Rome 2 total war radious mod как установить
Крупнейший игровой мод для ROME2-Total War от Radious, который предлагает игрокам большие изменения в кампании, искусственном интеллекте, дипломатии, наземных и морских сражений, а также огромное количество новых отрядов, способностей, зданий и многое другое.
Последнее обновление модификации (11.09.2018)
В архиве присутствует Русификатор, а также Radious Graphics Mod - устанавливайте его по желанию!
Radious Graphics Mod - улучшены графические, дымовые эффекты, эффекты крови и т.д
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Глобальная модификация Радиус вместе со всем необходимым.
Radious Total War (Обновлен 10.12.2015) - Глобальная модификация Радиус.
Radious Total Units Mod (Обновлен 10.12.2015) - Огромное количество новых войск для всех фракций в режиме основной кампании при использовании глобальной модификации Радиус.
Radious Custom Battle Faction Unlocker - Возможность использовать все фракции в режиме пользовательского сражения.
Radious Blood Mod - Изменение отображения крови в сражениях.
UPC Russian (Обновлен 10.12.2015) - Перевод на русский язык всех новых войск при использовании Radious Total Units Mod.
aDresden Dipl Occup Radious - Все фракции могут использовать все варианты дипломатии и захвата поселений, для активации должна быть первой в списке модификаций. Например ,играя за Рим вы сможете освобождать страны, но враги смогут сжигать территории. Однако она того стоит. На начальном этапе может быть нужно играть и без неё.
aa Influentialfactionleader RSG - Увеличение накопления очков влияния у лидера фракции и всех остальных.
Установка: распаковать и закинуть в ДАТУ игры. Включение модификаций происходит на лицензии в лаунчере, а на пиратке в менеджер модификаций версии 2. Его нужно скачать отдельно, для активации и нормальной работы у вас должна быть установлена интерент-платформа СТИМ.
Сообщество Империал: Radious Total War Mod - Anniversary Edition - Сообщество Империал
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Radious Total War Mod
Hello everyone. Time to release my full overhaul mod for Total War: Rome 2. It contains every single mod i created till today and will be regularly updated and will grow larger. Its for people who likes my modding style and dont want to mess with seperate mods. I hope it will be once same as large as my Shogun 2 work or even larger. It will be soon complete game overhaul with thousands changes.
These mods getting larger and larger so this overhaul is being more massive with every update.
Radious Total War Mod
ну и тут каждый по отдельности
Helo everyone. Additional pieces of much needed and very demanded changes. This mod will increase your campaign army/navy and province bonuses limits (not agents). It wil lalso slightly improve diplomacy factors so diplomacy works bit better.
Army limits: Depends on your fame, here are new levels - 6,12,20,30 and 40
Navy limits: Depends on your fame, here are new levels - 4, 8, 10, 14, and 18
You can have more armies under your control now, but it also depends on how many generals you can have. If i understand right, you get new general available for recruitment every turn. If i find where to change this, i may increase it little bit.
Province bonus: Once you conquer whole province, you get option to activate its bonus, this is also limited by fame so i increased it little bit - 2,4,6,8 and 10
Diplomacy factors changes:
Original: Friendly (45), Hostile (-85), Unfriendly (-45), Very friendly (85)
Modded: Friendly (30), Hostile (-100), Unfriendly (-60), Very friendly (60)
This slightly helps, ai can be more willing to do some diplomacy actions with player.
Zone control for navy increased from 5 to 6 (can cover slightly larger area)
Unit minimum strength from 0,05 to 0,15 (units with very low amount of man will auto disband, now units must have minimum 24 men from 160, anything less will get disbanded)
Lower attrition while sieging city - effect was too high, hardly possible to spend few turns for proper siege equipment, from 10% penalty redeced to 5% per turn.
Generals from level 2 getting 2 skills points per level
Upkeep and Limit changes:
Upkeep of all units reduced by 30-35%
All units can be recruited unlimited times (for campaign and custom battles)
Several units cost rebalanced, mostly range units got small cost increase
Download: Radious Campaign Mod
Moral effects edited. Therefore i lowered tons of crazy effects which resulted in soldiers retreating when they still had 60% or more units and whole army run away after loosing like 50% men. This should be fixed and armies should fight to about 70% casulties. Common units usually retreat with last 35-50 men and elite units with 25-35.
General aura radious increased from 75 to 100.
Units speeds reduced - running speed, acceleration and charge speed reduced about 20-30% depends on the unit type. Higher differences between very light, light, medium, heavy and very heavy units.
Unit Mass changes - light and medium infantry and cavalry got small mass increase
Capture Points Timer doubled - for single flag from 50 to 100, for multiple from 100 to 200
Projectile changes:
Arrows - Range increased from 120 metres to 135 metres (long bows 145, towers 135, very long bow 160)
Javelin - Range decreased from 80 metres to 70 metres, damage reduced from 9 to 8
Sling - Range decreased from 150 metres to 145 metres, AP damage reduced from 4 to 3
Transport Ships changes: Mass reduced by 30-35%, hitpoints reduced by 25%
All units got reduced melee skill by 15% - Longer battles, not so fast kill rate
All units got increased defence skill by 15% - Longer battles, not so fast kill rate
Addtional balances between units, some got reduced damage, some slightly improved, same for defence
Experience bonuses reworked - units wil lnow get +1 melee skill, +2 defence skill and +2 moral per chevron
Shields reworked - game has many different type of shileds, each type gives bonus to defence and armor, these bonuses were slightly improved and balanced to create larger variety between different shields
Armors reworked - game has many different armors (clothes), each is providing different armor bonus, these bonuses were slightly increased and mor balanced for wider variety between all types of armors
Unit spacing and rank depth changed - spear units have now rank depth 8 instead of 12 and spacing between units slightly increased, against balanced properly for different unit types and cultures
Unit cohesion improved - units will keep some distance and not just rush to each other completely, looks better, works better. Much better for watching watch combat.
Unit abilities added - Roman infantry got defensive testudo formation, they can now use both - offensive and defensive
Abilities recharge time changed - most boosting/magic abilities got recharge time increased, mostly from 60-120 seconds to 180 seconds.
Anti cavalry and elephants bonuses changed - some weapons had no bonus vs these units, like pikes were forgotten completely (CA really must hate phalanxes ), this is fixed, elite weapons has slightly better bonuses then normal ones.
Download: Radious Battle Mod
Hello everyone. Time to release some another very demanded and required modification. This time i managed to look on buidlings and their effects. Game has about 500 buildings (many are same) due to each culture has own building tree and those are always divided even more to minor and major cities aswell. So you can imagine tons and tons of lines of same or very common things.
Food consumtion slightly reduced - some higher tier buildings (level 3 and 4) asked in my opinion for way too much food, this is changed in about 20-30%.
Squalor effects slightly reduced - some higher tier buildings (level 3 and 4) reduced public order way too much, this is changed in about 20-30%.
Income from all buildings increased - every building now provides bit more income, about 30% more.
Taxes changes - Higher taxes gives slightly less penalty for population grow but slightly more squalor, lower taxes gives small bonus to town population grow
Technology changes:
Middle + End techs time for research lowered by 25%
All bonuses to melee skill lowered by 30%
All bonuses to defence skill increased by 20%
Smith bonuses changed - melee damage bonus slightly reduced on level 2 and 3
Buildings costs changed - few structires cost bit less, few bit more
All these changes dont help just player, but AI aswell, cause i noticed that AI often suffered by no food and their armies already small enough were dying very quickly.
Download: Radious Economy and Research Mod
Radious Graphics Mod
Hello everyone. In this mod i will wil lbe changing/removing and editing many of the graphical effects. Some ugly ones will be removed. This mod can also give you small fps boost.
Ugly dust/smoke effects when:
soldiers clash to each other
pillums/spears are thrown
arrows and stones hit soldiers or ground
Tested it in 5 battles, all these dust/smoke effects are gone. Not sure if it will be in all cases/terrains. Modding graphical effects is bit different this time around.
Campaign map clouds removal - requested feature. These clouds can drop fps for soem people, so now huge campaign map clouds should be removed. I kept snowing and raining clouds which appears only on short period of time.
Selecting generals and cities glow effect removed
Glowing circle around armies/navies in forced march removed
Additional small selecting and dust effects removed
Radious Graphics Mod.rar
Hello everyone. Time for tweaking campaign AI just here. We all already noticed that vanilla Ai this time shows many many flaws and this mod wil l try to do its max to improve campaign AI and make from it some challenge for players. Recruitment priorities and behavior/agressivity will be key elements of this mod.
Changes to AI recruitment priorities - more balanced armies with less ranged units (this will be very hard to complete, first needed file for this change is edited, but AI modding is divided into many many files, not all can be modded yet, so dont expect super balanced armies yet, but it should have small effect on your game)
AI difficulty bonuses edited - normal difficulty and easier untouched. From Hard difficulty AI got several small bonuses to develope faster, maintain more and better armies. Bonuses will be rise with higher difficulties, none is extreme.
Recruitment slot for armies increased by 1 - global bonus for player and AI
AI will prefer slightly more military developement and construction.
Ai will try to keep less money and spend more on armies and construction.
AI preferences at war are military constructions and navy
AI will spend less money on and cultural building, wil lprefer more military and economic structures
AI will spend less money on agents, more on armies and navies
Addtional recruitment preferences, less archers, more cavalry and melee units.
Recruitment changes - slingers and basic skirmishers are not available directly from start, higher level buildings must be constructed first
Much more to come, much more testing needed.
Сообщество Империал: Radious Total War Mod - Anniversary Edition - Сообщество Империал
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Распаковать Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь в любое место, открыть и указать директорию игры. Если мод не виден в основном окне менеджера, сбросить его настройки. Далее отметить галочкой появившийся мод и запустить игру кнопкой "Launch".
Radious Total War Mod (19.10.2013) Патч №5.
Описание: Комплексный сборник модов от Radious.
Установка: Распаковать в папку "data" и активировать Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь-ом, или использовать user.script.txt.
Radious Total War Mod
Hello everyone. Time to release my full overhaul mod for Total War: Rome 2. It contains every single mod i created till today and will be regularly updated and will grow larger. Its for people who likes my modding style and dont want to mess with seperate mods. I hope it will be once same as large as my Shogun 2 work or even larger. Its already massive overhaul mod which contains thousands of gameplay/visual/ai changes. Largest project for Rome 2 currently with much more to come.
Updated: 19.10.2013 - - Fully support Patch 5 . All changes included and adapted to my mods.
Mods included:
Mods not included but fully compatible:
Language Info: This mod will show unit names of all Custom Units only if its played on english version of the game (language can be switched on steam), other languages needs UPC Project to be installed - Для просмотра ссылки Зарегистрируйтесь
Each of these mods can be already their own huge overhaul, cause each got thousands changes in gamming files and editing the game in almost every aspect. All this is now part of one huge overhaul mod - Radious Total War Mod.
Also available on Steam Workshop.
Added recent changes from Battle, AI and Campaign mods:
Generals buffed + experience rewards rebalanced - slightly stronger general units and their chevron rewards were edited to actually mean something.
Transport ships additional nerf - slower speed, lower hitpoints
Removed abilities from certain units - no more horse archers with flamming arrows, no more fire javelins
Reworked Triarii Roman unit tree - now Veteran Legionares and Evocati Cohort are spear units aswell with proper stats balance and abilities, adapted unit cards and their overall effectivity
Many thanks for great unit cards and pictures to Noif
Replenish mod increased
Chance to replenish unit increased from 0,1 to 0,2 and fro 0,05 to 0,1.
Max count on few units slightly increased
Upkeep is reduced as is this mod standard but still higher then most regular units
More agressive AI - should try to attack player and other nations when it will be able to, less sitting on their asses.
Additional large recruitment changes - few more basic units unlocked for all nations depending on their culture, makes AI easier and faster way to get them. Results are much better combined armies with proper variety.
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