Night of the dead как включить русский язык
AI, Multiplayer Improvement and Optimization
- Changed so that it is no longer possible to escape from the official server.
- The server is automatically initialized according to certain conditions.
In case user rarely connected (5 days)
- Zombie wave is automatically initialized according to certain conditions.
When there is no user connected (2 days) or when user rarely connected (3 days)
If wave defense is never successful (2 days)
- Corrosion functionality is added to buildings on teams that have not been connected for a long time.
Decrease by 5% every day after 10 days of game time
- The drop rate of the animal intestines of the rabbit's corpse has been increased.
- The spawn rate of the Stag has been increased.
- Items are also auto combined when you sort them in the chest.
- When disassembling at the workbench, the maximum number of disassembling has been changed to be limited depending on the inventory remain.
- When a building is destroyed, a material box appears instead of materials.
- Changed animal corpses to disappear faster.
- Changed items on the ground to disappear faster.
- Changed the sleeping bag's build detection.
- Changed the collision detection of the bait trap.
- Changed the quick save function of the dedicated server to work the same as the player server.
- The trigger range where zombies spawn has been decreased.
- The animal's hearing system has been improved.
- The noise system has been improved. When there is a difference in height or there is an obstacle, the degree of perception of noise is reduced.
- Some UI changed. (Crafting, Settings, Server Info)
- UI effects have been applied.
- A warning popup is an output when deleting a saved game.
- A warning popup is an output when exiting the game.
- A keypad icon has been added.
- Changed inventory tooltips to not leave the game screen.
- Changed the item acquisition notification so that it does not cover the inventory.
- The position of the buttons has been changed to be coherence.
- The depth of the camera has been adjusted relative to the FOV.
- Changed the judgment of the attack that was not normal.
- Interaction behavior has been improved.
- Fixed the camera would shake in certain situations.
- The team name is displayed when viewing other team buildings.
- For other teams, all interactions except for opening/closing doors, entering passwords, storing items, and writing posts have been changed to be impossible.
- If there is no input in the chat window for a certain period of time, it will be deactivated, and if there is input, it will be activated.
- Areas that cannot be built when other teams' buildings are present are increased.
- Team names are limited to 30 characters.
- The zombie's hearing system has been improved.
- The zombie vision system has been improved.
- The overall functionality of zombies has been improved.
- Added ability to call nearby zombies when Screamer screams.
- The range of rotation decreased when the zombie was attacking.
- The priority for the bait trap has been changed.
- Giant zombies have been changed to attack buildings better.
- Screamer has been changed to activate aggro on bait traps.
- Zombie's escape range has been changed to be narrower.
- The zombie in combat has been changed so that it cannot escape to inside the building.
- Zombies have been changed to perform ranged attacks in the direction they are facing.
- The chance of zombies will respond to the zombie's scream has been decreased.
- The optimization has progressed.
Foliage optimization
Building destruction simulation optimization
Item simulation optimization
Corpse simulation optimization
Trap optimization
Zombie optimization
- Fixed some awkward localizations.
- Fixed the issue that the maximum number of thrown weapons was not affected by the ammo bag.
- Fixed the issue that Trap's Modify HUD was displayed when a Claw Hammer was equipped.
- FIxed the issue that zombies would disappear when built a player's building nearby a building.
- Fixed the issue that the LED light was not displayed even though it was operating normally when charging the battery.
- Fixed the issue that the zombie hitting sound was playing on the Minigun Turret.
- Fixed the issue that caused tiles to appear where lights were built.
- Fixed the issue that that skeleton indicator did not work properly when loading a game after 20 days.
- Fixed the issue that the wave start message was not displayed when loading a game after 20 days.
- Fixed the issue that the wire could not be connected to the Trap Door's socket with 0 remaining counts.
- Fixed the issue that the traps with 0 remaining counts appeared to work when the game was loaded.
- Fixed the issue that the hit detection remained even after using the flamethrower.
- Fixed the issue that the left mouse button click was maintained when open the system menu in single player mode.
- Fixed the issue that the small animal trap caused a physical collision with the animal corpse.
- Fixed the issue that the reloading sound of the gun was low in the TPP environment.
- Fixed the issue that equipped bullets disappeared when upgrading the Spike Launcher and Trebuchet.
- Fixed the issue that the obstacle determination function of ranged-traps.
- Fixed the issue that items fell under objects such as cars and paper boxes.
- Fixed the issue that the Grinder's build detection.
- Fixed the issue that the trap could receive settings even when the Trap Controller was turned off.
- Fixed the issue that the Trap Controller settings are could not be received normally under certain circumstances.
- Fixed the issue that that tearing animal corpses.
- Fixed the issue that the building team name was pushed to the left under certain circumstances.
- Fixed the issue that the zombie could come through the Gate.
- Fixed the issue that the +10 Lightsaber was displayed as a Two-Handed Lightsaber.
- Fixed the issue that the wave in progress would end when loading a saved game.
- Fixed the issue that the wave did not work properly under certain circumstances.
- Fixed the issue that the electric LED of the battery connected to the generator was not displayed properly in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that the electric LED was not displayed properly if the Trap Controller was turned off when the game was loaded in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that electric lights could not visible in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that the Plasma Shocker seemed to be running continuously in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that items were floating in the air in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that the first hit could not hit natural objects in the client environment.
- Fixed the issue that the client's projectile effect was not displayed.
- Fixed the issue that a problem occurred in certain areas of the subway.
- Fixed the issue that the message log was continuously displayed when entering the subway on a dedicated server.
- Fixed the issue that Molotov Cocktail attack power was different from the tooltip.
- Fixed the issue that the subtitles of inventory and research tooltips for some languages were not displayed properly. I was on you tube and saw alot of trap that i dont have. How do I get the new traps. they are alot more tables and work benches. How do I get thiese new things in my game? what is the quantum chip for. Please help, An introduction to the game and a bunch of tips and tricks. Aiming to cover most of the core gameplay. Night of the Dead: Beginner Tips and Understanding Basic Mechanics
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 5
ну по трейлерам выглядит круто,купил,скачал
Начинаю новую игру. Построил халупу 2х2 метра,всё по заветам майнкрафта,ночью пришла толпа. Разворошили и халупу и моё очко
Начинаю новую игру. Повезло,нашёл арбалет и катану,узнал про ловушки,зачистил хату застроил все выходы ловушками и пережил ночь. Молоток не скрафтил,ловушки не сломать, ресов нет,с хаты больше не выйти
Начинаю новую игру. Пережил 4 ночи,всё идет просто отлично, ставлю линию из мех ловушек.Нашёл калаш и 1к патронов, 5ую ночь спокойно переживу. Ехидные пауки так не думают, уже спустя минуту от начала волны фундамент на котором и стояла вся моя линия обороны сгорел так как не был улучшен. Дверь сломали, завалились в дом и вставили калаш мне в анус как будто я Дмитрий Нагиев.
Начинаю новую игру.
Первая ночь прошла максимально легко, изучены только самые важные перки, Копьё с максимальным апгрейдом, ловушки выставленны так, что сам Кутузов поставил бы +rep. Вот только старые мёртвые сейвы глаза мазолят,надо удалить. Мышка razer ультует даблкликом удаляя абсолютно все сейвы.
Начинаю новую игру.
Zombie survival build-it tower defense game. Can be difficult if you do not know what to do in time for the first night when the horde comes to you. I made it through the first night, but i think subsequent nights will be tougher.
Sincerely and objectively? People who are recommending this game are doing people a disservice. It isn't something people should spend money on yet. We shouldn't pay people to beta test their super broken, totally unfinished stuff all the time. This should still be alpha.
Beta testing shouldn't be about getting people to pay you so you can finish the game. You should have the capitol before you start the endeavor.
I saw one person recommended the game but it said that he had the PRODUCT REFUNDED. LOL Why are people recommending this? It's rude to recommend this game to people. It's unethical.
People who are recommending this game DO NOT even play it as there's no multiplayer; no one is playing on any of the tens of official servers. So why are they recommending the game if they're not even freakin playing the game?? No one is playing the multiplayer anyway. Maybe all of the fan boys recommending this super unfinished, janky UI, super unbalanced, survival game where you don't hunger or have thirst game in single player mode. They like playing super broken games in single player apparently because there has got to be a reason that they're recommending the game but NO ONE, not even one person besides me for the 40 minutes that I played was on ANY of the official servers. what are they recommending?
I wanted to like this game. I would play the game if I wanted to play a single player survival game but I don't like doing that. I want to play pvpve survival. If there were other people playing on the servers it'd be something I'd "beta test" but as it is life is short and I'm not wanting to spend my time being some strangers' beta test monkey. There are a lot of finished games out there to play instead.
If you want to pay strangers to be their beta test monkey but never having a functional and fun experience this game is great for you.
Otherwise, with no multiplayer and inconsistent UI functionality (switching weapons/tools is inconsistent) with harvesting functionality and balance totally janky right now you're not going to have fun. I saw one zombie stuck in a building for the 40 minutes that I played. Otherwise I was just running around wondering why the UI was janky as I gathered a ton of mushrooms which had no real purpose because as far as I could tell I had no thirst or hunger requirement to meet in my survival game, got iron ingots from destroying 50 gallon barrels with my knife. yeah that's a thing and I could haul massive quantities of logs and stone. had to be at least a ton or more sometimes that I was holding and sprinting around with.
The game is not playable unless, like I said you enjoy paying strangers to be their beta test monkey.
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Русификатор текста для игры Dead of Night (полный перевод игры)
Размер: 27 мб
Авторы перевода: CHAOS!
Описание игры:
Dead of Night — это игра в жанрах экшены, приключения и инди, разработанная Aaron Cochrane. Она была выпущена в 2017. Её издателем выступила компания Aaron Cochrane.
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Установка русификатора для игры Dead of Night:
2. Закинуть файлы в папку ДИСК:locales Dead of Night.
3. Запускаем игру.
Полноценный русификатор для игры Dead of Night. Переводит текст в игре, субтитры, элементы интерфейса и активирует русский язык в игре.
Сам русификатор может активировать уже интегрированный перевод в игре, а также загрузить дополнительный перевод в Dead of Night. Также в русификаторе присутствуют доп. файлы ini в которых заменены строки перевода c language=eng на language=rus. Русификатор создан профессиональным сообществом переводчиков и качество перевода одно из лучших.
Если вы зашли на эту страницу, вы скорее всего искали рабочий русификатор Night of the Dead. Здесь вы можете скачать русификатор для версии игры 1.0 и выше.
Русификатор текста для игры Night of the Dead (полный перевод игры)
Размер: 18 мб
Авторы перевода: DiViNE
Описание игры:
Люси приходит в себя после некоего эксперимента и обнаруживает, что оказалась заточённой в городе, кишащем зомби.
Количество скачиваний:
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Установка русификатора для игры Night of the Dead:
2. Закинуть файлы в папку ДИСК:locales Night of the Dead.
3. Установить русификатор Night of the Dead.
4. Запускаем игру.
Полноценный русификатор для игры Night of the Dead. Переводит текст в игре, субтитры, элементы интерфейса и активирует русский язык в игре.
Сам русификатор может активировать уже интегрированный перевод в игре, а также загрузить дополнительный перевод в Night of the Dead. Также в русификаторе присутствуют доп. файлы ini в которых заменены строки перевода c language=eng на language=rus. Русификатор создан профессиональным сообществом переводчиков и качество перевода одно из лучших.
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