Ошибка xml синтаксиса в строке 0 столбец 0 гта 5
В инете поискал, у многих код ошибки либо 15, либо 1005. Не знаю, лично у меня просто 0.
Вот, видно заставку где звуки полиции, выстрелы, и потом логотипы рокстар, а далее ошибка и все. Что делать? Переустановка ОС и игры не помогает.
Таки я вроде сказал, игра не лицензионная, и в гта ONLINE я не играл. Да и к тому же, запуски я проводил с откл. интернетом.
прикол в том что сейчас банят всех кто играет на не лицензионках
Данила Скачков Ученик (156) Как они могут забанить того, у кого нет доступа к инету?
а какая разница? ты качаешь гта с незнакомого сайта разрабы наблюдает за всеми сайтами и банят и сайты тех кто качал
Просто я тоже гамал несколько дней подряд, все шло без лагов в фулл хд на высоких, а теперь вот.
Just covering the most common 'dlclist.xml' errors that can cause all your dlc to stop working/loading & also some guidelines on formatting & avoiding syntax errors.
Note: Reference to capital ('I') or lowercase ('i') apply only to the <Item>/
/</item> parts of the lines. Not to the dlc name or anything else.
No DLC is loading:
If all your dlc has suddenly stopped loading, the most common cause is that there is a line in your 'dlclist.xml' that starts with a capital 'I' in the '<Item>' part & ends with a lowercase 'i' in the '</Item>' or vice versa (<item>/dlc-name-here/</Item> etc).
Capital ('<Item>')/Lowercase ('<item>'):
Both of these will work:
You can have different lines, some with two capital 'I's ('<Item>' & '</Item>'), some with two lowercase 'i's ('<item>' & '</item>'). That's totally fine. They will both work.
Example (all your dlc will load perfectly fine if formatted something like this):
Just make sure not to mix & match capitals 'I's ('<Item>' or '</Item>') & lowercase 'i's ('<item>' or '</item>') within the same line (see below).
Any one or more lines like this, will break 'dlclist.xml' functionality & STOP ALL DLC from loading:
Example (some of these lines will cause your game to not load any dlc):
Easy way to find syntax errors:
If you use 'Edit' (right-click file>'Edit' or 'Ctrl+Enter') to open a file using OpenIV, a '[</> XML]' button will appear at the top when you are in the file. Tap that button & OpenIV will check the file for syntax errors & take you to where it thinks the error is if it finds one. After you fix the error, hit the '[</> XML]' button again to check there isn't more than one & then '[Save]' the file (bottom right).
Note: OpenIV will now also notify you of syntax errors when you attempt to '[Save]' a file after editing it.
Backslashes or Forwardslashes on either side of the dlc name:
These don't matter, in that they can be backslashes (' \ ') OR forwardslashes (' / ') & even if you mix & match in the same line, the dlc will still load perfectly fine.
Example (all this dlc will still load perfectly, even if formatted like this):
Correct general formatting of 'dlclist.xml' file & where to add new lines:
If you're new to GTAV modding, it's not always clear in mod instructions where exactly one should add the dlc line, so just to clarify, it can go anywhere below '<Paths>' but above '</Paths>' & in it's own line is usually best/easiest to read etc.
That's the basics coverered I think but if you find any other common 'dlclist.xml' issues I've forgotten to mention, give me a shout & I'll add them
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)
*XML parsing error at line 0, col 0:
The following tags were not closed:SMandatorypacksDatapaths.
Any helpful tips would be appreciated its really disturbing
You're missing a closing tag for "SMandatorypacksDatapaths". What you need to do is find where it needs to go and put </SMandatorypacksDatapaths>.
Building a bridge.
Be patient with me I'm autistic.
I don't have Discord. Please don't ask.
@QBit07 Thanks for the tips I would appreciate if you elaborate more just so I could know the exact location to fix thanks. Don't really have much experience with open iv just yet
Building a bridge.
Be patient with me I'm autistic.
I don't have Discord. Please don't ask.
@QBit07 Thanks a lot for the tips i was able to save in the dlclist in open iv without the error popping up. However the game stops and return to desktop after launching it
Are you using a custom gameconfig?
Building a bridge.
Be patient with me I'm autistic.
I don't have Discord. Please don't ask.
Since we are talking about syntax in the DLC list, which is correct to use a forward slash or backward slash?
My DLC list has
While yours has
Which is correct because they both work and I keep seeing DLCs with both.
Also I only edit XML files inside of OpenIV only if its one small change. When adding lines or moving lines around I always use Notepad++. Not only for the bulk changing of values but it also has the option to show hidden characters other editors can't see. Most of the time it's just blindly copying DLC lines from a regular txt file.
@QBit07 Hmm am a bit doubtful about it where can I find it and what should I do. Thanks for your time
Custom 'gameconfig.xml':
Pick one that matches your game version here
They are both correct. There's no difference between the way the game reads either
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)
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Проверка XML синтаксиса в Текстовом редакторе OpenIV
Мы добавили полезную функцию в текстовый редактор OpenIV – проверка XML синтаксиса. Эта функция изначально планировалась в нашем текстовом редакторе, но была отложена в связи с нехваткой времени. Когда вы откроете XML, META или PSO файл в текстовом редакторе OpenIV вы увидите новую кнопку XML на вкладке Главная:
Если вы нажмёте на эту кнопку OpenIV проверит XML синтаксис вашего файла и скажет если ли в нём ошибки или нет:
Также, когда вы попытаетесь сохранить файл OpenIV, автоматически проверит его XML синтаксис. OpenIV не даст вам сохранить PSO файл с ошибками XML синтаксиса:
Но, для обычных XML файлов вам будет предоставлен выбор, сохранить файл с ошибками или нет:
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