Как установить xposed на nox
This is the announcement thread for Xposed for Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat and Oreo. I'll post all relevant news here, so subscribe to it if you'd like to stay informed.
You can find a list with Q&A about Lollipop support on the XDA Portal. Please read it, you will find many answers there. Also see this article with much background information on new stuff for Nougat.
Please install it only if you're willing to take the risk of boot loops. Just because it's working fine and stable for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone the same way.
XposedInstaller_*.apk from this thread: Must be installed to manage installed modules, the framework won't work without it.
The small .asc files are GPG signatures of the .zip files. You can verify them against this key (fingerprint: 0DC8 2B3E B1C4 6D48 33B4 C434 E82F 0871 7235 F333). That's actually the master key, the files are signed with subkey 852109AA.
For discussions, please use the discussion threads (Lollipop / Marshmallow / Nougat / Oreo) or another matching one in this subforum.
Senior Recognized Developer
As you have probably noticed, more than 2,000 posts have been made in the original thread about Xposed on Lollipop. I'm really overhelmed by all your feedback! Also many thanks to those people who have donated already, it's great to see how much Xposed means to you.
Although so much discussion and helping each other is great, it's hard for anyone (including me) to follow. Hence, I have decided to create this thread were only I (and possibly the XDA moderators) will give some updates. This will make it easier for me to inform you about the current status, bugs I know about and so on. Feel free to subscribe to it or simply check from time to time. I'm not sure yet about the best way for me to get a consolidated overview of existing issues that have been confirmed by several people and ideally already have a sufficient information (like logcats, clear description of the error, . ) attached, but I hope we can work something out.
Senior Recognized Developer
Current status (Feb 19):
The most important issue seems to be the incompatibility with Samsung stock ROMs, especially because it's leading to boot loops. I have been working hard on fixing this in the days since the release, however it's not just a single spot that needs fixing. Thanks to GermainZ for testing and providing good log files! So far, I have detected the following issues:
- Enhanced .oat file format: Samsung has added a "TypeLookupTable", probably for performance reasons. The table itself will be ignored by Xposed, but it also means that the file format is slightly different. I have finally understood what they have done and added some logic to skip the referenes to this table.
- Different size of the String class: They have added a clear() method, which is unusual as strings are usually immutable. As this class is one of few that have special support in native code, I had to add one entry to the virtual table of the class.
- Additional fields in DexCache class: Offsets to some fields are different due to this and need to be handled in native code (as this another central class with native parts directly implemented in ART).
- Verifier rejects ViewDebug class: Doesn't seem to be overly critical to me, yet to be tested whether it's working fine with original libraries.
- Implementation missing for some native methods: Some methods in the reflection classes have been implemented in native code instead of Java. This means I will have to implement them as well.
The changes done by Samsung are bigger than I expected, especially given that ART is very complex and mostly undocumented. Anyway, I still think that once these issues have been overcome, it's better to replace the libaries than trying to manipulate data structures and behavior from "outside" (app_process). Think about it: If they have done such big changes, it's very likely that offsets in these data structures are different from AOSP and would need special handling as well.
It would of course be helpful to have an uninstaller ZIP in case you run into a bootloop. I didn't have time for that yet, but maybe someone can build an initial version that basically reverses the steps of the installer ZIP. For the ART libraries, that should be rather easy. You might want to stay away from moving app_process32 back in case you have SuperSU installed. It will need a special procedure to ensure you don't break either part or even your ROM.
There are other issues for sure, for example it seems that some methods cannot be hooked. That's something that needs more investigation, but I would like to fix the more critical issue like the ones for Samsung first.
That said, I won't be able to work on Xposed for the next days, definitely not before Monday. Keep in mind that this isn't my fulltime job and that an alpha phase might take some time. It would be illusionary to assume that we reach a stable state after a few days, with all the changes that have been done.
Actual offical XPosed Installer v3.1.5 - by rovo89 , the German inventor and main developer of XPosed Framework - doesn't let you install a Xposed version that suits a MEmu instance w/ Android 7.1 64-bit: you get this screen when trying to install Xposed Framework on a MEmu's new Andoid 7.1 64-bit instance using XPosed Installer v3.1.5
Fortunately youling257 on Apr 20, 2018 published a x86_64 version of XPosed Framework v89 for Android Nougat on GitHub.
Today I show you that it's possible to successfully install Xposed Framework on a MEmu instance running Android 7.1 x86_64 image, assumed the MEmu instance in question is ROOTED and as a precaution Google Play Protect got disabled (FYI: using Xposed can sometimes trigger a safety response in your MEmu instance, which can end up disabling a few Xposed modules, courtesy of Google Safety net ). ):
1. Download archive xposed-v89-sdk25-x86_64.zip from here
2. Unzip the downloaded archive to any location of your Windows machine where MEmu App Player got installed onto, you'll get folders
a) Xposed-Android
b) XPosed-Windows
c) XPosed-APK
d) BusyBox-APK
3. Move and/or copy the extracted folder XPosed-Android to MEmu's shared folder "MEmu Download"
4. Close ALL running MEmu instances
5. Launch the Android 7.1.2 64-bit MEmu instance you want to get XPosed Framework installed on
6. Update its pre-installed BusyBox with "BusyBox v1.30.1" what is located in extracted folder BusyBox-APK .
7. Install Xposed Installer v3.1.5 app what is located in extracted folder XPosed-APK
8. Run the script Xposed-Installer.bat what is located in extracted folder XPosed-Windows
9. Re-start MEmu instance's Android
If all went well then you'll get this screen shown when launching already installed XPosed Installer app
Note: This is ought to a severe bug in Xposed Installer v3.1.5 app - see remark below.
Nothing to Despair About!
You can install and run Android Nougat suitable XPosed modules at any time.
In order to test it installed XPosed module App Settings:
Additionally installed XPosed module Boot Manager et voilà it also flawlessly worked
As last one additionally installed XPosed module 3C All-in-One Toolbox Pro, what also perfectly worked
List of XPosed modules which work or not with Andoid Nougat here
Give it a try, hope this helps.
Remark: Official Xposed Installer v3.1.5 Has a Severe Bug!
Xposed Framework — аналог джейлбрейка и магазина Cydia на iOS, только для Android. Этот фреймворк позволяет устанавливать утилиты, которые добавляют смартфонам новые функции, невозможные с использованием обычных приложений. Он был особенно популярен во времена KitKat и Lollipop, однако Google изменила принцип запуска и работы приложений с выпуском Nougat, из-за чего rovo89, разработчику Xposed Framework, пришлось переписать свой проект заново.
Android Nougat был выпущен более года назад, однако Xposed Framework стал доступен ему лишь в октябре 2017 года. Xposed состоит из двух основных компонентов: Xposed Framework, обеспечивающий работу модулей, и Xposed Installer, необходимый для скачивания этих модулей. Установить новую версию Xposed Framework можно на смартфоны с Android 7.0 и 7.1. Обязательное условие — наличие root-доступа к файловой системе и кастомного рекавери (например, TWRP или ClockworkMod).
rovo89 создал официальную версию Xposed Framework для Android 7.0 и 7.1 (ещё бы, ведь ему и принадлежит этот проект). В отличие от неофициальных портов, фреймворк совместим с ART, новой средой выполнения приложений в Android, благодаря чему модули работают, не снижая производительности операционной системы и приложений.
Инструкция по установке Xposed Framework:
- Зайдите на сайт xposed.info и скачайте файл xposed*.zip. Скопируйте его в память смартфона, не распаковывая, перезагрузитесь в кастомное рекавери и выполните установку этого файла.
- Чтобы удалить Xposed Framework, используйте файл xposed-uninstaller*.zip с сайта xposed.info. Точно так же прошейте его через рекавери, и фреймворк удалится.
- Зайдите на форум XDA и скачайте файл XposedInstaller_3.1.2.apk. Установите его, запустите и используйте для скачивания и установки модулей.
- Имейте в виду, что любой модуль задействуется только после перезагрузки.
rovo89 уже взялся за доработку Xposed Framework для Android 8.0 Oreo. Эта версия Android не сильно отличается от Nougat, поэтому модификация проекта должна занять не так много времени. Хакер уверен, что переписывать фрейворк с нуля её раз ему не придётся, он будет создан на основе существующей версии с небольшими изменениями и, скорее всего, будет работать на Android 8.1.
Xposed Framework — аналог джейлбрейка и магазина Cydia на iOS, только для Android. Этот фреймворк позволяет устанавливать утилиты, которые добавляют смартфонам новые функции, невозможные с использованием обычных приложений. Он был особенно популярен во времена KitKat и Lollipop, однако Google изменила принцип запуска и работы приложений с выпуском Nougat, из-за чего rovo89, разработчику Xposed Framework, пришлось переписать свой проект заново.
В октябре 2017 года появилась версия Xposed Framework для смартфонов и планшетов с Android 7.0 и 7.1, а в январе 2018 rovo89 портировал этот инструмент на Android 8.0 и 8.1. В отличие от неофициальных портов, этот фреймворк совместим с ART, новой средой выполнения приложений в Android, благодаря чему модули работают, не снижая производительности операционной системы и приложений. Обязательное условие для его установки — наличие root-доступа к файловой системе и кастомного рекавери (например, TWRP или ClockworkMod).
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