Как убрать коалицию в europa universalis 4
Playing as a country in Europe. If you take anything more than 2-3 provinces the entire HRE gangs up on you, but if you settle for that you'll never really expand at all.
Wat do? All I can think of is stacking up alliances.
15 мая. 2017 в 13:21- Ally the Emperor if your taking HRE land.
- Take vassals when not allied to Emperor if taking HRE land (If you can)
- Take/Create Vassals that have cores on land owned by an enemy to use the Reconquest CB, Reconquest CB is only 25% AE instead of the 100% of the Conquest CB. HUGE difference. Make sure to transfer occupation of that land with the vassal cores on it to the vassal and give it to the vassal in the peace treaty or you take 100% AE on it. Land you take with the Reconquest CB that does not have a vassals core or your core will be 100% AE and cost you diplo mana per province. Also if you take cores using the Conquest CB it will be 100% AE can cost Diplo mana. Use the right CB at the right time to get the least AE possible! (Notice I said Cores and not Claims. Claims are for the Conquest CB!)
- Take Influence ideas / anything that reduces AE
- Take anything you can that increases "Improve Relations" (Rate of Decay of negative relations such as AE)
- Take land out of HRE; (France, England, Italy-after Shadow Kingdom, Denmark etc etc) if you are IN the HRE.
- Expand out of your areas ASAP if you started in Europe / HRE. (NO-CB Ireland minors, War with Genoa to take Black Sea land etc. Get AE in other areas ASAP)
- If you started outside of Europe, attack specific religions. Continue to attack that religion until it is completely eliminated. Juggle the truces of that Religion so that 4 countries of that religion are never "up" at the same time.
- If you have very powerful allies, don't worry about a small coalition. (I don't mean small countries, I mean number as in the amount of countries actually in it)
- Learn to juggle truce timers so your enemies never sync up being able to join the same coalition against you
- Max out your Force Limit for both Army & Navy ASAP (Makes you appear more dangerous for coalition purposes)
You'll expand faster than any other country in the HRE with the exception of perhaps Bohemia or Brandenburg since they have amazing and somewhat easy access to non-HRE lands via Poland / Denmark 15 мая. 2017 в 14:12
The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
15 мая. 2017 в 14:15The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
Good one. I do this as well although I never had a cool name for it. 15 мая. 2017 в 14:32
i have 158 AE with almost the world nvm austria im playing as italy in 1602 atm i don't care for AE after i secure alliances at the start and i took diplomatic ideas my allies are france,aragon who ate all the top half as castille,morroco who has eaten portugal and the bottom half of castile, bohemia who has eaten all of poland tunis who ate almost all of mamluks aside from the ottomans land, saxony who ate all of almost germany aside from bohemias land and im currently the second world power so i dare attacks to come my way i think aragon and france can beat it nvm much effot from me,
Advice > in europe it's not really about the AE it's about only eating claims try claiming land that should belong to your capitale state first and make sure you get max allies even an opm can lend upwards of 6k units also an improved relations guy goes a long way and third don't rush there is no rush you should give at least 3 years of AE tick down with an improved relations guy b4 going to war again max AE before coalitions is 50 you should not care for AE after you can support 50k+ troops and have a big ally or two cause europe nations cant really beat you then
15 мая. 2017 в 14:39i have 158 AE with almost the world nvm austria im playing as italy in 1602 atm i don't care for AE after i secure alliances at the start and i took diplomatic ideas my allies are france,aragon who ate all the top half as castille,morroco who has eaten portugal and the bottom half of castile, bohemia who has eaten all of poland tunis who ate almost all of mamluks aside from the ottomans land, saxony who ate all of almost germany aside from bohemias land and im currently the second world power so i dare attacks to come my way i think aragon and france can beat it nvm much effot from me,
Advice > in europe it's not really about the AE it's about only eating claims try claiming land that should belong to your capitale state first and make sure you get max allies even an opm can lend upwards of 6k units also an improved relations guy goes a long way and third don't rush there is no rush you should give at least 3 years of AE tick down with an improved relations guy b4 going to war again max AE before coalitions is 50 you should not care for AE after you can support 50k+ troops and have a big ally or two cause europe nations cant really beat you then
Claims do not impact AE whatsoever. Zero.
Claims do reduce coring cost by 10% and coring time by 10% however
The single exception to this is Permanent Claims.
FYI, the Wiki is wrong.
The list above is quite good.
Create 'Cold War' conditions. This one used to be a lot easier before the change, but you can still sometimes get a situation where no one can get at you because of their needing military access through someone that they are rivalled with. Pay attention to who is hostile towards who, and you can sometimes find a window where potential coalitions would all be blocked by lack of military access to even get at you. If such a window opens up, you can sometimes take provinces with impunity so long as you are careful to stackwipe any coalition naval landings (assuming you aren't land-locked and/or can't just destroy the combined coalition naval power at sea). This used to be a lot easier. like I wrote, it's quite a bit different now, though it can still be done.
I've accidentally done something like this in peacetime actually, where Austria had a rebellion is post-burgundy land. They paid full maintaince for 40,000 soldiers because a 12 stack of rebels occupied a single cut off province. This continued for almost 20 years untill a random army with access into Austria met the rebels and killed them.
Is creating vassals just for reconquests really worth it? Vassals feel pretty useless so far, and integration is expensive and takes a long time.
I understand juggling coalitions, though usually on a smaller scale. I instantly declare war on nearby major countries before they can join the massive HRE coalition against me. Thing is, europe blobs into one giant coalition, so its hard to "juggle" multiple. Not to mention that war is costly and bloody, and my manpower can't take it.
I don't have the means or reasons to conquer lands outside europe just yet, but is it really worth it? They can be hard to suppress rebellions in, barely pay any tax, and may be difficult to defend.
Do coalitions always have that nasty +30 coalition war modifier? I made them lose 290,000 men and no less than EIGHTY THREE (83!) ships fighting me, while losing 80,000 men and only 3 ships, but they wouldn't even go for a white peace even after a decade long war, so I had to concede defeat for the greater good.
Also, can I have some advice for my current situation? I've recently conceded defeat to above mentioned coalition due to 2 of my allies not joining my war (Castille was apparently in a rebellion, and the Danish are a bunch of cowardly no good fish eating dirty bearded viking barbarians), and my AE penalty is starting to drop pretty well. Thing is, there is still land I want to own nearby, but taking them through conquest will bump it back up to doomstack level coalitions.
Юрій Кузьо запись закреплена
Как убрать коалицию против себя, отношения улучшаю, но страны не покидают её, что делать ещё надо?
жди, уменьшай оверэкспеншен и не воюй. Я во время коалиций усиляю страну, строю здания, армия, активно веду дипломатию.
Возможен баг. У меня в 1.3 постоянно Литва была в коалиции, даже когда агрессивная экспансия падала до 0. Хотя, может быть это связано со шпионской нац. идеей у Литвы. Кто знает. В 1.5 такого не замечено.
Если у вас сверхрасширение 0, это не значит что все страны вдруг расформируют коалицию. Она еще может лет сто существовать.
Самый лучший вариант воевать допустим Европе одну войну, потом одну в Африке , или ближнем востоке, а третью в Индии . Так можно постоянно воевать, а коалиции не будут образовался .
Ярослав, польша к индии не дойдёт; крым, казань не завоюешь, там османы союзники, ещё и в коалиции; в африку доплыть то можно, но флот маленький пока. Приходится довольствоватся только венгрией, и та скоро закончится..
Юрій, можно на другие ханства напасть Золотую орду или Астрахань. У них тоже отдельный регион идет . В смысле начисления очков экспансии. Кстати если ты будешь воевать с странами не европейского региона, то члены коалиции будут быстрее выходить. Подумают что мол на другой регион направил свою экспансию. Хотя да Польша не лучший вариант для таких маневров, не то что Англия, Франция или итальянские страны например .
Максим Точков запись закреплена
Дайте пожалуйста советы, как избежать коалиций, какие идеи брать и т.д.
Качество правителя есть–реакция на агрессивное расширение. Там или плюс или минус. И не хавай много провок
Максим, можешь взять шпионские, либо дипломатию. 2 я позволяет раздроблять коалиции путём задабривания ее членов. Когда отношения выше 0, то они выходят из коалиции.
Ешь в разные стороны, бери дипломатические идеи и ставь дипломатов на выкачивание отношений с теми, на кого действует агрессивка, нападай на коалиции сам и разбивай
Чтобы не набирать много АЕ, не бери провинции у союзников противника без галочки. Любой модификатор на улучшение отношений также увеличивает спад АЕ. Поэтому Дипломатия, Гуманизм и Шпионские идеи - твой выбор, кроме того первые две полностью закрытые дадут тебе политику на еще +20% к улучшению отношений (суммарно получишь 25%+30%+20%=65% к скорости спада АЕ, добавь сюда советника на улучшения отношений и вот уже 80%, почти в два раза быстрее спад), а шпионские тебе дадут -10% к получаемому АЕ. В остальном тебе уже написали: научись контролировать АЕ. Если жрешь кого-то в Африке, то Европейцам, не имеющим там колоний, плевать. Ну почти. Бонус к АЕ для страны, если у нее с целью твоего отжора: общая религия +50%, один континент +50%, одна культурная группа +50% и бонус для провинций СРИ еще +50%.
Даниил, а можешь посоветовать какие идеи брать за Швецию? Хочу из Швеции создать пруссию.
Максим, ну, зависит от того, что ты хочешь от партии. Можешь порофлить и собрать максимум качества армии, а может ты закрасить хочешь как можно больше. На таких странах у меня любимый набор идей, если не красить мир, релижка+количество+торговля. Дальше можешь взять те же дипломатические, наступ, а там уже и не важно. Если красить мир, то админка+дипка+гумка - джентльменский набор. На Пруссию сейчас неплохо брать админку из-за -50% к гк из-за прусской монархии, хотя проще скинуть эту фп.
Why would you need coalitions stopped, use them to attack your powerfull opponents (since only coalition leader can call in his allies) untill they start to leave the deathtrap they call "coalition" themselves
Winning (and not taking territory), or losing twice makes the coalition disband (lower your AE with countries involved), so you can pick and choose.
Taking territory for yourself and releasing states as puppets from conquered territory also lowers your AE.
Or you can do what Cerulean|PRINCE mentioned and just take it easy for a few years (best solution AFAIK).
24 мая. 2014 в 3:03I'm pretty certain that releasing states as vassals does in no way reduce your AE. The only benefit of releasing vassals is to manage overextension and save admin monarch points for not needing to core provinces.
Moreover, from my experiences (and wiki is backing this) coalitions do not automatically dissolve when a certain number of wars have been lost/won. It's all about the attitude of the members and their AE relation penalty towards you.
So the only way to deal with coalitions that are superior to you is to wait and improve relations with those members that do not have a ridiculously high AE penalty. Although it is always wise no to encourage the AI to form coalitions, as they can be a pain. and if they are vastly superior, they will also use their coalition CB to cut you down in size again.
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