Как установить часы ducati monster
Интересуют любые мнения как "про" так и "контра". Есть ли у кого опыт использования (путь даже двух-недельный).
Отличный мотоцикл! Отличный выбор! Бери и не парься!
Дуки надежнее многих ипонцев!
А все сказки (ломучее ведро с болтами) - рассказывают люди которые никогда на Дуках и не ездили!
Зато выглядит офигенно, ездит песподобно! Ну и понтов немерянно!)))
Но в обслуживании дороговат.. Ништячки всякие стоят уйму бабла. Но разве удовольствие не стоит того?))
Я на след сезон думаю Монстра или Брутале еще купить.
Нравицца, - бери. Ездят люди на Дуках и радуюцца наверное :-) Недавно встретила человека на таком. Вторым мотом у него джиксер 750 к7, до этого много катался на разных мотах. Сказал, что взял 696 именно для города и каждый день прётся))))Красивый мот - это уже от меня))) А у них у всех звук мотора, как у ведра с гайками?
Я без наездов, мож фирменный стиль такой, но меня как-то не вставляет. И такое расположение мотора могли тока в италии придумать имхо, чиста ради выпендриться. Звук не у всех одинаков. Ещё зависит от сцепления. Оно бывает сухое, а бывает в масле. Если сухое, то звук противнее =) Но в общем-то сам звук десмодромного механизма мне нравится, в отличии от сухого сцепления (лязг неприятный). у всех вроде, фирменный звук дукати. и расположение двигателя - L-образное )
Мне Дукати нравится вообще целиком и полностью)))
Жалко, не каталась (( А мне не нравится. В смысле, я бы тоже с удовольствием прокатился бы, но брать себе не стал бы.
Фермы эти трубчатые, как у крана, напрягают, да и движок, фактически V-образный, просто с большим углом развала горшков и завален вперёд не пойми зачем.
Я могу понять рядный, V-образный, оппозитный. А тут, как-будто их все решили перемешать, но не ясно с какой целью :-) Ктоме дизайнерского выпендрёжа других объяснений не нахожу.
Мож кто в курсе в чём технический прикол?
"ЖжОте, гуманитарии" (с) моё [em]Я могу понять рядный, V-образный, оппозитный.[/em]
А это какой? Тот факт, что макаронники его зовут L-образным, ничуть не дистанцирует его от V-твина. Просто угол развала цилиндров не 45, не 60, а 90 градусов.
[em]А тут, как-будто их все решили перемешать, но не ясно с какой целью :-) Ктоме дизайнерского выпендрёжа других объяснений не нахожу.
Мож кто в курсе в чём технический прикол?[/em]
"Дизайнерский выпендрёж" - это пацанский тунинх зубил, а тут как раз всё логично.
Угол развала 90 градусов - для снижения уровня вибраций (нет необх-сти применять балансирный вал для нивелирования колебаний лень думать какого порядка).
Сильный наклон вперёд - это ещё проще и очевиднее: все первые Дуки были воздушного охлаждения, и это единственный грамотный способ вывести второй цил-р из аэродинамической тени первого, обеспечить ему нормальный обдув набегающим потоком воздуха.
само-собой ) > разьяснение, но при всём при этом надо по разному снабжать цилиндры ТВС, имхо.
++++ достаточно разных жиклеров в карбах на передний и задний цилиндр(если речь о карбовой версии)
Именно так и сделано на моей воздушной Йомахе ) Причем это не сильно влияющий фактор , в разных годах были и одинаковые жиклеры на тех же моторах, кстати, в DynoJet комплекте для карбов тоже одинаковые жиклеры для обоих горшков )
А для более равномерного охлаждения горшки моего V-twin ямаховцы разнесли по другому ) Сбоку у движка класссический вид (с натягом), а если посмотреть спереди, то один горшок левее - другой правее центр.оси )
Жень, ну от тебя я не ожидал! [em]А для более равномерного охлаждения горшки моего V-twin ямаховцы разнесли по другому ) Сбоку у движка класссический вид (с натягом), а если посмотреть спереди, то один горшок левее - другой правее центр.оси )[/em]
Ты серьёзно так думаешь?
Или м.б. прикол в том, что не получилось у них сделать оба шатуна в одной плоскости, чтобы и цилиндры так же расположить, а?
да, я серьезно так думаю :)) > Ты серьёзно так думаешь?
> Или м.б. прикол в том, что не получилось у них сделать оба шатуна в одной плоскости, чтобы и цилиндры так же расположить, а?
+++ Вообще, читал где-то про все это. Что там могло не получится ? Чего уж проще было стырить такую схему с какого-нить этого, как его..а! Харлея! но инжинеры ямахи пошли своим путем ) что подтверждается и другими их тех.решениями на таком моторе.
А вот интрудер сузучий получился более похожим, но только в части расположения, более ничем не отличился ))))))))
нет, не соглашусь хотя точнее сказать "смотря для чего рулят"
Касаемо схемы расположения в авто, например - думаю рядных и оппозитов числом 12 и 8 по нашим временам уж нет и даже 6 рядных почти нет, рулят V-образники, ну и, иногда, оппозиты на меньших объемах
А дело то не в экономии общих габаритов авто )
У вас есть вопрос о Ducati Monster 620 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте его здесь. Полно и четко опишите проблему и сформулируйте свой вопрос. Чем больше вы сообщите о проблеме или вопросе, тем легче будет производителю Ducati Monster 620 вам ответить.
О Ducati Monster 620
Посмотреть инструкция для Ducati Monster 620 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Мотоциклы, 2 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Ducati Monster 620 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
У вас есть вопрос о Ducati Monster 696 ABS или вам нужна помощь? Задайте его здесь. Полно и четко опишите проблему и сформулируйте свой вопрос. Чем больше вы сообщите о проблеме или вопросе, тем легче будет производителю Ducati Monster 696 ABS вам ответить.
- Table of contents
- ❯ Introduction
- Safety guidelines
- Warning symbols used in the manual
- Intended use
- Rider's obligations
- Rider's training
- Apparel
- Safety “Best Practices”
- Refuelling
- Carrying the maximum load allowed
- Dangerous products - warnings
- Vehicle identification number
- Engine identification number
- Instrument panel
- LCD - Main functions
- LCD - How to set/display parameters
- “Odometer” total mileage indicator
- “Speed” indicator
- “TRIP” mileage indicator
- “TRIP FUEL” mileage on reserve indicator
- Clock indicator
- Air temperature indicator
- Engine oil temperature indicator
- Service indicator
- Battery voltage indicator (BATT)
- Engine idling setting (RPM)
- Back-lighting setting
- Lap timer display (LAP)
- Saved data display (LAP Memory)
- DDA data logger
- Erase DDA
- ABS disabling
- Clock setup
- Instrument panel diagnostics
- Headlight “smart” switch-off
- Headlight “smart” switch-on
- The Immobilizer system
- Keys
- Code card
- Immobilizer override procedure
- Operation
- Duplicate keys
- Position of motorcycle controls
- Key-operated ignition switch and steering lock
- Left-hand switch
- Clutch lever
- Cold start lever
- Right-hand switch
- Throttle twistgrip
- Front brake lever
- Rear brake pedal
- Gear change pedal
- Adjusting the position of the gearchange and rear brake pedals
- Position on the vehicle
- Tank filler plug
- Seat lock
- Helmet holder cable
- Side stand
- Rear shock absorber adjusters
- Running-in recommendations
- Pre-ride checks
- Starting the engine
- Moving off
- Braking
- Stopping the motorcycle
- Refuelling
- Parking
- Tool kit and accessories
- Changing the air filter
- Checking brake and clutch fluid level
- Checking brake pads for wear
- Lubricating joints
- Adjusting the throttle cable
- Charging and maintenance of the battery during winter storage
- Removing the battery
- Refitting the battery
- Checking drive chain tension
- Chain lubrication
- Replacing the bulbs
- Beam setting
- Tyres
- Check engine oil level
- Cleaning and replacing the spark plugs
- Cleaning the motorcycle
- Storing the motorcycle
- Important notes
- Scheduled maintenance chart: operations to be performed by the Dealer
- Scheduled maintenance chart: operations to be performed by the customer
- Weights
- Overall dimensions (mm)
- Engine
- Timing system
- Performance data
- Spark plugs
- Fuel system
- Brakes
- Transmission
- Frame
- Wheels
- Tyres
- Suspensions
- Exhaust system
- Available colours
- Electrical system
- Routine maintenance record
- Inhaltsangabe
- ❯ Einleitung
- Leitfaden für Ihre Sicherheit
- In diesem Heft verwendete Warnsymbole
- Zulässiger Einsatz
- Pflichten des Fahrers
- Fahrerausbildung
- Bekleidung
- „Best Practices” für die Sicherheit
- Tanken
- Fahrt mit voller Beladung
- Gefährliche Produkte - Warnhinweise
- Fahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer
- Motornummer
- Cockpit
- LCD - Hauptfunktionen
- LCD - Einstellung/Anzeige der Parameter
- Anzeige - insgesamt gefahrene Strecke „Kilometerzähler”
- Anzeige - „Geschwindigkeit”
- Anzeige - Tageskilometerstand „TRIP”
- Anzeige - in Reserve gefahrene Strecke „TRIP FUEL”
- Uhranzeige
- Anzeige - Lufttemperatur
- Anzeige - Motoröltemperatur
- Inspektionsanzeige
- Batteriespannungsanzeige (BATT)
- Standgaseinstellung (RPM)
- Einstellung der Rückbeleuchtung
- Anzeige - Rundenzeit (LAP)
- Anzeige - gespeicherte Daten (LAP Memory)
- DDA Datenlogger
- Erase DDA (DDA rücksetzen)
- Funktion - ABS Ausschaltung
- Funktion - Uhreinstellung
- Diagnose des Cockpits
- Funktion - „intelligente” Scheinwerferausschaltung
- Funktion - „intelligente” Scheinwerfereinschaltung
- Das Immobilizer-System (Wegfahrsperre)
- Schlüssel
- Code card
- Freigabeverfahren des Immobilizers
- Funktionsweise
- Ersatzschlüssel
- Anordnung der Bedienelemente des Motorrads
- Zündschlüsselschalter und Lenkersperre
- Linker Umschalter
- Kupplungssteuerhebel
- Starterhebel
- Rechter Umschalter
- Gasdrehgriff
- Vorderradbremshebel
- Hinterradbremspedal
- Schaltpedal
- Einstellung der Position von Schalt- und Hinterradbremspedal
- Position am Motorrad
- Kraftstofftankverschluss
- Sitzbankschloss
- Helmbefestigungskabel
- Seitenständer
- Einstellvorrichtungen des hinteren Federbeins
- Vorsichtsmaßnahmen in der Einfahrzeit
- Kontrollen vor dem Motoranlass
- Motoranlass
- Starten und Fahren
- Bremsen
- Anhalten
- Tanken
- Parken
- Mitgeliefertes Zubehör
- Austausch des Luftfilters
- Füllstandkontrolle der Kupplungs- und Bremsflüssigkeit
- Kontrolle des Bremsbelagverschleißes
- Schmierung der Gelenke
- Einstellung des Gaszugs
- Laden und Wintererhaltung der Batterie
- Ausbau der Batterie
- Montage der Batterie
- Kontrolle der Antriebskettenspannung
- Schmieren der Antriebskette
- Austausch der Lampen
- Ausrichten des Scheinwerfers
- Reifen
- Kontrolle des Motorölstands
- Reinigung und Wechsel der Zündkerzen
- Allgemeine Reinigung
- Längerer Stillstand
- Wichtige Hinweise
- Planmäßige Instandhaltungsarbeiten: Vom Vertragshändler auszuübende Arbeiten
- Planmäßige Instandhaltungsarbeiten: Vom Kunden auszuübende Arbeiten
- Gewichte
- Maße (mm)
- Motor
- Ventilsteuerung
- Leistungen
- Zündkerzen
- Kraftstoffsystem
- Bremsen
- Antrieb
- Rahmen
- Räder
- Reifen
- Radfederungen
- Auspuffsystem
- Verfügbare Modellfarben
- Elektrische Anlage
- Merkblatt für die regelmäßigen Instandhaltungsarbeiten
О Ducati Monster 696 ABS
Посмотреть инструкция для Ducati Monster 696 ABS бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Мотоциклы, 2 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.8. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Ducati Monster 696 ABS или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Hearty welcome among Ducati fans! Please accept our best compliments for choosing a Ducati motorcycle. We think you will ride your Ducati motorcycle for long journeys as well as short daily trips. Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. wishes you smooth and enjoyable riding.
We are steadily doing our best to improve our “Technical Assistance” service. For this reason, we recommend you to strictly follow the indications given in this manual, especially for motorcycle running-in. In this way, your Ducati motorbike will surely give you unforgettable emotions. For any servicing or suggestions you might need, please contact our authorised service centers.
Enjoy your ride!
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. declines any liability whatsoever for any mistakes incurred in drawing up this manual. The information contained herein is valid at the time of going to print. Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. reserves the right to make any changes required by the future development of the above-mentioned products.
For your safety, as well as to preserve the warranty, reliability and worth of your motorcycle, use original Ducati spare parts only.
This manual forms an integral part of the motorcycle and - if the motorcycle is resold - must always be handed over to the new owner.
Useful information for safe riding 7
Carrying the maximum load allowed 8
Identification data 9
Position of motorcycle controls 10 Instrument panel 11
The Immobilizer system 14 Keys 14
Procedure to disable immobilizer engine block through throttle twistgrip 16
Duplicate keys 17
Ignition switch and steering lock 18 Left switch 19
Clutch lever 20 Cold start lever 21 Right switch 22 Throttle twistgrip 23 Front brake lever 23
Rear brake pedal 24 Gear change pedal 24
Setting the gear change and rear brake pedals 25
Main components and devices 26
Tank filler plug 27
Seat catch and helmet hook 28 Side stand 29
Shock absorber adjusters 30 Front fork adjusters 31
Directions for use 33
Running-in recommendations 33
Pre-ride checks 34
Starting the engine 35
Stopping the motorcycle 38
Tool kit and accessories 40
Main maintenance operations
Lifting the fuel tank
Changing air filter
Checking brake and clutch fluid level
Checking brake pads for wear
Lubricating cables and joints
Throttle cable adjustment 46
Charging the battery 47
For United States of America version only 71
Routine maintenance record 80
Checking engine oil level
Cleaning and replacing the spark plugs 56
Cleaning the motorcycle
Storing the bike away
E In your own interest, and in order to guarantee product reliability, you are strongly advised to refer to our authorized Dealers and workshops for any servicing requiring particular technical expertise. Our highly skilled staff have access to the implements required to perform any servicing job at best, and use Ducati original spare parts only as the best guarantee for full interchangeability, smooth running and long life.
All Ducati motorcycles come with a “Warranty Card”. However, warranty does not apply to the motorcycles used in competitions or competitive trials. No motorcycle part may be tampered with, altered, or replaced with parts other than original Ducati spare parts during the warranty period, or the warranty right will be automatically invalidated.
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. advises you to read this booklet carefully so as to become familiar with your motorcycle. In case of any doubts, please call a Ducati Dealer or Authorized Workshop. The information contained herein will prove useful on your trips - and Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. wishes you smooth, enjoyable riding - and will help you keep the performance of your motorcycle unchanged for a long time.
Failure to comply with these instructions may put you at risk and lead to severe injury or death.
Possibility of damaging the motorcycle and/or its components.
Additional information concerning the job being carried out.
The terms right and left are referred to the motorcycle viewed from the riding position.
Useful information for safe riding
Read this section before riding your motorcycle.
Accidents are frequently due to inexperience. Always make sure you have your licence with you when riding; you need a valid licence to be entitled to ride your motorcycle.
Do not lend your motorcycle to inexperienced riders or who do not hold a valid licence.
Both rider and pillion passenger must always wear a safety helmet.
Wear proper clothing, with no loose items or accessories that may become tangled in the controls or limit your zone of vision.
Never start or run the engine indoors. Exhaust gases are poisonous and may lead to loss of consciousness or even death within a short time.
Both rider and pillion passenger should keep their feet on the footpegs when the motorcycle is in motion.
Always hold the handlebar firmly with both hands so you will be ready for sudden changes of direction or in the road surface. The pillion passenger should always hold on to the suitable handles under the seat with both hands.
Ride within the law and observe national and local rules. Always respect speed limits where these are posted. However, always adjust your speed to the visibility, road and traffic conditions you are riding in.
Always signal your intention to turn or pull to the next lane in good time using the suitable turn indicators.
Be sure you are clearly visible and do not ride within the blind spot of vehicles ahead.
Be very careful when tackling road junctions, or when riding in the areas near exits from private grounds, car parks or on slip roads to access motorways.
Always turn off the engine when refueling.
Be extremely careful not to spill fuel on the engine or on
the exhaust pipe when refueling. E Do not smoke when refueling.
While refueling, you may inhale noxious fuel vapours. Should any fuel drops be spilled on your skin or clothing, immediately wash with soap and water and change your clothing.
Always remove the key when you leave your motorcycle unattended.
The engine, exhaust pipes, and mufflers stay hot for a long time.
The exhaust system might be hot, even after engine is switched off; pay particular attention not to touch exhaust system with any body part and do not park the vehicle next to inflammable material (wood, leaves etc.).
Park your motorcycle where no one is likely to hit it and use the side stand.
Never park on uneven or soft ground or your motorcycle may fall over.
Carrying the maximum load allowed
Your motorcycle is designed for long-distance riding, carrying the maximum load allowed in full safety. Even weight distribution is critical to preserving these safety features and avoiding trouble when performing sudden manoeuvres or riding on bumpy roads.
Information about carrying capacity
The total weight of the motorcycle in running order
E including rider, pillion passenger, luggage and additional accessories should not exceed 370 Kg.
Try to arrange your luggage or heavy accessories in the lowest possible position and close to motorcycle centre. Be sure to secure the luggage to the supports provided on the motorcycle as firmly as possible. Improperly secured luggage may affect stability.
Never fix bulky or heavy objects to the handlebar or to the front mudguard as this would affect stability and cause danger.
Do not insert any objects you may need to carry into the gaps of the frame as these may foul moving parts. Make sure the tyres are inflated to the proper pressure (see page 53) and that they are in good condition.
All Ducati motorcycles have two identification numbers, for frame (fig. 1) and engine (fig. 2).
These numbers identify the motorcycle model and should always be indicated when ordering spare parts.
E This section details the position and function of all the controls you need to drive your motorcycle. Be sure to read this information carefully before you use the controls.
Position of motorcycle controls (fig. 3)
1) Instrument panel.
2) Key-operated ignition switch and steering lock.
5) Fast-idle lever.
7) Throttle twistgrip.
8) Front brake lever.
9) Gear change pedal.
10) Rear brake pedal.
Instrument panel (fig. 4)
1) High beam light (blue) . Comes on when high beam is on.
2) Turn indicator light (green) .
Comes on and flashes when a turn indicator is on. 3) Fuel warning light (yellow) .
Comes on when there are about 3.5 liters fuel left in the tank (3 liters in the plastic tank).
4) Neutral light N (green).
Comes on when in neutral position.
5) Engine oil pressure light (red) .
Comes on when engine oil pressure is too low. It briefly comes on when the ignition is switched to ON and normally goes out a few seconds after engine starts.
It may shortly come on when the engine is hot, however, it should go out as the engine revs up.
If this light stays on, stop the engine or it may damage.
Comes on and flashes when the motorcycle is parked (Immobilizer on), it is also used for immobilizer diagnosis.
When the Immobilizer is on, this light flashes for 24 hours and then goes out. The Immobilizer is still operating.
7) EOBD light (orange)
When on, engine operation is inhibited. It goes out after a few seconds (usually 1.8 - 2 sec.).
8) Speedometer (km/h). Gives road speed.
Gives total distance covered. - Trip meter (km).
Gives distance covered since last resetting. E
9) Revolution counter (rpm).
Shows the engine rotation speed/minute. b) LCD (2):
LCD unit functions
When the ignition key is turned to ON , the instrument panel carries out a Check of all instruments (pointers, display, lights) (see fig. 5 and 6).
Turn the key to ON and press (B) (fig. 6) to display trip meter and odometer alternatively.
E Resetting the trip meter
Keep (B) pressed (fig. 6) for more than 2 seconds. When the TRIP function is enabled (trip meter), display (LCD 1) will reset.
Turn the key to ON and press (A) (fig. 6) to display clock and oil temperature.
Setting the clock
Press ( A ) for at least 2 seconds. Press ( B ) to set AM/PM .
Press ( A ) to set hours; press ( B ) repeatedly to set correct hour.
Press ( A ) to set minutes.
Press ( B ) to increase the value. Keep the button pressed for more than 5 seconds to proceed faster.
Press ( A ) to quit this function.
When the oil temperature goes below 50 °C (122 °F), " LO " will be displayed. " HI " will be displayed when the temperature exceeds 170 °C (338 °F).
" FUEL" will be displayed when the fuel warning light comes on.
After the first 1,000 Km/621 mi and then every 10,000 Km/ 6210 mi, " MAInt " will be displayed for 5 seconds when turning the key to ON. It reminds you of the routine maintenance servicing to be done.
Instrument panel lighting
Turn the key to ON and press (B) (fig. 6) within 5 seconds to change instrument panel lighting power.
Stop the motorcycle before using the instrument panel controls.
Never operate the instrument panel controls while riding.
The immobilizer system
For improved anti-theft protection, the motorcycle is equipped with an IMMOBILIZER, an electronic system that inhibits engine operation whenever the ignition switch is turned off.
Accommodated in the handgrip of each ignition key is an electronic device that modulates an output signal. This signal is generated by a special antenna incorporated in the switch when the ignition is turned on and changes
E every time. The modulated signal acts as a “password” and tells the CPU that an "authorised" ignition key is being used to start up the engine. When the CPU recognises the signal, it enables engine start-up.
The key A performs the same functions as the keys B, and is also used to wipe off and re-program other black keys, if needed.
The three keys have a small plate (1) attached that reports their identification number.
Keep the keys in different places. Store the plate
(1) and the key A in a safe place.
It is also recommended to use always the same black key to start the bike.
The Owner receives a set of keys comprising:
Red key A has a rubber cover for preserving it in
perfect conditions and avoiding contact with other keys.
Never remove this protection unless really needed.
The keys B are regular ignition keys and are used to:
- start up the engine
- open the lock of the fuel tank filler plug
- open the seat lock.
The keys come with a CODE CARD (fig. 8) that reports:
A) (fig. 9) the electronic code to be used in case of engine block, i.e. bike did not start after key-ON .
B) (fig. 9) the mechanical code for the keys to be reported to the DUCATI Service network when you are ordering any duplicate keys.
Keep the CODE CARD in a safe place. However, it is advisable to keep the electronic code printed on the CODE CARD handy when you ride your motorcycle, in case it is necessary to override engine block through the procedure that uses the throttle twistgrip.
In case of faulty immobilizer system, the following procedure gives the chance to disable "engine block" function -signalled by the orange EOBD warning light that comes on immediately (7, fig. 4).
But this operation can be carried out only if the electronic code indicated on the code card is known.
Procedure to disable immobilizer engine block through throttle twistgrip
1) Turn the key to ON and fully open throttle. Keep it open. The EOBD warning light turns off after 8 seconds.
2) Release the throttle as soon as the EOBD warning light turns off.
3) EOBD pilot light will flash. Count a number of flashes corresponding to the first figure of the code, open full throttle and keep the position for 2 seconds, then
E release. In this way the input of one figure is acknowledged, EOBD pilot light comes on and stays on for 4 seconds. Carry out the same procedure for the following figures of the code. Failure to do so will cause the EOBD pilot light to flash 20 times, then it will stay on. This means that the procedure has been aborted. It will be necessary to turn the key to OFF and restart from point (1).
4) Repeat operations described in point (3) up to the last figure of the code.
5) Release the throttle twistgrip, if the code is correct, the EOBD warning light shall flash signalling that engine block has been disabled. The warning light turns off after 4 seconds.
If the code is NOT correct, the EOBD warning light stays on and it is then possible to turn the key to OFF and repeat the procedure, starting from point (1), as many times as necessary (infinite).
Should the throttle twistgrip be released before the set time, the warning light turns on again. It is then necessary to bring the key to OFF and restart the procedure from point (1).
When the ignition key is turned to OFF , the immobilizer inhibits engine operation.
When the ignition key is turned back to ON to start the engine, the following happens:
1) if the CPU recognised the code, the CODE light on the instrument panel will flash briefly. This means that the immobilizer system has recognised the key code and enabled engine ignition. When you press the START button, the engine will start up.
2) If the CODE light stays on, it means that the code has not been recognised. When this is the case, turn the ignition key back to OFF and then to ON again. If the engine still does not start, try with another black key.
If the other key does not work out either, contact the DUCATI Service network.
3) Should the CODE pilot light still be flashing, it means that an immobilizer system fault was reset (e.g. with the overriding procedure through throttle grip). Turn the key to OFF and back to ON , the immobilizer pilot light should go back to its normal operation (see point 1).
The keys accommodate electronic components inside. If dropped or hit, they might damage.
Use only one key during the procedure. Failure to do so might prevent the system from recognizing the code of the key in use.
If you need any duplicate keys, contact the DUCATI Service network with all the keys you have left and your CODE CARD.
DUCATI Service will program new keys and re-program your original keys, up to 8 keys in total.
You may be asked to identify yourself as the legitimate owner of the motorcycle. Be sure you have any documents you might need to this end ready.
The codes of any keys not submitted will be wiped off E from the memory to make those keys unserviceable in
case they have been lost.
If you sell your motorcycle, do not forget to give all keys and the CODE CARD to the new owner.
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