Как установить team fortress 2 classic
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О: Если вы используете VPN, то с большей долей вероятности проблема именно в нём. Попробуйте изменить его настройки или временно отключить. Рекомендуется сменить регион в самой игре (если такая возможность предусмотрена). Спустя какое-то время можно будет вернуться к привычным настройкам.
Team Fortress Classic не подключается к серверу.
О: Скорее всего, сервер игры перегружен или конкретное лобби не доступно в данный момент. Попробуйте обновить список доступных серверов или просто перезапустить игру.
P.S. Удостоверьтесь что ваш аккаунт или ip-адрес не был забанен в игре за нарушение правил, а также на вашем компьютере не установлены читы и другие запрещенные программы.
2.0.2 Patch Release
The 2.0.2 Patch to Team Fortress 2 Classic has been shipped. To download the update to TF2Classic, open up the TF2Classic Launcher executable within the tf2classic folder, and press the Update button, and the files will automatically be downloaded. The major changes include:
If you need any further help, please reach out to our Public Discord, and we can try to help.
"Happy Anniversary. to Us!" 2.0.3 Patch Release
As a show of appreciation, we’ve gone back on the only unpopular update we’ve ever released: changing the VIP variant of Badwater from night to day! That’s right, Badwater is night time once again! Originally, we brought back daytime to address visibility issues; some parts of the map, especially outdoors and under cliffs and balconies, were too dark and muddy without a strong source of natural light, and players’ team colors could get lost in the shadows. But with help from Savva (one of our community contributors), we’ve lit Badwater up enough to make players stand out, without ruining what made it look special. Below are example comparisons of each version, in order of when they were changed.
And don’t worry, we’re still working on maps. Do you love Four-Team, but find you’ve grown numb to Hydro and Flask? Then we’ve got bad news: between its freezing temperatures and its broken, mercenary-sized air duct system, this Antarctic map will probably leave you numb to the core!
As far as future game-modes go, we’re working on things internally, but we aren’t ready to release any future plans or a road map yet. (This means “don’t ask the developers about it when you see them in-game!”) Just know that we haven’t started work on the “Overpowered” game-mode yet. First, we want to drop a big update with content that’ll last; we don’t want to start working on Overpowered until we know that we can dedicate ourselves to it long-term, and that the community can be left alone for a while with the content they’ve got. With that in mind, stay tuned.
Here’s to many more years, and many more updates, for Team Fortress 2 Classic. Thanks for being a part of this, and we hope you continue to be a part of our community while we work on future updates!
If you need any further help, please reach out to our Public Discord, and we can try to help.
Death & Taxes: Day 4
Q. Why was Deathmatch split from TF2Classic?
A. Deathmatch was split from Team Fortress 2 Classic for a few reasons:
Q. When was Deathmatch Split?
A. Early 2018.
Q. Does the Deathmatch mod have a Public Discord?
A. Not currently.
Q. Are there new weapons in this update?
A. Yes, both reprisals of beta weapons and new creations.
Q. Will there be a competitive side to TF2Classic?
A. Not officially. We see Team Fortress 2 Classic as a purely casual mod. We do however have support for Highlander.
Q. Are there TFBots in TF2Classic?
A. Yes, we have TFBots which are completely reverse-engineered. They are vastly improved upon to allow for better gameplay, and are able to play on 75% of our maps and gamemodes, currently.
Q. Will there be more gamemodes after this update?
A. Yes, we have a lot of gamemodes planned for the future.
Step 2. Installing SourceSDK Base
TF2 Classic depends on SourceSDK Base 2013 Multiplayer. If you've already got it downloaded then you can skip this step!
To install Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer you can click here or go to Library, Tools, Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer and manually install it yourself.
Hint: Source SDK Base 2013 has two versions. One for Multiplayer and one for Singleplayer. Make sure you've got the Multiplayer version installed or your game will not work.
2.0.1 Patch Release
The 2.0.1 Patch to Team Fortress 2 Classic has been shipped. To download the update to TF2Classic, open up the TF2Classic Launcher executable within the tf2classic folder, and press the Update button, and the files will automatically be downloaded. The major changes include:
Step 4. Restart Steam
Restart your steam client. When steam logs back in it will detect the game in your library!
Глючит или не запускается Team Fortress Classic? Решение есть! Постоянные лаги и зависания — не проблема! После установки мода Team Fortress Classic начала глючить или НПС не реагируют на завершение задания? И на этот вопрос найдется ответ! На этой странице вы сможете найти решение для любых известных проблем с игрой и обсудить их на форуме.
Игра не запускается (2001)
Я скачал Team Fortress Classic из магазина, но она не работает.
О: Большая часть старых игр представленных в каталогах Steam и GOG полностью оптимизированы для современных систем, но встречаются исключения. Рекомендуем внимательно прочитать описание на странице магазина, где могут быть указаны советы по запуску игры. Также рекомендуем воспользоваться советами изложенными выше.
Team Fortress Classic не запускается в оконном/полноэкранном режиме.
О: Проверьте наличие официального патча или сторонних загрузчиков на сайте разработчика или в разделе файлы. Внимание! Для запуска может потребоваться дополнительное ПО, так что внимательнее читайте описание.
Не работает сетевая игры в Team Fortress Classic.
О: Запуск старых игры в режиме сетевой игры, зачастую, возможен только посредством эмуляции локального подключения между компьютерами. Для его создания можно использовать такие программы как Tunngle. Также существуют и готовые варианты вроде Hamachi.
Death & Taxes: Day 2
Death & Taxes: Day 1
Hello? Who opened the blinds? How long did we sleep for? What year is it, and who are all you people? Update, what update? Oh good god where did all this content come from!
Gentlemen, feast your hungry eyes on the start of a brand new era for Team Fortress 2 Classic, and the start of a brand new update! Say hello to the update that took nearly four, yes four, years: The Death & Taxes Update!
27 ноя. 2017 в 7:53After installing go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\tfc
and edit the file "foxbot.cfg" as you wish. You can also add your Steam ID (which on a local server is "STEAM_ID_LAN") to the file "foxbot_commanders.txt". This will allow you to assign a role (attack / defend / roam) to a bot via team chat. A console command list is available in the documentation at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\documentation
Open the file "Help_Index.html". Other things covered are e.g. creating your own bot way points for a map.
These bots only run when you start (create) a server. If you join a server, you can't add your own bots.
28 ноя. 2017 в 2:21After installing go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\tfc
and edit the file "foxbot.cfg" as you wish. You can also add your Steam ID (which on a local server is "STEAM_ID_LAN") to the file "foxbot_commanders.txt". This will allow you to assign a role (attack / defend / roam) to a bot via team chat. A console command list is available in the documentation at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\documentation
Open the file "Help_Index.html". Other things covered are e.g. creating your own bot way points for a map.
These bots only run when you start (create) a server. If you join a server, you can't add your own bots.
ok thanks but how do I add the bots ( i have foxbot installed on the tfc folder btw) is there a command?
also im not really experienced in this "' field" the only bot adding command (TF2) is tf_bot_add (insert number here) would it be something like that?
28 ноя. 2017 в 4:15After installing go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\tfc
and edit the file "foxbot.cfg" as you wish. You can also add your Steam ID (which on a local server is "STEAM_ID_LAN") to the file "foxbot_commanders.txt". This will allow you to assign a role (attack / defend / roam) to a bot via team chat. A console command list is available in the documentation at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\tfc\addons\foxbot\documentation
Open the file "Help_Index.html". Other things covered are e.g. creating your own bot way points for a map.
These bots only run when you start (create) a server. If you join a server, you can't add your own bots.
ok thanks but how do I add the bots ( i have foxbot installed on the tfc folder btw) is there a command?
also im not really experienced in this "' field" the only bot adding command (TF2) is tf_bot_add (insert number here) would it be something like that?
Type "addbot" in console.
You can either use max_bots which will fill up the server automatically, or addbot. The commands work in the cfg and in the console (if you created a server via main menu). Please read the foxbot.cfg and the HTML documentation at the locations mentioned above.
addbot (adds a bot)
addbot 2 (adds a bot to red team)
addbot 2 1 (adds a scout to red team)
kickall (removes all manually added bots)
max_bots 8 (adds bots until the total number of players is 8)
max_bots 0 (removes the automatically added bots)
If you're running a dedicated server, you need to format commands like this:
Server console:
bot "max_bots 8"
Client console:
rcon_password "secret password"
rcon bot "max_bots 8"
With admin add-ons like AdminMod or AMX Mod X you use the commands of these mods instead. E.g.
Admin Mod:
admin_rcon bot "max_bots 8"
AMX Mod X:
amx_cvar bot "max_bots 8"
AMX Mod X has a server side menu system which you can customise.
TFC has a client side menu which is configured using the file "commandmenu.txt" in the tfc folder.
You could add something like
You can either use max_bots which will fill up the server automatically, or addbot. The commands work in the cfg and in the console (if you created a server via main menu). Please read the foxbot.cfg and the HTML documentation at the locations mentioned above.
addbot (adds a bot)
addbot 2 (adds a bot to red team)
addbot 2 1 (adds a scout to red team)
kickall (removes all manually added bots)
max_bots 8 (adds bots until the total number of players is 8)
max_bots 0 (removes the automatically added bots)
If you're running a dedicated server, you need to format commands like this:
Server console:
bot "max_bots 8"
Client console:
rcon_password "secret password"
rcon bot "max_bots 8"
ok thanks but is there such a thing a addbot 1? as in it adds a bot to the blue team? and is there also a way to make it so that there can only be 1 class per team, i wanna try and play it like as though theres no "clones" in the games i gonna be playing (what i mean is theres 9 mercs per team (including tf2), not 12) 28 ноя. 2017 в 8:05 is there also a way to make it so that there can only be 1 class per team
Not bot specific, you can adjust class limits using these cvars:
cvarlist cr
CVar List
cr_demoman : 1, sv
cr_engineer : 2, sv
cr_hwguy : 1, sv
cr_medic : 4, sv
cr_pyro : 1, sv
cr_random : 0, sv
cr_scout : 4, sv
cr_sniper : 1, sv
cr_soldier : 4, sv
cr_spy : 4, sv
10 CVars for [cr]
CvarList ? for syntax
So you type in (if you created the server via the main menu):
And it'll limit the number of scouts to 1 per team. If there already are more scouts at the time, they get to stay though.
0 means unlimited, -1 means zero, cr_random obeys the other class limits. (So if you have 1 scout and unlimited random classes, there will never be more than 1 scout.)
Best put this into listenserver.cfg in the tfc folder. If you run a dedicated server, it's server.cfg instead.
28 ноя. 2017 в 16:43 is there also a way to make it so that there can only be 1 class per teamNot bot specific, you can adjust class limits using these cvars:
cvarlist cr
CVar List
cr_demoman : 1, sv
cr_engineer : 2, sv
cr_hwguy : 1, sv
cr_medic : 4, sv
cr_pyro : 1, sv
cr_random : 0, sv
cr_scout : 4, sv
cr_sniper : 1, sv
cr_soldier : 4, sv
cr_spy : 4, sv
10 CVars for [cr]
CvarList ? for syntax
So you type in (if you created the server via the main menu):
And it'll limit the number of scouts to 1 per team. If there already are more scouts at the time, they get to stay though.
0 means unlimited, -1 means zero, cr_random obeys the other class limits. (So if you have 1 scout and unlimited random classes, there will never be more than 1 scout.)
Best put this into listenserver.cfg in the tfc folder. If you run a dedicated server, it's server.cfg instead.
thanls, i would guess the listenserver.cfg is for local area? (thanks for answering all my questions, i can imagine it might be irritating,)
29 июн. 2019 в 0:48I'm sorry for joining this chat but, i have foxbot installed on the Half-Life folder
I wonder how i can change difficulty o the bots so it is not always on hard
29 июн. 2019 в 2:08It has a "foxbot.cfg" file at "addons\foxbot\tfc". Open it with Notepad, Wordpad or any other text editor of choice. These settings are probably the most relevant:
The addbot command supports a skill parameter as well:
So you've chosen to prove your worth in the world of Team Fortress 2 Classic. Great!
It is important to note a few things before downloading:
- By downloading installing TF2 Classic you accept that the software provided is and Eminoma (the TF2 Classic development team), Valve, Steam or other affiliated parties are not responsible for any damages (direct or indirect) caused by installation or usage of the supplied software.
- TF2 Classic runs separate from your Team Fortress install. This means that usage of this software will not and cannot directly impact your Team Fortress 2 game or items.
Проблемы с модами
Игра тормозит и лагает
Скорее всего данная проблема носит аппаратный характер. Проверьте системные требования игры и установите корректные настройки качества графики. Подробнее об оптимизации игры можно почитать на форуме. Также загляните в раздел файлов, где найдутся программы для оптимизации Team Fortress Classic для работы на слабых ПК. Ниже рассмотрены исключительные случаи.
Вопросы по прохождению
Ответы на все вопросы касающиеся прохождения Team Fortress Classic можно найти в соответствующих разделах Wiki, а также на нашем форуме. Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы и делиться своими советами и решениями.
Step 1. Download
First of all you're going to need to fire up your fastest dial-up connection and click on the download.
Click here (temporarily disabled) to download the game(Self-extracting 7z archive)
The self-extracting zip file can also be extracted on linux using 7z x filename .
Full game in zip form (temporarily disabled) for users who can't open the self-extracting zip file.
Step 3. Installing TF2 Classic
If you downloaded the self-extracting archive you can run it which will open a window allowing you to extract the file. Extract it into your "steam/steamapps/sourcemods" folder. If you downloaded a regular archive then you can follow the steps bellow.
Your download is a compressed .7z (7zip) file. To open the file you'll need a tool to extract it. We highly recommend 7-Zip.
On a side note we would like to mention that Winrar is known to cause issues in some cases when extracting the game so keep that in mind. If you have any issues feel free to ask questions in our discord.
Use your preferred compression tool to extract the files into your "steam/steamapps/sourcemods" folder such that the tf2classic folder within the download is extracted within the sourcemods folder.
Hint: Your steam directory is by default located on your C:/ drive within the "Program Files (x86)" folder.
Hint: If you're unsure if you've extracted the folder correctly, check you have a "gameinfo.txt" file within your "sourcemods/tf2classic" folder.
For linux users: In order to connect to servers you might have to add "-steam -steam" in the launch options.
Ошибки загрузки/обновления
Проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету, а также скорость загрузки. При слишком высоком пинге или низкой пропускной способности обновление может выдавать ошибки.
Если магазин или лончер Team Fortress Classic не завершает обновления или выдает ошибки, то переустановите саму программу. При этом все скачанные вами игры сохранятся.
Запустите проверку целостности данных игры.
Проверьте наличие свободного места на том диске, на котором установлена игра, а также на диске с операционной системой. И в том и в другом случае должно быть свободно места не меньше, чем занимает игра на текущий момент. В идеале всегда иметь запас около 100Гб.
О специфических ошибках связанных с последними обновлениями можно узнать на форуме игры.
Death & Taxes: Day 3
Yes you read that right, TEAM(S)! Previously introduced in 1.9, Four Team is back, and its quadruple the action, quadruple the carnage, and quadruple the. you get the point.
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