Как включить дотабафф в доте 2
The last day of the group stage is going to have less regular games, but there is always a chance of tiebreakers, so we have to factor those in. Luckily, some of the top fantasy earners are also among the players with the highest chance of tiebreakers.
萧瑟 is the only player featured today who has no chance of appearing in tiebreakers, but his average is so good and his team performs so well, that he is definitely worth considering for someone who wants consistent results.
That said eurus , who plays PSG.LGD and Beastcoast tomorrow, scores almost as much as Ame, while having good chances of appearing in a tiebreaker. For similar reasons k1 is also a good pick.
Yatoro isin this category as well, but his overall fantasy performance was considerably below his opponents.
Overall, any two of the four mentioned players are a good choice, depending on how you feel about their performance tomorrow.
Nisha and Chris luck are the top performers in the group with guaranteed two series and the former performs on average
7% better than the latter, but it isn’t enough for us to not gamble on the possible tiebreakers. Similarly, you can go for Somnus丶M , who is only slightly below Chris Luck, but might have better chances of a tiebreaker.
YapzOr , once again, would have been an obvious choice, if it wasn’t for Tiebreakers. Team Secret are very unlikely to give up their upper bracket seeding, so our next best options are ST!NG3R and fy , who we are going to slot in.
You should definitely go for Yapzor if you don’t believe in tiebreakers, however: on average he scores
15% above both Stinger and Fy.
I have yet to make all the maths for tomorrow, but I can say at least for supports LoA should be considered, he's got a very high average (5th overall amongst supports) even while going 2-10, and tomorrow Quincy might even win some games vs SG, and also even get to tie breakers for LB/Elimination
For the cores MATUMBAMAN is also a solid pick, while he has low chances of playoffs his average is high.
OR you can go for the BIG TIEBREAKER in group A, potentially 4 teams could end up 10-6 tied between 2nd and 5th position.
is scofield:KAT worth considering at all? since he is in beast coast and might get a tiebreaker
so where did u end ?? today
1534. total,
t1, happy for them ad sad for myself.
they shit the hell out of everyone 6-0 .
521 for the day 1597 total
RTZ 2nd and Monet 4th core, but I hope just a few people played 23 (1) and even less Yatoro (3) since 23 average up to yesterday was around 11.5 and Yatoro only had 2 series today.
Bryle 2nd mid, but that's a wash since I think pretty much everyone played him, Karl average was about 4 points lower before today.
Dubu Whitemon top 2 supports.
So for day 4 ur going for tz monet bryle dubu and whitemon? @antani
No that was day 3.
Tomorrow I'm going: eurus - ame/k1 - nisha - yapzor - loa, but keep in mind that's also based on the bonuses on the cards I have.
Nisha and yapzor are 100% worth playing even if they likely won't get a tie breaker.
Then LoA is very very high average even if Quincy is sus, so it's worth playing plus Quincy could still get a tie breaker for last place with SG and maybe even Fnatic.
eurus is top carry by average point by a metric mile even while going 6-6 plus he can still get a tie breaker so he's a no brainer.
For core 2 I have ame and k1 very close in points, ame is more safe but can't get a tiebreaker. If I'm top 100 I'll go ame, if I slipped out I'll go k1 and pray.
I could also play MATUMBA for core 2 he's safer than k1 but has less chance for a tiebreaker. I'm not playing him though because I don't like fielding 3 players of the same team and it's not worth playing MATUMBA over nisha or yapzor.
Depending on your cards YMMV.
Edit: I read on the day3 if you're 100ish points behind you need to risk it man, main stage gives way lower points per day than group stage, and it's really difficult to come back. I'd go max tiebreaker lineup like in the guide, if you get tiebreakers you have a chance if you don't well you were out anyway. Top 10% for 6k compendium points is a given anyway.
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I won my match but it resulted in a personal loss for me. What happened?
This typically happens if you AFK or disconnect for more than 5 minutes, resulting in an abandon.
If you abandon a match you are assigned a personal loss, regardless of whether your team won or not. We understand that this is frustrating, but it helps discourage players from leaving matches. We are not able to manually change these statistics.
Dota said that "no stats will be recorded" but Dotabuff counted the match anyway, why?
The process we use for determining whether or not a match "counts" or not is slightly different from what Valve uses. The Dota API does not supply enough information or a concrete process for making this determination. We have developed an algorithm that has over 99% accuracy, but it cannot be sure in all situations.
If and when Valve adds support to the API that allows us to determine whether a match counted, and if each player received a win, loss or abandon, we will retroactively fix all matches and recalculate records. Please do not contact support regarding this issue, we are powerless to fix this.
Due to the issue with determining matches that are "no stats recorded", your record may be off by a few matches in each field. If and when Valve gives us the proper data to fix this, we will fix all matches and recalculate your wins and losses.
Friend lists on player profile pages only update once per day. We hope to improve this limitation in the future.
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Role and lane data requires TrueSight (replay parsing) to get. The most reliable way to get data is to subscribe to Dotabuff Plus. We do make an effort to parse as many matches as possible, but can only guarantee that matches with Plus users are analyzed. If you recently signed up for Plus, you may not have a ton of historical data. We go back and analyze all available replays, but replays are only kept for a few days. Keep playing and your profile will fill out before you know it!
What are Skill Brackets?
Every Dota 2 match falls into one of three skill brackets: Normal, High or Very High. Valve assigns a skill bracket to each match based on the skill of the players in the match. You can find this label in the upper-right corner of a match page, or in the left-most column of the match list on a player profile.
Why are some matches missing a Skill Bracket?
Why does my Skill Bracket change when I play with friends?
Because the skill bracket is assigned based on the skill of the players in a match, your skill bracket may change if your friends are significantly lower or higher skill than you. It also may fluctuate based on other matchmaking conditions like lobby (normal or ranked), server region, or time of day.
What is the breakdown of Normal/High/Very High matches?
Skill Brackets are determined by Valve using their matchmaking data, and serve to indicate the average skill of players in the match. Skill Bracket assignment will vary based on region, time of day, and other factors.
Speaking in averages, about 76% of matches are Normal skill, 12% are high skill, 12% are very high skill.
How do I get into a higher Skill Bracket?
There are a lot of resources out there for increasing your skill. Focused practice and improvement is one of the fastest ways to get better. Many players find success by focusing on a limited group of heroes that are good in the meta. Learn from players that are better than you.
Compare your stats on Dotabuff to other players that you admire and look for major differences in key stats and item choices. If you are looking for examples check out our Hero Rankings and Guides for a specific hero you're working on.
Where can I learn more about specific Dotabuff features?
There are dedicated pages for Dotabuff Plus, TrueSight and Hero Rankings.
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Но все это требует времени, которого и без того слишком мало на стадии драфта, поэтому существует специальный софт, который позволит вам открывать статистику игроков, такую же как и в Dotabuff, непосредственно в игре. Найти ее вы сможете по ссылке ниже.
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Некоторые игроки, которые пользуются сервисом для отслеживания MMR Dotabuff, иногда сталкиваются с различными проблемами во время его использования. Одна из наиболее актуальных – это трудности с отслеживанием собственного рейтинга. Он может либо показываться с задержкой, либо не обновляться вовсе. Иногда на это влияют трудности у сервиса, иногда – проблемы игры, а иногда – сами игроки. Есть несколько способов, как обновить Дотабафф . Всё зависит от вида проблемы.
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Если у игрока рейтинг обновляется с отставанием от реального – то с этим мало что можно поделать. Сами создатели сервиса отвечают, что они работают напрямую с Valve и иногда не получают актуальные данные. Скорость обновления рейтинга будет зависеть от региона игрока, времени, когда он играл, нагрузки на сервера. Эти данные могут обновляться от получаса-часа до суток. На данный момент эта проблема не имеет решения.
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Если рейтинг не обновляется вовсе – то здесь у игрока есть возможность повлиять на это:
- Нужно зайти в свой профиль Dota 2 и выставить там MMR.
- Сделать историю своих игр общедоступной, чтобы сервис мог получить эту информацию.
- Включить отслеживание рейтинга на сайте Dotabuff.
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После этого в течение суток данные будут обновлены. Некоторые игроки скрывают свой рейтинг, чтобы противники не могли анализировать их профиль и делать какие-то выводы. Однако такой шаг мешает сервису получать правдивую и актуальную информацию об игроках. А без общедоступной истории матчей в клиенте Dota 2 не будет работать ни один сервис, связанном с клиентом игры.
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