Exception detected sims 4 community lib ошибка
This is more of an API than the mod itself. It doesn't do anything by itself and is intended as a framework for other Sims 4 developers to use in their own codebases. Install the library only if you have installed a mod that requires it!
Russian translation by Origamika : Download (suitable for all versions - updated 10/28/2020)
Chinese translation by Zoophx: Download (1.73)
To start creating mods with S4CL, check out the project template !
- The Sims 4 Version at least (Cottage Living)
- Choose Sim Dialog
- Custom Icons:
- Right Arrow
- Navigate Into Arrow
- Question Mark
- Six Sided Dice
- Checked Box
- Unchecked Box
- Notifications
- Sim Icons
- Warnings
- Errors
- Info
- Story Dialogs (Add custom buttons, add sim icons)
- Sim Picker
- Prompt the player to choose a sim or a number of sims from a dialog.
- Custom Notifications
- Basic Notification - Display a notification with a title and description of varying urgency.
- Interactions
- Registration
- Register Interactions to:
- Terrain
- Ocean
- Objects (Sims, Furniture, etc.)
- Custom Interactions
- Create interactions the run Python code in their backends
- Interaction Types:
- CommonInteraction - Inherit from this to hook into an interaction and add python functionality to its functions
- Immediate Super Interaction - An interaction that doesn't require a target to perform. It is started immediately and without an animation.
- Super Interaction - Like the Immediate Super interaction but these require a target to perform. (sim_chat is one example of a Super Interaction)
- Mixer Interaction - Use this for custom Mixer interactions.
- Social Mixer Interaction - Use this for custom Social Mixer interactions.
- Terrain Interaction - Use for interactions that appear when clicking on the ground.
- Perform logical checks to determine whether or not to show an interaction
- Or display an interaction as disabled, with a displayed tooltip that shows when the player hovers the interaction.
- Run Python code when an interaction is started, cancelled, or has finished.
- Custom Interaction Tooltips
- Display tooltips on interactions that display on hover.
- Locate CommonInteraction for an example of how to utilize custom tooltips in your own interactions.
- Event Handling
- Create, Dispatch, and Handle Dynamic Events
- Handle events without needing a reference to the code that sends the event.
- Decouple that code!
- Interval Events
- Run functions on millisecond intervals.
- Run functions once, after an amount of time has passed.
- Interaction events (Queued, Started, Ended, Interaction Outcomes)
- Sim
- Spawn - Occurs when a Sim spawns or is born into the world.
- Initialization - Occurs when a Sim is initialized (before being spawned).
- Occult Swapping - Occurs when a Sim changes to a different Occult (i.e. Human to Mermaid or Human to Vampire or vice verse)
- Zone Events
- Zone Update - Occurs every time the zone updates. (Basically every time the game ticks)
- Zone Teardown - Occurs every time the zone is torn down. Occurs before a loading screen, but only after a Zone had been previously loaded. (See Zone Early/Late Load)
- Zone Save - Occurs every time a zone is saved. This occurs before the game saves for the player. Be careful with this one!
- Zone Early Load - Occurs when a zone is loaded, but before the players household has loaded.
- Zone Late Load - Occurs when a zone is loaded, but after the players household has loaded.
- Utilities
- Sim utilities
- Get the Active Sim
- Get Sim Info, Sim Instance, and Sim Ids
- Get All Sims nearby and filter which types of sims to get (Age, Species, Occult, Traits, Buffs, etc.)
- Occults - Check Occult Types of sims.
- Ages - Get/Set/Check Ages of sims.
- Genders - Get/Set/Check Genders of sims.
- Species - Get/Set/Check Species of sims.
- Buffs - Add/Remove/Check Buffs of sims.
- Traits - Add/Remove/Check Traits of sims.
- Sim State - Check various states of sims. (Wearing towel, Dying, etc.)
- Sim Spawn/Despawn - Spawn, Despawn, and Delete Sims.
- Outfit - Set/Get/Update/Check the current outfit of sims.
- CAS Utils - Attach/Detach/Check cas parts of a sims outfit. You can put any cas part in any BodyType via these.
- Components - Get various components of objects (Statistics, Traits, Buffs, etc.)
- Resources - Load Resources or Tuning files by their identifiers. (Buffs, Traits, Statistics, Snippets, etc.)
- Icons - Load Icons provided by S4CL or your own Icons.
- Types - Determine the type of objects without needing to use isinstance or having a reference to the type itself in your own code.
- Time - Manage time. Pause the game, get/change the current game speed, get/set the time of day, etc.
- Collections - Determine if an object is a collection, combine collections, flatten collections, etc.
- Injection - Inject custom functionality into functions
- IO (Input/Output) - Write string data to a file or load string data from a file.
- Stack Trace - Retrieve the complete and full stack trace.
- Localization utilities
- Retrieve LocalizedStrings from StringTables of .package files.
- Format tokens into LocalizedStrings
- Display text in specific colors (Colors can be added by request)
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Create Localized Tooltips - Use to display tooltips on interactions (while also displaying the interaction)
- These can be useful to give more information to the player about why something cannot be performed, instead of simply hiding that something.
- Weather
- Statistics
- Motives
- Download the latest zip archive above.
- Unpack the archive using your favorite archiving tool.
- Drag files / folders to Mods directory.
- Keep in mind that the ts4script file must be either a top level (directly in the Mods / < ts4script file > folder) or one deep folder (Mods / Blah / < ts4script file>). Even deeper, and nothing will come of it.
To those using this mod, if you are told that my mods do any of the following:
- Will break or cause severe issues within your game
- Contain themes endangering or abusing Children
- Contain themes endangering or abusing Animals
- Contains illegal content
Please know that ALL of this is misinformation, and completely false.
The mod authors known as TURBODRIVER and Deaderpool have chosen to Stalk, Target, and Cyberbully me and anyone who chooses to use any of my mods. They have chosen to spread misinformation (slander) about my mods for years, and have gone so far as to put malicious code in Wicked Whims targeting my mods (and by extension those who make mods using S4CL which is a fairly large chunk of mod authors). I believe in creating mods that better the community as a whole, even if I have no personal interest in the criteria of the mod itself. Even the API called Sims 4 Community Library, which I have created for new and old mod authors to create simpler and more stable mods while also providing a vast store of functionality for said mods, has been targeted by these mod authors. They go on witch hunts, banning or threatening anyone who dares join my discord. They have threatened other mod authors, discords, websites, and various other forms of media into also banning and threatening people for using my mods.
Sadly, this has put me in a place where the very community I love and support, slanders me and continues to spread the same misinformation, without knowing that many of the negative things being said have zero evidence to back them and are nothing more than cyberbullying.
Though these Mod Authors are extremely successful, they have been using their popularity to ruin my reputation and railroad the community into believing these lies. This has caused many discords to ban people for using any of my mods and it has turned my name into something that frightens everyone when it is even mentioned. I try my best to support and create content for this community out of my own pocket and this is completely unacceptable.
Please do not believe everything you read on the internet. There's always two sides
to a story but above all there is the absolute truth. Its up to us as people to find it out
and refrain from hopping onto bandwagons stirred up by popular mod authors.
I love this community, and despite what TURBODRIVER and Deaderpool say to ruin me, I will continue doing my best to support this community, noone deserves this treatment, especially not someone who makes mods for free.
Previous versions:
There is not really a reason to use an older version. S4CL is always and will always be backwards compatible.
В The Sims 4 не работают сохранения
Чтобы работали сохранения вы должны быть подключены к сети в Origin.
The Sims 4 не запускается или отсутствует msvcp120.dll
Установите vcredist_x64 и vcredist_x86, из папки Installer, которая находится в каталоге игры.
Черный экран при запуске The Sims 4
Удалите игру из Origins
Теперь удалите Origins из Панели Управления, если его там нет, то пройдите по такому пути C: \ Program Files (x86) /Origin/OriginUninstall.exe
Перезагрузите компьютер
Переустановите Origin
Переустановите Sims 4
При запуске игры - Вне диапозона. Есть решение?
Заходим в Документы\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4. Находим и открываем файл Options.ini.
В нем ищем строку fullscreen = 1 и меняем на fullscreen = 0.
Далее заходим в игру, настраиваем графику под допустимые значения и играем.
P.S Если вы не нашли решение своей проблемы,напишите об этом в комментариях и мы попробуем вам помочь.
Писать можно только о проблемах и их решениях !
Мы заметил, что у многих пользователей часто возникают вопросы по работе и установке мода DeviousDesires. Поэтому и решил подробно рассказать как нужно правильно установить его, чтобы мод функционировал должным образом.
- Для начала очистите кэш игры. Те, кто уже пользуется DD и имеет проблемы с ним, удалите все файлы и папки связанные с данным модом, в том числе и папку mods log, которая находится по адресу: Документы-Electronic Arts-The Sims 4.
- Скачиваем библиотеку sims4communitylib с официального сайта и устанавливаем все файлы из архива в папку Mods не глубже одной подпапки. Она необходима для работы абсолютно всех модов от ColonolNutty.
- Создаём папку с названием к примеру "DeviousDesires" и помещаем её в папку "Mods". Скачиваем сам мод DeviousDesires. Открываем архив и извлекаем оттуда в созданную вами папку "DeviousDesires" все файлы и папку под названием "deviousdesires_features". Папку с названием "mod_data" устанавливаем в корень папки "Mods".
- Скачиваем и устанавливаем мод Mod Settings Menu (MSM). Он служит для того, что все настройки мода отображались в игре. Его можно установить как в папку "Mods", не глубже одной подпапки, так и в папку с самим модом, но уже без подпапок.
- Скачайте и установите необходимые моды Custom Slider Framework и CSF Adult Body Sliders. Установить их можно также в папку с самим модом DD без подпапок.
- Русификаторы устанавливайте в те папки, где расположены файлы надлежащих для них модов.
- Также можете установить файл Cruxmyth Customization.json, созданный другим автором. Он служит для интеграции анимаций из мода WW в мод DD. Файл должен быть установлен по адресу: Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation customization.
— Примите к сведению ещё тот факт, о котором говорил сам ColonolNutty, что мод создаётся с использованием официальной лицензионной игры от Origin и на некоторых пиратских версиях игры он может давать ошибки. И даже не столь сам мод, а библиотека.
— Ко всему прочему, упомянем ещё один факт: все модули для DD являются необязательными (опциональными). Можете установить их все, либо то, что считаете для себя нужным. Все модули располагаются в папке "deviousdesires_features".
— При обновлении мода, не удаляйте папку "mod_data", так как она содержит в себе все ваши настройки для DD. Обновляйте там только те файлы, которые обновились с выпуском новой версии DD (если таковые имеются).
— DeviousDesires в настоящее время является независимым модом от WickedWhims. Он не ломает WW и не ломается им.
Если всё же у вас будут иметься ошибки, созданные непосредственно модами CN, то вы можете обратиться с ними на официальный канал Discord CN.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
Yeah, I have the SOL mod and was trying to send my sim to the hospital but the error came up. It does that to almost everything I try to do :/
ColonolNutty commented Sep 5, 2020
I'm going to figure out a way to log what interaction is actually causing the issue, so it can be debugged better in the future.
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
Thanks, take your time <3
ColonolNutty commented Sep 5, 2020
See if you can reproduce the same issue with version 1.31 of S4CL. Then upload your log here. It may give us additional insight into which interaction is actually causing the error.
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
okay ill try that
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
its still the same with a few reactions but I could now do certain stuff without the error
Of course it's still throwing an error! Give me your log file as I have asked.
It is NOT the same.
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
Aha, the interaction name! Perfect:
Error occurred while running _on_interaction_queued for interaction with short name KawaiiStacie: Visit_Hospital_Now and display name hash: 11366770
Find the mod with this interaction and it will be the mod causing the error.
KawaiiStacie: Visit_Hospital_Now
and before you ask, NO it is not an "incompatibility" with S4CL, whoever made the mod causing this error simply wrote it in a crappy and broken way.
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
Oh, thanks. Sorry I couldnt understand I didnt read that well lol
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
So it would be best if I just deleted it?
ColonolNutty commented Sep 5, 2020
If you know of a way to contact the author of that mod, that would help them solve it, otherwise yeah, I'd just delete it or not even use the interaction.
MiraMora commented Sep 5, 2020
OK, thanks again
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