Wizardry 8 как запустить на windows 10
Wizardry 8
16 мар. 2017 в 23:03 Why can't I play this game. I have the discs, but that didn't work, so bought the game through Steam and downloaded it and I still can't play, When I select play, it says it is running, then syncing and then just sits there. What the heck. 16 мар. 2017 в 23:24 Can't tell you why it won't work. I run it fine on Win10 so I doubt that's the problem. Try looking under "Guides". I think there are a few guides on getting the game to run. 17 мар. 2017 в 0:18 Try running the wiz8.exe file when steam is off. And also describe what is exactly happening. What did you set in the 3d settings? 17 мар. 2017 в 11:19 Tbh, for a game this old, trying to run on a new OS, you should have gone to GoG.. 24 мар. 2017 в 3:38 13 апр. 2017 в 12:41 After creators update instalation I have the sme issue :/ Event log does not produce anything valuable 19 апр. 2017 в 18:45 The game does not work if your steam library is in "Program Files (x86)".On my previous Windows 7, I created a Steam library in a folder without spaces and parenthesis, like "C:\Steam", and then it worked. 20 апр. 2017 в 2:22 The game does not work if your steam library is in "Program Files (x86)".
On my previous Windows 7, I created a Steam library in a folder without spaces and parenthesis, like "C:\Steam", and then it worked. I guess there is a reason why GoG installs into C:\GoG and not into Program Files :D 26 апр. 2017 в 3:27 The game does not work if your steam library is in "Program Files (x86)".
On my previous Windows 7, I created a Steam library in a folder without spaces and parenthesis, like "C:\Steam", and then it worked. I wish Steam (and other games&programs) would stop trying to install there by default. it not just bad for "spaces" in old games. It can also cause administator hijinx in newer games. 26 апр. 2017 в 13:55 install steam into a different directory and it won't try to install there anymore. The only default steam uses is its own root directory. 13 янв. 2018 в 11:09
Fwiw, I have 2 Steam install directories.
C:\Steam for the ones I want on my C:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam (Because it is easy to just change "C" to "D" and let Steam default to its structure)
Both methods seem to work fine. I just have to decide which drive I want to install to.
Wizardry 8
30 ноя. 2015 в 14:44 I can only say I have problems on W8 too, not on W7 though. I'll be testing it soon on W10 (soon meaning like in 2 months maybe) - I think there is a DOS version out there though (maybe not on steam) where you may be able to run wizardry 8 via the emulation program DosBox. I'll get back to this when I got W10 finally. 30 ноя. 2015 в 16:43 Steam version and Disc version both work fine for me. WIn10 64bit Nvidia graphics Wizardry 8 was a Windows game from the outset so Dosbox won't be any help. The only dual DOS/Windows game in the series was Wizardry 7. 5 дек. 2015 в 11:00 Works fine for me on Win 10 64bit with AMD graphics 31 янв. 2016 в 20:35The game crashes at the sirtech logo video on startup in windows 10. I am running windows 10 64bit with Nvidia Graphics.
I finally figured a way to get the game to run normal with no crashes. I had to delete the entire flics folder. The downside is the game has no .bik videos.
3 фев. 2016 в 10:28 Personally I had absolutely no problems launching the game on my laptop under Win 10, but those casually appear on my tower PC (having Windows 7 installed on it) so that one time or another I just have to reinstall the OS to make Wizardry 8 work fine as it was just little while before. The last problem was that I could not force the game to run at 1080p, though it was solved with no drastic measures taken, by changing the first line in 3DVideo.CFG to 'DirectX7' which however resulted in reducing view distance with distant objects gradually fading as you move away from them. 11 фев. 2016 в 12:13I have the disc version of the game from long ago and it wont start on windows 10. I have tried many many different settings.
Ah ♥♥♥♥♥♥, the game is on sale for $5 ill just get the steam version.
12 фев. 2016 в 19:22The game crashes at the sirtech logo video on startup in windows 10. I am running windows 10 64bit with Nvidia Graphics.
I finally figured a way to get the game to run normal with no crashes. I had to delete the entire flics folder. The downside is the game has no .bik videos.
Никита Спивак запись закреплена
Кто знает, как запустить w8 на винде 10. Пытаюсь запустить - 0 реакции. Есть ли те, у кого такая же проблема и есть ли те, кто ее решил?
Есть несколько разных версий Wizardry 8 - какую Вы пробовали? Буковскую? Какой патч? NoCD установлен?
Кстати, в Steam есть типа официальная версия, которая вроде как работает под 10-ку. Но, естественно, она 1. Английская и 2. Платная.
Женя, спасибо.. Опробую советы.. К платной версии обращусь если уж ничего не получиться
Александр Маркин запись закреплена
Купил игру на GOG. При запуске ничего не происходит, никаких ошибок, абсолютно ничего. Как выяснилось, игра не принимает Windows 10. Собственно вопрос, можно ли решить как-то проблему или на десятке поиграть не суждено?
Как вы это выяснили? Только что запустил свежеустановленную версию от gog. Запустилась. Ничего не менял не настраивал. ОС тут не причем. Проблема может быть в этом:
Вместо Glide2x нужно будет выбрать DirectX 7 например.
Проблему решили? Если да, то каким способом? Другим людям может пригодиться.
Виктор, ничего не помогло, писал в gog support, сказали тоже самое, типа не подходит ОС и предложили вернуть деньги.
И при чём тут ОС, если игра поддерживает Glide и старые дирексты, то надо использовать Wrapper, например, nGlide или DgVooDoo 2, конечно поздно написал, но на будущее.
Еще в поиске на стене группы можно найти что-то. С запросом Windows 10 например
Старая версия этого патча периодически зависала (у меня и Зубрилина). Как у новых версий с зависаниями я не знаю.
Играл на 10 с версией 1.26 (англ версия GOG с установленным отдельно русификатором, но пиратка). Перескачивал по несколько разных торрентов, пока не нашел с рабочей игрой. Геморрой, но он того стоил.
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