Mass effect 1 ошибка rendering thread exception
I STILL have a "good old problem": The "Rendering thread exception".
- Everything is up to date!
- I have Mass Effect 1, via Origin (newest installation), with all patches and DLC's of course
- File: No brow fix for female NPC's (from the MEUITM site)
BUT: I had this problem two years before, when I played WITHOUT any mods, too.
I tried really a lot of things. All this:
- Chance a few things in the BioEngine.ini(written in the MEUITM mod information)
- Double check for typos or format errors in the "BioEngine.ini"
- Game compatibility WinX (service Pack3) & as administrator (or try comp. Win7)
- Starting game NOT via origin and the MassEffect.exe (not launcher), from Binaries folder (Launch as Admin by using the MassEffect.exe)
- Ingame: No Hardware Sound
- In /program files/Mass Effect/Binaries locate the OpenAL32.dll and wrap_oal.dll files, Rename OpenAL32.dll to OpenAL32.bak, Rename wrap_oal.dll to OpenAL32.dll
- If that don't helps, make sure the game is closed > rename the "BioEngine.ini" to
"old_BioEngine.ini" > start the game (don't change the "BioEngine.ini") > test.
- making a Repair in Origin
- Don't skip cut scenes.
Thanks and Greetings
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May 2017 - last edited May 2017
I found something that relates specifically to your error in conjunction with your mods:
Let us know if that helps you, thanks.
Oh, it looks like you may have tried this
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Could you post a dxdiag file? The most common cause for this is unsupported hardware / driver.
Could you also disable the mods just to be absolutely sure they're not the cause? It may be possible it was caused by something else two years ago.
There's also one specific mission that triggers this error. It's the one on the Citadel where the guy near Flux wants you to get some drugs for him at Michele's clinic. If that mission is active, finish it as quickly as possible.
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May 2017 - last edited May 2017
I made a copie of ALL my vanilla files . I thing I could try to chance them and look then.
I will try to make a dxdiag file.
- I crashed talking to Garrus for the first time, BEFORE I tal kto the council for the first time.
- I crashed when I talked for the first time with the council.
- I crashed talking with Udina and Anderson AFTER the council.
- I crashed when I talked to the Volos vendor in the market.
- I crashed talking to the barkeeper . when you leave the human embassy you dont go to the left (lake), you go du the right (behind the friendly asari). There is a little bar. I think you can meet Nassana here, but right now she don't talk to me. 3 times. Every time I try to speak with him.
I was NOT near the Flux right now . I just arrived at the council .
But Eden Prime was great . everything was all right. And I chanced NOTHING between Eden Prime and the Citadell.
This EA information about making a dxdiag File is GREAT! Didn't know that EA have such good tutorials. What can I do with this really large file now?
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Here my dxdiag File.
Thanks a lot
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right now I'm still "working" on the problem. I have re-installed EVERYTHING. And I have done something . don't laugh: I have started the game through Origin and NOT through the MassEffect.exe (C / Binaries folder). Till I start the game through Origin I dit not had this problem again (WITH mods). BUT: I checked it just for about 5 or 6 times.So: It's NOT sure.
I will update my experience here for other users, who may have this problem, too.
Attention: The Origin updates for Mass Effect 1 sometimes takes a bit. Happen to me that the Update came some time AFTER the installation. I installed the mods directly after the game installation. And than I was surprised when Origin updated the game. If this happen: You have to re-install ALL the mods again (especially MEUITM).
(Sorry for my english )
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May 2017 - last edited May 2017
I still have the bug. Just happen AFTER I talked for the first time to the council.
I don't understand it: I had the Bug without any mods 2 years ago, with an Nvidia Grafikcard. Now I have the same bug, but this time I have mods, meanswhile I made a "Format C" and I have a (newer) AMD Grafikcard. SO I don't think it have something to do with the Grafikcard or the mods.
Friends of mine play the game and NEVER have this bug . I don't understand .
Somebody have an idea? Please.
EDIT: I just try to play in Compatability with Win7. Again the bug.
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May 2017 - last edited May 2017
New day, new fun with my personal bug
- I tried this one, don't work:
It's this line: TEXTUREGROUP_Environment_1024=(MinLODSize=4096,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=-1)
Scale back the MinLODSize value to 2048:
And it should work now. If it doesn't work, try a lower value for either the Min or Max value, whatever works for you.
I made the comp. to Win Vista.
All together a bad idea, I still have the old bug and a few new bugs, too. I "remade" it and the new bugs are gone. Old bugs are still here . I would miss them .
Idea: Installing the Patch 1.2 manual. Can't start the Patch Installer cause he don't find the .exe. (I know - the Patch should be incluted in the version now . but I could give it a try).
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May 2017 - last edited May 2017
It could be . that I have a solution . I played today about 4 hours on the citadel without an crash . I have installed everything new, but I thing the solution was this here. I quote:
"Additional graphical improvements can be had with the following Bioengine.ini tweaks (these are not required to run the mod and these tweaks will work with vanilla Mass Effect)
Important: bioengine.ini tweak to fix many normal maps in the game without requiring TexMod. This file is located: x:\\Users\\xxx\\Documents\\BioWare\\Mass Effect\\Config
Find the following 3 entries:
And change them to:
TEXTUREGROUP_Character_Spec=(MinLODSize= 256 ,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
This will allow you the highest detailed normal maps the game can render without needing TexMod which allows me not to have to modify many many normal maps.
Dynamic Shadow Fix
Use the following Bioengine.ini tweaks:
Find the following entries:
DepthBias=0.030000 or(0.012 if you restored to pre-official 1.2 patch values)
And change them to:
The error I made - Attention please:
The 4 lines to chance at the "Dynamic Shadow Fix" are NOT togehter. The last line stands alone (search a little bit). And all 4 lines have to be chanced TWICE!! Two times.
Mass Effect (2007)
21 апр. 2013 в 7:58 I downloaded it and it keeps crashing a LOT. I re-installed it with the same problems.I started the game as admin. It helped a little bit, but it still crash a lot.
My computer is good enough for the game. 21 апр. 2013 в 11:46 a) saying "my computer is good enough" doesnt help you or us. we need specs.
b) I've played through the game 10 times on win7. The problem is in your system. 21 апр. 2013 в 14:22
I have got serious problems with game saves. The game itself works stable. But saving a game is allways risky. I never know if the game save is corrupt or not. I allways save three times a game when saving once (maybe the issue occure because my documents are stored on a net share).
My sound is very creapy (read about problems with Creative X-Fi cards.
But exept thows two no-go Errors the game works fine.
23 апр. 2013 в 9:25I have the very same issue. My system runs every other game on it perfectly, and Mass Effect runs very smoothly until it all of a sudden freezes and I get this message:
"Rendering thread exception:
General protection fault!
History: OpenAdapter() Address = 0x8eeb720 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\igdumd32.dll]
OpenAdapter() Address = 0x8ef0fb0 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\igdumd32.dll]
OpenAdapter() Address = 0x8eea274 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\igdumd32.dll]
OpenAdapter() Address = 0x8ef0ce5(filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\igdumd32.dll]"
I'm running on a toshiba with intel core i7, this game randomly crashing is the only issue I've had with gaming. I hope the error message helps.
Mass Effect (2007)
23 янв. 2019 в 7:17 23 янв. 2019 в 8:08In case you didn't: You must install DLC before the mod or this will happen. Please follow the video on the mod page if using MEUITM installer or seek help on AL0T discord if using the AL0T installer.
Что-то с DirectX, связано попробуй обнови DirectX, должно помочь.
Victor coy
ну, при загрузке и установке бэтса в стиме директ обновляется автоматом. Стоит KIS 2015, пробовал выключать, аналогично. Теперь же при вылете из игры, потухает монитор, переходит в режим ожидания как при выключенном РС, и картинка не появлется пока не перезагрузишь. Дьвольщина какая-то
Паша Ленкевич
Ну тогда скачай пиратку и попробуй на ней поиграть, может и получиться.
Victor coy
опечатался, у меня 4гб ОЗУ, может это быть связано с данной проблемой?
Паша Ленкевич
У меня на 8 гб озу такое было пару раз за время прохождения,но ничего игру прошол в чём причина была сам не понял
Паша Ленкевич
Да нет вряд ли, я же тебе говорю попробуй скачать пиратку и на ней запустить.
Несколько дней назад приобрёл-таки себе Arkham Knight, но игра время от времени вылетала с ошибками как у автора темы. Менял настройки туда сюда, но толку мало. Потом взял и отключил защиту в реальном времени у "Защитник Windows" и выкидывать перестало. по крайней мере пока вылетов не было. Даже производительность стала лучше - сейчас буду понемногу повышать настройки, а там погляжу что да как из этого выйдет. По крайней мере уже не вылетает. аллилуйя, мать её.
У меня стоит другой антивирус-потому защитник виндовс отключен-вылеты происходят регулярно(стим лиц)единственное что заметил это вылет четко после смерти-если не умирать то можно играть весь день нормально
сжечь консолоту
похоже на то, что причины для вылетов у каждого свои. Вычитал, что похожая ошибка была у владельцев GRID, где стояла защита SecuROM. Возможно это так и есть, так как Denuvo вроде бы от этих же разработчиков. Лично у меня опять появились вылеты: то с ошибкой, то без.
Удали DirectX,visual c++,затем почисти реестр,а потом уже устанавливай по новой,мне помогло.
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