Team fortress 2 hitsound как установить
16 июн в 12:55
I know how to install a HIT sound, get a .wav name it hitsound.wav put it in tf/custom/sounds/ui
but what do I do with a CRIT sound?
Installing it in the same file path doesn't change the sound at all.
Because custom crit sounds do not work on valve servers (sv_pure 1)
They should work on community ones though
then how come hit sounds do?
Also whats the file path? Hit sounds and kill sounds work on vanilla servers, however some sounds such as Uber charge or crit kills do not work.
File path:
tf/custom/<your folder name>/sound/player
Make sure the file is named crit_hit, crit_hit2, crit_hit3, crit_hit4, crit_hit5 and is a .wav file.
16 июн в 13:03Because custom crit sounds do not work on valve servers (sv_pure 1)
They should work on community ones though
16 июн в 13:37Because custom crit sounds do not work on valve servers (sv_pure 1)
They should work on community ones though
then how come hit sounds do?
Also whats the file path?
16 июн в 13:41Because custom crit sounds do not work on valve servers (sv_pure 1)
They should work on community ones though
then how come hit sounds do?
Also whats the file path? Hit sounds and kill sounds work on vanilla servers, however some sounds such as Uber charge or crit kills do not work.
File path:
tf/custom/<your folder name>/sound/player
Make sure the file is named crit_hit, crit_hit2, crit_hit3, crit_hit4, crit_hit5 and is a .wav file.
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Как установить кастомный Hitsound в Team Fortress 2
В данном руководстве узнаете как установить кастомный звук(Hitsound)
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С момента того как Valve добавили такую возможность как устанавливать свои кастомные звуки. Большинству игроков пришла идея такая как менять официальные звуки на кастомные.
Помните! За это ВАК бан не дают.Так как это не замена файлов в игре.
это звуковой отрезок, который проигрывается тогда, когда вы наносите урон другому игроку.
- Переходим на любой сайт со звуками
- Скачиваем звук(например: выстрел автомата или крик)
Пользовательские звуки попадания должны иметь формат .wav для корректной работы.
Формат wav. почти тоже самое, что и mp3, но сжатия как у него нет, поэтому размер таких файлов в несколько раз превышает mp3-шные.
- Переходим во вкладку"Аудио-конвертер"
- Далее переходим в"Конвертируйте аудиофайлы в формат WAV"
- Перекидываем свой файл в "Выберите файлы"
- Нажимаем "Начать Конвертирование"
- Открываем папку"tf", "custom".
- Создаем папку"Hitsound"(Если её нет).
- Создали. Заходим в папку-там создаем папку"sound"Заходим в созданную папку"sound"
- Там Создаем ещё 1-ну папку"ui"и уже в эту папку кидаем Скаченный Звук.
- И переименовываем его в"hitsound.wav"
- Заходим в Tf>Опции>Мультиплеер>Дополн. И ставим галочку"Проигрывать звук при каждом ранении врага".
Здесь есть экстра консольные команды, которые могут быть использованы в дальнейшем для модификации звуков попадания.
Assuming Windows & have default tf2 directory:
Also assuming you know what sounds you want to make into a hitsound/ killsound or already have valid hitsound/ killsound, and that you have a program such as audacity installed
Goto "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom"
Within "HitKillSound", make a folder called "sound"
Within the "sound" folder, make yet another folder named "ui"
You should now be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\HitKillSound\sound\ui"
6. Open audacity with the file you want to make into a hitsound/ killsound.
7. Edit the length, pitch, etc. of the file to your liking.
8. Goto File > Export Audio, & export as .WAV signed 16-bit file.
9. Rename the file you just made to hitsound/ killsound (whichever one it is).
10. Put your new hitsound/ killsound into your "ui" folder
11. Launch TF2, and make sure you have default hitsound/ killsound selected
Hello there! So. I'm going to guess that you would like to learn how to make a hitsound! Well, it's not that complex.
Step 1: Find a youtube video (that is short, because hitsounds are short so, two seconds, or 3 or one second.) that you want to make a sound!
Step 3: Then use the website provided to copy the URL that you want to use!
Step 4: Convert it to a WAV file!
Step 5: Download It!
Step 6: If you want to make a hit sound then, go to your custom folder. ( How to locate the custom folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom)
Step 7: Make a new folder name it ''Hitsound'' Then make a new folder and name it ''sound'', and then name the folder ''ui''.
Step 8: Then put the sound file that you have and then put it inside the ui folder.
Step 9: Now you are done! Enjoy your new hitsound! :)
BONUS! The elusive Step 10: Alrighty. I was asked to show how to cut the sound files well, to start that off, you will need audcity, or some other type of sound editing software.
Step 11: Then go to the software and then copy your downloaded sound file, and then cut the file down to a certain length. (For audacity do Ctrl+ X)
Step 12: Then save your cut down file to where ever you want to put it.
Step 13: That's about it for simple stuff! (True be told, that's about how much I know about audacity.)
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