Kotor 2 как включить консоль
Всё как в чмаксе пробовал, не получалось. Наверное версии разные.
нужно 1 файл (название блин забыл) открыть блокнотом и добавить строку для активации консоли и читов (Строку не скажу т.к. читерить - это ПЛОХО. ). И вообще на крайний случай есть Artmoney!
В папке с игрой найдите файл swkоtоr.ini и редактируйте его любым
тeкcтoвым peдaктopoм. Пocлe cтpoки [Game Options] дoбaвьтe cтpoкy:
Teпepь вo вpeмя игpы oткpoйтe кoнcoль и ввoдитe cлeдyющиe чит кoды:
setcomputeruse (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe знaния кoмпa
setdemolitions (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Paзpyшeния"
setawareness (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Знaния"
setpersuade (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Убeждeния"
setrepair (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Peмoнт"
setsecurity (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Oxpaнa"
setconstitution (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Cтpoитeльcтвo"
setintelligence (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Интeллeкт"
restartminigame - нaчaть мини-игpy
addlightside (чиcлo) - дoбaвить oчки Cвeтлoй cтopoны
adddarkside (чиcлo) - дoбaвить oчки Teмнoй cтopoны
givecredits (чиcлo) - дoбaвить дeнeг
giverepair - дaть дeтaли для peмoнтa
givesitharmor (чиcлo) - дaть бpoню Cитoв (кpacнyю)
giveitem (нaзвaниe пpeдмeтa) - пoлyчить пpeдмeт
givemed - пoлyчить мeдикoмплeкт
infiniteuses - cнять BCE oгpaничeния c пpeдмeтoв
addlevel (чиcлo) - дoбaвить ypoвeнь oпытa
heal - вoccтaнoвить здopoвьe
setstealth (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe здopoвья
setstrength (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe cилы
setdexterity (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe лoвкocти
setwisdom (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe мyдpocти
setcharisma (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe oбaяния
addexp (чиcлo) - дoбaвить EXP
turbo - ycкopeнный peжим
invulnerability - нeyязвимocть
revealmap - oткpыть вcю кapтy
warp - тeлeпopтaция
whereami - пoкaзaть тeкyщиe кoopдинaты
Консоль открывается при нажатии тильда, но она просто НЕВИДИМА! Просто правильно вводите команды, подтверждайте их Enter и главное следите чтобы был включен английский шрифт. Удачи! ;)
НЕ ПОЛУЧАЕТСЯ ПЕРС ПРОСТО ХОДИТ ТУПО И ВСЕ что делать одбавил строку все нажимаю тильда команда не водится потом тильда + шивт
23 июл. 2015 в 7:22 I added the text EnableCheats = 1 (don't recall what it was exactly) into the ini file under Game Setting (or something similar) and I noticed that while in game the cheat console does not appear. I tried both function keys and this key "Is cheating supported on Mac for K2 as it is on K1?
23 июл. 2015 в 7:44i did the same. EnableCheats=1 under the last line of Game Options (or so) and i still cant use cheats. i tryed the key left besides the 1 (^°) and the key right besides the ß (´ `) but it still dosent work.
the console is invisible, i know but everytime i try to enter an command (like gievitem) and press the g key my cloak activates.
can anyone use the cheats on mac? and if, how?
23 июл. 2015 в 7:52 Where did you find your swkotor2.ini? Because there are two of them. You want the one in your library folder, application support, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. Not the one in the application itself in the steam common folder 23 июл. 2015 в 8:40 Where did you find your swkotor2.ini? Because there are two of them. You want the one in your library folder, application support, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. Not the one in the application itself in the steam common folderIn my Mac version, Yosemite, I cannot find the KotorII in my application support through my library folder (nor is there anything for any steam game or steam there). I found one through the application itself, but I haven't been able to locate the second one. I tried retracing my steps through moding my Kotor game, but since my OS has updated, some of the locations have changed and I can't find that one either.
Rgoulder, were you able to unhide folders? I feel I am missing something.
23 июл. 2015 в 8:57In my Mac version, Yosemite, I cannot find the KotorII in my application support through my library folder (nor is there anything for any steam game or steam there). I found one through the application itself, but I haven't been able to locate the second one. I tried retracing my steps through moding my Kotor game, but since my OS has updated, some of the locations have changed and I can't find that one either.
Rgoulder, were you able to unhide folders? I feel I am missing something.
Go to your desktop/finder. While in the "Go" menu, hold down the alt/option key. This should reveal the "Library" option. Select it and look for "Application Support" then "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II". In there should be your saves directory and the swkotor2.ini file that you need. 23 июл. 2015 в 10:10
In my Mac version, Yosemite, I cannot find the KotorII in my application support through my library folder (nor is there anything for any steam game or steam there). I found one through the application itself, but I haven't been able to locate the second one. I tried retracing my steps through moding my Kotor game, but since my OS has updated, some of the locations have changed and I can't find that one either.
Rgoulder, were you able to unhide folders? I feel I am missing something.
Go to your desktop/finder. While in the "Go" menu, hold down the alt/option key. This should reveal the "Library" option. Select it and look for "Application Support" then "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II". In there should be your saves directory and the swkotor2.ini file that you need.
This did it. Thank you very much for the alt key instructions, you magic God person you. 24 июл. 2015 в 8:31
I added the TestCheats command to my K2 folder (in the Applicatiion Support directory) and still nothing. Is there another command I am missing?
24 июл. 2015 в 11:12 I added the TestCheats command to my K2 folder (in the Applicatiion Support directory) and still nothing. Is there another command I am missing?In the Application support directory, you need to get to the KOTOR2.ini. Open it under TextEdit. (Save a copy of the original somewhere else, like your desktop). Underneath Game Options in the text file, type this exactly: EnableCheats=1
Your Application support directory is found in the same place Lurker showed, underneath the go menu in the finder app.
Now start steam. Or restart it, if steam was up and running.
When you're in game, press ` to open the menu. Kotor II has an invisible cheats menu once in game, but you'll know it's working if you don't trigger menu items when you type. An easy way to find out if it's working is the givecomspikes command. If you get spikes, you're working. (Skills will update but you must leave the screen and come back to them to see the numbers change).
24 июл. 2015 в 14:02 Your are correct. I had accidentally typed TestCheats = 1 instead of TestCheats=1 . Spaces do matter for future reference! Thanks for the help everyone! 25 июл. 2015 в 9:38 Thanks for the help guys. My invisible console is working, but the cheats aren't for some reason? I put in 'heal' but nothing happens - any advice? 25 июл. 2015 в 14:06 Where did you find your swkotor2.ini? Because there are two of them. You want the one in your library folder, application support, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. Not the one in the application itself in the steam common folder 5 мая. 2017 в 10:05 I am playing on OS X and the cheat codes are workingThe only problem is to access the console
On a qwertz keyboard the key for activating the console isn`t over the tab/key but next to the right shift key 5 июл. 2017 в 8:08
i did the same. EnableCheats=1 under the last line of Game Options (or so) and i still cant use cheats. i tryed the key left besides the 1 (^°) and the key right besides the ß (´ `) but it still dosent work.
the console is invisible, i know but everytime i try to enter an command (like gievitem) and press the g key my cloak activates.
can anyone use the cheats on mac? and if, how?
I had the same problem for a while. then i had to change my keyboard into (International United State -PC) then in the game I use this command (Control + ˜) left to 1, you will not see the console in the game but you will notice when the cursor of the game disappear and you cant move your character, it means that the console is active and you can write the cheats BUT you will not see what are you writting so you have to be very careful
Teпepь вo вpeмя игpы oткpoйтe кoнcoль и ввoдитe cлeдyющиe чит кoды:
setcomputeruse (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe знaния кoмпa
setdemolitions (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Paзpyшeния"
setawareness (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Знaния"
setpersuade (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Убeждeния"
setrepair (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Peмoнт"
setsecurity (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Oxpaнa"
setconstitution (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Cтpoитeльcтвo"
setintelligence (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить пoкaзaтeль "Интeллeкт"
restartminigame - нaчaть мини-игpy
addlightside (чиcлo) - дoбaвить oчки Cвeтлoй cтopoны
adddarkside (чиcлo) - дoбaвить oчки Teмнoй cтopoны
givecredits (чиcлo) - дoбaвить дeнeг
giverepair - дaть дeтaли для peмoнтa
givesitharmor (чиcлo) - дaть бpoню Cитoв (кpacнyю)
giveitem (нaзвaниe пpeдмeтa) - пoлyчить пpeдмeт
givemed - пoлyчить мeдикoмплeкт
infiniteuses - cнять BCE oгpaничeния c пpeдмeтoв
addlevel (чиcлo) - дoбaвить ypoвeнь oпытa
heal - вoccтaнoвить здopoвьe
setstealth (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe здopoвья
setstrength (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe cилы
setdexterity (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe лoвкocти
setwisdom (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe мyдpocти
setcharisma (чиcлo) - ycтaнoвить знaчeниe oбaяния
addexp (чиcлo) - дoбaвить EXP
turbo - ycкopeнный peжим
invulnerability - нeyязвимocть
revealmap - oткpыть вcю кapтy
warp - тeлeпopтaция
whereami - пoкaзaть тeкyщиe кoopдинaты
bright - ?
givecomspikes - ?
infiniteuses - ?
dancedancemalak - ?
это не работает 1. В папке с игрой найдите файл "swkotor2.ini", откройте его Блокнотом, найдите строку [Game Options] и ниже добавьте: EnableCheats=1
2. Сохраните файл и запустите игру.
лож полная для 2 чати не фурычит
значит игра левая очень! у меня работает, либо в игре перейди на другой язык (alt+shift)
во второй части консоль немного иная, после изменения файла .ini консоль в игре все равно не появляется, она невидимая, так что не бойтесь вводить коды
если что-то не работает, то это только потому, что вы не правильно вводите коды
вам бы только читы, световой меч слабо сделать? или как я эту Саиру на гранатах слить
Решил поиграть, уже лет 5 не играл, проходил без кодов а сейчас хочу да не работают . Кому не нравится те кто использует коды, идите . веник не забудь .
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