Far cry 4 ошибка подключения к сеансу игры попробуйте позже
26 дек. 2015 в 11:53
Всем добра.
Сегодня хотели с другом сыграть вместе, дошли до херка и нам стал доступен совместный режим.
Но при попытке подключится друг к другу (после загрузки) выкидывает в меню с ошибкой:
"ошибка подключения к сеансу игры, попробуйте позже"
В интернете ничего по этому поводу нормального не нашел.
Есть решение? Помогите.
English version.
All good.
Today wanted to play together with a friend, we came to Herc became available and we shared mode.
But when you try to connect to each other (after downloading) throws out the menu with the error:
"Error connecting to the game sessions, try again later"
On the Internet anything about it normal not found.
There is a solution? Help.
26 дек. 2015 в 12:05
could be a problem on one or both of your systems that deal with your antivirus , firewall software or router settings (such as a blocked port)
also you can not play co op until both of you have played the game far enough and completed Act 1 of the game (where you meet Hurk , until then co op play is locked )
You can also try to contact them via social media.
Good luck! I hope you find your fix!
26 дек. 2015 в 12:10could be a problem on one or both of your systems that deal with your antivirus , firewall software or router settings (such as a blocked port)
Far Cry 4
23 ноя. 2019 в 9:45 Купили с другому игру, прошли сюжет до совместной игры. А как пытаемся подключиться друг к другу, выдаёт ошибку подключения к сеансу. Причём мы оба можем играть с другими игроками, а друг с другом - никак. Смотрели в гугле какое-то решение с брандмауэром - не помогло.Our team are only able to offer support on these forums in English at this time, apologies for this.
Alternatively, if you'd like to translate your query we'd be happy to assist you here.
23 ноя. 2019 в 22:36Our team are only able to offer support on these forums in English at this time, apologies for this.
Alternatively, if you'd like to translate your query we'd be happy to assist you here.
Me and my friend bought FarCry 4 to play co-op, we both have access to co-op gameplay, but we can't join each other. We've tried restarting our games, disabled our firewalls (it still doesn't work) etc but nothing works.
Thanks for that!
Do you guys get a specific error message when you try to connect to one another?
26 ноя. 2019 в 4:18 Yes. We can play with other players but can't play each other. We don't know what is reason of this problem. We both have perfect internet connection and live 300 meters away from each other. 26 ноя. 2019 в 14:04have ya checked for internal firewalls ON BOTH SYSTEMS , yes many modems have them ..as well as many antivirus programs also include software ones that you may need to configure properly
yes that will block you from connecting .. check also your windows firewall settings on BOTH SYSTEMS
27 ноя. 2019 в 6:29have ya checked for internal firewalls ON BOTH SYSTEMS , yes many modems have them ..as well as many antivirus programs also include software ones that you may need to configure properly
yes that will block you from connecting .. check also your windows firewall settings on BOTH SYSTEMS
We both have disabled our firewalls and we haven't any antivirus programs
have ya checked for internal firewalls ON BOTH SYSTEMS , yes many modems have them ..as well as many antivirus programs also include software ones that you may need to configure properly
yes that will block you from connecting .. check also your windows firewall settings on BOTH SYSTEMS
We both have disabled our firewalls and we haven't any antivirus programs
Have you performed port forwarding as well?
We both have disabled our firewalls and we haven't any antivirus programs
Have you performed port forwarding as well?
- Ubisoft Support
Yes. We both can play with other players but can't play with each other
Have you performed port forwarding as well?
Yes. We both can play with other players but can't play with each other
Hello again, I'm sorry for not seeing this thread earlier.
If you and your friend are still experiencing connectivity issues, that would indicate perhaps one of you are experiencing limited NAT. It is also possible that one of you has double NAT; both scenarios are quite possible for an issue such as this.
Let us know if you would like to continue troubleshooting and we'll help as best we can.
Столкнулся с аналогичной проблемой (решил просто, поставил одинаковый интернет на 2-ух компьютерах), перепробовал дохренища безуспешных и сложных способов, однако случайным "попаданием пальца в небо" отметил странную особенность: в моем случае два компьютера использовали разные интернеты ( компьютер 1 = Билайн, компьютер 2 = Мегафон) и отказывались работать в группе, но при подключении однородного интернета ( компьютер 1 = Мегафон, компьютер 2 = Мегафон, или компьютер 1 = Билайн, компьютер 2 = Билайн) все вполне сходилось и работоспособность была "на ура". Надеюсь кому-нибудь помогло мое замечание с кучей ненужных, но вполне возможно что успешных, слов и фразочек ! :)I'm unable to understand but I believe you are helping, so thank you! <3
Far Cry 4
26 ноя. 2019 в 12:19 Купили с друзьями игру, прошли "Первую Часть", по идее открылся совместный режим. Но подключится друг к другу мы не можем, в то время как к другим подключение происходит без проблем. 26 ноя. 2019 в 14:01have ya checked for internal firewalls ON BOTH SYSTEMS , yes many modems have them ..as well as many antivirus programs also include software ones that you may need to configure properly
yes that will block you from connecting .. check also your windows firewall settings on BOTH SYSTEMS
Разработчик: Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Toronto, Ubisoft Shanghai и Ubisoft Kiev
Издатель: Ubisoft
Дата выхода: 20 ноября 2014
Платформы: РС, PS 4, PS 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360.
Особенности игры:
- Сюжет игры будет новым и не будет являться продолжением предыдущих частей
- Действие игры будет происходить в Гималаях а конкретней в Непале, Китае и Бутане
- Будет новая механика выживания, в дополнение к расширенной системе крафта
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