Seasonal villager outfits stardew valley как установить
29 мая. 2020 в 16:05
These are what I am gonna download now for my new playthrough after years. These are just what I first thought was gonna be needed after going through the mods on Nexus.
NPC Map Locations
Stardew Valley Expanded <--- Have to check wether some of the other mods are part of this collection, if they are then I will not install those certain mods. And I will come back here to give a final list of what I have personally planned to have in the game.
Lookup Anything
Gift Taste Helper
Tractor Mod
CJB Show Item Sell Price
------------------------------------- Recommended from the people from Stardew Valley Expanded
Seasonal Villager Outfits
Seasonal Outfits for SVE (Vanilla Style)
Dynamic Night Time
Climates of Ferngill (Not sure about this one, reason being, I am not a fan of being blinded by snow, just seems annoying more then anything)
Expanded Fridge (Seems like a neat mod after @Man Fighting a Shark in a Speedo mentioned it and I looked it up.
How is fishing now in the game? When I played it, it was fun, but got annoying sometimes (personal issue with the game)
Edited list I am playing with atm.
Stardew Valley Expanded
Content Pathcher
TMXL Map Toolkit
Json Assets
Farm Type Manager
Winter Grass (2)
Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (Part of SVE mod)
Skip Intro
NPC Map Locations for SVE
Seasonal Cute Characters
Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter
Non Destructive NPCs
Dynamic Night Time
Gift Taste Helper
Experience Bars
Fast Animations
Chests Anywhere
Billboard Anywhere
Better Sprinklers
Horse Whistle
Lookup Anything
Simple Crop Label
Toddlers like parents - Content
Rustic Traveling Cart
Tractor Mod
Tilled Soil Decay
Movement Speed
Harvest With Scythe
Bigger Backpack
These last mods need StardewHack to work.
Been playing a while now with this, and it is great so far.
This mod uses assets by various authors. You can freely use the assets I created as indicated in the permissions section, as long as you give credit and don't gate the new work behind paywalls such as Patreon. However, for use of assets created based on other people's art, please contact Seasonal Villager Outfits, Longevity and the individual artists for permission.
File credits
Content Patcher code based on paradigmnomad's work for SVO.
Content Patcher by Pathoschild.
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Hopewashere/ Alvadea
Fall: Hopewashere
Winter Inside: Poltergeister (color scheme and outfit idea by bingbongsingalong)
Winter Outside: bingbongsingalong (hat)/Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Ailin
Winter Inside: IronZelly
Winter Outside: IronZelly
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Ailin
Winter Inside: Ailin
Winter Outside: Ailin
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Geckobud/ Poltergeister (hair)
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Hopwashere/Alvadea
Winter Outside: Hopwashere/Alvadea/ Tanpoponoko
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: Poltergeister
Spring: Tanpoponoko
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: daftpatience
Winter: Vanilla Edit
Winter Outside Inside: Tanpoponoko
Elliott (outift ideas taken from SVO)
Spring: Poltergeister
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: IronZelly (ear muffs, adapted from Penny Winter) / Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Ailin (vest) / Tanpoponoko (dress/hat)
Winter Inside: IronZelly
Winter Outside: IronZelly
Spring: Airyn
Summer: Alvadea
Fall: Vanilla
Winter Inside: Poltergeister (color scheme and outfit idea by Seyph)
Winter Outside: Seyph
Spring: IronZelly
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: IronZelly
Winter Inside: Jaksha / Poltergeister (adapted from Abigail from Longevity)
Winter Outside: Jaksha (adapted from Abigail from Longevity)
Spring: Poltergeister
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Airyn (collar) / Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Seismothesaurus
Winter Outside: Seismothesaurus
Spring: Ailin
Summer: PKpixel
Fall: Vanilla Edit
Winter Inside: Ailin
Winter Outside: Ailin / Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Airyn
Fall: Alvadea
Winter Inside: Alvadea
Winter Outside: Alvadea
Spring: Ailin (adapted from Sebastian Portrait from SVO)
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Vanilla Edit
Winter Inside: Ailin /Poltergeister (adapted from Sebastian Portrait from SVO)
Winter Outside: Ailin /Poltergeister (adapted from Sebastian Portrait from SVO)
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: IronZelly
Fall: Ailin (Jacket) / Poltergeister (Shirt)
Winter Outside: IronZelly
Winter Inside: IronZelly
Spring: Pereira1495
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Ailin (adapted from Sebastian portrait from Longevity)
Winter Inside: Alvadea
Winter Outside: Alvadea
Spring: Ailin
Summer: Tanpoponoko / Airyn (summer crown)
Fall: Vanilla Edit
Winter Inside: Schrodingers Kit
Winter Outside: Schrodingers Kit
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Alvadea
Winter Outside: Alvadea / Airyn (hat)
Spring: Poltergeister
Summer: Vanilla Edit
Fall: Pereira1495 (coat) / Poltergeister (shirt)
Winter Inside: Poltergeister (color scheme by DaniAlbrtSancEs)
Winter Outside: Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Poltergeister
Winter Outside: Ailin (hat) / Poltergeister
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Tanpoponoko
Winter Outside: Tanpoponoko / IronZelly (ear muffs adapted from Penny)
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter Inside: Alvadea
Winter Outside: Alvadea / Poltergeister (jacket)
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Based on PKpixel military flower dance outfit
Winter Outside: PKpixel / Tanpoponoko (hat)
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Ailin (hair) / Poltergeister (Shirt)
Fall: Ailin
Winter Inside: Ailin
Winter Outside: Ailin/ Poltergeister (coat edit/scarf)
Spring: Tanpoponoko
Summer: Tanpoponoko
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Vanilla Edit
Winter Outside: Tanpoponoko
Spring: Vanilla Edit
Summer: Ailin
Fall: Tanpoponoko
Winter Inside: Tanpoponoko
Winter Outside: Tanpoponoko/ Longevity assets (jacket)
Spring: Based on Flower Dance by Ailin (Longevity)
Summer: Based on Flower Dance by Ailin (Longevity)
Fall: Based on Flower Dance by Ailin (Longevity)
Winter: Poltergeister
Hair pieces for Spring and Fall by Tanpoponoko
Spring: Poltergeister
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter: Poltergeister
Spring: Poltergeister
Summer: Poltergeister
Fall: Poltergeister
Winter: Poltergeister
Work Portraits
Maru: Poltergeister
Harvey: Medinaquirin
Shane: Ayrin/ Poltergeister
Sam: Poltergeister
Flower parts made by Ailin (except Maru and Caroline).
Abigail – Poltergeister
Alex – Ailin
Caroline – Poltergeister
Clint – Airyn
Demetrius – Ailiin
Elliott – Poltergeister
Emily – Poltergeister
Evelyn – Ailin
George – Ayrin/ Poltergeister
Gunther – Poltergeister
Gus – Poltergeister
Haley – Poltergeister
Harvey – Ailin
Jas – Ailin
Kent – Poltergeister
Leo – ParadigmNomad (flowers)/ Poltergeister
Leah – Poltergeister
Lewis – Ailin
Linus – Ailin/ Airyn
Marlon – Poltergeister
Marnie – Airyn
Maru – Poltergeister
Pam – Airyn
Penny – Poltergeister
Pierre – Poltergeister
Robin – Ailin
Sam – Poltergeister
Sandy – Poltergeister/ Tanpoponoko (Hair Piece)
Sebastian – Poltergeister
Shane – Poltergeister
Vincent – Ailin
Willy – Airyn (jacket)/ Poltergeister
Spirit’s Eve
Abigail - Poltergeister
Alex – Seyph (mask), Poltergeister
Caroline – Airyn (with edits by Poltergeister)
Clint - Poltergeister
Demetrius – PKpixel
Elliott – Poltergeister
Emily – Seyph
George – Poltergeister
Gunther – Poltergeister
Gus - Poltergeister
Haley – Poltergeister
Harvey – Airyn (adapted from Shane Spirit's Eve SVO)
Jas – Ailin
Jodi – Poltergeister
Kent – PKpixel
Leah – Poltergeister
Leo – facepaint by ParadigmNomad
Linus – Airyn (cat ears adapted from Jodi Spirit’s Eve SVO)
Marnie – Airyn
Maru – Poltergeister
Pam – Poltergeister
Penny – Poltergeister
Robin – PKpixel
Sam – Airyn
Sandy - Poltergeister/ Ailin (Flower parts)
Sebastian – Poltergeister
Shane – PKpixel (adapted from Sebastian Spirit's Eve SVO)
Vincent – Poltergeister
Willy - Poltergeister
Beach Outfits
Evelyn acessories by Airyn.
Jas base model by Ailin.
All other beach outfits by Poltergeister.
Donation Points system
This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points
Version 3.2.3
- Added config for Maru's glasses
- fixed Penny wearing a hat in Fall in one of her heart events in the bath house
- Changed the bulletin board icons to their cute version
- added multiplayer file which lacks the seperation of Winter indoor/outdoor
Version 3.2.2
- fixed bug in which seasonal farmer bases wouldn't show on a bald character
- added optional file "tight pants to long pants"
Version 3.2.1
- changed the direction of Carolin's feather in her flapper head piece
- added some shading to Leo winter sprite
- fixed bug with Marlon, Gunther, Morris appearing twice in the movie theater when SVE is installed
Version 3.2.0
- Added seasonal clothes for Leo
- fixed Sebastion fall portrait mistake
- added missing Sebastian beach sprite
Version 3.1.1
- fixed male farmers not having arms while sitting
Version 3.1.0
- Added seasonal clothing changes for the farmer
- removed farmer swimming sprites from the mod because it wasn't compatible with custom clothing mods. This hurts a lot :')
Version 3.0.1
- fixed Robin not wearing her beach outfit in one frame.
- fixed small visual glitch with submarine operator (nightmarked)
Version 3.0.0
- Updated to to SDV 1.5, including beach outfits and new character sprites and portraits
- adjusted sitting sprite in farmer base
- added sprites and portrait adjustment for new characters
- Clint wears his apron now when working at the smithy, otherwise he won't
- edited swimming outfit on farmer base and in farmer pants
Version 2.1.1
- Fixed bug in which noses would not always apply in the "nonose" config
Version 2.1.0
- Internal file structure changes
- Aerobics outfits load in Harvey aerobics event. Added Leah and Pam aerobics outfit to Harvey event.
- Small visual changes to multiple portraits and sprites
- Enhanced Compatability with interior recolor mods and SVE
Version 2.0.0
- Spirit's Eve outfits for everyone!
- Reworked some of the FlowerDance outfits
Version 1.5.0
- added Flower Dance outfits for everyone
- fixed minor mistakes in some sprites
- reworked Flower Dance portrait for Sebastian and Sam
Version 1.4.3
- Fixed Sandy's Outfits not appearing in SVE
- corrected small mistakes in Gunther's and Haley's sprites
Version 1.4.2
- Updates to CP 1.8
- Fixed bug with fesitval outfits not loading
Version 1.4.1
- Updated to CP 1.15
- adjusted Jodie portrait hair
Version 1.4.0
- Added aerobics outfit
- Overhauled Gunther and Emily Summer and Fall Outfit
- Enhanced mod compatibility: false dependency on Dustbeauty's interior recolor mod so it won't overwrite the character edits
- Enhanced mod compatibility: filled out Sam's work sprite sheet and added "day-of-week" conditions so there won't be any weirdness with other mods that change his schedule or add events for him
- File structure changed to use more overlays and reduce number of files
- Small changes to Jas: her sprite skin color matches her portrait now
Version 1.3.2
- Added Shane Joja outfit portrait (only visible when gifting or in custom cutscenes)
- Added Sam working outfit portrait and sprites for Joja market and museum
- Added Marnie sprite from a secret note
- Some aesthetic changes to Gunthers portraits
- Small changes to Marlon and Sam sprites
Version 1.3.1
- Fixed Harvey not wearing his Flower Dance outfit
Version 1.3.0
- Added unique sprites for Sandy
- neater code thanks to ParadigmNomad!
- compatibility for Morris sprite and portrait seasonal replacers in SVE
Version 1.2.2
- It has come to my attention the the thing behind Gil's back on his portrait is not, in fact, his backpack but his rocking chair. Now, does this make the design incredibly tacky? Yes, Yes it does. I shall stand by it. But i did change the overworld color of the chair so it matches.
Version 1.2.1
- Fixed using Emily sleeping dress in 14 <3 event
Version 1.2.0
- Added Flower Dance Outfits for Marriage Candidates
- Got rid of duplicate portraits in the mod files
- minor adjustments to portraits and sprites
Version 1.1.2
- fixed mistake with Gunther's sprite sheet being in place of his portrait
Version 1.1.1
Version 1.1.0
- added version in which characters have noses
- compatibility with dynamic long sleeves
- fixed mistake that made George cross eyed when moving
- cleaned up Shane Joja market sprites
- added pattern to Robin summer sprite to make it more interesting to look at
Hello and welcome everyone!
This mod combines my other two mods Slightly Cuter Characters Sprites and Slightly Edited Portraits and gives all characters seasonal outfits.
This mod was heavily inspired by the dynamic NPC clothing system of Longevity and SVO. It is also a rather slimmed down version of these two mods since it only features one outfit per season plus an extra one for winter outdoor areas and outfits for the Flower Dance and Spirit's Eve festivals. The farmer can also be configured to change into seasonal wear and wear long or short-sleeved clothing. I will not add or change outfits, portraits or sprites!
Also, please don't contact me regarding the original SVO. I'm not its mod author and don't know when/if it will be available again.
- This mod is incompatible with other mods that change portraits and character sprites (that includes SVO).
- If you don't want to use some characters, there is no config file for it. Instead, you can search my mod folder for e.g. "Abigail" and delete all files that show up. My mod now can't load Abigail and another mod can be loaded instead. This should cause no errors in your SMAPI log.
- It is compatible with Get Glam. Be certain to follow the config instructions below.
- It is also compatible with SVE. However, SVE uses its own sprites and portraits for Marlon, Morris and Gunther with additional animations. That means that the cuter version will not be visible for these characters for you if you use SVE. Download Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE if you want a consistent look.
- Only Install either this mod or the non-seasonal version of Slightly Cuter Characters, not both!
"HarveyFacialHair": "True, False"
This decides if Harvey will have a beard or not.
"FestivalOutfits": "True, False"
Decides if characters will wear Flower Dance and Spirit's Eve outfits.
"ExtraOutfits": "True, False"
This decides if the characters will wear additional outfits (aerobics class, Harvey doctor, Shane, Sam and Clint work).
"MaruGlasses": "True, False"
Decides if Maru wears red glasses in her overworld sprite.
"FarmerBase": "True, False"
This decides if the farmer base will be changed to match the other characters better. If enabled, the farmer
will have wider legs (approximately the size of the default pants) and their nose will be changed depending on your "NoNose" config. Set it to “false” if you don’t want to use the farmer base or if you have another mod enabled which changes farmer bases, such as Get Glam.
"SeasonalFarmerBases": "True, False" . See Pictures for more info.
Decides if the player character's clothing will change depending on the season. "FarmerBase" must be set to "True" to take effect.
"ShirtSpring", "ShirtSummer", "ShirtFall", "ShirtWinter", "ShoesSpring", "ShoesSummer", "ShoesFall", "ShoesWinter": "ColdWeather, WarmWeather, False"
You can decide for each season what the character will wear for both shirts and boots. "WarmWeather" means half shoes and short sleeved shirts, "Coldweather" means long sleeved shirts and boots. "False" means the character will use the default sprites that are closer to the ones in the vanilla game. "SeasonalFarmerBases" must be set to "True" to take effect.
"IslandSummerClothes": "True, False"
Since on the new Island location it's always summer, you can set this option to "true" if you want your farmer to always wear warm weather clothing on the island. "SeasonalFarmerBases" must be set to "True" to take effect.
Thanks and Credits
Many Thanks to Ailin, Alvadea, Airyn, Hopewashere, Tanpoponoko and all the other artists whose art I used as a basis for this mod. A full list of credits can be found in the credit section of this page. Thanks also to paradigmnomad who let me use their code work from SVO.
I hope you enjoy this mod!
Contains a seasonal arrangement for most characters in the game. As weather, seasons and locations change, the outfits are changed naturally. Finally, in the winter, the villagers can stay warm. It also includes festival outfits, motherhood sprites, siren overlays, wedding sprites, and random floral queen/king!
Report any bugs on your page. Content Patcher is used for this mod!
(11/29/19) Config options have been greatly changed in favor of the `Random` token added in 1.4.
Just insert the [CP] Seasonal Outfits folder into your Mods folder.
Contains an arrangement of different seasonal outfits for most characters in the game. The outfits will switch out naturally as the weather and the seasons change. Finally, the villagers can stay warm in the winter. Outfits will also change for rain. Also includes festival outfits and maternity sprites!
Looking for the FAQ & Thank You's? It's been moved to GitHub!
Edit: (5/2/20) HUGE thanks to Poltergeister and Tanpoponoko! You can now download Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE or if you'd rather stick with the vanilla style Seasonal Outfits for SVE (Vanilla Style). Comments asking when SVE characters will be added will now be removed. Keep an eye out for another version coming at a later date with more outfits. Please do not report bugs with the SVE/SVO version on this page. Report any bugs on their respective page.
This mod uses Content Patcher! Simply place the [CP] Seasonal Outfits folder into your Mods folder.
(11/29/19) Config options have been greatly changed in favor of the `Random` token added in 1.4.
For compatibility patches, check the miscellaneous files.
Config Options for CP Version
Once SMAPI runs this mod for the first time, a config.json file will be generated. This is how you can control which version of the sprite is used. See README on Github, for full documentation of all configurable options (or the content.json)
Here is a masterlist of all the many artists who helped compile the art used in this mod. If I (Tanpoponoko) have given permission to use assets from this mod in the past please know that that only extended exclusively to the art that I myself created. Please reference the list to ensure and ask the original artists permission to use their work if you plan on doing anything with them. If we have somehow missed giving anyone credit, please please please let us know and we will correct this ASAP.
Edit: 2/14/20 Since I (paradigmnomad) have been getting a lot of messages regarding use of art please read the above. You will need to seek permission from the individual artists. If I have give permission to use assets from this mod in the past please know that it only extends to the open source work used.
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