go right and use the access card on the card reader near the door.
Pick up the box of A4 papers.
Pick up a box of VIC pens.
Leave the store room.
Pick up all 8 books from the bookshelf near the door.
Use the lift on the left.
Beach Body
You got stuck in the lift.
Go all the way to the right, and enter the COPY room.
Talk to the shop keeper.
- Maybe they have a blank book or something similar.
- I'll give him the sheets of paper so he can make me a book.
- I thought it was going to be free."
- I've got the discount I picked up from the front desk.
Exit the library by going through the right door.
Go all the way to the right, and enter the butcher's shop again.
Enter the room on the right, and use the blank book on the bucket of blood.
Leave the butcher's shop.
Go all the way to the left past the construction workers and enter the circus.
Go left and talk to the lion exhaust the dialogue and he will give you meatballs.
Go right and enter the caravan.
Awesome HQ
You found Sandro in a circus caravan.
After the scene, leave the caravan.
Talk to mom at the counter.
Leave the butcher's shop.
Keep heading left until you reach a supermarket.
Inspect the sign.
Talk to the woman near the supermarket and exhaust all dialogue.
Go to the left and enter the diner.
Interact with the jukebox.
DJ Insomnia
You changed the music at the burger bar.
Talk to the girl behind the counter and exhaust all dialogue.
Leave the diner.
Go left and inspect the vets door.
Now enter it.
Talk to the vet and exhaust all dialogue.
Assassin's Greed
You discovered the dog meat scandal.
- I'm going to ask her to make me a burger machine
- I've got stuff to do and she needs to get back to her project.
- I'm going to try and get the ticket for free.
- Yes.
- Cat.
- Rooster.
- Donkey.
- Dog.
- I don't have anything else to say to her.
Go right and stop at the bus stop with the zoo sign.
Use the ticket on the sigh.
Go right, talk to the lion cubs, exhaust all dialogue.
Enter the Zoo Staff door on the right.
Talk to the Scientist, exhaust all dialogue.
Leave the zoo.
Go left and enter the circus.
Talk to the lion on the left and exhaust all dialogue.
Leave the circus and go back to the bus stop.
Use the ticket to get to the zoo.
Go through the zoo staff door.
Talk to the scientist and exhaust all dialogue.
You got a machine to prepare two thousand burgers a day.
Leave the zoo.
Go left and enter the diner.
Talk to the girl and exhaust all dialogue.
Leave the diner.
Go all the way to the right and enter the butcher's shop.
Talk to mom and exhaust all dialogue.
Exit the butcher's shop.
Go left to the circus.
Go left and talk to the lion, exhaust all dialogue.
Happy Meal
You made dad lion happy.
- The butcher's is in my name now.
- I want him to send me to the butcher's.
Leave the caravan.
Talk to Mom and exhaust all dialogue.
Exit the shop.
- I need to know where her Aunt's farm is.
- I'll come back when she isn't drunk.
- Talk to the Casper Jones "BIM" flag.
- Talk to the Charlie River "Bom" flag.
- Talk to the Casper Jones "BIM" flag.
Enter the path between the flags that opened.
Go right and enter the barn.
Talk to the woman and exhaust dialogue.
Talk to the sheep and pigs.
Use the ladder to go up.
Talk to the rabbits / chickens.
Open the two windows on left and right.
Leave the farm.
Go right and enter nika's house.
Go upstairs and talk to Nika.
- Maybe Nika could design a ticket for the sanctuary.
- I've got stuff to do and she needs to get back to her project.
Go left and enter the library.
Use the access card, on the copy machine near the lift.
Use the carnivorism invitation on the copy machine.
Leave the library.
Go all the way left to the circus.
Go to the farm.
Go to the barn.
Give the invitations we copied to pigs and sheep.
Private Party
You handed out invites to the animals at the farm.
- The animals want a demonstration of Carnivorism.
- I want him to send me to the butcher's.
Go left and enter the comic sans store.
Interact with the red hood in the display case, and inspect it.
Talk to the girl, and exhaust the dialogue.
Leave the store.
Go left and enter the library.
Go left and use the lift.
Use the computer, search for the Enigmarillon.
Go right and enter the Art aisle (forth one).
Move the ladder right
Look at C2
Take the Enigmarillon from C2.
Leave the aisle, and go back downstairs using the lift.
Place the Enigmarilion in the middle of the books we arranged earlier.
T he Book of Books
You found the Enigmarillion.
After the cutscene, pick up the book.
Try and exit the library
Put the Enigmarillon on the trolley to the left of the desk
Look at noticeboard - the picture of Nika behind the trolley.
Leave the library.
Go all the way to the right, and stop near the photo booth.
Use money on the photo booth. to get Id photos.
Go to the left and enter the library.
Give the photos to the librarian at the counter.
Licence to Read
You made your own library card.
- She must have a library card for taking books out.
- I've got stuff to do and she needs to get back to her project.
Go left and enter the library.
Show nika's library card to the librarian.
New Look
You pretended to be Nika at the library, and got away with it.
Pick up the book from the trolley.
Give the book to the librarian.
Leave the library.
Go to the right and enter the comic sans shop.
Use the Enigmarilion book on the lady to get the red robe.
Leave the shop.
Go left and enter the dress shop.
- I'm going to give her the tunic so she can adjust it to my size.
- "I'll come back later."
- I need dog burger.
- I'm going to blackmail her so I don't have to pay.
Go right and enter the dress shop.
Give the burger to the lady at the counter.
Leave the shop.
- I could use this tunic as my carnivorist habit
Leave the caravan.
- I'll ask him to be the martyr of Carnivorism.
- I'll insist that he be the martyr.
- I'll talk to him again in a while.
Enter the barn.
Press on the yellow button on the left 3 times.
Interact with the hatch under the button.
Go through the hatch.
Pick up the rope on the barrels.
Leave the barn and the farm.
Go all the way to the left, to the circus, and enter the farm.
Use the Rope on the Well.
Use the Bucket on the Well.
Interact with the Well, and pick up the bucket with water.
Enter the barn.
Enter the basement through the hatch.
Use the bucket on the lever.
Trust Me, I'm an Engineer
You got the farm watermill to work.
Take the bucket off the lever when the lights are on A1 A2 B1 B8
- I'll tell him that the barn is the head of the Great Bleeding Pig.
Exit the farm and enter the caravan.
Click on the note on the book.
Pick up the Book & Lectern.
Pick up the Candles & Lighter.
Go right, and enter the Butchers Shop.
Enter the right door.
Interact with the Book.
Talk to the animals.
Use the book again.
Use the potion, candles, and lighter on the Martyr Pig.
Talk to the Martyr Pig.
Interact with the Book.
Use the knives on the Martyr Pig.
Use the empty potion bottle on the Martyr Pig.
Use the Potion on the surrounding animals.
Interact with the Book.
Eat the Martyr Pig.
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