Как установить vb cable driver
VB-Audio Additional Virtual Cables Get up to 4 other virtual audio cables to connect more applications together!
Windows Package: VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43.zip Containing
VBCABLE_A_Driver_Pack43.zip & VBCABLE_B_Driver_Pack43.zip
macOS Package: VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack108.zip containing
VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack107.dmg & VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack108.dmg
To make them affordable for everyone, VB-CABLE's are Donationware! It means you can adjust the License Price to your means or usage!
Click on Donate button below to get your personal download link! (and in your webshop account "My Download" page).
VB-Audio CABLE C & D are two other Audio Drivers working as two independent Virtual Audio Cable to connect more applications together (for Windows or macOS).
Windows Package: VBCable_CD_PackSetup_v2152.zip Containing
full setup program: VBCable_CD_PackSetup.exe
macOS Package: VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack108.dmg
VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack107.dmg & VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack108.dmg
To make them affordable for everyone, VB-CABLE's are Donationware! It means you can adjust the License Price to your means or usage!
Click on Donate button below to get your personal download link! (and in your webshop account "My Download" page).
Видео-инструкция по установке и активации VB Audio Virtual Cable Device v43
Если видео не работает, обновите страницу или сообщите об этом в комментариях, поправлю.
Просто и легко! Все аудиопотоки отправляются на входы VB-CABLE (устройство воспроизведения)
будут перенаправлены на выходы VB-CABLE (записывающее устройство).
* в Windows 95/98/Me/2000 — при помощи общего списка устройств (Система). Список доступен также через пункт «Свойства» контекстного меню объекта «Мой компьютер». В списке следует открыть класс звуковых устройств, выбрать Virtual Audio Cable и нажать «Удалить»;
* в Windows NT 4 — при помощи той же панели Мультимедиа. В закладке «Устройства» необходимо выбрать «Аудиоустройства», далее — Virtual Audio Cable и нажать «Удалить».
Удаляется драйвер также без перезагрузки.
Предположим, что в системе имеется один виртуальный кабель с портами Virtual Cable 1 In и Virtual Cable 1 Out.
Необходимо записать результат работы некоей программы, которая не предлагает возможности выбора звукового устройства, а выводит звук исключительно на стандартное системное устройство (Wave Mapper).
If you find VB-CABLE useful!
Donate and get two other Virtual Audio Devices:
VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device.
VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output.
Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
(1.09 MB - OCT 2015 / XP to WIN10 32/64 bits)
INSTALLATION: Extract all files and Run Setup Program
in administrator mode. Reboot after installation.
(4.4 MB - MAY 2021 - Intel/M1)
INSTALLATION: Regular Package in DMG file for
macOS 64bits version 10.10 to 10.15
With VB-CABLE Technology, VB-Audio Applications can be endowed with Virtual I/O and provide new amazing audio experiences. So let's follow us and try our different products presented on this page!
Windows Package: VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43.zip Containing
VBCABLE_A_Driver_Pack43.zip & VBCABLE_B_Driver_Pack43.zip
macOS Package: VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack108.zip containing
VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack107.dmg & VBCableAB_MACDriver_Pack108.dmg
To make them affordable for everyone, VB-CABLE's are Donationware! It means you can adjust the License Price to your means or usage!
Click on Donate button below to get your personal download link! (and in your webshop account "My Download" page).
VB-Audio CABLE C & D are two other Audio Drivers working as two independent Virtual Audio Cable to connect more applications together (for Windows or macOS).
Windows Package: VBCable_CD_PackSetup_v2152.zip Containing
full setup program: VBCable_CD_PackSetup.exe
macOS Package: VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack108.zip containing
VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack107.dmg & VBCableCD_MACDriver_Pack108.dmg
To make them affordable for everyone, VB-CABLE's are Donationware! It means you can adjust the License Price to your means or usage!
Click on Donate button below to get your personal download link! (and in your webshop account "My Download" page).
Thanks to all to talk about our applications, feel free to contact us to let us know about your last video, review, use case.
VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable VB-Audio Virtual Audio Cable with Perfect Sound for Audiophiles
HIFI CABLE is working like VB-CABLE except it needs to be configured with the same samplerate on its Input and Its output. HI-FI Cable is bit perfect and supports up to 24 bits 384 kHz audio stream.
With ASIO-Bridge Application, HI-FI CABLE's Input can be routed to ASIO Device Output, and ASIO Device Input can be routed to HIFI CABLE's Output.
HIFI-CABLE & ASIO-Bridge (Donationware)
Virtual Hi-Fi Cable And ASIO Bridge (XP, VISTA, WIN7, WIN8 32/64 bits)
(3.82 MB - MAR 2014)
Click Here to download from alternative web site.
INSTALLATION: Run Setup Program in Administrator Mode (Reboot after installation or de-installation).
This Case Study (PDF document). explains how to Record Audio Stream.
The VB-CABLE Manual (PDF document). Describes how To Optimize VB-CABLE Latency.
Video & Tutorials
They use VB-Audio Virtual Cable and they make Video, Thanks to all!
Audio Density Demo VB-Audio Virtual Cable can be used as Virtual I/O by Applications
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