Как запустить the crew 2 в оффлайн режиме
Honestly, the game feels different since it requires a full connection. I don't feel like I own the game, my internet is crap and shuts down very commonly. This is a request to make players very happy, and feel the full extent of the game. I don't want that feeling where my game will crash at any moment. This is the only game that let's you drive around the USA, but unfortunately, the game is only 30% playable. Again, this is something you guys have been ignoring. Make your games better by listening to your community. PS. If you shut down the servers for the game (which makes the game utterly useless) I will be very disappointed. That is why the COMMUNITY request an OFFLINE MODE.
It's OK if you don't answer ubisoft, we know you hate us offline players
У меня та же хрень, только внизу еще написано установка. уже два часа устанавливается, как супер пожатый репак.
Какие-то успехи есть?) У меня все еще висит лаунчер. и даже показывает "Установка (1/2).
Почти у всех тестеров таже хрень. На оф форуме разработчики написали что уже пытаются решить эту проблему.
Я решил это так.
Когда запускаете игру и windows просит разрешения этому файлу внести изменения, нажимайте отмену - игра запустится (через минуту). Установку так и не закончил (сначала висел на 5/6, сейчас на 1/2), но играю без проблем.
Можете открыть диспетчер задач и по нему диагностировать ситуацию: если после нажатия отмены фоновый процесс the crew запущен, то немного подождите, и игра включится. Кстати, непонятно почему лаунчер нагружает оперативу (около 2 Гб), но абсолютно не взаимодействует с жестким диском.
вот таже фигня. Но у меня не просит разрешения файлу внести изменения. Просто висит (сначала висел на 5/6, сейчас на 1/2)
I was so excited to get "The Crew 2" until I learned it will not support offline single player even with a story mode, I think it's absolutely ridiculous and listening to the creative director comparing it to World of warcraft (an RPG MMO) to a racing game made it even more foolish, I'm not paying $60+ for a game I can't even play offline, for someone who have slow internet like me I can't always play online multiplayers but I can already tell it's for membership marketing.
Any full priced retail racing game should have an offline single player mode, it's only reasonable. A lot of people won't get the game just because it doesn't have an offline single player, not because they don't like it and what if the servers goes down? Players will just be sitting scratching their heads staring at a game they can't play; It's not worth it. The game needs an offline single player with an online multiplayer mode.
Senior Member Join Date Aug 2014 Location San Diego, California Posts 842Offline games are no longer popular in today's industry. Most people who play a game will not even touch the offline mode after they completed everything.
I mean, look at Need For Speed: Payback. Most people play through the offline story and once they complete the main parts of the story, they stop playing the game or they play multiplayer immediately after and quit after they realize how bad the net code is.
Forza games are different, because let's be honest. Multiplayer games are a complete mess most of the time. Rammers, griefers, people with really bad internet connections, and just noobs in general.
Frankly, they aren't going to drop everything and change the game to have an offline mode. Since that wasn't what they planned. It would be a massive setback for them to re-optimize the game for offline play, and that would open a massive door for people to use cheats on the game.
I mean, look at the Test Drive Unlimited 2 leaderboards for the single player story events. There were thousands upon thousands of obviously cheated times and scores and they never were dealt with. With The Crew there were maybe 100 cheated scores and times, goes to show how effective the always online system is against cheats.
I was so excited to get "The Crew 2" until I learned it will not support offline single player even with a story mode, I think it's absolutely ridiculous and listening to the creative director comparing it to World of warcraft (an RPG MMO) to a racing game made it even more foolish, I'm not paying $60+ for a game I can't even play offline, for someone who have slow internet like me I can't always play online multiplayers but I can already tell it's for membership marketing.
Any full priced retail racing game should have an offline single player mode, it's only reasonable. A lot of people won't get the game just because it doesn't have an offline single player, not because they don't like it and what if the servers goes down? Players will just be sitting scratching their heads staring at a game they can't play; It's not worth it. The game needs an offline single player with an online multiplayer mode.
Senior Member Join Date Aug 2014 Location San Diego, California Posts 842Offline games are no longer popular in today's industry. Most people who play a game will not even touch the offline mode after they completed everything.
I mean, look at Need For Speed: Payback. Most people play through the offline story and once they complete the main parts of the story, they stop playing the game or they play multiplayer immediately after and quit after they realize how bad the net code is.
Forza games are different, because let's be honest. Multiplayer games are a complete mess most of the time. Rammers, griefers, people with really bad internet connections, and just noobs in general.
Frankly, they aren't going to drop everything and change the game to have an offline mode. Since that wasn't what they planned. It would be a massive setback for them to re-optimize the game for offline play, and that would open a massive door for people to use cheats on the game.
I mean, look at the Test Drive Unlimited 2 leaderboards for the single player story events. There were thousands upon thousands of obviously cheated times and scores and they never were dealt with. With The Crew there were maybe 100 cheated scores and times, goes to show how effective the always online system is against cheats.
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