Resident evil hd remaster как убрать курсор мыши
Что умеет: Скрыть курсор мыши. Пропускать анимацию открытия дверей. Показать FPS. Показать шкалу здоровья. Показать внутриигровой таймер.
*в игре F2 вызывает консоль.
**пример: как активировать doorskip мод - прописать в консоли /addon load doorskip а затем прописать /doorskip on
***пример: как активировать automousehide мод - прописать в консоли /addon load automousehide
[CHG] Plugin interface version has changed to 1.01! (Plugins need to be recompiled with the new SDK.)
[ADD] Added configuration options to override the window size.
[FIX] Fixed a bug with the configuration manager not using boolean values properly.
[ADD] Added the hook version to the launcher.
[ADD] The launcher will now auto-close when injection is completed successfully.
[ADD] Added automousehide, doorskip, and speedtimer addons to the release package.
[ADD] Added some more documentation.
[CHG] Changed the Changelog format some.
[CHG] Removed console key configuration from rehdhook.xml, it is now inside of the Default.txt
[ADD] Added screen size overriding allowing users to render the game at any resolution they want.
[ADD] Added screen size aspect resolution overriding too. (Use these features with caution!)
[ADD] Added new screenshot plugin. (Allows plugins to be saved in bmp, jpg and png formats.)
[FIX] Fixed FPS plugin displaying double the fps.
[ADD] Added Direct3DPrePresent and Direct3DPostPresent calls to plugins. (Not added to addons since they can't make use of it.)
[ADD] XRemap plugin is now part of the main release package.
[FIX] Fixed console lines overrunning when newlines are used. (May has have some left-over bugs, we'll see!)
[FIX] Fixed a bug with the configuration manager not loading files properly.
[FIX] Fixed a left-in bug for setting the window to an invalid style.
[ADD] Added /quit as a console command to also exit the game immediately.
[CHG] Changed the way the console is first initialized.
[CHG] Changed the way the console handles when the device is reset.
[FIX] Fixed a bug in the example addon. (Was missin the common require.)
[ADD] Added configuration option 'console_key' to allow users to bind the console to their own desired key.
[ADD] Added key bind commands to the console.
[ADD] Added healthbar addon.
[ADD] Added fps addon. (Displays the current game FPS.)
[ADD] Added mem:AllocMemory to addons.
[ADD] Added mem:DeallocMemory to addons.
[ADD] Added documentation.
[ADD] Added ExamplePlugin.7z which contains an example plugin source code for REHDHook.
У кого-нибудь наблюдается системный курсор по углам в игре? Всё перепробовал, не убирается. Если кто-то найдёт решение - дайте знать, пожалуйста!
Значит, не у меня одного такая фигня.. Видать, недоработали слегка. Надеюсь, пофиксят или народ придумает скоро что-нибудь сам.
Crust Punk
Может не полно экранный режим стоит
Стоит. Причём пробовал разные режимы, в режиме окна та же ерунда почему-то
В стиме многие говорят об этой проблеме, в том числе те, у кого разрешение 1920x1200. У них вообще наверху черная полоса и так же виден курсор, но никто так и не знает что с этим поделать(
Внизу экрана курсор бегает. У меня 1920x1200 (не важно Full или В Окне без рамок). ((
Косяк конечно.
У кого как, видимо. У меня разрешение 1360x768 стоит и наверху курсор при поворотах то появляется, то исчезает. Ужасно это раздражает и портит погружение. Тоже бесполезно ставить режимы экрана, не помогает. Когда теперь выпустят патч и исправят - вообще никакой инфы нет.
Тоже не уверен, однако, если народ будет жаловаться, то, думаю, обратят внимание и поправят. Всё-таки людей немало с этой проблемой. Да, я гуглил недавно и там была тема в стиме. Чувак типа кидает ссылку на эту инструкцию, но у там для 7 винды и 8, а у меня 10 стоит уже давно.
[ADD] Added new configurations for changing the console font family used.
[ADD] Added new configurations for changing the console font size used.
[ADD] Added new configuration for changing the maximum visible line count of the console.
[CHG] The console will now properly align and size to the font used.
[FIX] Fixed an issue that would cause typing into the console at high fps rates to spam keys fast.
[ADD] Added configurations to speedtimer addon.
[ADD] Added new shader to Effects: SinCity
[CHG] Changed the default console key to
(tilde, the button next to the number 1).
[FIX] Fixed the FPS addon displaying incorrectly after the changes to how render calls work.
[FIX] Fixed a bug that would prevent certain keys from being bound to properly.
[FIX] Fixed a bug that would prevent the console from being able to handle bound keys while typing.
[ADD] Added a new addon; fpsfix.
[ADD] Added new texture hooking resolution fix for low-end systems.
[CHG] REHDHOOK_INTERFACE_VERSION bumped to 1.02! (Plugins need to be recompiled with the new SDK.)
[ADD] XRemap has a new configuration option to enforce rumbling.
[ADD] XRemap can now fully block a controller button if the configuration is set to -1.
[ADD] Updated the launcher to include hot-links to open the changelog and documentation folder.
[ADD] Updated the launcher to include a paypal donation button.
[CHG] Changed the icon of REHDHook and the launcher.
[CHG] Changed the look of the closing dialog when you attempt to force-click the game window.
[CHG] Changed the order in which plugins and font objects render. (Plugins -> Font Objects)
[CHG] Changed where plugins are told to render. Instead, Render is now called during Present.
[ADD] Added new plugin 'Effects' which implements post-processing AA effects via SMAA.
[ADD] Added documentation for bundled plugin commands.
[ADD] Added documentation for bindable keys.
[FIX] Fixed a bug that allowed the console to attempt to handle the key that toggles it.
[CHG] Plugin interface version has changed to 1.01! (Plugins need to be recompiled with the new SDK.)
[ADD] Added configuration options to override the window size.
[FIX] Fixed a bug with the configuration manager not using boolean values properly.
[ADD] Added the hook version to the launcher.
[ADD] The launcher will now auto-close when injection is completed successfully.
[ADD] Added automousehide, doorskip, and speedtimer addons to the release package.
[ADD] Added some more documentation.
[CHG] Changed the Changelog format some.
[CHG] Removed console key configuration from rehdhook.xml, it is now inside of the Default.txt
[ADD] Added screen size overriding allowing users to render the game at any resolution they want.
[ADD] Added screen size aspect resolution overriding too. (Use these features with caution!)
[ADD] Added new screenshot plugin. (Allows plugins to be saved in bmp, jpg and png formats.)
[FIX] Fixed FPS plugin displaying double the fps.
[ADD] Added Direct3DPrePresent and Direct3DPostPresent calls to plugins. (Not added to addons since they can't make use of it.)
[ADD] XRemap plugin is now part of the main release package.
[FIX] Fixed console lines overrunning when newlines are used. (May has have some left-over bugs, we'll see!)
[FIX] Fixed a bug with the configuration manager not loading files properly.
[FIX] Fixed a left-in bug for setting the window to an invalid style.
[ADD] Added /quit as a console command to also exit the game immediately.
[CHG] Changed the way the console is first initialized.
[CHG] Changed the way the console handles when the device is reset.
[FIX] Fixed a bug in the example addon. (Was missin the common require.)
[ADD] Added configuration option 'console_key' to allow users to bind the console to their own desired key.
[ADD] Added key bind commands to the console.
[ADD] Added healthbar addon.
[ADD] Added fps addon. (Displays the current game FPS.)
[ADD] Added mem:AllocMemory to addons.
[ADD] Added mem:DeallocMemory to addons.
[ADD] Added documentation.
[ADD] Added ExamplePlugin.7z which contains an example plugin source code for REHDHook.
Pretty much what the title says. I just completed REsident Evil 2 Remaster which ran quite well, mostly at 60fps on 1080p medium.
My spec is Acer Nitro 5, Ryzen 5 2200u 2.5ghz base, RX560x and 8gb RAM (no SSD).
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castcheck your processes while it is running. Sounds like something is eating up your resources.
You can also try downloading the fps fix detailed in REHD entry of the PC gaming wiki:
Ok so I reinstalled and it seems to be an issue of vsync and general optimisation issues? I get like Max 40fps in 720p. This is a machine that lets me run Witcher 3 at 1080 medium 55-60
Cheers for the link though will check it out
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