Ошибка max payne exception in engineinit
When I start max payne 2, the options box comes up and when I click play, it gives me the following error.
Exception in engineInit:Unable to load save game "Payne". File does not exist or it is not a valid savegame file.
This happened the first time I tried to start the game. I have been able to start the game and play for a few hours but not sure how. Today, I am getting the same error and it won't let me start the game.
Anybody know how to fix this or what is causing the problem.
I am running an
AMD Athlon 1600+
Geforce4 ti4400
Windows XP
512meg ram
Thanks, judging from the similarity of the post we already got the Tech Support Tool diagnostics of your computer.
Is there anything "strange" about your "My Documents" folder? Eg, the disk is out of space, or the folder is read only or something like that?
Thanks for responding so quickly.
I have 8.5gig of hard drive space free, so that isn't it. I checked to see of My Documents folder is read only and it was.
I unclicked the read only button on the My Documents folder so it wasn't read only, but after a few minutes it went back to read only.
What can I do to fix this? I am running Win XP pro.
Since I am using WinXP pro, I thought I should mention that where my documents folder is located.
C:\Documents and settings\Jim Love\My Documents\Max Payne 2 Savegames
I'm not sure you needed to know that, but thought I'd give it to you just in case.
Also, I uninstalled Max Payne 2 and reinstalled it and it worked the first time I tried it. Played for a couple of hours and then the next time I went to play the game I got the same error above. I uninstalled it again and reinstalled it and it allowed me to play again, but only on the first time I started the game. The 2nd time I went to play I got the error again.
I hope I don't have to keep uninstalling and reinstalling the game every time I want to sit down and play for awhile.
I think I have figured out the problem. There seems to be something wrong with the startup icons that the game creates on install. When I checked the properties of the icon for max payne 2, the target drive and location of exe file was in c:\Progra\ (Shouldn't this be Program Files and not have any "
If I went to the game directory and double clicked the Max Payne.exe manually, it would start the game every time. If I clicked the icon on the desktop created by the game install, it would give me the above error.
Not sure how that happened but game seems to run fine now when I manually double click the exe.
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Установил игру, при запуске выдает ошибку (Exception in engineInit:Unable to load save game «Files». File does not exist or it is not a valid savegame file.) нет папки для сохранения и не запускается.
Windows 10 64 бит
Помогите устранить!
Путь к папке сохранений был другой, на момент выхода игры. Создай папку для сохранений по пути, необходимому игре
нажми правой кнопкой мыши на макс пейна, зайди в совместимость и убери совместимость с виндой 98 если стоит, в моём случае такая манипуляция помогла или пробуйте поменять совместимость, так же во время установки в некоторых старых играх можно попробовать поставить совместимость на установщик с версией винды на которую их выпускали, с некоторыми играми мне такая манипуляция помогала )
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13 июн. 2020 в 11:50Не запускается игра(классика). Windows 10. Ошибка "Exception in enginelnit: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID"
Доброго времени суток! Раньше игра запускалась, работала четко. Но вот последний раз она начала меня слать. Что происходит: Проходит вступительный ролик, экран загрузки перед меню и вылетает следующая ошибка
"Exception in enginelnit: X_SharedDB: Weapons "empty" and "empty" had same ID".
Переводчик сказал: "Исключение в engineinit: X_SharedDB: оружие "пустой" и "пустой" имели одинаковый идентификатор".
Что может быть?
When I start max payne 2, the options box comes up and when I click play, it gives me the following error.
Exception in engineInit:Unable to load save game "Payne". File does not exist or it is not a valid savegame file.
This happened the first time I tried to start the game. I have been able to start the game and play for a few hours but not sure how. Today, I am getting the same error and it won't let me start the game.
Anybody know how to fix this or what is causing the problem.
I am running an
AMD Athlon 1600+
Geforce4 ti4400
Windows XP
512meg ram
Thanks, judging from the similarity of the post we already got the Tech Support Tool diagnostics of your computer.
Is there anything "strange" about your "My Documents" folder? Eg, the disk is out of space, or the folder is read only or something like that?
Thanks for responding so quickly.
I have 8.5gig of hard drive space free, so that isn't it. I checked to see of My Documents folder is read only and it was.
I unclicked the read only button on the My Documents folder so it wasn't read only, but after a few minutes it went back to read only.
What can I do to fix this? I am running Win XP pro.
Since I am using WinXP pro, I thought I should mention that where my documents folder is located.
C:\Documents and settings\Jim Love\My Documents\Max Payne 2 Savegames
I'm not sure you needed to know that, but thought I'd give it to you just in case.
Also, I uninstalled Max Payne 2 and reinstalled it and it worked the first time I tried it. Played for a couple of hours and then the next time I went to play the game I got the same error above. I uninstalled it again and reinstalled it and it allowed me to play again, but only on the first time I started the game. The 2nd time I went to play I got the error again.
I hope I don't have to keep uninstalling and reinstalling the game every time I want to sit down and play for awhile.
I think I have figured out the problem. There seems to be something wrong with the startup icons that the game creates on install. When I checked the properties of the icon for max payne 2, the target drive and location of exe file was in c:\Progra\ (Shouldn't this be Program Files and not have any "
If I went to the game directory and double clicked the Max Payne.exe manually, it would start the game every time. If I clicked the icon on the desktop created by the game install, it would give me the above error.
Not sure how that happened but game seems to run fine now when I manually double click the exe.
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