Payday 2 keepers как установить
Всем приветы! Хочу предоставить свою сборку модов для PayDay 2! Все моды проверены, вылетов нету. Работает стабильно, повышен ФПС, качественные звуки, удобный хад, инфо панель во время хайста, вообщем, всё как надо! Ниже будет список всех установленных модификаций, а также их описание. Все моды взяты с сайта LastBullet, поэтому можете быть уверены в их качестве! Скрины прилагаются!
1. Battlefield Sound Pack (Качественные звуки).
2. FEDNet Inventory Icons. (HD картинки в инвентаре).
3. Less Effects (Повышение ФПС).
4.As Boosted As Possible (Разблокировка всех бонусов (например: Скрытность +3)).
5. AutoFireSoundFix (Исправление звука во время автоматической стрельбы).
6. Bot Weapons (Выбор оружия для ботов).
7. Bullet Decapitations (Нанесение увечий (Можно оторвать руку, ногу, голову)).
8. BuyAllAssetsV3 (Купить все активы одним нажатием).
10. CreateEmptyLobby (Создать пустое лобби).
11. Custom laser color (Изменение цвета лазерного прицела (изменить в конфиг файле)).
12. Drag and Drop Inventory ("Возьми и перенеси" предмет в инвентаре).
13. Dynamic Crosshairs (Динамическое перекрестие прицела).
14. Endscreen Skipper (Пропуск экрана начисления опыта и денег).
15. Enemy Health and Info (Инфо о количестве ХП врагов).
17. Hold 2 Pick ("Удерживай чтобы взять" - сбор мелких ценностей удержанием одной кнопки).
18. HoloInfo (Инфо о количестве гражданских, врагов, пейджеров, время сверления/взлома).
19. Lobby Player Info (Инфо о игроках в лобби: навыки, перки).
20. Menu DLC Buy Arena Remover (Убирает желутю надпись о доступном DLC).
21. Meth Helper (Not spammy) (Помогает варить мет).
22. PD2Stats (Статистика игроков).
23. PDTH Hud (Лучший ХАД для PAYDAY 2).
25. Press2hold (Отключает неообходимость удержания клавишы F. Отменить действие: G).
26. Rats Blur Removal (Убирает дым в Варке мета и Крысах).
27. Remember Gadget State (Сохраняет включенным гаджет при смене оружия).
28. Removeexclamation (Убирает (!) возле новых предметов).
29. Skip and Auto-Select (Автопропуск речи Бейна в начале ограбления + автовыбор карты в конце ограбления).
This mod lets you issue various types of order to your NPC teammates, including jokers.
Bots can be controlled while in stealth: host (and only him) can wake up a NPC teammate by calling him with the secondary interaction Stop AI key. By default, you must hold that key for 0.5 sec to prevent waking up a bot by mistake but you can turn this delay off in the options menu.
They can be identified by the icon on the left of a character's name.
Bots won't move at all, even if under heavy fire, and will take back their positions if pushed away.
Use cover
Bots will keep their position but if they take too much damage, they'll withdraw for a moment and go back once their health has regenerated. So a bot placed near a good cover can hold his position for a long time, place 2 of them and no one will pass.
Bots will go from a random cover to another in the navigation segment they're assigned to. Size of navsegs can vary greatly, it's usually between 5 and 30 meters.
Interact with objects
This feature is limited to actions that don't require equipment. It relies heavily on custom waypoints and taking a good look at GCW's options is advised, specifically how to use previous/next waypoint controls.
To prevent abuse, when this feature is enabled, bots regenerate health by chunks of 10% of their maximum health instead of directly being fully regenerated and their grace period is decreased from 0.35 sec down to 0.05 sec (except for SWAT VAN turrets where the original value is kept). These restrictions only apply to game modes that can have interactions (so not Holdout).
Interaction times can be increased in options menu.
Will a bot stay where he's interacted?
That depends.
If the object is still interactable once bot's job is completed (like a drill): yes.
If you let the waypoint used to give the order til a few seconds after the end of bot's interaction: yes.
In all the other cases: no, he'll return to you.
Depending on who is going to be saved, icon colour of a bot having a revive objective can be red (you) or white (someone else).
Assist revive operations
If a character is downed less than 20 meters away, all fixed bots in range will put their current task on hold and come to help clear the place. Then they'll go back to whatever they were doing.
Retrieve stolen bags
Bots can be ordered to hunt a cop who has stolen a loot bag and get it back. This makes good use of when multiple bags are involved.
Add-ons for jokers
If you want to go further regarding jokers modding, Hoppip the Shiny has made some cool stuff so check out his website.
This mod lets you issue various types of order to your AI teammates, including jokers.
- Add new behaviours to all friendly AI (see details below).
- Enhance path of all bots so they get to you faster.
- Fix all pathing issues of jokers so they never get stuck or despawned.
- Support for GoonMod's Custom Waypoints (see more below).
Using GoonMod's Custom Waypoints
To assign precise positions: place a mark, shout at a bot, and he'll go where the mark is.
They are identified by an icon on the left of a character's name.
1/ Stationary
Bots won't move at all, even if under heavy fire, and take back their position if pushed back.
2/ Use cover
Bots will keep their position but if they take too much damage, they'll withdraw for a moment and go back once their health has regenerated. So a bot placed near a good cover can hold his position for a long time, place 2 of them and no one will pass.
3/ Patrol
Bots will go from a random cover to another in the navigation segment they're assigned to. Size of navsegs can vary greatly (usually between 5 and 30 meters).
4/ Interact with objects
This feature is limited to actions that don't require equipment. It relies heavily on custom waypoints, taking a good look at GCW's options is advised (specifically how to use previous/next waypoint controls).
Will a bot stay where he's interacted? That depends.
If the object is still interactable once bot's job is completed (like a drill): yes.
If you let the waypoint used to give the order til a few seconds after the end of bot's interaction: yes.
In all the other cases: no, he'll return to you.
5/ Assist revive operations
If a character is downed less than 20 meters away, all fixed bots in range will put their current task on hold and come to help clear the place. Then they'll go back to whatever they were doing.
6/ Retrieve stolen bags
Bots can be ordered to hunt a cop who has stolen a loot bag and get it back. This makes good use of Monkeepers when multiple bags are involved.
You can give a name to your jokers, so identifying your jokers from other players' jokers will be easy.
Filter shouts influence only primary interaction, ie the "shout/interact" control. Setting it to "all" can be handy if you spam that control to mark cops: you won't mess with bots' assignments.
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XP Bank
Submitted By Undefined 5 months ago
Version 1.2.5 | Last Updated 1 month ago
Main features
- Add new behaviours to all friendly NPCs.
- Enhance path of all bots so they come to you faster.
- Force bots to keep their positions even when you're far away.
- Fix all pathing issues of jokers so they never get stuck or despawned.
- Support for precise positioning.
Using GoonMod's Custom Waypoints
To assign precise positions: place a mark, shout at a bot, and he'll go where the mark is.
Moving efficiently
On top of 's improvements, bots won't be distracted as much as usual when you're in a dire situation, giving medical emergencies more chances to succeed:
You can give a name to your jokers, so identifying your jokers from other players' jokers will be easy.
Filter shouts influence only primary interaction, ie the "shout/interact" control. Setting it to "all" can be handy if you spam that control to mark cops: you won't mess with bots' assignments.
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