Ошибка 210 teso
209/210 - Patch Manifest Error
This error occurs when selecting the EU server. Users instructed to uninstall/reinstall client.
First of all I'm playing on the NA megaserver and getting this error.
Second, if I have to reinstall this game after every god damn patch you roll out, I'll be downloading the bloody game for half of the 30 days included playtime and I'm gonna run up my download bandwidth for this month. The game is what, 20GB to download? I don't know the correct size, but it's 30GB on my drive right now.
I'm not willing to go through that because you CAN'T bloody patch the game correctly.
I have better things to do then sit here and be angry about a bloody game not working, there more fish in the sea so to speak. Heck I'll just go back to playing Skyrim again. At least that works!
Subscription canceled! Which is another *** you guys let loose LOL. Thank god I used PayPal and didn't get charged right away like so many others.
If you get that error, close the launcher, restart it - press Game Options, click Repair. It should fix it. Okay, I'm not psychic so didn't realise that. Browse to ESO folder in c:\program files (x86)\zenimax and look for the patchdepot folder (under Elder Scrolls Online -> Game, I think). Delete contents. Repair.I know and I'm sorry for snapping at you. It is definitely not your fault. And thank you for trying to help.
Though I can't find that folder. Also I installed the game on my D drive under "Zenimax Online". There is a depot folder in D :\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\depot . do you mean that?
No probs. You're on the right track, but there's a patch folder somewhere but I don't know exactly where (not at my ESO PC now). If you can find the patch folder, rename it (it has a bunch of ZIPs in it). That causes the patches to redownload.Unfortunately no such thing as a patch folder here . There aren't many folders at all in there.
Also no luck in the %appdata% folder on the C-drive or the ESO folder in My Documents.
Do you have a folder with two files with 'version' in the title?Looks like I'm gonna have to reinstall after all . But this will be a one-time thing, I can promise you that Bethesda. If it happens again your game gets uninstalled again alright, but I won't be reinstalling it.
Gonna do it later tonight before I go on night shift.
Well, whatdaya know . more problems:
1. simply unistalling from the launcher and then reinstalling doesn't work, I got the same error
2. so I uninstalled everything and downloaded the launcher again and installed that
3. which worked fine and now after launching I get this (see screenshot) and THAT'S IT.
Are you kidding me!?
Oh and what the hell is this, when I started the installation of the launcher, not the game itself no, just the installation of the launcher, it switched to fullscreen suddenly ( I was like WTF ) and showed some dev logos like an intro for the game itself.
How full of yourself you have to be to add a GOD DAMN intro to your launcher installation. Considering the state of this game you should be happy that you don't have people pillaging your offices for christ sake. Better put some work in the actual game instead of crap like that.
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Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
Ping test failed!
Computing statistics for 2 seconds.
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0/ 1 = 0% |
1 1ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
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0/ 1 = 0% |
3 9ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
4 18ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
5 18ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
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0/ 1 = 0% |
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0/ 1 = 0% |
9 --- 1/ 1 =100% 1/ 1 =100%
0/ 1 = 0% |
10 37ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
Where is the end game? You just played it.
Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
Where is new content? Sigh.
Computing statistics for 1 seconds.
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0/ 1 = 0% |
1 --- 1/ 1 =100% 1/ 1 =100%
0/ 1 = 0% |
2 16ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
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0/ 1 = 0% |
4 17ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
5 20ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
0/ 1 = 0% |
6 --- 1/ 1 =100% 1/ 1 =100%
0/ 1 = 0% |
7 17ms 0/ 1 = 0% 0/ 1 = 0%
Сидел играл решил сходить подмыть яйчишки,возвращаюсь хочу зайти вот тебе брат на похавай "Пахому привет" ошибка манифеста 210,думаю ну ладно попробую целостность игры проверить и после этого у меня уже 2 день вечная загрузка.Или вы мне делаете качественную игру в постоянным доступом в любое время или я буду с вами судиться по поводу некачественного продукта. Решайте свои проблемы с малым бизнесом Steam и Bethesda но игру мне запустите,я соберу достаточно людей с такой же проблемой и мы вас обольём нечистотами как и вы нас. 7 окт в 9:56
Бро (по нику не называю, мало ли обижу)))), пробуй сее:
Перезагрузка и пробуй. Возможно, что-то из этого стоит, тогда система известит об этом.
7 окт в 12:21Бро (по нику не называю, мало ли обижу)))), пробуй сее:
Перезагрузка и пробуй. Возможно, что-то из этого стоит, тогда система известит об этом.
Спасибо мужчина,но не вышло у меня все обновления установлены( 7 окт в 12:41Бро (по нику не называю, мало ли обижу)))), пробуй сее:
Перезагрузка и пробуй. Возможно, что-то из этого стоит, тогда система известит об этом.
Для тех у кого с утра была аналогичная проблема решение нашлось в установке именно его.
7 окт в 19:45 7 окт в 19:59Увы, не вижу твоего компа и не знаю хода твоих действий, но все у кого 7 64 разрядная винда выполнили по-порядку следующие шаги:
Установка обоих КВ обновлений, сверху ИзиФикс, перезагрузка и запуск.. Клиент пару минут тупит и после появляется кнопка "Играть". 7 окт в 20:12
Сорян, немножко терпения и все заработало, была отключена служба Центр обновления Винды, включил и встали корректно обновы.
Увы, не вижу твоего компа и не знаю хода твоих действий, но все у кого 7 64 разрядная винда выполнили по-порядку следующие шаги:
Установка обоих КВ обновлений, сверху ИзиФикс, перезагрузка и запуск.. Клиент пару минут тупит и после появляется кнопка "Играть".
Сорян, немножко терпения и все заработало, была отключена служба Центр обновления Винды, включил и встали корректно обновы. Вопрос в том, что что конкретно помогло из трех пунктов))))?
7 окт в 20:21
Сорян, немножко терпения и все заработало, была отключена служба Центр обновления Винды, включил и встали корректно обновы.
Увы, не вижу твоего компа и не знаю хода твоих действий, но все у кого 7 64 разрядная винда выполнили по-порядку следующие шаги:
Установка обоих КВ обновлений, сверху ИзиФикс, перезагрузка и запуск.. Клиент пару минут тупит и после появляется кнопка "Играть".
Сорян, немножко терпения и все заработало, была отключена служба Центр обновления Винды, включил и встали корректно обновы. Вопрос в том, что что конкретно помогло из трех пунктов))))?
Все вместе. Ибо начиная с утра ставили одно, потом второе, а заработало все после всех трех)
КВ обновляют сертификаты, 10 справилась сама, а с семеркой пришлой поплясать с бубном)
Волчонок Хаэру запись закреплена
А что делать с:
Error 210 - PatchManifestError_DowloandFail
Unable to dowload patch manifest. This could be from a recent update. If this problem persists for more than an hour,please run the Game Consultant Tool and contact customer support . KB Article
Висит уже несколько дней,после обновы появилась.
Волчонок, надо скачать файл манифеста и все будет збс. Потом не нужен будет репаир
Дмитрий, так а я к чему пишу-где этот файл взять,куда засунуть его
У меня через раз такая ошибка вылазит, но не обращаю на неё внимания, жду появления кнопки Плей и играю.
Саша, ну дык у меня из-за неё обновить не может уже неделю как.
Волчонок, сделай поиск на стене по слову "манифест", уже писали об этом где-то.
Тоже интересно. Если ответят тут - стукни и мне пожалуйста. Кстати это на маках тоже всплывает
Саша, писать то писали,а ответа толком не нашёл.Лишь ненужная ссылка на офф сайт и непомогающий совет запускать от имени админа.Через файл,а не лаунчер запускать не могу-из-за этой фигни обнову не качает,без обновы в игру не войти.
Please run the steps in this article and let us know if it helps. If not, we'd be happy to continue working with you!
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online StudiosFacebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base
i got the same thing going on right now. nothing in that link helps. even from desktop to launcher being functional takes like 5 mins to load, then i get no option to play or repair. then the 210 error pops.
and yes, the link to the manual patch is broken in that link.
after deleting the ProgramData files it now will not reach the functional launch dashboard screen whatsoever. just cycles though the pictures with no top menu or news links at all.
We went ahead and created a support ticket for you for this issue. A support representative will be with you via email shortly. Thanks for your patience!
We checked the link and it seems to be working from our end, but just in case anyone else experiences the same issues, we'll post the content in a spoiler below.
This error occurs when the launcher cannot download a patch manifest file from our servers.
Once downloaded the file should be placed in the ProgramData folder of the launcher directory (by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher\ProgramData).
If they are able to download from the link above and still receive this error, or if they are not able to resolve the links above, but can access other internet sites, impacted players should contact customer support.
If the problem persists, players should attempt the following manipulations in this order:
Running as Administrator
1. Right click on the launcher icon.
2. Select Properties.
3. Click on the Compatibility Tab.
4. Check the box that says Run as Administrator.
5. Click Apply, then Ok.
6. Try to run the the client.
Repair the game client
1. Click here for instructions on how to repair the game client.
2. Restart the computer after running the "repair."
3. Try to run the the client.
Deleting the program data
1. Navigate to the patch installation folder (by Default located at C:\Program Files (x86)ZenimaxOnline\Launcher).
2. Locate and delete the ProgramData folder.
3. Restart the Launcher.
4. The Launcher should now display "Creating Download." This is normal as the launcher begins the regeneration process. It can take anywhere between 21-30% before the launcher switches to "Downloading Game Files."
5. Try to run the client.
If the issue remains, customers should contact Customer Support for further assistance.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online StudiosFacebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base
ugh..bypassed launcher, but now it says client out of date. which it might be, i haven't been on in 3 days.
launcher repair button finall showed up after 20 mins of leaving launcher up, but the repair can't connect to anything either.
come on help me out man.
here's the report errors from the Game Consultant:
MoveFile(C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher\ProgramData\Host.dc170dba81ddf1d6d35f51b7e692cc50f4a4ccba\ba64b60aadecb38544f285f42442ba51ec7099bd.patchmanifest.partial, C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher\ProgramData\Host.dc170dba81ddf1d6d35f51b7e692cc50f4a4ccba\ba64b60aadecb38544f285f42442ba51ec7099bd.patchmanifest) source does not exist
there about 2-3 dozen of each of these errors repeatedly written at the end of the report.
Hey there folks,
Please try deleting the programdata folder in the ESO installation folder and let us know if it helps. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Navigate to the patch installation folder (by Default located at C:\Program Files (x86)ZenimaxOnline\Launcher).
2. Locate and delete the ProgramData folder.
3. Restart the Launcher.
4. The Launcher should now display "Creating Download." This is normal as the launcher begins the regeneration process. It can take anywhere between 21-30% before the launcher switches to "Downloading Game Files."
5. Try to run the client.
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yeah i moved all my info to here.
stated a couple times deleting those files only makes the launcher slower to fail, not correct itself.
If that isn't working, you can try reinstalling the launcher to resolve the issue.
To do this, head to the installation folder for ESO. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online. If it is not in the default location, make a note of where the installation folder is. This will be important later!
In the Zenimax Online folder, there will be a folder called Launcher. Right click on this folder, select Rename, and name the folder Launcher.old. This will ensure that the files are still there, but will allow a reinstall to work correctly.
This is where the installation location becomes important. The installer will ask for an installation location. You'll want to use the Zenimax Online folder that already exists. If it's in the default location, you won't need to change anything. If you chose a custom location, you'll want to make sure that you change it in the installer.
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