My time at portia как включить dlc
29 мая. 2020 в 11:08
How is everyone dealing with the DLC items when you first start the game? I don't have the room, and not sure how to move them around so I'm not leaving a pile in front of my mailbox.
29 мая. 2020 в 11:55 I don't know how everyone does it, but you should be able to build a storage box pretty soon.29 мая. 2020 в 12:22
My hands and inventory are full of just DLC things. lol. I get the impression that those items shouldn't be picked up until you have places to put them in?
I'm guessing at this point I need to restart and not open my mailbox DLC until I have a place to store the stuff. :-)
29 мая. 2020 в 13:26 What I did was move away from the mailbox, put on the outfit I liked, Gathered the wood for the storage, dumped clothes in and then picked up the rest. And then made another storage cause I think it filled the first one. 29 мая. 2020 в 13:42My hands and inventory are full of just DLC things. lol. I get the impression that those items shouldn't be picked up until you have places to put them in?
I'm guessing at this point I need to restart and not open my mailbox DLC until I have a place to store the stuff. :-)
That's the smartest solution. It is a bit unfortunate that the dlc items take up so many inventory spaces. 29 мая. 2020 в 16:58 In my second attempt after buying the DLC I simply left the outfits in the mail.I didn't need them right away so they stayed in there until I had the storage boxes set up. Well hindsight is always 20/20. 29 мая. 2020 в 22:15
Dev should see this.
If you equip some stuff and pick up more clothes, you are trapped/screwed.
Reload a game after 5 min of play feels a bit. Did you guys tested you game ? or should I refund it already ??
It is pretty unfortunate. The dlc was added away after release, but it would make more sense if the player received the items perhaps one week into the game or something like that. 30 мая. 2020 в 1:16 It is pretty unfortunate. The dlc was added away after release,That's no excuse, it's still complete rubbish.
but it would make more sense if the player received the items perhaps one week into the game or something like that.
That won't fix it either -- I don't know when I discovered storage boxes, but I think it was later than that. Yes, the game relies heavily on people getting information from external sources, but that's a design issue as well, not an excuse.
There are several ways it could be done. The DLC clothing could simply be "sold" by Carol for 0 gold, with a quest-like marker so players know their DLC is there.
Or the clothing could be delivered with or inside a storage box. The box could just be in the yard/house with a quest-like marker, instead of being in the mail.
Or the mail would not even offer the "accept" button unless you have a certain number of free slots -- and include additional text to tell you about this condition.
Or. or. or. I'm not even a game designer, and I've produced three possible solutions without even having to think about it.
Александръ, да, я тоже обошлась без генератора, он нафиг не нужен ) Просто отдай его потом в музей.
У меня тоже самое с Мали и квест на горячие источники не могу выполнить. На ютубе смотрел, там на воде должны быть постройки, а у меня просто вода. Не знаю что делать дальше. Уже всю рыбу выловил и императорскую и королей- удочку искусную с иссл. центра подарили. Пока собираю реликвии на раскопках. Жду обновы, может что-то изменится. Скачал GOG версию, а она мои сохранения не видит и требует DLC. У меня уже 49 лвл. Заново проходить не охота, тем более на GOG версии 1.1.5. игра уже в самом начале вылетела, поэтому сомнения, что дальше не будет тех же косяков. В общем жду обновы на CODEX.
Дим, у меня все тоже самое, думаю решение в стим ее купить, это троллинг наверное
Аурелия, спасибо :) А что за фабрика, где она находится?) пила уже улучшена до универсальной)
подскажите как сделать снимок яркой площади?Я уже с разных ракурсов фотаю и что-то не засчитывают.Даже там где галочкой показывается всё равно не получается.
Евлампий, тесто в блендере и ещё с жуков убитых какая-то фигня падает, забыл как наз.
Евлампий, но площадь ведь эта?Если она при фото показывается галочка,то походу эта и даже днём фоткал чтоб она яркая была.С разных сторон пробовал,но не получается сфоткать
у меня площадь,которая на фото выше,на карте именуется центральной.А вы пишете,что вам нужна яркая
Яркая-это там где фонтан,название такое,а не степень освещенности)
Подскажите как в телевизоре менять каналы. Поставил тумбу под тв и сам телек на него поставил. Включил его и каналов нету.
Илья, Для этого вам нужно записи. Записи можно добыть в заброшенных руинах. Так же вы можете в корневой папке, заменить видео, которое вы хотите.
Аурелия, я пробовал вставить видео в папку (видеостриминг) как-то так она называется и в телике нету его, а вот которые находились кассеты вот они и проигрываются. Одна даже про игру из стима.
Ник, это пока неизвестно, но подозреваю, что когда основные работы над локализацией будут официально завершены. И пожалуйста, прекратите спамить в каждой теме.
Спасибо.Спамить больше не буду,просто подумал что так быстрей получу ответ.
Денис, я в шоке, но это связано с сюжетной линией Джиджер. По крайней мере, первые три отзыва, причем первый из них, достаточно большой, аргументирован. Китайские игроки очень плохо восприняли тот самый поворот.
My Time At Portia
15 окт. 2019 в 18:13 I purchased the new Player Outfits dlc a few hours but so far the game has not updated. I've tried several things to get it to but I'm thinking maybe you guys didn't actually update the game to include the new outfits? I'm all out of ideas. HELP 15 окт. 2019 в 18:22 That's what it is seeming like. At first I was under the impression that some people were getting it to work, and for some reason most of us couldn't, but now I realize no one is actually able to play the DLC. One of the staff members said they would "let the team know" and that was 6-7 hours ago. Really starting to think the game isn't updated/doesn't have the DLC at all, or that maybe the DLC listing was put up prematurely. 15 окт. 2019 в 18:30The new DLC should be up and running, can you confirm if you are still having trouble in seeing it in your game?
Team17 Support
17 окт. 2019 в 5:57 Yes, it's working now for me, thanks! I mentioned it working in another thread about it but I should have done that here as well. Yes, it's working now for me, thanks! I mentioned it working in another thread about it but I should have done that here as well.That's more than fine psicon, thank you for the update!
Team17 Support
20 окт. 2019 в 13:14 Yes, it's working now for me, thanks! I mentioned it working in another thread about it but I should have done that here as well.which thread? My wife does not work with the DLC yet. And she does not know how to solve it. Do you have to turn on something extra or how is the DLC running and the NPCs are wearing other clothes?
Thanks for help, if someone would please bother you again. :-)
Yes, it's working now for me, thanks! I mentioned it working in another thread about it but I should have done that here as well.which thread? My wife does not work with the DLC yet. And she does not know how to solve it. Do you have to turn on something extra or how is the DLC running and the NPCs are wearing other clothes?
Thanks for help, if someone would please bother you again. :-)
Hi Brüllmücke!
To confirm that the DLC is installed, simply click on the game in your Steam Library and scroll down to the DLC section. In here, you can check if the DLC is installed. If it's completely missing, you can click on "Find more DLC in store" and just add all the ones that are missing.
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