Space marine augmented как установить
If something doesn’t work and it is not listed in this list: - If you think it is related to Launcher, then contact devs and send loglog.log file from Launcher directory - If you think it is related to the game itself after it is started with Launcher, then contact devs and send smalog.log file from game directory
“Some of my colours/badges aren’t the ones I had in vanilla”
Initially badges may displace, e.g. your ultra badge from vanilla may become NL badge, same with colours. Just replace with needed one.
“What are all these modes?”
With nothing selected you will open the default mod version.
Test version is the one with new items in process of being tested. Versus has open testing, but exterminatus one is for testers only.
In versus there’s the dreadnought version, which spawns dread AIs in Aquila Canyon, Hab Center and Desolation, dread game mode not necessary. They don’t despawn on death, so you can’t play it for too long. Can be left as is or selected along test, but you need to match with others in order to play with them.
“No HUD” is optional, and just a user-side visual change so no conflicts.
“My AntiVirus flags mod”
You can get false positives from AV. Do not worry, if you downloaded the launcher from Discord or ModDB it is safe. AV reaction is caused by using unreliable methods at the start of mod, which AVs didn’t like.
Show Off
Warhammer is a place of many factions and technologies with their own aestetics. Augmented allows you to use most famous weapons and armors of Space Marines, that original game lacks as well as colorable vanilla DLC pieces.
We aim to add as much customization options as possible, including Horus Heresy era Legion armors, armors of the First Founding Chapters and many more.
Space Marine Augmented is a modification and overlying community services for ‘Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’ game.
SMA aims on improving on every possible aspect of the base game and revitalizing interest in the game overall.
- Balance fixes
- New content (weapons, perks and armor pieces; with maps and more in future)
- Anticheat
- Advanced profile services
- Community events and more.
Devs Required!
Space Marine Augmented is looking for assistance with game data work! NO SPECIAL PROGRAMMING KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED! Only will to learn and long term commitment. No need of daily participance, but not as low as once a month either. If you are familiar with game modding (specially Dawn of War), it is the same as attribute files editing there. Could be general help, or with focus on a Pv_ side if preferred. This will reduce workload on developer allowing him to focus on more specialized tasks, while also increasing update frequency.
Space Marine 10th Anniversary Out; 5 Warhammer 40k Mods Where There's Only War
As Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine celebrates a free 10th Anniversary update, here’s five 40k mods that put wholesale destruction on offer!
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Modification for Wh40k Space Marine game. SMA aims on improving on every possible aspect of the base game and revitalizing interest in the game overall.
Space Marine Augmented Launcher
Space Marine Augmented automatic launcher executable files
space marine augmented launcher full version
Space Marine Toolbox
Based on Cope's DoW2 Toolbox. Rebuilt for the new framework, adapted to the latest Cope's libraries and Space Marine specific. Still raw and under development.
space marine toolbox ides
Space Marine Editor (OBSOLETE)
Very raw, but still, data editor for Space Marine.
space marine editor (obsolete) ides
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“Did you remove [X] vanilla weapon?“, “why I don’t have this new weapon another player has used?” “why did you remove so many vanilla assault perks?”
Use arrow keys on your keyboard to move up/down in weapon list. In perk list with Assault too.
“My perks aren’t working” “I can’t move and I get instakilled”
JPA and GA have a single perk list, and each perk indicates in its name to which subclass it belongs (e.g. Iron Halo says that it is for Dev/GA, and melee weapon zeals that are for JPA). If you choose wrong perks they will either do nothing and be a wasted slot, or most likely prevent you from playing at all.
It may also happen in Versus when you copy a loadout, as it causes wargear displacement, so just avoid it.
“Game insta dies after steam window appear and launcher stuck at Preparing…”
Try to start from admin and move launcher to the same drive as the game itself
“I can’t see certain mod textures / hear certain mod sounds”
Click “Fix mod integrity” in launcher settings. It may also be because your installation directory is under too many folders, so move game closer to root drive.
General questions
The goal.
SMA aims on improving on every possible aspect of the base game and revitalizing interest in the game overall.
• Balance fixes • New content (weapons, perks and armor pieces; with maps and more in future) • Anticheat • Advanced profile services • Community events and more.
“In exterminatus my pistol as Assault doesn’t have ammo, I don’t pick any, and my hand is empty.”
You are using Hammer/Maul, which removes pistol as it has been buffed. For the similar role as pistoled use Power Fist.
“How to play the new Ground Assault?”
In Assault perk list there are Ground Assault(GA) and Jump Pack Assault(JPA) changer “perks”, select one of them, go back to loadouts menu, then return to that particular loadout. Perk slot you’ve used for the changer will be cleared, so you can use it for normal perk.
Space Marine Augmented is a modification and overlying community services for ‘Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’ game.
“I can’t join matches with public search, it says there are matches found but goes down to 0 available / a lot of time passes without joining”
Game looks for vanilla matches first, check in launcher that there are actually people playing the mod in that version, as almost always they are just vanilla players.
If there are players queuing in your mod version, then as it will attempt with the vanilla matches first it will take time for you to get grouped. Just join directly through Steam friend or through the SMA Steam group.
Additionally, ongoing public matches are buggy in mod and very rarely let join outside of initial lobby, so private games are strongly recommended.
2 in 1
Space Marine has been released as PvP only game, and a lot of game mechanics shows that. Co-op mode ‘Exterminatus’, that came later, had to share PvP-mostly aspects.
With SMA there are 2 games in 1 box, as PvP and PvE are now fully split. This allows to bypass mechanics limitations and gives their own way to both modes.
One of the main goals of the project is to deliver competitive aspects to Space Marine:
• Ranked matches and ladder • Detailed player and match statistics • Progression and challenges • Tournaments support
Huge skill gap, appeared after many years, need to be smoothed, so that new players can play comfortably.
1st Time Section
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