Как убрать зеленый фильтр в fallout 3
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Color intensity was kept the same as well, so as an example take an ambient weather RGB as R:162 G:202 B: 112 and add them together for a total of 476. I divide this number by three to get 158.6 repeating or 159 rounded and then replace this number for R, G, and B to keep the same intensity while neutralizing the tint. Additionally, no entries in the Lights category were changed so some areas that seem a little bit redder are because of the warm lighting used.
Unfortunately, Clarity DOES NOT WORK with any weather, atmosphere, or lighting mods such as Fellout or Realistic Interior Lighting because I made it for the sole purpose of utilizing the vanilla artstyle while displaying more colors than just green.
If you want more realistic weather with bright, hot days I highly recommend Fallout 3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting and for pitch black tunnels and sensible lighting levels check out Realistic Interior Lighting - Paradox Mergers Version
No assets used, only an esp file. If you want to tinker with it please feel free to do so!
File credits
Donation Points system
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Version 1.2
- Neutralized the Pip-Boy light, added TTW versions of Clarity.
Version 1.1
- Searchlight Weather entries have been neutralized, but the ImageSpace Modifier remains vanilla.
Vanilla Tints Neutralized
New Vegas is a phenomenal game with tons of character and charm, but I have always hated the unnatural filters and hues that overlay the landscape.
Having lived in a desert, I can say with certainty that the sky is not supposed to look like an orange creamsicle.
Color intensity was kept the same as well, so as an example take an ambient weather RGB as Red-162 Green-202 Blue-112 and add them together for a total of 476. I divide this number by three to get 158.6 repeating or 159 rounded and then replace this number for R, G, and B to keep the same intensity while neutralizing the tint. Additionally, no entries in the Lights category were changed so some areas that seem a little bit redder are because of the warm lighting used.
Dark Nights
Some Clarification
Fallout 3 was relatively simple to correct for RGB values, but New Vegas is a different beast and a lot of locations had to be tackled independently, and some left entirely to vanilla settings. Off the top of my head, here are some specific changes that are outside of the original scope of Clarity:
The Sink has retained its vanilla values, which was just one ImageSpace. The Sink already has a great color balance and neutralizing the ambient tints seemed to decrease the range of colors in the place.
Use either Clarity OR Clarity - Dark Nights. DO NOT combine the two because it is redundant and they edit the same entries.
Unfortunately, Clarity DOES NOT WORK with any weather, atmosphere, or lighting mods such as Nevada Skies, Fellout, Realistic Interior Lighting, Project Reality, or Realistic Wasteland Lighting (and Enhancement) because I made it for the sole purpose of utilizing the vanilla artstyle while displaying more colors than just orange. The aforementioned mods (and many others not listed) modify the same entries and the attempted visual styles are very different.
Technically, your game will run perfectly fine with any other mods and letting them overwrite Clarity, but it sort of defeats the purpose of this mod entirely.
Me for using up time I could have spent studying :v
Bethesda for giving Obsidian the opportunity to 1-Up them.
Obsidian for 2-Upping Bethesda.
Статус: Offline
Автор: Указаны в описании
Лор: Полностью подходит для мира игры
Распространение: Свободное распространение
Realistic HDR Lighting 1.2 от jonny512
Для Fallout 3
Этот мод улучшает внешнее освещение и погодные настройки в режиме HDR.
Что он делает:
Удаляет все зеленые оттенки, уменьшает количество тумана, нормализует цвета освещения и их интенсивность, изменяет погодные условия.
Типы погоды в Пустоши контролируются регионами, как и раньше. Погода в Вашингтоне меняется случайным образом.
Это никак не влияет на производительность и работает без дополнительной нагрузки.
Оптимизировано для режима HDR.
Этот мод меняет только внешнее освещение, поэтому он, вероятно, должен работать без конфликтов с другими модами, которые меняют внутреннее освещение.
Также должен хорошо работать с модами, использующими скриптовое переопределение погоды.
Отлично совместим и отлично работает с этими модами:
Fallout Street Lights
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow
Clarity - An Orange Tint Remover 1.2 от phoenix0113
Для Fallout New Vegas
Мод изменяет RGB для всех типов погоды, ImageSpaces, ImageSpace Modifiers и шаблонов освещения в базовой игре и DLC на нейтральные значения. Что это значит? Никаких неестественных окружающих цветов. Вместо этого все цвета исходят от источников света и неба, как и должно быть.
Интенсивность цвета осталась неизменной. Кроме того, никакие записи в категории "освещение" не были изменены.
Никакого снижения производительности.
Clarity - Dark Nights
Альтернативный плагин. Ночи на 50% темнее.
Установка: выбрать папку для нужной игры, скопировать из нее плагин в папку Data игры, подключить его в мод-менеджере.
Удаление: удалить этот плагин.
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