Fogfix blade of darkness как установить
Инсталлятор устанавливает следующие компоненты:
Blade of Darkness полностью пропатченный версии 1.01.
rOpenGL.dll (версия исправленная sgi1981 в 2013 году, она играбельно отображает туман в Орлоке и т.д. FogFix не нужен).
python15.dll (Новый Python для BOD от intorr).
BODLoader05a.exe (позволяет скачивать, устанавливать и управлять модами и картами для Blade of Darkness) русская версия от меня.
Моды Allies Version 0.1b и TalkSystem Version 0.8.
После установки игры:
Запустить blade.exe.
Зайти в Настройки.
В настройках Видео уже будет выбран движок rOpenGL. В настройках этого движка:
в закладке Video Mode выбрать:
Full Screen,
Resolution - выбрать из списка оптимальное разрешение для Вашего монитора.
Исправлены некоторые баги, существующие в предыдущих инсталляторах.
Исправлен баг отображения надписей объектов на русском языке.
Инсталлятор собран с дополнительными возможностями:
Озвучивание игры на русском языке.
Пункт меню модов, пункты подменю модов отображаются верно на русском языке в отличие от других версий.
Большинство настроек автоматически реализуется при установке игры.
В настройки rOpenGL добавлены такие: яркость == 10, гамма == 20.
"OpenGL Render" - Распаковать и закинуть в папку "Bin/Raster". При запуске игры выбрать rOpenGL. У многих решает проблемы с видеокартой, обязателен для WinXP и более новых.
"OpenGL FogFix Mod" - © Sir Random. Mod предназначен уменьшения тумана на некоторых картах, при игре в OpenGL режиме. В частности, уменьшает белый туман на картах "Gorge of Orlok" и "Tel Halaf Fortress", красный - в "Forge of Xsathra", чёрный - в "Abyss", а также голубой туман в "Oasis of Nejeb" в том месте, где из-за него невозможно взять руну. Установка: создать в ../BODLoader/Mods/ папку "Fogfix", скопировать туда все файлы из архива, запустить игру и установить как обычный mod.
"" - © IronLord. Более красивый вариант показателей жизни, опыта, энергии, силы, защиты и инвентаря, короче, тоже самое только без рамки вокруг. Распаковать файлы в папку "Data", заменив оригинальные. Новый файл pressf1.mmp убирает появление надписи "PRESS F1" в правом нижнем углу экрана, если хотите её оставить, то не копируйте этот новый файл.
"" - Специально, по многочисленным просьбам несчастных владельцев русской версии игры, выкладываю картинки с правильной "расшифровкой" спецударов (weapons), "умений" (abilites) и спецударов магического оружия (specials) для всех героев. В принципе, в русской версии кнопки, в основном, показаны правильно, но вот уровень, с которого начинает работать спецудар или "умение" обычно не показан вообще. Распаковать картинки в "Data/Tb/EnglishUS" и далее в соответствующие папки героев.
"AllMaps Mod" - © Sir Random. Mod позволяет любому герою пройти начальные уровни (карты) всех остальных героев. Для этого надо пройти сначала свою собственный начальный карту, а потом как обычно на 2D-карте выбрать уровень другого героя. Все навыки и опыт сохраняется, а подходящее оружие итак есть на всех четырёх картах. Иногда случаются и забавные ситуации, особенно в связи с разным ростом героев. Устанавка: создать в ..BODLoader/Mods папку "AllMaps" , скопировать туда все файлы из архива, запустить игру и установить как обычный mod.
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с Blade of Darkness. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Blade of Darkness.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
Исправим жесткий туман, дабы в ущелье орлок, и прочих локациях было комфортно, да и в целом это будет ближе к оригинальной игре.
Let's fix the hard fog so that the Orlok gorge and other locations are comfortable, and in general it will be closer to the original game.
I need help, I have a problem with the game.
First, please check a Troubleshooting thread on our technical subforum. In case you don't see a solution there nor nothing appears after a quick look at other threads, please reach us via our customer support.
Is it a new game or an old one?
Blade of Darkness was originally released back in 2001. This is a re-release and it introduces much needed technical improvements to bring it up to speed with modern software and hardware.
What did you improve compared to the original game?
The most important thing we did is ensured that the game can be launched and played again. Here you can see the patch notes.
The game is actually called Severance: Blade of Darkness, Blade: The Edge of Darkness. Why do you call it Blade of Darkness?
At the time the game was released it had different names in different regions. The Spanish speaking community knows it as Blade: The Edge of Darkness, in Europe it was called Severance: Blade of Darkness, while in North America it was known as Blade of Darkness. These names appeared based on the fact the game was distributed in retail (there was no digital distribution at that time) by different companies in these regions and each of them wanted to highlight something they believed is more important for the local gamer. Nowadays we have one global market and we've decided to use the most common element between these three names - "Blade of Darkness".
Who are you? Whom am I supporting by purchasing this game?
SNEG is a small boutique publisher focusing on the re-mastering and distribution of old gaming gems. We want to believe we have a taste for games, a true admiration of the classics, and a desire to bring more entertainment delights from all eras of the gaming culture of today. When it comes to Blade of Darkness, we've signed it with the original Rebel Act founders. Also, quite a few of the original game developers helped us in the process of bringing it back to life and we can't express how grateful we are for their support.
So, is it a remaster of Blade of Darkness from 2001?
No, it’s a re-release. The idea behind it is to bring the original Blade’s experience in its initial form plus several quality-of-life improvements which can’t be ignored in 2021.
Did you implement controller support?
The game doesn’t have controller support as of now. We've identified several other key issues which required our attention and made our call in favour of the game's stability over the new features. But it’s not to say we don’t want to! We check all the feedback :)
I already bought the game back in the days on GOG, do I need to pay again?
We've proposed to the GOG team to allow gamers who bought the game on their platform before to get access to this re-release for free. They've agreed and we all hope you'll enjoy it.
What are your plans for the game's support?
Regardless of any other circumstances we will ensure the game will work across as many systems as possible. As for new (and old) features, we’d wholeheartedly love to bring them to the game but only time will tell if it’s possible.
Can I use existing mods for Blade of Darkness (e.g. HD mod)?
We've tried to be as non-invasive as possible, so, in theory they should, but we don’t know for sure. The HD mod by SrRaulCL should work though, as he has prepared a V4 version based on this new version of the game.
What is this legacy build I've downloaded together with the game?
This bonus content is a version of the game from 2001 but with several fixes (compared to 2013’s GOG release):
-fixed black screen intro on Windows 10
-fixed loading screen freezes
-fixed crashes at launch
-updated nGlide software to the latest version
It doesn’t work on all systems, crashes and glitches are to be expected. Moreover, we will not be supporting this version going further - it is provided as is. We've decided to work on it as we believe for some of you it’s important to have the very original Blade. Sadly, there is a limit to what can be fixed without touching the game’s code, so we believe this is as good as it gets.
Could you explain what all those launch options are?
Play (recommended) - launches the new version of the game (re-release)
Play (old version) - launches the original, 2001 build with several fixes applied using reverse engineering. It also utilizes the latest and tailored for this release nGlide software. All of this improves compatibility with Windows 10.
Launch a configurator (old version) - this launches nGlide’s config tool, which could help you to tweak the game’s performance, especially if you’re running into issues with launching this legacy build with the default settings.
Are my old save games from the original game compatible with this re-release?
They should work, but there are possible issues. The best we can say, there is no full compatibility but you should try it.
Does the Cloud Saves feature work for both re-release and old versions?
Yes! Both versions support cloud saves and we've configured them to sync independently. This means you won’t accidentally remove / overwrite your saves from the new version if you’ll create a save while playing the old version.
Previously I was able to access the game's console. Where is it now?
Right click the game in the Steam Library and go to Properties. Click the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS button, then add the following command line parameter:
What about OpenGL? The original game had it.
The re-release also comes with OpenGL renderer but as a power-user feature. Please note, all our QA tests were performed on DirectX 11 application (we recommend to stick to it), so you might encounter visual glitches by playing with OpenGL or other issues.
In the Steam Library, right click the game and go to Properties. Click the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS button, then add the following command line parameters:
Where is 32bit support?!
32bit machines constitute 0.3% of all PCs on Steam (based on Sep 2021 Steam’s Hardware Survey). On the other side, being a 64bit application allows to build a foundation for the game's long term support.
What is this Sentry thing you’ve put in the game?
Sentry is a tool which enables us to collect logs and crash dumps in case of fatal errors. It does not collect any PII (personally identifiable information), nor spies on your machine or does anything funny. You can see an example of its report and read a bit more here. We hope for your understanding, as this is a crucial component which helps us to address critical issues within the game.
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