Star wars conquest mount and blade warband как установить
Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy. with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.
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As the work keeps piling up and the preview was not stable enough, today we are releasing yet another step in the staircase to stability, a release candidate.
These are the main features and changes:
- Stability, tidiness and optimization.
- A special emphasis on scene editing, entry points and AI movement.
- New models and graphical enhancements, both in third person and strategic mode.
- Six new music tracks by Vladan Zivanovic.
- Localized to a whole lot of languages; CS, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PL, RU.
- Even more balancing and corrections.
- Menus and dialogs adapted to the Star Wars lore.
Even with the enourmous effort made lately in its playability this is a work in progress release, particularly lacking polishment.
- Missing or placeholder models.
- Bald women and face morphing weirdness.
- Doesn't works on Warband or With Fire and Sword.
- Graphic glitches when playing on DirectX 7 (FFP) mode.
Please do not create duplicates if possible, as the free time required to sort them out is better employed in other things.
Tell us what you think in the comments below, and have fun.
--Your team
hmm now lets hope it doesnt crash and ruin it for me :( Thanks for the Release!
i tried it. it crashed lol
at least you can download it
guest the point of the mod is to play it.
thanks for the new release i know you guys are working hard on this and i don't mind if you take your time
more time means more fun
a long time ago . XD
2017: Any time soon.
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Trying to chase a issue with the Relcand build:
Can any one confirm if they are suffering a 'Run Time Error' when attempting to Enter Coruscant?
I get a runtime error when I enter any part of a planet (cantina, arena, etc.) I added the hotfix and installed the better 1.011 edition and it still isn't working
here is a download
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I'm getting an error when entering spaceport merchants
I think ill solve that.
Seems there's alot more crashes in this version than the last, Can't fight at all in space. Can't go to merchants, can't duel leaders, and probably haven't hit them all yet
I completely agree. I crash every 10 minutes or when i enter battle. Is this normal/known bug of the version, or is it something with mainly our computers?
I think this is actually a bad compile, our internal version doesn't have all these issues.
The always classic last minute problems. Don't worry, we've sorted it out.
I'm getting an error when I attempt to speak to the Planet Administrator of Riflor.
Ah, nevermind. Your hotfix fixed it.
Ahh good team! Releasing HotFix's on the go. Thank you very much :)
The "0x7c956822" Command Reference "0x0000000'memory. The memory could not be "read"
how do I install the hot fix?
the game is not even started it reach to loading setting data and exit
My solution: I did it by first installing version then overwriting it with 0.9.4-relcand. With fresh installation - it does not work and stops during loading.
The other option: I had no problems with newer version (ehanced) on win 7.
the game crash at the loading screen it reach loading setting data and then crash. help
Lol, happened to me as well.
I've downloaded that package and have the same problem, when it finish loading cannot proceed in the menu
Same here. Crash when reach "loading settings data"(red cursor(from mod) changes to windows-style, and when i click Enter game closes, I can't see the crash dialog window(alt+tab, win+d don't work),(mountandblade_1011_enhanced installed, swconquest-094-relcand-hotfix applied)
Last 10 lines of rgl_log.txt:
(. )
Loading Module Resource swconquest.thirdparty
Loading Module Resource swconquest.thirdparty.coverview
Loading Module Resource swconquest.thirdparty.gog
Loading Module Resource swconquest.thirdparty.paazak
Loading Module Resource swconquest.thirdparty.surrealarms
Loading Module Resource swconquest.ui
Loading Music.
WARNING: Unable to find material womanface_new_young.LOD
WARNING: Unable to find material wookiee_face_a_new2.LOD
WARNING: Unable to find material default.LOD
That hotfix doesn't seem to work. I donwloaded the mod last night and it worked fine. When I started it up again today it had no sounds and when I land on planets or go into the arena or cantina the game freezes. I just tried the hotfix and it's still having the same problem
Создайте свою фракцию, или завоёвывайте "далёкую-далёкую галактику" как один из руководителей существующих. Налаживайте отношения с местными жителями, стройте Храмы для одарённых, фабрики клонов, заводы по производству дроидов, сражайтесь плечом к плечу со своими соратниками-офицерами и солдатами.
4. Запускаем игру, смотрим верхнее окошко появившегося меню, вместо Native (это оригинальная игра), выбираем ваш мод (как называется папка с модом у вас в папке Modules, так будет и называться ваш мод).
5. Смотрим настройки, для слабых машин выставляем значения поменьше (в моде Hi-Res некоторые компьютеры могут здорово "притормаживать").
Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy. with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.
Report RSS How to Download, Install and Update Star Wars ConquestHere is a tiny guide that will help you install Star Wars Conquest as painlessly and straightforward as possible in case you need it.
Posted by Swyter on May 30th, 2010 - Basic Other
Before anything, be warned that doesn't work with Warband, this is made for the original Mount&Blade 1.011. If you try to use it with the wrong game it will show you an ugly " Unable to open file: CommonRes\costumes_a.brf "Tutorial Revisions.
August 23th, 2011 - Some minor corrections and added direct links.
September 22th, 2012 - Completely rewritten in wiki style with better English and less steps.
Nice tutorial .
Just 1 question why is Winrar(pay+pay)? Should it be good + pay or something like that, and you can not pay for winrar. Just close the "your 30 days have expired" message, but that would not be very nice.
Welcome to the salty spitoon, how tough are you?
How tough am I? I use winrar. After my trial expires.
*gulp* right this way, sir!
yo everybody we got a badass in here! *air respect* i use winrar only after my trial expires thats how tough i am!
Sorry, but I won't change it, because it needs to "reauthorize"
That means 2 days offline.
every time I start swc it gives me an error code saying unable to open file commonres costumes_a.brf pleas help.
Unfortunate comment, If you've read only a little you may discovered that you're trying to install SWC in the WRONG GAME. :)
Yeah, i just aussumed that it was for warband then was like "WTF?" when a ton of errors poped up.
then i read this.
Hello, how would i transfer my old save files from version 0.8 to the newest version Is this possible? Ive tried just changing the name of the saved games folder to the new folder name and it just gave me an error when i tried to load one of the saved games.
usually when a mod updates they are not save game compatible.
Does this mod work on mount and blade warband?
it does not work on warband yet
haha, you should see my face right now. I'm replying the same crap 4 times per day. I'm willing starting to port only for stopping this awful headache :-)
Well, that explains why it wouldn't work for me.
mine was under program files[x86] but i still foun it
so will this work with the native module?
i have a problem "arena_shields" help me
How did you fixed it?
for some reason when i type in the folder name to get to the game the game icon only shows up and nothhing about the module comes up please help.
Just 1 question. I used the 7-level trial with this mod. does that mean in swc i'll only e able to reach level 7?
That's right. It's a limitation of the engine. :)
I'm having a problem STR not found i have no clue why
Never mind sorry that was a dumb by me the mod is better than the game
Having some issues here.
I downloaded the game via steam, and set to work downloading the mod. I only had Winrar, but when it finishes downloading it says that the file is either incorrect or corrupt.
So I shrugged and thought "Ok, well I'll try 7-zip" So after some hecticness of downloading that, and even more hecticness trying to get it to work with the SWC mod, as it didn't want to download directly to the program, I found that I still lacked a SWC file, and more than that, lacked a mount & blade file -.-
The error is pretty clear for me: The download is corrupted or interrupted before completion. If you find the process so messy then use Desura, the "Steam" for Mods, and do it in a single click.
Take a look to the extremely pointy and possibility huge black banner at the top instancing you to try it.
Как и все легко модифицируемые игры, Mount & Blade давно уже оброс модами по тематике известных всем вселенной. Одним из таких стал Star Wars. Данный проект позволяет нам окунуться в мир классической трилогии и встать на сторону одной из трех сторон: Галактической империи, Союза повстанцев или Картели контрабандистов. У каждой фракции своя уникальная линейка юнитов, насчитывающая около 12 юнитов - от обычной пехоты до элитных солдат, в том числе и носящих с собой световые мечи. Кроме того, в игре присутствуют различные наемные войска, вроде легендарных вуки, мандалорцев и прочих воителей галактики. Игрок может стать представителем одной из 14 доступных для выбора рас и навесить на себя самую различную экипировку: джедайские робы, броню штурмовиков и т.п. Ну и самое интересное: глобальная карта представляет из себя открытый космос, по которому мы путешествуем на собственной корабле. Не обойдется, само собой, и без кучи сцен и моделей персонажей.
Не стоит сбрасывать со счетов и то, что данный мод - это не только детально воспроизведенный сеттинг, но и множество интересных скриптовых решений: силовые щиты, стреляющие очередью бластеры, спидбайки, улучшение кораблей и многое другое. За время своей работы, авторы Star Wars: Conquest смогли не только побороть проблемы всех модификаций подобного рода (общий смысл которых заключается в сыроватости), но и отточить баланс, что делает его одним из немногих кандидатов на постоянное проживание на вашем компьютере.
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