Как запустить obse на стим версии oblivion
Данная программа значительно расширяет скриптовые возможности игры Nehrim и является очень полезным инструментом для создания плагинов. Кроме того, большинство плагинов требуют её наличия.
Для Oblivion (Nehrim) (без Steam):
1. Распакуйте архив и скопируйте файлы obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll и obse_loader.exe в вашу папку Oblivion (Nehrim) - там, где у вас лежат файлы Oblivion.exe и OblivionLauncher.exe).
2. Теперь вы постоянно должны будете запускать игру при помощи файла obse_loader.exe. Не забывайте об этом.
Если вы запускаете игру через иконку на рабочем столе, то просто измените у нее путь к файлу (вместо oblivion.exe пропишите obse_loader.exe).
Для того, чтобы отредактировать или написать скрипты, использующие OBSE, в TES CS, вам нужно будет запускать его через obse_loader. Для этого создайте в вашей папке с Oblivio (Nehrim) ярлык obse_loader, откройте его свойства и допишите в путь к файлу “-editor” (таким образом, последняя часть пути должна выглядеть как "obse_loader -editor"). Теперь при помощи этого ярлыка вы сможете запускать TES CS в режиме работы с OBSE.
На данный момент использования OBSE требуют такие плагины:
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
18 фев. 2015 в 17:02 I try to startup Oblivion with OBSE then it tells me I should be running it through Steam and not OBSE. When I start it through Steam, OBSE is not on. What do I doooooooos 18 фев. 2015 в 21:021. Install OBSE into your steamapps\common\oblivion directory as you normally would
3) Run obse_loader.exe and everything should now work (you'll get passed through the loader first, just hit play).
At least it worked for me.
19 фев. 2015 в 2:592. Unpack where it should be installed, where the Oblivion.exe file is: ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion
3. Read the obse_readme.txt. You don't have to load the game from obse_loader.exe. That's only required in you have the retail disc version, or want to use the TES Construction Set (installed separately). Just make sure you have unpacked the files obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, obse_steam_loader.dll and the Data folder into the Oblivion directory and OBSE should load properly.
4. If you still have problems, make sure you have the Steam Overlay enabled. Although this is explained in the readme as a requirement, is not always necessary (I don't use the Steam Overlay with this game, and everything load properly, including OBSE and the plugins/mods that require it).
5. If you want to make sure you are running OBSE properly, you can use this mod that tests it for you, just follow the instructions on screen:
After the test, and if you don't need it anymore, you can delete it after you have closed the game.
1 янв. 2015 в 4:21 [SOLVED] Can't get OBSE and Steam Overlay to work, tried EVERYTHINGEDIT: Reinstalling the game into the main Steam directory did the trick. I also had to remove the leftover files form My Documents/My Games/Oblivion and let the launcher regenerate them, because otherwise the game would crash on startup; I'm now able to load the game via the old obse_launcher.exe, and Blockhead's .ini was successfully created. Hope someone dealing with the same problem will find it useful!
I've been at it since yesterday, and I'm at my wit's end. I have the Oblivion GOTY version, and OBSE - and the Steam community overlay for that matter - just won't run, no matter what I do. I'm using Windows Vista x86, my Steam files are located on the D:\ drive, with Oblivion being installed into a library on the E:\ drive.
Steam Community is enabled in my main Steam settings, as well as in Oblivion's settings.
1. I copied the obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, obse_steam_loader.dll files, and the Data folder, into my common/Oblivion directory. OBSE wont' launch with the game when using the Steam button, as it's supposed to; Blockhead won't create the .ini file, the OBSE Test Plugin doesn't work. Latest obse_loader.exe tells me to use the game button instead.
4. I checked and triple checked and checked again, yes, I did install the exact files into exactly the location the OBSE instructions told me to.
5. I reinstalled the game. Same story.
If anyone has dealt with this, and knows what might help, I'd be really grateful. I'm certain I did everything I could on my end, short of reinstalling Steam, but I'm not willing to do that. Right now I'm reinstalling the game AGAIN, this time into the D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam directory, instead of the custom one on the E:\ drive I installed it on previously.
Как подружить заставить работать Моды, если я хочу играть через Стим, не запуская игры через obse_loader.exe.
На счет оверлея пробовал включать, выключать, без разницы, моды запускаются только через obse_loader.exe.
Тестировал на MiniMap и на Map_Marker_Overhaul, работаю только через obse_loader.exe
Открыл лог файла obse_steam_loader.log а там:
crc = AD9CD911
not a steam version!?
Это же не очень хорошо?
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