Rise of the tomb raider dx12 вылетает
28 июл. 2016 в 1:28
so i just start playing this game at dx12 @ 4k with AA off but my game crashed after 15 mins, it said my display driver stopped working, with dx12 i was also unable to take screenshots for steam although i only played it for a few minutes on dx11 everything seems fine i can even take screenshots now
My specs:-
i7-6700k @ 4.5Ghz, 1.35V
Corsair H115i cpu cooler
Asus Maxmux VIII Extreme
G.Skill TridentZ 32 GB 3200 MHz
Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 Gaming @ factory OC mode
I played a 4k with 2x290x's with no issues, but this is the worst dx12 game ive played, it gave me higher lows but not nearly the performance i've seen in other games.
Steam overlay is disabled with dx12, thats why no screenshots. If dx11 works just use it.
28 июл. 2016 в 6:26I played a 4k with 2x290x's with no issues, but this is the worst dx12 game ive played, it gave me higher lows but not nearly the performance i've seen in other games.
Steam overlay is disabled with dx12, thats why no screenshots. If dx11 works just use it.
yes it seems fine in dx11 as i played for 2 hours , i think the game crashed because i have Nvidia fps counter enabled 28 июл. 2016 в 9:45I played a 4k with 2x290x's with no issues, but this is the worst dx12 game ive played, it gave me higher lows but not nearly the performance i've seen in other games.
Steam overlay is disabled with dx12, thats why no screenshots. If dx11 works just use it.
What are the other DirectX 12 titles you've played with Multi-GPU support? 29 июл. 2016 в 3:12
I played a 4k with 2x290x's with no issues, but this is the worst dx12 game ive played, it gave me higher lows but not nearly the performance i've seen in other games.
Steam overlay is disabled with dx12, thats why no screenshots. If dx11 works just use it.
What are the other DirectX 12 titles you've played with Multi-GPU support? Ashes, but im not talking mutigpu support am talking in general. 29 июл. 2016 в 5:36
What are the other DirectX 12 titles you've played with Multi-GPU support?
Ashes, but im not talking mutigpu support am talking in general.
You don't feel the differences between the two engine technologies used is maybe the reason performance is so different? I personally feel Rise of the Tomb Raiders DirectX 12 performance is fantastic. I have all settings highest via custom (save SSAA) @ 2560x1440, and I average over 100FPS on my system. Whereas, I struggled to hold 60FPS in some areas under the DirectX 11 API. To me, that's a dramatic improvement. Maybe it's an AMD thing? The lower fill-rates & shader units?
So like all at some poing, I've been having issues with crashes in DX12.
The errors were always with Display Drivers. Looked for the game logs and had these two entries when it crashed.
(0005656) > [DXGI] Present Failed with HRESULT 0x887a0005
(0005656) > [D3D] ERROR! Device removed detected (0x887A0006: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)
So I googled them and found this video from January of this year.
It had the instructions for fixing DXGI errors and I found it interesting and wanted to share and hopefully it can help you too as well as be of some confirmation and peace of mind for me. As I have tried all the tricks recommended looking around. By following this video I was able to play for about an hour in DX12 without it crashing! But one session I will not count as definitive but it gives me hope!
This is the link to the video with writen instructions as well as an explanation from the description
In this video we will see how to fix dxgi error device removed on your pc. This error can appear on any discrete graphics card (both Nvidia and Amd/ATI Radeon). Error(dxgi_error_device_removed 0x887a0007, 0x887a0006, 0x887A0002 and 0x887a0005) occurs due to response delay of graphics card if graphics card can’t respond within few seconds Windows Disables It to prevent system from crashing. Some games(divinity original sin 2,battlefield(bf3/bf4),fivem framework, crysis,fifa, arma,armored warfare,hitman absolution,star wars battlefront,some need for speed games/nfs rivals,evolve,call of duty ww2,other steam games) look for discrete graphics card may crash due to this OS error, What is discrete graphics card? Discrete graphics card are stand alone graphics card we buy for computers which are more powerful than integrated graphics also known as dedicated graphics card(for example gtx 970/1070/1080 and RX Vega 56/64 are discrete graphics card), But this can also caused by bug or missing/corrupt settings so we are going to fix it. This solution will work on most windows operating system - Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8, Windows 8.1,Windows 10 and Windows Server(32-bit and 64-bit versions). Even online online game( mechwarrior online)can be affected(dxgi_error_device_removed while checking sync query/dxgi_error_device_removed hardware device removed) like game freezing. Some driver error or improper overclocking can also generate this type of error (device removed-dxgi_error_device_hung/device removed reason dxgi_error_device_hung). We are going to create new DWORD value to fix this problem if it’s software related error on device then it will work on most devices like laptop,desktop and tablets. Sometimes error in directX or openGL can create these types of error(getdeviceremovedreason dxgi error device removed /getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_removed/directx function getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_removed,dx11 error device removed dxgi_error_device_removed,d3d device was removed with dxgi_error_device_reset,directx function failed with dxgi_error_device_removed). Even msdn library error can create these types of error(dxgi_error_device_removed msdn). Some software also rely on dedicated graphics like benchmarking softwares also can get these types of error(3dmark dxgi_error_device_removed).
Follow these simple steps to fix dxgi error device removed
1) Go To Windows Search
2) Search Regedit
3) Right click and select run as administrator
5) Open SYSTEM
6) Open CurrentControlSet
7) Open Control
8) Click GraphicsDrivers
9) Right Click And Select New In Windows Registry
10) Select DWORD (32-bit) Value
11) Type TdrLevel (Write it exactly T and L should be capital)
12) Double click on TdrLevel
13) Make sure value data is 0
14) Now restart your pc
Done! problem solved
dxgi error device removed FIXED
Не запускается в режиме DX12.
Выскакивает ошибка 0x887A0001: DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL
DX11 работает отлично.
На версии 1.0.647.2 DX12 работал.
У меня SLI GTX 780Ti, драйверы Nvidia 368.81.
Возможно из за СЛИ, хотя незнаю. у меня таже версия Ларки и дров, но карта одна(!) и дохлее гораздо (GTX 670), DX12 запускается, работает, но в игре лагает, не сильно но раздражает. на DX11 идёт отлично
SLI не причём, у меня отлично запускается и качество отличное.
Извини за вопрос, просто любопытно. С чего у тебя пукан-то рвало? DirectX 12 не добавляет никаких графических фишек. Раз у тебя на 11-м всё отлично работало, на кой мартышкин хрен тебе 12-й?
Повысилась производительность, к примеру: на DX11 были фризы в термальной долине, на DX12 они пропали.
Здоров. Вчера переустановил винду и случилась такая же проблема. Стоит только выбрать 12DirX в какой-нибудь игре и выскакивает эта или подобная ошибка. Но стоит отключить SLI - всё отлично. До перестановки винды такого не было. Драйвера менял. Не помогло. В чём может быть причина?
Популярная игра Rise of the Tomb Raider обзавелась поддержкой DirectX 12 ещё в марте текущего года, но игроки очень быстро заметили, что долгожданный DX12-режим не умеет работать с более чем одной видеокартой в системе. По всей видимости, труд этот был страшно громаден, поскольку работать с SLI и CrossFire игра в режиме DirectX 12 научилась только сегодня, вместе с соответствующим патчем версии 1.0.668.0.
Помимо внедрения поддержки SLI и CrossFire новый патч также исправляет некоторые ошибки и внедряет дополнительную функциональность. В частности, для видеокарт на базе AMD GCN 1.1 и NVIDIA Pascal была добавлена поддержка асинхронных вычислений DirectX 12, что, в теории, увеличит производительность графической подсистемы.
Дополнение от 22:38 по МСК: представитель компании Nixxes, отвечающей за PC-версию Rise of the Tomb Raider, пояснил, что поддержка асинхронных вычислений добавлена для видеокарт на базе AMD GCN 1.1 и выше.
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