Glacial awakening как установить
Восхождение - это моя сборка Minecraft с проработанной системой развития, реализованной с помощью квестов, измененных рецептов и ограничений в совершении открытий. На этом модпаке было изменено огромное количество крафтов. Развитие же представляет собой поэтапное изучение новых "эр".
В первой "эре" тебе придется учиться основам металлургии, изучать магию природы и т. д.
На втором этапе тебе будет нужно изучать технологии дворфов, углубляться в природную магию, путешествовать, знакомиться с различными магическими существами.
Третья эпоха будет посвящена технологиям и магии цветов.
Четвертая "эра" откроет тебе технологии Дракона и способ выращивания ресурсов.
Пятая же эра является креативной.
Если у Вас крашнется игра (вылетит из мира с краш-репортом), то просто перезайдите в мир.
Если вы хотите установить сборку на сервер, то обязательно устанавливаете и папку configs, чтобы квесты тоже присутствовали на сервере
Список основных модов:
Actually Additions - мод на технологииArtisan Worktables - мод на новые верстаки
Better Builders Wands - мод на посохи строителей
Better Questing - мод на квесты
Block Craftery - мод на декоративные блоки
Bloodmoon - мод на кровавую луну
Botania - мод на магию цветов
Carry On - мод на поднятие блоков и сущностей
Ceramics - мод на керамику
Chisel - мод на новые строительные блоки
TConstruct (+addons) - мод на металлургию и инструменты
Controlling - мод на новый интерфейс настроек управления
Game Stages (+addons) - мод на этапы игры
Draconic Evolution - мод на технологии дракона
Embers Rekindled - мод на технологии дворфов
Ender Storage - мод на эндер цистерну
Extreme Reactors - мод на ядерный реактор
Familiar Fauna - мод на новых животных
Fancy Block Particles - мод на частицы разрушения
Farming for Blockheads - мод на рынок и кормилку
GokiStats - мод на прокачку персонажа
Hunger Overhaul - мод на измененный голод
Hwyla (+addons) - мод на подсказки о блоках
Ice and Fire - мод на магических существ
Inventory Tweaks - мод на сортировку
Item Physic - мод на физику предметов
JEI (+addons) - известный мод
Craft Tweaker (+addons) - мод на изменение рецептов
Mowzies Mobs - мод на новых мобов
Mystical Agriculture (+addons) - мод на выращивание ресурсов
Natura - мод на новые элементы природы
Natures Aura - мод на магию природы
Natures Compass - мод на природный компас
Pam's Harvestcraft - мод на новые растения
Roguelike Dungeons - мод на подземелья
Primitive Mobs - мод на мобов
Recurrent Complex - мод на данжи
Refines Storage - мод на систему хранения
Additional Structures - мод на новые структуры
Sound Filters - мод на новую звуковую систему
Spice of Life - мод на разнообразное питание
Steves Carts - мод на умные вагонетки
Survivalist - мод на выживание
Thermal Expansion (+addons) - мод на технологии
Tombstone - мод на могильный камень
Torcherino - мод на ускоряющие факела
Traverse - мод на новые биомы
Twilight Forest - мод на сумеречный лес
Vanilla Automation - мод на ванильные механизмы
Worley Caves - мод на обновленные пещеры
Xaeros Minimap - мод на миникарту
Yabba - мод на бочки
Zombie Awareness - мод на умных зомби
FastLeafDecay - мод на быстрое разрушение листвы
LootTableTweaker - мод на изменения лута
Draconic Additions - аддон для Draconic Evolution, добавляющий броню и оружие Хаоса
JustEnoughReactors - аддон для JEI, добавляющий совместимость с Extreme Reactors
StepUp - мод на плавный авто-прыжок
Heart Drops - мод на сердечки с мобов
DefaultOptions - мод на сохранение настроек
Bring me the Ring - мод на дополнительные слоты Bauble
Superior Shield - мод на щиты
Plumed Belt - мод на пояс невесомости
Summoner - мод на призывателя
Как начать играть?:
1) Для того чтобы начать играть, проходя квесты, откройте триггер:
2) Потом поставьте галочку в первых двух квестах:
3) Добудьте дерево рукой (как в ванильном майнкрафте) и сделайте пень (рецепт пня вы сможете узнать с помощью JEI на букву "R"):
4) Затем откройте этот квест(см. на скриншот ниже) и сделайте всё, что он требует от Вас:
Обратите внимание на стрелочку:
А вот и рецепты основных предметов этого задания:
Чтобы получить доски, просто поставьте древесину на пень и щелкайте по нему топором ЛКМ:
Вот так делается рабочий стол:
I am trying to get a server for Glacial Awakening (1.1.3) setup, I have done a few modded servers in the past so I am fairly familiar with the process.
I have downloaded the GA server setup files. installed the needed version of forge 1.12.2- Ran the server files and accepted the eula. I then copied the files in the GA server setup folder to the folder i installed the actual forge server to.
Ran the forge server and when i connect it spawns me in the middle of a normal looking minecraft world like its not generating the modded terrain properly.
I have no idea what I am missing. Any help at all would be a massive help. Thank you.
I just started playing Glacial Awakening and I am having a lot of fun exploring these uncommon mods. I did not see any tips thread so please share any that you may have!
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castOnce you are on the surface, uncover the dirt and place down some Fertile Soil to spread grass
Use your first Mysterious Dusts on the grass to make it into Mysterious Grass, which grows Mysterious plants (quite quickly) and they produce Mysterious Dust when broken. Repeat this to make a farm of Mysterious Grass and you will not have to worry about it anymore
Fleshy Snow Nuggets are a good easy source of food once on the surface
When you get your first sapling, you can use a bit more Mutation Paste to turn it into different vanilla saplings and seeds. I recommend spruce for easier wood gathering
Hoppers are made with stone and chests
If you need fast item collection (for Burst Seeds) try using a Strainer Base. They pick up items almost instantly, then you can grab the items from the rather large inventory
To be more specific, dig a hole in the floor 2 deep, put a gravity block then a strainer base on top, then your crystal burst seeds end up auto-collected. Needed for mass production of shards (which is needed before you can make steel and thus shard selectors)
Get yourself an Obsidian Pickaxe. It only takes 3 obsidian (which you should still have from breaking through to the surface) and 12 iron nuggets. The pickaxe has a pretty good durability and the same mining level as a diamond pickaxe.
Durability low? REPAIR PASTE! Easy to craft and repairs for 500 durability!
Need to go mining? Remember, you have Ore Excavation! Just grab a couple of low tier pickaxes, and veinmine tunnels. Then you can easily pick out any ore you want.
If you summon two cows, you can get them to breed. Breeding cows is never a bad idea.
You can use the resonating wand to get rock crystals, BUT you can also just dig down to bedrock level. There is a thick layer of ice, through which you can easily spot the rock crystal ores.
Be careful around Headcrumb enemies. Their agro range is even greater than that of a zombie.
The quest book has a lot of tips and information, but not all is written down. Sometimes you have to figure out certain steps yourself. Use JEI to explore all your options!
Oohhh the arcana archive crystals for liquid starlight is good to know.
I have gotten about 12 rock crystals ores from the mining laser so far. Nice to know there is an alternative!
One of the early pickaxe materials you can use with a decent mining level is the certus quartz crystals.
And if you find the ritual too annoying or expensive to repeat for the same type of mob, you can use the IF Mob Duplicator and a Mob Imprisoment Tool to spawn them endlessly, at the cost of some power and Essence.
If you have never used the grit vase before, give it a try. It is really good at clearing away hills without using energy. You can use 5 mysterious fertilizer on one, and it will break everything in a 11x11 area around and above (starting one block up from the cabinet). I am not sure how high it reaches.
I am not sure about the very basic one, but when you have masonry bricks, you can make stone collectors and then build a structure like this. Credit to spacewolfcub on the discord for the images.
How do i get an egg in the mod? Im stuck making a ritual to summon a cow
I think it was limestone rocks into liquid soul.
How am I suppose to get the book of the well?
I think you get it as a quest reward or just starting off.
Sinply READ the quest book.
But since we are here, you have to type what the book says, with some extra text.
How can you make lapis, beyond the coring process? Because I need the light collector but I need to smelt the white brackish stone and for that I need a furnace which is made by enchanting stone with lapis lazuli. And so on.
You should be able to smelt it in the kiln.
Honestly, Tetra is not worth it. I tried to figure it out, but quickly realized to repair tools took more resources than to make a brand new one every time it broke. It looks like there are neat things in there but I was not going to waste my time when other mods had easier and better tools. I recommend soul steel tools from Hearthwell if you can make them.
Tetra has the uniqueness of making multiple type tools, like tinkers. For example, always carey 2 hammers. One for forging the other and upgrade each other. Then, you start going apeshit.
Then you start upgrading the stats. Wood, stone, flint, bone, you name it. You can enchant them, socket gems to better refine them, change how they operate, ecc.
Your best tool in the mod would be the Holosphere. It shows you EACH piece of tool, blades, and the material and level of tool to craft them.
On the same line of hassleness, you can get obsidian tools by smelting obsidian with Iron from forbidden an arcanus, and the good thing is, you can repair those items with the repair paste. The more paste you have with you, the faster it will repair the item.
I find it to be pretty cool actually, when you also start to learn how to use the belt, which is easy but not intuitive to make, but follow the Holosphere.
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