Mad max ошибка d3d device lost
4 фев. 2016 в 2:43
\\\Error, D3D Device Lost\\\
"device removed, Reason : DXGI_ERROR_HUNG: Graphics device stopped responding. There might be an infinite loop in a GPU program. Please verify that the latest graphics device drivers are installed."
Window 7 Home Premuim, 64-bit SP1
CPUs: intel i7-3770@ 3.30
GeForce GTX 660 Ti 4GB
DirectX version: 11.0
Driver version: 361.75
PS:I try to reinstall it 3 times. It don't solve my problem.
Please help.
If you have nvidia card than this option is available in geforce experience application and if you have amd card then its available in amd overdrive application.
where do i find the options? 27 сен. 2016 в 6:37
And you can also use third party application like afterburner suggested by another user.
27 сен. 2016 в 20:09And you can also use third party application like afterburner suggested by another user.
thanx im new to all this even tho i did a computer class haha we never learnt this stuff
Experience is the best knowledge. ;-)
well i tweaked something idk haha but when i load mad max using my gpu it now goes black and screws over my pc :'( 28 сен. 2016 в 10:04
I was overclocked 150MHz on the core and 500MHz on VRAM on my Gigabyte 980 WF3 which has a factory overclock. Clocked down to 100MHz and 400MHz respectively. Havn't had a crash since. The 150/500 have been stable in all my other games so I think its kind of strange that it would crash Max. I will report back if I have another CTD.
@chikenman8881 just revert your settings. I would recommend MSI Afterburner which I am using. Its pretty straightforward to set a negative core clock and/or mem clock. The number will be subtracted from your default clock. MSI Afterburner also has some nice settings for saving overclock profiles and fan speed profiles. It will also record temperature clock and fan speed numbers and display the on a graph for troubleshooting.
28 сен. 2016 в 18:39I was overclocked 150MHz on the core and 500MHz on VRAM on my Gigabyte 980 WF3 which has a factory overclock. Clocked down to 100MHz and 400MHz respectively. Havn't had a crash since. The 150/500 have been stable in all my other games so I think its kind of strange that it would crash Max. I will report back if I have another CTD.
@chikenman8881 just revert your settings. I would recommend MSI Afterburner which I am using. Its pretty straightforward to set a negative core clock and/or mem clock. The number will be subtracted from your default clock. MSI Afterburner also has some nice settings for saving overclock profiles and fan speed profiles. It will also record temperature clock and fan speed numbers and display the on a graph for troubleshooting.
30 мая. 2016 в 1:56In first a game lanuch after Mad Max relase works for me just a fine but for now it's not working any more. After launch i got a black screen & this kind of error:
Error, D3D Device Lost!
Device Removed, Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: Grapich device stopped responding. There might be an infinite loop in GPU program.
Please verify that the latest graphics device drivers are installed.
-And after that Mad Max stoped working & crash.
All others my a game was working just fine, just like this Mad Max in first time but, not any more. I was verify my game & have lates drivers on my old Grapich card what not was still too old to play this kind of games but, im not know why, this game not working any more.
I don't have any more detail for that & i don't give my hardware spect for that problem but, if there is any solution avaible or coming update then i like to hear that, thanks.
24 июн. 2017 в 5:11I already did all these obvious things. I tried everything I found here and in others forums. Many people have the same problem without solution. It's happening only with Mad Max and Just Cause 3, curiously both developed by Avalanche Studios. ive never had any proplems with just cause 3 weird 25 июн. 2017 в 19:39
Downloading MSI Afterburner and Underclocking my Card (Lowering Power Limit by -7 so it's currently on 93) has fixed this crash error for me. Just played it for an hour without fail.
Also made sure GeForce Experience doesn't do that double resolution then scaling it to match your monitor, make sure it's set at your screen resolution.
23 июл. 2017 в 6:17 ok i think the game crashes when nvidia experience optymalize your settingsjust rollback settings in nvidia experience and run the game,it work for me 23 июл. 2017 в 6:32 ok i think the game crashes when nvidia experience optymalize your settings
just rollback settings in nvidia experience and run the game,it work for me
Glad that worked for you but it wouldn't help those who were using AMD graphics cards. They wouldn't have Nvidia Experience installed. 23 июл. 2017 в 10:45 now game start even with optimal geforce settings
do you try delete setings in C:\Users\user\Documents\WB Games\Mad Max\Backup Saves ? 30 июл. 2017 в 10:11
In first a game lanuch after Mad Max relase works for me just a fine but for now it's not working any more. After launch i got a black screen & this kind of error:
Error, D3D Device Lost!
Device Removed, Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: Grapich device stopped responding. There might be an infinite loop in GPU program.
Please verify that the latest graphics device drivers are installed.
-And after that Mad Max stoped working & crash.
All others my a game was working just fine, just like this Mad Max in first time but, not any more. I was verify my game & have lates drivers on my old Grapich card what not was still too old to play this kind of games but, im not know why, this game not working any more.
I don't have any more detail for that & i don't give my hardware spect for that problem but, if there is any solution avaible or coming update then i like to hear that, thanks.
What worked for me:
1. Prevent Windows to download drivers automatically:
2. Unistall GPU drivers.
3. Download the latest drivers from your GPU manufacturer (in my case it was Nvidia).
4. As you run the driver setup, select: Custom installation > Perform Clean Install
31 июл. 2017 в 1:32In first a game lanuch after Mad Max relase works for me just a fine but for now it's not working any more. After launch i got a black screen & this kind of error:
Error, D3D Device Lost!
Device Removed, Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: Grapich device stopped responding. There might be an infinite loop in GPU program.
Please verify that the latest graphics device drivers are installed.
-And after that Mad Max stoped working & crash.
All others my a game was working just fine, just like this Mad Max in first time but, not any more. I was verify my game & have lates drivers on my old Grapich card what not was still too old to play this kind of games but, im not know why, this game not working any more.
I don't have any more detail for that & i don't give my hardware spect for that problem but, if there is any solution avaible or coming update then i like to hear that, thanks.
What worked for me:
1. Prevent Windows to download drivers automatically:
2. Unistall GPU drivers.
3. Download the latest drivers from your GPU manufacturer (in my case it was Nvidia).
4. As you run the driver setup, select: Custom installation > Perform Clean Install
Hope it helps.
As most people are using windows 10, you cant stop windows 10 anymore from downloading driver updates, they removed it from the home edition and the pro version will follow eventually, but its only possible in the pro version. (group policy settings)
Mad Max: "Error, D3D device lost".
Error, D3D Device Lost!
Device Removed, Reason: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: Grapich device stopped responding. There might be an infinite loop in GPU program.
Please verify that the latest graphics device drivers are installed
Если кто сталкивался с такой ошибкой, и решил эту проблему, помогите мне решить, очень хочу в mad max поигпать, заранее спасибо
Или с драйверами что то не так, обнови их или переустанови текущие
Точно она не сломалась, так что как эта ошибка уже 3 раз
Алексей Мазур Мастер (2414) Скорее всего перегрев, мне лично помогло.
- Если вы включали разгон GPU, экспериментировали с настройками в MSI Afterburner — попробуйте вернуть исходные настройки.
- Проверьте, исчезнет ли ошибка, если в панели управления NVIDIA включить «Режим отладки» (включается в главном меню в разделе «Справка»). В режиме откладки отключается в том числе и заводской разгон видеокарты.
- Зайдите в панель управления NVIDIA (можно использовать поиск в панели задач Windows 10 и Windows 11: просто начните вводить NVIDIA Control Panel) и в разделе «Дисплей» попробуйте отключить G-Sync (или оставить функцию включенной только для полноэкранных приложений), примените настройки и перезапустите игру.
- Вручную скачайте с официального сайта доступные драйверы NVIDIA (используйте отметку «чистая установка» при установке), AMD и, обязательно, — драйверы интегрированного видео при его наличии, например — Intel HD Graphics. Затем, используя утилиту DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) и отключившись от Интернета, удалите имеющиеся драйверы, а после удаления — установите ранее скачанные драйверы. В случае NVIDIA рекомендую не устанавливать NVIDIA GeForce Experience, пока не будет ясно — исчезла ли ошибка.
- В панели управления NVIDIA можно в разделе «Управление параметрами 3D» — «Программные настройки» можно вручную задать, какой графический процессор использовать для игры: установить вместо «Автовыбор» опцию «Высокопроизводительный процессор NVIDIA». А если в этом случае ошибка сохраняется, а игра не требует серьёзных мощностей GPU, попробуйте, наоборот, выбрать «Интегрированное графическое оборудование».
- Согласно некоторым отзывам, ошибка может возникать, когда в Windows включено масштабирование, отличное от 100%. Подтвердить не могу, но проверить стоит (масштабирование меняется в параметрах экрана, там же где разрешение экрана).
- В случае ноутбуков, когда ошибка возникает из-за проблем с переключением графики, иногда может сработать установка старых драйверов дискретного и интегрированного видео с сайта производителя ноутбука для вашей модели.
- При использовании разгона оперативной памяти на вашем компьютере, попробуйте отключить его.
- Для игровых ноутбуков возможна ситуация, когда ошибка возникает при пиковых нагрузках и работе от батареи или при недостаточной мощности блока питания (особенно если он менялся на аналог).
- В некоторых случаях на ноутбуках наблюдается следующее поведение: ошибка D3D device being lost присутствует при использовании встроенного дисплея (который физически подключен к интегрированному видео), но исчезает при подключении внешнего монитора через HDMI (при условии, что аппаратно — это выход дискретной видеокарты).
И ещё один возможный метод исправления ошибки An Unreal process has crashed, Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost — изменить параметр TdrDelay, отвечающий за время ожидания видеокарты:
- Нажмите клавиши Win+R, введите regedit и нажмите Enter для запуска редактора реестра.
- В редакторе реестра перейдите в раздел
- Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши в правой панели редактора реестра, выберите Создать — Параметр DWORD.
- Задайте имя параметра TdrDelay затем дважды нажмите по параметру и установите значение 10 в десятичной системе счисления.
- Закройте редактор реестра, перезагрузите компьютер.
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