Pillars of eternity розовые текстуры как убрать
26 мар. 2015 в 10:34
EDIT: Moving the game from my external HDD to my internal SDD seems to have fixed it. Wish I had bought and internal one instead, as this seems to be an issue with a large amount of games. >_>
My game looks like this for some bizarre reason, anyone know why or have the same issue? =(
R9 290 4GB
i7 4790k
Windows 7
Aye, and turning on and off a bunch of different graphic/gameplay settings.
Ah, should've probably tried that before creating a thread on the forum - Will do! ^^ 26 мар. 2015 в 10:46 To me it looks like you have your character highlighted or some setting turned on so they stay highlighted. I don't have the game but I had that same sort of problem with Divinity Original Sin and I think it was just a setting I had wrong if I remember right. 26 мар. 2015 в 10:54
Verifying didn't work sadly. :/
To me it looks like you have your character highlighted or some setting turned on so they stay highlighted. I don't have the game but I had that same sort of problem with Divinity Original Sin and I think it was just a setting I had wrong if I remember right.Yeah, it definitely seems to be related to highlighting as they become pretty much entirely pink when going in to "stealth/scout"-mode. Gonna try one last thing and then I'll probably remove everything and reinstall it. ^^ 26 мар. 2015 в 11:06 Moving the game from my external HDD to my internal SDD seems to have fixed it. Wish I had bought and internal one instead, as this seems to be an issue with a large amount of games. >_> 26 мар. 2015 в 11:34 I have the exact same problem. Purple outlines .. how annoying.. 26 мар. 2015 в 12:17 Is the game installed/located on an internal harddrive? Or the same on as your OS. 26 мар. 2015 в 12:38 26 мар. 2015 в 12:39
EDIT: Moving the game from my external HDD to my internal SDD seems to have fixed it. Wish I had bought and internal one instead, as this seems to be an issue with a large amount of games. >_>
My game looks like this for some bizarre reason, anyone know why or have the same issue? =(
R9 290 4GB
i7 4790k
Windows 7
Interesting, I'm an I.T tech and have no idea why that would be a problem.
You have triggered my curisoity now, time to research lol
26 мар. 2015 в 12:42EDIT: Moving the game from my external HDD to my internal SDD seems to have fixed it. Wish I had bought and internal one instead, as this seems to be an issue with a large amount of games. >_>
My game looks like this for some bizarre reason, anyone know why or have the same issue? =(
R9 290 4GB
i7 4790k
Windows 7
Interesting, I'm an I.T tech and have no idea why that would be a problem.
You have triggered my curisoity now, time to research lol
Haha, nice to peak some interest! ^^ Usually the problem is that the game doesn't even start up, and if it does it often crashes immediately. :)
:( This worked for me, so not sure what your problem might be then.
26 мар. 2015 в 12:44
Interesting, I'm an I.T tech and have no idea why that would be a problem.
You have triggered my curisoity now, time to research lol
Haha, nice to peak some interest! ^^ Usually the problem is that the game doesn't even start up, and if it does it often crashes immediately. :)
Мария Смирнова запись закреплена
Здравствуйте,может кто знает как в дополнении White March и новых локациях избавится от розовых текстур?
тоже самое. решил поиграть в WM, а там все розовое. :(
Когда-то, с пол года тому назад играл - все было нормально.
Haven't played the game in a while but I've been working on a playthrough for Pillars 2. Jumped back in today and as usual the Pull of Eora spell does not load properly and all you get are pink jaggies.
Also jumped into the final boss fight on another save just for fun though and to my surprise a lot of things were missing. My Hammer of Abydon was pink, and pretty much all the high level spells I cast as a Priest also had missing textures.
It was quite the mess frankly. Anyone else experience this lately?
Have the GOG version of the game but uh, yeah, don't even know where to start looking over there.
У меня в пати есть рейнджер с питомцем (волк). С ним случился очень неприятный момент, который я сейчас опишу. После того , как я получил в свое распоряжение крепость Каэд Нуа , решил я значит пойти расчищать подвалы. Прийдя на первый уровень подземелья , я заметил , что вместо портрета волка, появился просто белый фон , как будто пропал в небытие мой питомец, в следствии чего не могу покинуть лакацию- пишет "Вы должны собрать партию перед дальнейшим движением". Через меню замка удалить ренджера из пати не могу , так как подземелье не является частью замка, предыдущий сейв к сожалению в замке Редрика( что не есть гуд. Если кто знает , что делать в данной ситуации , или возможно знает консольную команду по удалению персонажа из группы или перемещению в другую локацию, будьте добры - ответьте. В теории было бы неплохо с помощью консоли попасть в крепость или первыу таверну и оттуда удалить персонажа из группы.
Итак , проблему решил выходом из игры и запуском ее от имени админа. Решение как я понял временное. Погуглив, узнал , что баг распространенный и патч вроде вот вот уже на потходе.
30 мар. 2015 в 7:22Пожаловаться
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