Mass effect как запустить на windows 8
Hi, I just bought mass effect trilogies, and I can't seem to start the game up. I've install the game and all, but when I press on the logo, I just see a origin start up sync, after nothing. I did try to run with windows xp or 7 compatibility, but it doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated, since the game cost me 60$ TXH!
Mass Effect Trilogy on Windows 8
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I just bought Sonys latest VAIO E Series Laptop. its runs and Windows 8 and the guys at geek squad told me its specs are more than enough for the games requirements. after installing part one I can't seem to start it up. is it because of windows 8? please tell me what to do?.
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Answer in message 4:
"Thanks for your help, I did the following. I ran Steam\SteamApps\common\Mass Effect\Binaries\MassEffect.exe once in the Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode, then disabled it. It now runs perfect."
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I'm having the same issue. I had a retail copy of the game purchased when it was initialy released. Could not get it to start on windows 8 pro 64 bit. Since all the "solutions" i found on the web involved either steam or origin, i went ahead an purchased another copy from origin, but the problem persists on this copy aswell. The compatibility settings worked previousely on win 7 (since initialy the game had problems with that to) but now they just don't. So lucky me now i've got two non functional copies of the game.
Another issue i have is with the Bring down the sky DLC, which doesen't even install. I tryed both with my previous key from my other copy of the game, and with the one found here , but the result is the same after the key validation the install stops randomly giving one of the following messages: "Instalation Failed" or "Instalation caneled".
This is really frustrating i really want to be able to play this game. That's why i bought a second copy of it since everyone was saying the origin version works. Please help.
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March 2013 - last edited March 2013
Have you done what I did on my Win8 Pro/64-bit rig?
1. Create a desktop shortcut to the game launcher ("\ <user's game program path> \ MassEffectLauncher.exe ")
2. Right-click on it and choose "Properties" at the bottom.
3. Click the "Compatibility" tab at the top. (You can actually do steps 2-3 during step 1.)
4. Check the "Compatibility Mode"' box and select "WinXP (SP3) from the drop-down. (NOTE: For this kind of thing, I click the "Change for all users" first so that the change will work for everybody on my machine, even though no one else uses it regularly.)
5. Start the game from the shortcut instead of from the EA/Origin client.
(While one can apply the "Compatibility Mode" setting directly to the program file, I found that ME1 still wouldn't launch from my EA/Origin client, even though it does on my Win7 /64-bit machine.)
Working fine for me doing it that way (although Origin still thinks I haven't played ME1 at all. mileywink: )
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March 2013 - last edited March 2013
Nope it does not work for me. I've tried all compatibility settings with no results. running allways as admin no results, Uac disabled no results, set exceptions for the game's 3 exectutables in both firewall and data execution prevention still no results.
I should allso mention that my other copy (the one i purchased the first time it was available on pc) worked great on vista, and worked on win 7 64 bit with the mentioned compatibility settings. But now on win 8 it does the same as the new copy i bought on origin. I only bought the second copy becaust ppl were saying the origin one works and i tought it was updated or something but nope it's the same. I should allso mention that I'm runing origin as an administrator since otherwise my Mass Effect 2 and 3 behave the same as mass effect 1.
It doesent annoy me that I purchased another copy that allso doesen't work, the annoying part is that i really love these seeries and that i cannot play it .
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с Mass Effect 2 (2010). Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Mass Effect 2 (2010).
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Решение проблемы запуска Mass Effect 1 на W7/Vista и W8
У меня была такая проблема: на Висте не запускался МЕ1, лопатил не долго, но решение такое: пропатчил МЕ1 - это первое и восьмое: надо зайти в Стим как администратор: на иконке Стима нажать правой кнопой мыши -> Свойства -> закладка Совместимость и тут надо поставить галочку Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора.
Что именно помогло: патч или заход в Стим под Админом. - точно сказать не могу, но оно работает.
Mass Effect™ издание Legendary
14 мая в 9:49 Ну вот купила за 3500 и получила ♥♥♥♥♥♥ без масла. не запускается любая часть 14 мая в 9:50 Аналогичная проблема. Не уходит дальше выбора части 14 мая в 9:51 у вас хоть запускается)у меня вообще нет ни лого ни выбора)) 14 мая в 9:52 14 мая в 9:52 Аналогичная проблема. Не уходит дальше выбора части Интересно, а кто-нибудь уже разобрался с этой проблемой..потому что я единственное, что сделала на данный момент - это запустила проверку файлов..а там уже хер знает 14 мая в 9:52 у вас хоть запускается)
у меня вообще нет ни лого ни выбора)) 14 мая в 9:53 Либо в имени учётки винды есть символы типа "öäü", либо видоус дефендер блочит игру, либо ты с такой проблемой, решение которой ещё не нашли. Я из третьих. 14 мая в 9:54 Аналогичная проблема. Не уходит дальше выбора части
Интересно, а кто-нибудь уже разобрался с этой проблемой..потому что я единственное, что сделала на данный момент - это запустила проверку файлов..а там уже хер знает
Не работает этот метод. Кто-то говорит, что проблема решается иным путем: нужно имя пользователя Винды на английском сделать, лол
I have Mass Effect on Steam and since doing a fresh install of Windows 8, I'm unable to play it. I have tried comepletely disabling UAC and restarting my computer. I select "play," my computers is busy for a moment, and then absolutely nothing happens.
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March 2013 - last edited May 2013
"how to do run it on compatibility mode??"
1. Create a desktop shortcut to the game launcher ("\ <user's game program path> \ MassEffectLauncher.exe ")
2. Right-click on it and choose "Properties" at the bottom.
3. Click the "Compatibility" tab at the top. (You can actually do steps 2-3 during step 1.)
4. Check the "Compatibility Mode"' box and select "WinXP (SP3) from the drop-down. (NOTE: For this kind of thing, I click the "Change for all users" first so that the change will work for everybody on my machine, even though no one else uses it regularly.)
5. Start the game from the shortcut instead of from the EA/Origin client.
(While one can apply the "Compatibility Mode" setting directly to the program file, I found that ME1 still wouldn't launch from my EA/Origin client.)
Found that I had to set the EA/Origin client to "Run a Administrator" to be able to launch the game when clicking "Play" from within "My Games".
That's it! mileywink:
Oh, and of course, one needs to apply the 1.02 patch in order to run the game on Win7 or Win8!
See this topic: [Information] Mass Effect 1 and Windows 7 - You need patch 1.02 to play , which is pinned to the top of this forum .
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