Как убрать заставку в just cause 3
2. Вам нужно добавить аргумент командной строки для активации каталога dropzone:
- Откройте свойства игры через Steam (Библиотека - Just Cause 3 - ПКМ - Свойства)
- Выберите строку "Установить параметры запуска" и впишите в строку текст, написанный ниже:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .
Какая такая dropzone - непонятно, можно подробней?
[MEAT] Antoxa Zlo В архиве есть такая папка,просто скопировать ее в папку с игрой.
ElmStreetBoy правильно
Кидаете папку из архива в папку с игрой (для пиратки). К ярлыку на рабочем столе дописываете (свойства-> объект-> после кавычек) --vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs И не тратим время на эту бесполезную заставку с взрывом корабля)
Олег Стасик Чёто не получается , пишет Имя конечного файла "D:\Game\Just Cause 3\JustCause3.exe"--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs задано неправельно. Проверте правельность указаного пути и имени файла. У меня 8 винда а и не стим версия <----------------- Эммм . я чтото не правильно делаю ?
Нашол ответ "D:\Game\Just Cause 3\JustCause3.exe" --vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs оказывается я тут " - пробел не ставил (^=◕ᴥ◕=^)
Элементарно, в свойствах ярлыка: "D:\Games\Just Cause 3\JustCause3.exe" -no intro Только что проверил!
Just Cause 3
30 ноя. 2015 в 17:36 With the game crashing every 20 minutes we have to start the game many times so how do we disable the intro video with the Rico on the beach? I don't see any video file in the game's directory. 30 ноя. 2015 в 17:57I think it's stalling when logging into the server.
Mine stalls at that beach intro until finally the "logging you in" window pops up. Not needed when playing single player.
30 ноя. 2015 в 18:03 Yeah, that video is really annoying; moreso because I keep having to re launch the game. I get by the "Logging you in" part and then the game just hangs in a perpetual loading screen. 1 дек. 2015 в 6:14 1 дек. 2015 в 6:29 I think the intro is there for another reason besides showing you what game you're playing, i think it may be a cover up loading screen hence why you can't skip it. 2 дек. 2015 в 21:46 I think the intro is there for another reason besides showing you what game you're playing, i think it may be a cover up loading screen hence why you can't skip it.This. Especially considering they load your save game and the entire set of necessary objects of the world before the main menu even pops up. No excuse for long loading times, but they probably start loading the second the games launches so there isn't much to skip. 6 дек. 2015 в 0:38
I think the intro is there for another reason besides showing you what game you're playing, i think it may be a cover up loading screen hence why you can't skip it.
I don't understand the intro being a loading sreen. Since after the intro, you then have to wait for loggin, and then to ait for another loading.
What is it loading while in the intro then ?
6 дек. 2015 в 2:49 6 дек. 2015 в 13:16Thanks! Just what I was looking for, finally a way to avoid the fake loading screen of Rico chilling before logging into the servers.
(the sentence above I added to increase visibility of people googling this, it took me 4 google pages to find this page, Addi.)
10 дек. 2015 в 10:37 (the sentence above I added to increase visibility of people googling this, it took me 4 google pages to find this page, Addi.) 10 дек. 2015 в 10:51 I think the intro is there for another reason besides showing you what game you're playing, i think it may be a cover up loading screen hence why you can't skip it.I don't understand the intro being a loading sreen. Since after the intro, you then have to wait for loggin, and then to ait for another loading.
What is it loading while in the intro then ?
You are being connected to the master server. The server that tells you when someone beats your score ect. A completely unnecessary process in a SP game.
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Hi there! This guide will show you, how you can skip the long unnecessary intro in Just Cause 3.
Ofc, the manual way below still works.
1. Open your JC3 directory.
Right-click Just Cause 3.
Choose "Properties".
Change to the "Local Files" tab.
Click "Browse Local Files. ".
2. Create a new folder called "dropzone".
3. Create a new folder in "dropzone" called "videos".
4. Create an empty file (e.g. a text file) and rename it to "corona_video.bikc" and put in the "videos" folder.*
5. Next you're going to need to add a few commandline arguments to enable the dropzone directory:
If you don't have any DLC's installed, add this (without the quotes):
"--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs ."
And if you do have any DLC's installed, add this (without the quotes):
"--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-archive dlc_win64 --vfs-fs ."
You can easily set this through Steam by right-clicking Just Cause 3,
Choose "Properties".
Click "Set Launch Options. ".
Paste the arguments line into the text box, and click "OK".
*Windows may hide known file extensions preventing you to create a bikc file. To show file extensions, open the File Explorer and press "ALT+V" and then HF.
And that's it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments, or add me.
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