Как включить френдли фаер в доте
After entering the game, you are placed on 10 different teams, but the fountain and towers treat you as allies for your side of the map. All players revert to Radiant or Dire when an ancient is destroyed.
All skills treat all heroes as enemies. All skills can be cast on 'allies' and enemies alike.
Honor System, please. Dueling or killing allies for xp/damage is a wiener move.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
(Заблокирован) 28 мая. 2016 в 23:55 how to enable friendy fire on a private deathmatch server28 мая. 2016 в 23:58
Don't forget theses;
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.85
Don't forget theses;
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.85
\ 29 мая. 2016 в 0:43
mp_spawnprotectiontime "5" (Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart.)
mp_td_dmgtokick "300" (The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get kicked.)
mp_td_dmgtowarn "200" (The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get warned that they are about to be kicked.)
mp_td_spawndmgthreshold "50" (The damage threshold players have to exceed at the start of the round to be warned/kick.)
While reading some comments here, I saw someone suggest a friendly fire mode for Dota, and how chaotic it would be. Inspired by that, here it is: Dota FRIENDLY FIRE!
What is this?
An extremely simple mod, where every point target ability in dota (from heroes AND heroes) can also target allies. AOE abilities are unaffected.
. why?
How to play?
Download this file and extract it to your "Dota" folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota). Run Dota with "-override_vpk" enabled. Create and play a Local Lobby. Yay!
Can I play with my friends?
Yes, just tell them to do the same you did above, then join your local lobby, and play!
[insert skill here] is not working! help
This is just a quick and dirty mod for all your bot/friend-griefing purposes. Expect bugs and lots weird shit.
Will you expand on this in the future?
Tell me some good stuff I can do here?
Drain their mana with Lion;
Take a shortcut to lane by charging your allies;
Spawn spiderlings from your own creeps/allied heroes;
Stifling Dagger them so you get to the rune first;
Open Wounds + Dagon them for some quick in-lane healing;
Hold them in the fountain forever with your euls + scythe shadow shaman;
You can stun and damage your allies, so you will need to time that fissure/echo slam much better.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castLC totally destroys this mode.
LC can farm duel damage very quickly off allied supports.
RIP Axe to allied invoker
And Zeus, Spectra, Giro, Enigma and a lot of other heroes with good AOE =))
Queue no meele picks.
Heroes like Phoenix would break the game.
Does sunray heal or damage allies?
Would Warlocks Shadow word heal or damage allies?
Would allies attack WW ult-target and help to kill it faster?
It doesnt mean all skills are reworked. Just when they are aoe and only meant to deal damage. It will damage. But the mutation is supposed to be somewhat crazy so the WW would be fun. And the way pitlord aura and portal would affect even enemies so you tp them inside your fountain
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