Dead space reshade как установить
Графическая модификация для Dead Space 3, которая добавляет:
*новые шейдеры
*эффект грязной линзы на фоне ярких источников света
*Magic DOF/Deep of Field(Глубина резкости)
*Movie bars(Горизонтальные полосы как в кино.)
*И ещё ряд графический фич на подобии хроматической аберрации и Bloom, которые делают картинку более насыщенной и кинематографичной.
Инструкция по эксплуатации)
1. Распакуйте архив в любое удобное для вас место.
В папке Мод, вы найдёте архив и текстовый файл.
2. Распакуйте содержимое архива ReShade 0.16.0 Public Beta+MER 1.1.111(DS3).rar, в корневую папку игры.
3. Переименуйте файл SweetFX_Settings_Dead Space 3_Cinematic Style v3.txt, в MasterEffect.h (расширение должно быть 'h', а не 'txt')
4. Переместите получившийся MasterEffect.h в корневую папку игры с заменой файла.
5. В игре используйте сглаживание FXAA 3.11 или SSAO.
6. Обязательно отключите Glow и Bloom в графических настройках игры.
7. Если мод работает не корректно, или не работает вовсе, не смотря на то, что вы делали всё согласно инструкции, скопируйте содержимое архива DS3_Cinematic_Style_v3, находящегося в папке Резерв, в корневую папку игры с заменой файлов.
В прологе и главе 8, из-за Блума, на фоне снегу может быть слишком ярко. Если для вашего зрения или чувства прекрасного, содержания блума в кадре покажется чрезмерным, то вы можете отключить/включить модификацию нажатием клавиши Num1.
for anyone else tearing their hair out,
Windows 10 v1803 with the "Disable fullscreen optimizations" option enabled have issues with some injectors using dxgi.dll and d3d9.dll as the injection point. This issue affects both ReShade and Special K, and most likely other injectors when using those names as well. However SweetFX (using d3d9.dll) is seemingly not affected.
For those of you unaware, the Windows 10 "fullscreen optimizations" are now seemingly the new "default" mode of the operating system, and disabling those invokes Windows 10 v1803's application compatibility engine and the appropriate shims.
Anyway, long story short, something goes wrong when using "Disable fullscreen optimziations" and injectors using d3d9.dll or dxgi.dll. The below issues happens with both ReShade and Special K:
* dxgi.dll - This will result in the fullscreen optimizations not actually being disabled. The application compatibility engine will be evoked, and loaded, but the game will not actually run in the classic exclusive fullscreen mode. It will instead still use the new fullscreen optimizations. This can easily be confirmed using a volume media key on a keyboard, which will cause Windows 10's volume bar to appear in the corner which it wouldn't if the fullscreen optimizations were actually disabled.
* d3d9.dll - This will, as in this thread, simply result in the game not launching at all. Instead Event Viewer will log a crash of some kind.
Both issues can be worked around by either unchecking "Disable fullscreen optimizations", or by using an alternate supported injection path (such as d3d11.dll for D3D11 games).
2 янв. 2016 в 9:52Yea there isn't a real way to make them better. There are no mods for Dead Space. The only thing that existed was a set of custom textures that ModDB member ThemeZilla *had* been working on 5 years ago, but he never finished or he never released them. It's a shame too because from what he had shown off, they looked great. The only thing you can do is downsample from 4k or 8k or 12k or whatever you want, or, use reshade or sweetfx. The shaders Groen posted honestly don't lend well to actually playing the game, but they look decent for screenshots.
Basically all most shader suites do for this game is inject a lot of terrible post processing, and make it look ridiculous. Because that's all they can do, until Durante and ceejay and boulataur or someone else make a functional version of GeDoSaTo what cooperates with sweetfx and other custom shaders.
Frankly the first one is screwy and way too dark. You need to bump your brightness up in game and in the shader itself otherwise you literally won't be able to see. On top of that the depth of field is weird - if you use subtitles it will blur half the subtitles because it seems to be focused on Isaac and it wasn't really done well. I use the third link there, but I turned it off because the chromatic aberration got annoying and basically all I do now with DS games is downsample them from 4k.
Unfortunately they're all just suits.
To be honest Dead Space trilogy is probably one of the very few series of games from the last console "generation" that truly deserves a remaster and re-release, and it isn't getting one. The games are all wonderful artwise but they badly need better textures, at the very least.
2 янв. 2016 в 10:32 im just now playing it on PC with everything maxed out and it looks surprisingly good. but i'm curious about the fake next gen mod. does it really improve the graphics? what's the performance hit? anyone tried it? 2 янв. 2016 в 10:36 I think I tried it some time ago, it's just some post-processing effects if I remember right, of course it's gonna have some performance impact. I don't know how big though, I still have to try it with my new graphic card.Yea there isn't a real way to make them better. There are no mods for Dead Space. The only thing that existed was a set of custom textures that ModDB member ThemeZilla *had* been working on 5 years ago, but he never finished or he never released them. It's a shame too because from what he had shown off, they looked great. The only thing you can do is downsample from 4k or 8k or 12k or whatever you want, or, use reshade or sweetfx. The shaders Groen posted honestly don't lend well to actually playing the game, but they look decent for screenshots.
Basically all most shader suites do for this game is inject a lot of terrible post processing, and make it look ridiculous. Because that's all they can do, until Durante and ceejay and boulataur or someone else make a functional version of GeDoSaTo what cooperates with sweetfx and other custom shaders.
Frankly the first one is screwy and way too dark. You need to bump your brightness up in game and in the shader itself otherwise you literally won't be able to see. On top of that the depth of field is weird - if you use subtitles it will blur half the subtitles because it seems to be focused on Isaac and it wasn't really done well. I use the third link there, but I turned it off because the chromatic aberration got annoying and basically all I do now with DS games is downsample them from 4k.
Unfortunately they're all just suits.
To be honest Dead Space trilogy is probably one of the very few series of games from the last console "generation" that truly deserves a remaster and re-release, and it isn't getting one. The games are all wonderful artwise but they badly need better textures, at the very least.
Мод представляет из себя более мрачное окружение, что добавляет еще больше ужаса одиночества в мертвом космосе. Данный мод подходит как и 2-й и 3-й части. По желанию, для более приемлемой видимости добавить яркости.
Добавлены эффекты:
- Motion Blur
- Lens dirt
- Lens flare
- Technicolor
- Tonemap
- Curves
- Filmicpass
- Lumasharpen
- Skyrimtonemap
- Colormood
Распаковать содержимое архива в папку с игрой.
Активация и деактивация мода "Scroll Lock". Проверено на GOG версии.
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