Impulserc driver fixer ошибка 99
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В dfu mode полетник включили? Зажали кнопку/замкнули перемычку boot. подключили USB.Попробуйте поискать на том же тытрубе, там по видео проще будет разобраться, что куда жать и что как делать.
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[QUOTE=al_petrovi4;7663569]Здравствуйте! Подскажите пжлст,в бетафлайте не могу разобраться в начале. Прошивку скачал,нажимаю flash firmware,а оно мне-failed to open serial port. Драйвера качнулся вроде правильно. Спасибо за понимание,я зелен в этом.
С последним драйвером zadig произошла проблема,у меня в установочном окне отличается параметры от тех,что в примере на оф сайте.
Мне помогло это.скажите, влияет ли на чтонибудь baud rate для gps приёмника? если у меня ловит допустим, на 9, забить?
влияет только на скорость обмена данными, и как следствие на получение актуальных координат полетным контроллером. На высоких скоростях полета реальное положение модели будет "улетать" далеко от передаваемых координат, и соответственно если GPS используется на самолете без компаса, то при смене курса будет тупить стрелочка направления "домой". В случае крушения модели - на ДВР будут зафиксированы координаты которые успел транслировать аппарат пока был "на связи" и если эти данные "запоздавшие" то поиски модели немного усложнятся.
9 спутников - говорит о том что у вас чип не самый свежий, и ловит только одну систему GPS, а нашу Глонасс, и европейскую Галилео не ловит. Вроде бы точность от этого сильно не должна страдать, так как достаточно 6 спутников для уверенного 3Д позиционирования.
Из моего оптыта такие модули дают точность в пределах метра-полутора. Но в облачность им сложнее поймать большее количество спутников чем многосистемным модулям.
влияет только на скорость обмена данными, и как следствие на получение актуальных координат полетным контроллером. На высоких скоростях полета реальное положение модели будет "улетать" далеко от передаваемых координат, и соответственно если GPS используется на самолете без компаса, то при смене курса будет тупить стрелочка направления "домой". В случае крушения модели - на ДВР будут зафиксированы координаты которые успел транслировать аппарат пока был "на связи" и если эти данные "запоздавшие" то поиски модели немного усложнятся.
9 спутников - говорит о том что у вас чип не самый свежий, и ловит только одну систему GPS, а нашу Глонасс, и европейскую Галилео не ловит. Вроде бы точность от этого сильно не должна страдать, так как достаточно 6 спутников для уверенного 3Д позиционирования.
Из моего оптыта такие модули дают точность в пределах метра-полутора. Но в облачность им сложнее поймать большее количество спутников чем многосистемным модулям.
bn180. какое то говно. в уцентре вроде как можно и глонасс и галилео добавить, но толку нет. купил матек, посомтрим
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Driver Fixer
Apex Frame Accessory 3D Printable Files
STL files for the injection moulded pieces as well as various antenna mounts, plus a DXF file for a HD camera mount base, are available for free download under the Creative Commons license.
Micro Apex Frame Accessory 3D Printable Files
STL files for the injection moulded pieces as well as antenna mounts, plus a DXF file for a HD camera mount base, are available for free download under the Creative Commons license.
Helix / Mercury Video Transmitter
Since the custom VTX/OSD firmware changes certain defaults you must use this version of the MWOSD GUI to configure!
Australian firmware locked to legal frequencies and 25mW output power. If you ordered your Helix in Australia you already have this flashed.
Fully unlocked international firmware, gives all supported channels and selectable 25/200/500mW output power . If you ordered your Helix from outside of Australia you already have this flashed.
Reverb 3D Printable GoPro Couch Mount
These files are provided solely for personal use. The design remains the property of Brain3D and most not be offered for sale as a printed part.
Since the latest updates of Windows - no matter whether W7 or W10 - there is no way to get into the bootloaders of any Betaflight or Butterflight based FC (JB4, Heliospring, CLRacing F4 or Betaflight F4). I tried it on several samples of each type. No re-installing nor manual driver fixing, nor any de- and re-installation solved the problem nor did any hack. No Zadig works and no ImpulseRC Driver Fixer! Nothing
I am completely fed up with that crap, that costed me thousands of $ and i'll check out KISS or abandon the hobby. I cannot get rid of the impression that these people have forgotten what serious development work means! Tons of jerk and nerd features but no will to solve any basic issues lasting for quite a long time despite that they have been informed by numerous people about these facts for quite a while now. And there are hundreds of similar threads and posts throughout the forum world ith th sam contends
If they go on like that they have to re-learn what it means to work for their living and not only crooking hobby enthusiast for their money by YouTube hypes.
This is a nightmare and I have never seen anything that compares to that in a life long IT career!
Since the latest updates of Windows - no matter whether W7 or W10 - there is no way to get into the bootloaders of any Betaflight or Butterflight based FC (JB4, Heliospring, CLRacing F4 or Betaflight F4). I tried it on several samples of each type. No re-installing nor manual driver fixing, nor any de- and re-installation solved the problem nor did any hack. No Zadig works and no ImpulseRC Driver Fixer! Nothing I'm sick of that maddening crap also. Windows 10 or 7, no DFU connect. I have a Mac also, that has always connected without any issues to any flight controller in DFU. The Windows 10 laptop connects to flight controllers and I didn't have to install any drivers.Maybe you could use a friend's Mac to flash firmware and then your Windows rig to set it up.
Yeah. Same problem here with my CLRacing F4 FC.
I just can't enter DFU mode anymore (and flash to newer version of Betaflight).
After I use "BL" CLI command in Betaflight or use the physical bootloader button on FC, it doesn't show "DFU" in port selection in BF configurator anymore. Only "Manual Selection", thats it.
ImpulseRC_Driver_Fixer doesn't seem to help anymore (before, running the driver fixer usually helped to resolve these issues). It gets stuck in Searching for flight controller.
After trying to enter bootloader mode, it takes about 10 seconds and then windows 10 displays an error message "USB device not recognized" and it shows "Unknown USB device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)" under Device Manager.
Other than that, I can connect it to Betaflight and configure my quad without issues. Just can't flash the firmware.
I tried with Flip32 F4 (Airbot F4) flight controller and the first time I tried to enter bootloader it failed, but after running ImpulseRC_Driver_Fixer, I was able to connect into the DFU mode just fine.
So I guess the problem is not related to Windows 10 and it's updates or drivers, after all.
There must be something wrong with my CLRacing F4 quad setup :/
I cannot guarantee it but it seems that i have found a solution at least for the W7:
As FrSky Receivers are using UART1 and UART2 AND Helio/Butter uses the same port for DFU mode you have to unplug or desolder the power connection for the receiver . If you connect the USB it powers up the FrSky as well and everything goes beserk (on Helio you can solder it to the 5V rail to avoid this in the future).
Connect the FC to your computer and wait . wait . wait (it can last several minutes to install the HELIOSPRING driver). Disconnect and re-connect. And wait . wait . wait .
Then connect via Butterfliht Configurator. Once connected, go into CLI enter 'bl' and ENTER . Manually configure Baud Rate to 115200 and uncheck all other options, Wait a little bit.
Then try to flash. Maybe you have to do the above more than once by turning on and off options until you see 'DFU' in the connection widget
I no f****. way ever use Zadig or impulserc driver fixer . If you have used it you have to re-install everything from scratch. Be sure that you clean your Windwows OS completely of all already used drivers, then clean the registry (and your whole system if you have a cleaner software) and re-start it up freshly.
Does also work for CL Racing F4 and JB F4
As per Cephi58 w7 solution, i have a r xsr, after few attempts and reading that comment. i unplugged reciever and impulseRC driver worked perfect As per Cephi58 w7 solution, i have a r xsr, after few attempts and reading that comment. i unplugged reciever and impulseRC driver worked perfectI finally took my Rooster apart and de-soldered the XSR receiver 5V power wire. And sure enough, I got the FC into DFU mode and was able to flash the new Betaflight version.
It can be a PITA because I need to de-solder that wire everytime I want to upgrade the firmware, but meh. It's not something you do everyday, so I can live with that.
For some reason I wasn't able to get to DFU mode with the physical BOOT button on FC and I had to use the Betaflight CLI command 'BL' It's much easier to use the 'BL' command anyway, so I don't really care about that.
Thanks for the tip guys Cephi58 and ChronicFPV!
The majik incantation that worked for me is listed below, maybe it will help someone else out.
FC: CL Racing Mini F4.
- Won't go into DFU on latest win 10 pro.
- Impulse RC driver fixer reporting error as per thread subject .
- Step 1. Install Zadig 2.3 driver. This got me into DFU, but read/write protection was active, �F configurator 10.3.1 was able to disable and I could flash �F 3.5.0-RC1.
- Step 2. After flashing, com port was not getting recognised. Re-running Impulse RC driver installed new serial driver and I could connect via com port again and configure.
I've just had two very late nights trying to upgrade two quads from old firmware's and configurator's.
One was running CleanFlight the other was BetaFlight and both over a year old FW and Config.
Both new configurators instantly kicked me into CLI mode saying I need to upgrade.
So I exited and went to Firmware Flasher, once there I used ImpulseRC Fixer to get into DFU mode which
it does fine "even though I often get errors" (usually 99) I see the Bootloader FC lights come ON.
You need to have your PC Device Manager open then you can quickly check if anything "is" actually changing
in the Universal Serial Bus devices, other wise you are just guessing.
Devices will show up as in DFU or Bootloader.
Anyway the older Configs saw a DFU device, I loaded the .hex files but no-matter what I tried the thing
wouldn't flash the chip, even though it reported 256KB available etc.
The newer Configs didn't even detect the DFU device, or if they did it wouldn't flash just as above.
I also had Zadig open also so could see the drivers being changed. But nothing was working.
I even tried three USB cables (I have been caught by dodgy cables before) and eventually I swapped
PC's but was still having no luck.
Then BINGO ! !, one of them started to flash the FC Chip, and I really don't know why, it was just a fluke ??
So the next night I spent trying to get the other quad flashed, I wasn't going to let it beat me
But nothing was working.
As a last resort I tried STMicroelectronics, DfuSe Demo. This is a two part process where you firstly need
to generate a .dfu file (using DfuFileMgr.exe) from the appropriate FC .hex file. Chose Action generate then
use the [ S19 or Hex. ] button, you'll work it out. Select the .hex, generate / save the .dfu
Once that's done use DfuSe Demo.exe When I first tried it I got No DFU devices available.
So I also used, D/L, STM- Virtual comport driver, install the driver, now I had a device in the list up top.
Otherwise try ImpulseRC Fixer.exe to enter DFU mode.
Use [Choose] to select your newly created .dfu file, a confirmation bar should appear, then hit [Upgrade]
You may get a warning saying "it's flying blind" and can't verify if the correct file is selected, just hit Yes.
Warning: Make sure you really have selected the correct file you made or it's on your head if wrong.
The progress bar should do stuff. Congratulations Unplug the FC and now try BF or Cf config again.
Over in GitHub there were recent posts about No DFU, etc and they shut them down quickly.
Maybe those guys need to have another look Betaflight config because it seems it's not an isolated
incident as seen above.
BTW I was using two WIN7 machines, one 32bit and one 64bit system.
I know the above steps are a bit involved, not too hard though, better than having a useless FC.
And ignore the ImpulseRC fixer warnings, use Device Manager list, USB mount / dismount sounds
from the PC or the Boot LEDs on your Flight Controller to see if you did actually enter Boot / DFU mode.
Hope this may help some.
Since the latest updates of Windows - no matter whether W7 or W10 - there is no way to get into the bootloaders of any Betaflight or Butterflight based FC (JB4, Heliospring, CLRacing F4 or Betaflight F4). I tried it on several samples of each type. No re-installing nor manual driver fixing, nor any de- and re-installation solved the problem nor did any hack. No Zadig works and no ImpulseRC Driver Fixer! Nothing
I am completely fed up with that crap, that costed me thousands of $ and i'll check out KISS or abandon the hobby. I cannot get rid of the impression that these people have forgotten what serious development work means! Tons of jerk and nerd features but no will to solve any basic issues lasting for quite a long time despite that they have been informed by numerous people about these facts for quite a while now. And there are hundreds of similar threads and posts throughout the forum world ith th sam contends
If they go on like that they have to re-learn what it means to work for their living and not only crooking hobby enthusiast for their money by YouTube hypes.
This is a nightmare and I have never seen anything that compares to that in a life long IT career!
Originally Posted by Cephi58 (Post 39931983) Since the latest updates of Windows - no matter whether W7 or W10 - there is no way to get into the bootloaders of any Betaflight or Butterflight based FC (JB4, Heliospring, CLRacing F4 or Betaflight F4). I tried it on several samples of each type. No re-installing nor manual driver fixing, nor any de- and re-installation solved the problem nor did any hack. No Zadig works and no ImpulseRC Driver Fixer! Nothing I'm sick of that maddening crap also. Windows 10 or 7, no DFU connect. I have a Mac also, that has always connected without any issues to any flight controller in DFU. The Windows 10 laptop connects to flight controllers and I didn't have to install any drivers.Maybe you could use a friend's Mac to flash firmware and then your Windows rig to set it up.
Yeah. Same problem here with my CLRacing F4 FC.
I just can't enter DFU mode anymore (and flash to newer version of Betaflight).
After I use "BL" CLI command in Betaflight or use the physical bootloader button on FC, it doesn't show "DFU" in port selection in BF configurator anymore. Only "Manual Selection", thats it.
ImpulseRC_Driver_Fixer doesn't seem to help anymore (before, running the driver fixer usually helped to resolve these issues). It gets stuck in Searching for flight controller.
After trying to enter bootloader mode, it takes about 10 seconds and then windows 10 displays an error message "USB device not recognized" and it shows "Unknown USB device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)" under Device Manager.
Other than that, I can connect it to Betaflight and configure my quad without issues. Just can't flash the firmware.
I tried with Flip32 F4 (Airbot F4) flight controller and the first time I tried to enter bootloader it failed, but after running ImpulseRC_Driver_Fixer, I was able to connect into the DFU mode just fine.
So I guess the problem is not related to Windows 10 and it's updates or drivers, after all.
There must be something wrong with my CLRacing F4 quad setup :/
I cannot guarantee it but it seems that i have found a solution at least for the W7:
As FrSky Receivers are using UART1 and UART2 AND Helio/Butter uses the same port for DFU mode you have to unplug or desolder the power connection for the receiver . If you connect the USB it powers up the FrSky as well and everything goes beserk (on Helio you can solder it to the 5V rail to avoid this in the future).
Connect the FC to your computer and wait . wait . wait (it can last several minutes to install the HELIOSPRING driver). Disconnect and re-connect. And wait . wait . wait .
Then connect via Butterfliht Configurator. Once connected, go into CLI enter 'bl' and ENTER . Manually configure Baud Rate to 115200 and uncheck all other options, Wait a little bit.
Then try to flash. Maybe you have to do the above more than once by turning on and off options until you see 'DFU' in the connection widget
I no f****. way ever use Zadig or impulserc driver fixer . If you have used it you have to re-install everything from scratch. Be sure that you clean your Windwows OS completely of all already used drivers, then clean the registry (and your whole system if you have a cleaner software) and re-start it up freshly.
Does also work for CL Racing F4 and JB F4
As per Cephi58 w7 solution, i have a r xsr, after few attempts and reading that comment. i unplugged reciever and impulseRC driver worked perfect Originally Posted by ChronicFPV (Post 39966493) As per Cephi58 w7 solution, i have a r xsr, after few attempts and reading that comment. i unplugged reciever and impulseRC driver worked perfectI finally took my Rooster apart and de-soldered the XSR receiver 5V power wire. And sure enough, I got the FC into DFU mode and was able to flash the new Betaflight version.
It can be a PITA because I need to de-solder that wire everytime I want to upgrade the firmware, but meh. It's not something you do everyday, so I can live with that. ;)
For some reason I wasn't able to get to DFU mode with the physical BOOT button on FC and I had to use the Betaflight CLI command 'BL' :confused: It's much easier to use the 'BL' command anyway, so I don't really care about that.
Thanks for the tip guys Cephi58 and ChronicFPV!
The majik incantation that worked for me is listed below, maybe it will help someone else out.
FC: CL Racing Mini F4.
- Won't go into DFU on latest win 10 pro.
- Impulse RC driver fixer reporting error as per thread subject .
- Step 1. Install Zadig 2.3 driver. This got me into DFU, but read/write protection was active, �F configurator 10.3.1 was able to disable and I could flash �F 3.5.0-RC1.
- Step 2. After flashing, com port was not getting recognised. Re-running Impulse RC driver installed new serial driver and I could connect via com port again and configure.
I've just had two very late nights trying to upgrade two quads from old firmware's and configurator's.
One was running CleanFlight the other was BetaFlight and both over a year old FW and Config.
Both new configurators instantly kicked me into CLI mode saying I need to upgrade.
So I exited and went to Firmware Flasher, once there I used ImpulseRC Fixer to get into DFU mode which
it does fine "even though I often get errors" (usually 99) I see the Bootloader FC lights come ON.
You need to have your PC Device Manager open then you can quickly check if anything "is" actually changing
in the Universal Serial Bus devices, other wise you are just guessing.
Devices will show up as in DFU or Bootloader.
Anyway the older Configs saw a DFU device, I loaded the .hex files but no-matter what I tried the thing
wouldn't flash the chip, even though it reported 256KB available etc.
The newer Configs didn't even detect the DFU device, or if they did it wouldn't flash just as above.
I also had Zadig open also so could see the drivers being changed. But nothing was working.
I even tried three USB cables (I have been caught by dodgy cables before) and eventually I swapped
PC's but was still having no luck.
Then BINGO ! !, one of them started to flash the FC Chip, and I really don't know why, it was just a fluke ??
So the next night I spent trying to get the other quad flashed, I wasn't going to let it beat me :p
But nothing was working.
As a last resort I tried STMicroelectronics, DfuSe Demo. This is a two part process where you firstly need
to generate a .dfu file (using DfuFileMgr.exe) from the appropriate FC .hex file. Chose Action generate then
use the [ S19 or Hex. ] button, you'll work it out. Select the .hex, generate / save the .dfu
Once that's done use DfuSe Demo.exe When I first tried it I got No DFU devices available.
So I also used, D/L, STM- Virtual comport driver, install the driver, now I had a device in the list up top.
Otherwise try ImpulseRC Fixer.exe to enter DFU mode.
Use [Choose] to select your newly created .dfu file, a confirmation bar should appear, then hit [Upgrade]
You may get a warning saying "it's flying blind" and can't verify if the correct file is selected, just hit Yes.
Warning: Make sure you really have selected the correct file you made or it's on your head if wrong.
The progress bar should do stuff. Congratulations :) Unplug the FC and now try BF or Cf config again.
Over in GitHub there were recent posts about No DFU, etc and they shut them down quickly.
Maybe those guys need to have another look Betaflight config because it seems it's not an isolated
incident as seen above.
BTW I was using two WIN7 machines, one 32bit and one 64bit system.
I know the above steps are a bit involved, not too hard though, better than having a useless FC.
And ignore the ImpulseRC fixer warnings, use Device Manager list, USB mount / dismount sounds
from the PC or the Boot LEDs on your Flight Controller to see if you did actually enter Boot / DFU mode.
Hope this may help some.
In Betaflight I was unable to enter DFU mode to flash the flight controller. In the past, the solution has always been to use ImpulseRC Driver Fixer but that resulted in the "Unexpected number of devices detected" error.
After trying many things, the solution was to:
1 - Disconnect the usb from the computer
2 - Open Betaflight
3 - Hold down the "Boot" button while plugging in the usb to the computer. The only LED was thhe blue LED indicating the board had power.
4 - I then ran ImpulseRC Driver Fixer that succeeded in putting Betaflight in DFU mode for a successful flashing of the board.
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