Как включить детройт в полный экран
I didn't see anyone else post or ask this, so just letting people know, if you have multiple monitors and want to switch which one it is played on, change the game from full screen to windowed, then move the game window to your desired monitor, then set it back to full screen.
I did not see an option in the settings.
Ya, Or you could just hit Windows key + Shift then press the arrow keys to change monitors.How are there people that still dont know this.
That didn't do anything for me. Instead, I just changed to 'windowed mode' and then back to 'fullscreen' after I moved the window to my other monitor.
8 июн. 2020 в 1:10 it always starts on monitor 1 for me as it's been set like that for ages, I play all my games on monitor 1 and never had problems with them being on the wrong one 12 июн. 2020 в 2:42 Neither method worked for me. My monitor 2 is larger than monitor 1. The game only launched from monitor 1, when I move it to monitor 2, the full screen mode will only display in a small size at the corner of the monitor 2. 12 июн. 2020 в 3:45 change monitor 2 to monitor 1. Like swap them over if you can in the settings? 3 июл. 2020 в 15:17This is happening to me as well, just wanted to add some thoughts for anyone else seeing this in the future. Trying to get it to display on a 4k tv, and it will only display on my 1440p desktop monitor properly.
-Swap monitors
It happens to me even if I change the primary monitor, or use big picture mode.
- Change to windowed and then move it, change back to fullscreen
This gets it to display, but the resolution is completely janked and you can't apply any new settings.
I emailed their support and they said to try unplugging my main monitor entirely lol. I doubt this will show up in a patch but hey maybe they'll fix it eventually.
For now I'll give that a try, and look around to see if there's any .ini settings or something that I can mess with if I get around to it over the weekend.
прежде чем писать негативный отзыв об игре, сперва установи программку AIDA 64, запусти её, слева в столбике нажми надпись "Компьютер", потом "Суммарная информация". Справа появится информация про твою ОС и ПК. Сделай скрин(можешь закрасить имя пользователя, чтоб "не палить") и выложи, чтоб люди увидели твой аппарат. Может он не подходит под рекомендуемые требования, а ты на игру "наезжаешь". У меня игра без проблем идёт.
Программа удаляет черные полосы в Detroit Become Human при игре с соотношением сторон 21: 9, 32: 9 и 48: 9.
Программа была протестирована на последней версии игры при разрешениях: 2560x1080, 3840x1080 и 5760x1080
Скачайте архив и распакуйте его в удобное вам место
Запустите игру
Сверните игру и запустите программу
Выберите параметр "Enable" и нужное вам соотношение сторон или разрешение
В игре вы можете дважды нажать на сочетании клавиш alt + enter, чтобы переключится в другой режим отображения (например, без полей)
Detroit: Become Human
25 мая. 2020 в 15:23 25 мая. 2020 в 16:12 Wait this doesn't support ultrawide? Wtf? How come beyond two souls has a native support and this one not? 25 мая. 2020 в 16:33 Wait this doesn't support ultrawide? Wtf? How come beyond two souls has a native support and this one not? 25 мая. 2020 в 16:55 Wait this doesn't support ultrawide? Wtf? How come beyond two souls has a native support and this one not?Demo doesn't launch
This doesn't bode well three weeks from launch. The demo did launch for me and defaulted to Ultra settings with 3440x1440 resolution, but still with black side bars. It otherwise looks decent.
Bitdefender blocked the PCGW mod so it'll likely sit on my wishlist until they implement native ultrawide support.
Wait this doesn't support ultrawide? Wtf? How come beyond two souls has a native support and this one not?Beyond is letterboxed to 21:9 at 16:9, so it was a very safe bet to just "zoom in" on it for 21:9 users because nothing new would be exposed. In Detroit and Heavy Rain every scene would need to be tested at wider resolutions to make sure nothing is out of place. Some scenes would likely need to be remade too. This also applies to Beyond at 32:9 and wider. Just fix this please. It's standard for PC players to pick framerate, monitors and aspect ratio. The games are probably good, but they would be great if the ultrawide support is official.
Another vote for ultrawide! I tried the demo on Epic and balked at the weird data collection agreement (I didn't bother reading the wall of text, so it could be innocuous). 21:9 needs more love, and games like this one that want to be cinematic can only benefit from the ratio.
I also really love Quantic Dreams games. Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered supports native ultrawide, so I'm hopeful something can/will be done.
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