Как установить ultimate apocalypse mod на dawn of war soulstorm
13 июл. 2019 в 11:59
The Ultimate Apocalypse mod team proudly presents to the Dawn of War: Soulstorm players and fans, an eagerly awaited and packed with epic content game experience, the Ultimate Apocalypse mod! Imagine a mod featuring massive Warhammer 40,000 battles where all 9 races in Soulstorm (and more!) have a chance at epic victory. A mod where there's no shortage of all new units, buildings, abilities, and even titans! A mod where there's nearly no limits holding you back. It's all about all out, massive war. Wanna nuke your enemies? You can. Gloriously epic titan duels are your thing? Ultimate Apocalypse has you covered. Not only that, but Ultimate Apocalypse is continuously tested to ensure the epic battle experience it delivers remains unique while being completely awesome. Thanks to you (yes, you!) and everyone playing, Ultimate Apocalypse has been steady within the top 20 ranked mods for years.
Idk but this paragraf seems pretty informative
With Imperator Class titan that can't even fit in your destktop I would add, but deamons were fun as ♥♥♥♥
13 июл. 2019 в 16:21 if you want to play the campaign join the UA discord for the patch 14 июл. 2019 в 6:45As has been stated, it works with single player skirmish and multiplayer, though it normally disables campaign mode. You can bypass that, but it's disabled for a reason - AKA: it doesn't work right.
That being said, here's what else it does:
- Tyranids are now a playable faction (think starcraft zerg if you're not aware of them).
- Go up to Tier 6 tech tree, including giant titans.
- Lots of extra units added from the source material.
- An incredible number of balance changes.
- Due to much bigger units, you can zoom out way farther than before and actually see a reasonable amount of the map finally. This only works with specific maps built for the mod otherwise the camera bumps into the skybox and breaks everything.
There are some issues though.
- They ONLY added units from the source material.
- This explicitly makes some factions notably much stronger than others.
- A lot of the lower tier units are kinda homogenous and lost their individual value.
- A lot of the newer units added (daemons in particular for chaos) have no real niche or point in existing as they severely overlap with others already in the game.
- Campaign mode, as noted, is disabled.
Don't get me wrong, it's fun to play with, and building an imperator titan is amazing just to see because its foot alone is larger than a full base. They actually made these things to proper scale. Buuuut there's no equivalent for other factions. Imperial guard or eldar will flat out rofflestomp orks without a second thought endgame because great gargants simply aren't anywhere remotely on par with other T6 units.
So yeah, it's worth trying out to experience it for awhile, and you'll probably get at least 10-20 hours of extra entertainment out of the mod at least, if not more, but it has some issues with it which make it a bit bland in some ways, so it's definitely not perfect. Fortunately, you can just turn it off easily enough, so it's not like you're stuck with it once you install it.
I'd recommend trying it out, just don't put your hopes too insanely high is all.
Именно так должен выглядеть DOW. Соответствие канонам вселенной, улучшение и развитие практически всех аспектов игры в лучшую сторону, добавление 3х фракций, исправление множества недоразумений версии, которую нам официально предлагают.
При установке столкнулся с рядом мелких, но неприятных моментов, в связи с этим решил упростить процедуру для тех, кто еще не приобщился. Таким образом руководство является кумулятивной инструкцией, созданной на базе ряда руководств из интернета и сообщества стима.
- Рабочую версию мода на базе актуальной стим версии DOW: Soulstorm
- Рабочий официальный мультиплеер
- Русифицированный текст игры и мода
- Ряд оптимизационных правок, для получения корректно работающей версии в разрешении 1920х1080, с корректными читаемыми шрифтами и прочим
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- Распаковываем содержимое архива Ultimate_Apocalypse 1.88.742 full - with hotfix.rar в папку с игру: путь к стиму\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Soulstorm\
(по умолчанию что то вроде «C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dawn of War - Soulstorm») - Запускаем Tyranid_Mod_0.5b2_Installer.exe. Указываем путь к игре.
- Распаковываем ChaosDaemons2.0.2.rar в директорию игры.
- Распаковываем архив FreeUI_2.46.rar в директорию игры.
- Далее открываем архив dow-ss-ua-thb-v18873_rus_text.7z. В нем находится папка "dow-ss-ua-thb-v18873_rus_text". Содержимое этой папки необходимо распаковать в папку с игрой (тот же путь, что указывали в первом шаге).
Видим красное предупреждение о том, что не применен патч LAA
Необходимо нажать кнопку TOGGLE LAA (это переключатель который работает в обе стороны, при необходимости)
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Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена
P.S. быстренько протестировал, вроде всё работает. Времени мало, поэтому баги сообщайте сюда в комменты.
А почему боты такие пассивные в игре ? Вроде ставлю все на агрессию , а они все равно стоят на базе. Построят пару пехов и все ? Что делать с этим
Официальное сообщество игроков по Ultimate Apocalypse моду в Российской Федерации и стран СНГ.
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(Актуальный канал сборки Salcols)
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Ultimate Apocalypse mode - это неофициальная модификация к игре Warhammer: Dawn Of War - Soulstorm, которая добавляет множество новых рас (тираниды, инквизиция - охотники на демонов и демоны). У всех рас появилось множество новых юнитов, супер оружие, артиллерия и невероятные Титаны. Мод полностью изменяет представление об оригинальной игре в лучшую сторону. Главная особенность - МЯСО, глобальные битвы и хардкор.
Для тех, кто хочет показать свои силы в сетевой схватке (на пиратской версии игры), то заходите в соответствующую тему и пишите об этом и вам обязательно откликнутся + у нас появился дискорд канал (всё указано в ссылках группы).
Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена
P.S. быстренько протестировал, вроде всё работает. Времени мало, поэтому баги сообщайте сюда в комменты.
Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена
Куплена лицензия warhammer. Устанавливаю ua мод, но после начала игры фпс держится в районе 15-20 кадров (вне зависимости от версии мода) так же мигают все текстуры.
Все дополнительные файлы установлены.
Раньше проблем не было.
Пробовал переустановить как игру, так и сам мод. Ребят, может кто помочь - пытаемся с другом поиграть через Steam. Выдает ошибку синхронизации С БОТАМИ - при ПвП игре все нормально идет и ничего не вылетает. В чем может быть проблема?
Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена
Залил последний патч 1.89.2 на сайт, скачать можно по ссылке ниже.
Список изменений:
Показать полностью.
Updated to V0.5b3 to allow UA compatibility with other mods.
Full extensive infantry weapon rework
All upgrades have been nerfed and given better scaling and higher tiering
Regen increase added to health upgrade
Armour increase fixed on other upgrade
Ork AI fix allowing orks to tech up more reliable making for a harder AI overall
Waaagh effect changes
-Waaagh speed modifier reduced to 1.2 from 1.3
-Health increase from waaagh decreased
-Passive health increase from ork squad size reduced from 1.07 to 1.05
-Damage increase modifier added for 1% increase per model
-(All effects are nerfed by squad size reductions - less models, less scaling).
Cooldown of stick bombs and tanks bombs increased from 45 seconds to 50 seconds
Hotkey and display fixes for loads of upgrades and units to make it nice and tidy
Ork Klans - changes
Nuddyfist - unchanged
Zagdakka - Increases health of weird boy and grants +15 population while he is alive
Gorgutz - Grants +25 population and small production bonus to the boys hut while he is alive and increases his health
Armageddon - Increases production speed of titan and vehicle structures
Mek Lab
-Cost decreased to 50 Power and 150 Requisition
-Cost increased to 15 power and 95 Req
-Reinforce time increased to 4.5 seconds
-Max squad size reduced to 8 (plus commander).
-Popcap required 110
-Regen increased to 2.5 from 2
-Damage buffed on base weapon
-Health has been increased to make up for cost and tier increase
‘Ard Boyz
-Popcap required 55
-Reinforce time to 3 seconds
-Max squad size 10 (plus commander).
-Power Klaw popcap required 65
-Re-added Rocket launcher to this squad with a cap
-Lower dps and a cost to stop them from invalidating tank bustas.
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for tier increase
Storm Boyz
-Popcap required 45
-Reinforce time to 3 seconds
-Max squad size 8 (plus commander).
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been increased to make up for tier increase
Shoota Boyz
-Max squad size 11 (plus commander).
-Reinforce time 2.5
-Cost increased to 45
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for cost increase
Big shoota
-Max cap increase
-Cost decreased
-Damage decreased
-Requires 31 ork pop
Slugga Boyz
-Max squad size 11 (plus commander).
-Reinforce time 2.5
-Cost increased to 40
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for cost increase
Mega Nobz
-Popcap required 165
-Power surge ability
-Cost removed
-Duration time increased to 20 seconds from 15
-Health degeneration increased to 25
-Regen increased to 4 from 1
-Melee weapon now stuns
Ork Warboss
-Time to recruit reduced to 120 seconds from 190
Burna Boyz
-Requires 31 ork pop
-Pile O gunz
-Max squad size 7 (plus commander).
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has vastly increased (they had nearly half the HP of slugga boys).
-Research removed
Flash Gitz
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Melee damage buffed
-Vehicle pens slightly increased
-Weapon applied to 2nd big shoota upgrade
-Regen increased to 2.5 from 1
-Vehicle pens slightly increased
-Structure pens slightly increased
-Aoe lowered by 20% 5 to 4
-Weapon applied to 2nd big shoota upgrade
Tank Bustaz
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Max squad size 8
-Pop cost increased to 2
-Reinforce popcap set to 2
-Setup time removed
-DPS lowered
-Relic cost to reinforce removed
-Relic cost to recruit added
-Max squad size 18 (plus gun karts).
-Starting squad size 6
-Squad limit set to 5
-Recruitment cost increased to 60 Requisition
-Pen tables fixed (Couldn’t damage some armour types (builders)).
-Leader pop cap required 31
-Required pile o gunz
Big mek
-Cost increased by 10 requisition
-Mega blaster damage reduced
-Allowed to teleport with squads attached (requires wargear)
Looted tank
-Popcap requirement set to 105
Gun wagon
-Gunwagon research cost reduced to 80 from 150 power
-Gun wagon cost decreased to 200 power and 120 req from 230 power and 140 req
-Battle wagon research cost reduced to 80 power from 150 power
-Battle wagon cost decreased to 240 power and 140 req from 290 power and 160 req
Deff dread
-Deff dread research cost reduced to 120 power from 200 power
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