Wow sirus ошибка your internet connection
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Здравствуйте. Возможно помогу своим ответом, так как было такое же.
1) Вы можете перезагрузить компьютер или телефон. ( Любые гаджеты )
2) Вы можете зайти в настройки и очистить кэш. ( Это мне и помогло ), ( Настройки, накопители, очистить кэш. )
3) Или если вы делаете на телефоне, попробуйте зайти на профиль через компьютер. ( Или если на компьютере - значит зайдите через телефон. И т.д. и т.п. )
Надеюсь помогла своим ответом.)
Не получалось установить GetSee. Видео не на русском языке, но разобраться можно. В итоге мне помогло. Спасибо.
Интернета нет, посмотри драйвер на карту стоит, или через что нить другое выйди в инет
Скорее всего доступ приложения к интернету блокируется антивирусом. Попробуй приостановить его или выключить на время установки.
NikAr Знаток (397) Тогда еще и брандмауэр встроенный нужно попробовать отключить, либо добавить установщик в список доверенных приложений.
Are you getting an error message saying “CONNECTION ERROR @mm_connerr_rep_timeout” on New World?
Since its release yesterday, September 28, 2021, many New World Servers are under maintenance. This downtime was due to the number of active users on its servers. This could probably have been a result of developers underestimating the number of people who would play the game in its early stages.
As more people become interested in New World, it is expected that its servers will occasionally crash and go down. This is likely to continue until Amazon upgrades its servers to handle player capacity, or continue adding new servers to manage traffic.
In this guide, we will show you how to fix a connection or server error on New World, that says CONNECTION ERROR @mm_connerr_rep_timeout.
But before jumping into the solutions, check the status of New World servers first as the problem could be on their end. If this is the case, any changes in your system will not help fix the issue.
anyone have a fix? please I just want to play
I resolved this issue by flushing dns. Open command prompt run ipconfig /flushdns and then relaunch the game.
Thanks. This solved the issue for me
I had an error while executing that command and didn’t work. I tried to restart the computer instead
Ty, fixed it for me aswell!
thanks. it solved
thanks worked for me
2 other friends of mine are now also experiencing this. is there a fix soon.
Using a VPN has fixed it for me.
Anyone else still having issues, check what your network adaptor is using for DNS. Mine was set to automatically get it but once I changed mine to and, relaunched the game, and it worked fine.
Can you tell me how to do this on Win10? The flush doesnt work for me.
I checked files integrity in Steam and it added or replaced 4 files, then everything was fine.
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