Ошибка menyoo gta 5
14 янв. 2016 в 3:48
guys whenever i try to play gta v with this mod. The ASI file in the gta v directory just crashes my game and my anti virus (AVG) says "Virus found Win32/Blacked". I have seen lots of people complain about this but no one seem to give a direct answer on how to fix it. So does any actually know how? (i already know it isn't a real virus)
14 янв. 2016 в 4:42
There should be a exception list feature in your Antivirus, add the Files that was removed by the Antivirus and install it again.
Object Spooner is simply the map-making feature of Menyoo PC, a single player trainer/mod menu for Grand Theft Auto V. But over the past year it has grown into much more than that.
You can use Object Spooner to build entire interiors:
Or custom vehicles with props attached:
Or dynamic scenarios involving moving objects, pedestrians, and animations:
Or a combination of any of the above for movie making:
I have used Object Spooner for over a year now, and have been an alpha tester for half that time. In this tutorial I will start at the ground level and teach you everything you need to know, from the absolute basics to stuff I just figured out yesterday. Object Spooner is the most powerful and versatile map making tool that exists for GTA V. I hope that by reading this you'll be inspired to pick it up and eventually make something creative of your own!
One last thing before we get started: if you're not a native English speaker, "Object Spooner" is simply a play on the words "Object Spawner," just as "Menyoo" is a play on "Menu."
The Basics
First you'll need to install Menyoo. This is as simple as downloading it, placing the contents of the rar in your game directory along with a copy of Script Hook V. You will always need the most current copy of the game and of Script Hook V.
Now start your game and press F8 (or whatever hotkey you assign) to open it. Menyoo has full controller support so you can also press Right Button + Left on the d-pad (or its equivalent) as a shortcut.
Scroll down to Object Spooner, and let's get started.
Everything in Object Spooner can be done via menu trees while you're walking around in the game world like you normally would. Or, you can enter "Spooner Mode" which is an aerial camera view with a cross hair.
Spooner Mode is generally easier to use, so we'll start with that. First, let's spawn something.
In GTA V modding, "Entity" is an umbrella term for objects, pedestrians, and vehicles. Let's spawn an object.
That's a huge list, 8,000+ objects. Way too many to sort through, so let's use the search feature and type in "chair"
A much more manageable 160 results. And since Spooner Mode has a built in object preview, we can scroll through the list and look at our choices.
Look for a button prompt to add an object you like to your Favorites. There's also an option to do this in the property menu, which we'll open in just a second.
When your object is in position, press A (gamepad) or Enter (keyboard) to place it on the ground where we've pointed the crosshairs.
Now, there are two different ways you can interact with objects you've already spawned. The first is by using the same system of menus we used to spawn the object. Simply go back to the main Object Spooner menu, and select Manage Entity Database. You'll see a list of objects you've spawned, and a blue arrow will point to whichever one you highlight. Select an object to open the properties menu.
OR, you can use Spooner Mode to select objects with your controller/mouse. Now, this might be a little confusing at first, but to use Spooner Mode this way you have to switch it on and then exit out of Menyoo entirely.
Don't think too hard about it, just do it. And one you've closed Menyoo, you'll find that when you move your crosshairs over an object (and the crosshairs turn green), this dialogue box appears:
We're just learning the basics now, so "Open property menu" is the only one we'll concern ourselves with.
Moving Things Around
There's a whole lot of stuff in the properties menu, a lot of which is self-explanatory. The most important feature is the one at the very bottom: Manual Placement.
This will let you move your entities into exactly the right place, with much more precision than your controller or mouse would allow you in Spooner Mode.
The top option in this submenu is called "Scroll Sensitivity." I recommend setting it to .1000 or .0100 for the x, y, and z axes.
and 10.0000 or 1.0000 for the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw axes.
Vehicles and Pedestrians
Vehicles and peds can be placed just as easily as objects in the Spawn Entity menu.
Deleting individual objects individually is as easy as going to Manage Entity Database, hovering over the name of an object you want to delete, and pressing X button.
Alternately, you can select the object and delete it from the Property Menu. In Spooner Mode, you can move the cursor over the object (look for the cursor to turn green) and press D-pad Left. I don't recommend this last option, as it can sometimes be hard to tell what the cursor is selecting when you do this, and you may inadvertantly delete something you want to keep. There is no "undo" button in Menyoo.
To delete everything in your database, go to the Removal option at the top of the Manage Entity Database menu. Delete All Entities in Database will take care of everything except markers (and we haven't dealt with those yet).
Saving and Loading
Let's pretend that the random smattering of crap we've just laid down is a masterpiece that we want to share with others or continue to work on later. Menyoo's Load/Save options are in the Object Spooner menu under Manage Save Files.
The Waypoint is the point you will be automatically teleported to when you load your map. If you're not using Spooner Mode, you'll have the option to set it to the coordinates you're standing on.
Now whenever you want to load your file for later, just go to Object Spooner > Manage Saved Files > [whatever you named your file]. Then click Load Placements.
Your map is loaded. (Plus, if your map contains certain kinds of chairs, the game will spawn peds sitting in them! Consider it a bonus).
You can also use the Load menu to change attributes of your file, such as changing the Reference Point to your character's position, or setting a default Weather to load when the map is loaded.
Spooner files use the .xml extension. To access your map file, go to [game directory]/MenyooStuff/Spooner
That's all for this introductory lesson, but in the next couple updates I'll get into the meat of what makes Menyoo able to do so much stuff that other mods can't: the Attachment menu. Plus all sorts of other stuff. These posts won't be as pic-heavy once we've got the basics out of the way, I promise.
I'll be able to take questions after I finish all the posts I have planned, because the questions people will ask are probably covered in there. And I've got a ton of stuff to unload here. In the meantime, check out my Youtube channel for some more examples of what you can do with Menyoo.
Dynamic and Non-Dynamic
As mentioned above, the properties menu has plenty of options, most of which are self-explanatory or can be explored with a little trial and error. There are a few, though, that warrant special explanation.
"Dynamic" means that an object can be moved or otherwise influenced by the physics of the gameworld. Non-dynamic objects are frozen in place. (Some trainers call this "Static" but since Menyoo uses a toggle switch, there is no set word for the opposite of "Dynamic." So "Non-Dynamic" is what I'll go with here.)
Setting something to Non-Dynamic is the only way it can be moved above ground level with Manual Placement. This goes for Vehicles and Pedestrians too.
However, you might want to change something's status while you're working. Different types of entities have different reactions to this and it might be confusing at first.
Pedestrians are easy. Set them as Dynamic and they'll instantly fall to the ground.
Vehicles, on the other hand, require some kind of contact with the outside world before they will fall into place. The easiest way to do this is to walk right into them.
Objects will behave the same way as vehicles, with one exception. Some of them will fall to the ground, while others will fall through the ground.
Other items will move around disproportionately for their size (example: a ramp, when driven onto, will just scoot away). For this reason it's a good idea to keep objects Non-Dynamic unless it's an object made to be crashed into or knocked over, like a mailbox or explosive barrel. For an idea of what kind of props work in this way, go into Director Mode's "Scene Creator" and look at the "dynamic" prop category.
You can set whether objects will spawn as Dynamic in the Object Spooner Settings menu.
Another entity property worth briefly explaining is Collision. Collision simply means whether you can move through something.
Turn it off, and.
Easy! This works for vehicles and pedestrians too. However, pedestrians will need to be Non-Dynamic before their Collision is turned off. Otherwise they'll fall right through the ground like the chair in the previous example.
This stuff will be a little more relevant once we get through the next installment: Attaching Entities. (That'll be the fun one. Trust me).
@abstractmode great tutorail thanks
Attaching Objects to Vehicles
This is where we get into the interesting stuff. Let's say you find an interesting prop. Like, say, this snowy digger bucket from the prologue,
Let's throw this onto a vehicle and make a snowplow.
First spawn a vehicle you want to customize. I'm going to use the Tipper dumptruck.
Select the prop, and go to the next to last option in the Property Menu, Attachment Options. Select "Attach to Something" and then pick your vehicle out of the list of spawned entities.
This will attach it to the dead center of the vehicle.
We want it to be at the front, so we'll adjust the Y axis to move it forward, and the Z axis to get it at the right height. You can use the other axes to change its rotation.
When you attach an entity to a vehicle or a pedestrian, you'll have your choice of Bones to attach them to. For Pedestrians, "bone" is meant fairly literally, like skull, arm, chest; for vehicles it means various component parts.
The default bone is the Bodyshell. This is what your object will be attached to when you first attach it. To change bones, you can highlight "Bone" on the Attachment menu.
Either press left or right to use it as a slider, or you can click on it to get a full list of Bones. The list is very comprehensive so there's no guarantee that all of them will work.
I've made tons of these vehicles and 99% of the time I attach everything to the Bodyshell bone. You can adjust the position of your attachments all you want, so there's no need to select the part that's closest; just attach it to Bodyshell and move it where it needs to go (this also makes it easy to line up multiple items that you attach).
Attaching objects to wheels will make them spin, and attaching objects to parts that break off (like a bumper) will make that entity fall off along with the part. Experiment around and see what's the best fit for your project.
Let's look at how our snowplow turned out:
Almost there. As you can see, the prop we've attached is too low and is clipping through the ground. "Clipping" is the term for a 3d object passing through another 3d object (in this case, the ground) when it shouldn't.
The bucket looked fine in the picture above, so what happened? As it turns out, vehicles get lower to the ground when a passenger is inside. So when you're attaching things to vehicles you should take that into account. I left this in because it's an example of how unexpected things can happen when you're playing around with Object Spooner. There's never a 100% certain way to do anything; you're modding, so you're pushing the game to do things it wasn't necessarily designed to. Expect the unexpected, and roll with it.
When you attach an object to something it automatically becomes Non-Dynamic, regardless of whether the box is ticked in the Property Menu. Judging by the above gif, you might think the same thing applies to Collision, but that's not necessarily true. Attachments are very unpredictable when it comes to collision; sometimes collision will work, sometimes, it won't. You can head off uncertainty by turning off Collision once you've attached an object, but there may be some uses for it that make you keep it on, such as attaching a ramp to the front of a truck.
You can also attach vehicles to other vehicles. This isn't something I have a lot of experience with, but a lot of modders love it. It allows you to take the styling cues of a larger vehicle and superimpose them over a smaller one. For an example of this, watch this guy's video tutorial:
(Skip to 9:20 for the hot car-on-car action).
Saving Vehicles
When you're ready to save your creation, you have two options. You can save what you've made as a Spooner file using the method described in the first entry. Or, if everything you want to save is already attached to the vehicle, you can create a Saved Vehicle that you can spawn anywhere you go, rather than one single location.
To save a vehicle, go to Vehicle Options > Vehicle Spawner > Saved Vehicles > Save Current Vehicle.
Script Hook V - есть
В гта 5\онлайн запрещены ЛЮБЫЕ МОДЫ,
если лицензия, и у тебя есть, допустим, машина замененная, но ты играешь только в офлайн, все равно прилетит бан за использование модов.
Так что лучше поскорее удали)
Я в онлайне, не собирался играть. Почему-то Native Trainer работает, но он
мне нафиг не нужен потому-что в Menyoo больше возможностей.
У того кто на ютубе играет с лицензией в GTA V этот мод запускается. MYRKA, Raily и т. д.
Сюжетку я прошел, и уже нехрен делать. В онлайн не особо хочется играть, тоже делать нечего.
Евгений Раптиров Мудрец (18699) Тогда вообще в неё не играй. Модами игру не улучшишь. А если и улучшишь, то этого хватит на минут 5
На YouTube посмотри как правильно устанавливать моды.
Menyoo нужно скопировать в папку игры.
Script Hook туда-же.
Если запускается, то не работает.
Если может быть работает, то гта не запускается.
GunGSta Мыслитель (5614) Скачай пиратскую GTA V и с ней экспериментируй!
28 апр. 2018 в 8:33 So, I've downloaded everything: ScripthookV, Native Trainer, dinput8.dll, Menyoostuff, and menyoo.asi. One issue. I just checked for menyoo.asi and I know realize that it's been disappearing. Even when I do put it back, when I enter the game F8 doesn't work. When I press F8 it brings up the GTA V menu (you know, with the map and setting options etc) but when I press Fn F8 it brings up my character select screen. 28 апр. 2018 в 8:52Just now dropped in scripthook straight off the website (and native trainer) -
then menyoo ontop - both F4 / F8 work as they should and open the menus.
(this is into a vanilla gtav folder - there are no other mods)
menyoo.asi - is definitely not disappearing on it's own over here.
Make sure antivirus/security app isn't cleaning it up. -.-
Could also try changing the default menu key -
look in the menyoo readme for instructions.
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