Dawn of war 2 retribution popcap mod как установить
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Этот Мод увеличивает максимальное значение лимита войск до 999 как во многопользовательской игре, так и в кампании, а так же добавляет реквизиции и энергии.
В этом моде вам предстоит обороняться от набегов орд тиранид. Мясо, кровь, кишки.
Мод увеличивающий масштабы сражений, но в то же время не снижающий баланс игры.
Данный мод заменяет юнитов Имперской Гвардии на Империю Тау. Модельки тау из первой части.
Мод изменяет модели Кровавых Воронов на Черных Храмовников в одиночной кампании
Elite mod один из лучших и популярных многопользовательских модов для Dawn of War 2 - Retribution, вносит множество изменений в оригинальный Dawn of War.
Добавлена новая игровая фракция - Серые рыцари . Добавлены новые юниты для всех существующих рас, новые карты и много всего прочего.
Dawn of War 2 - Elite mod регулярно обновляется, имеется система рейтинга игроков, часто устраиваются турниры самими разработчиками. Все это, принесло моду большую популярность.
Elite Mod v.2.5.0 не требует установки прошлых версии мода.
Запустите установочный файл
2.5.0 Release Log
- New 3v3 map Nocturne Inferno by zeetorq
- New 3v3 map Taros Mining Facility by zeetorq
- New 3v3 map Siccaris Plateau Redux v1.0 by Max Power
- New 3v3 map Graesark Undercity by Indrid
- New 2v2 map Minethera Outpost by Swiftsabre
- Updated map: Avensa Stronghold v1.3 by Indrid
- Updated map: Lugganath Glacier v1.1 by Swiftsabre
- Now has Italian translation! Translation by Nifo
- Corrected and updated many tooltip descriptions
- Decreased the courage modifier of suppression_pvp damage while in heavy cover by 25%
- Melee resistance on Havocs, Devastator and Devastator Plasma squad decreased from 40% to 20%
- Charge attack damage type changed from piercing to power melee
- Charge attacks now has a damage per entity per second stack limit; entities hit 2 or more times over 2.5 s are immune to further charge damage
- grenade_pvp damage modifier to vehicles increased from 0.25 to 0.5
- missile_pvp damage modifier to infantry reduced from 1 to 0.5 and to heavy infantry from 1 to 0.75
- manticore_rocket damage modifier to units in energy shield cover increased from 0 to 0.7
- Heretic cost reduced from 210 down to 190
- Heretic melee damage reduced from 24 to 20
- Heretic Doom Blast damage reduced from 25 to 15
- Noise Marine Sonic Blaster now has a 1.5 s delay before disabling infantry
- Dirge Caster range effect radius reduced from 40 to 32
- Reduced the Chaos Terminator Reaper Cannon range from 49 to 38
- Chaos Terminator rotation speed from 600 to 200
- Removed melee charge from Raptors when upgraded with Meltaguns
i dont want to be a pain but could you explain how to put the file into the game?
please tell me how make to work
hi The_Mastodon how did u put the file and make it work? mine does not work. Quik-silver777 where do i put the file to make the pop 999 mod work? pls help. thx
Place the file in your Dow 2 retribution directory ;)
I cant find my directory show me pls
ye i have tried downloading and sticking it in the directory but it doesnt work can you please give step by step instructions, as I am new to modding and dont know where to place the file. regards
can you make a instructions to make this work,i placed the file in Dow 2 retribution but it seems nothing change. please help
please answer me,i really need this mod works :(((( and which version is needs ?? :(
Wow people are really bad at installing mods manually, I almost feel sorry for them, almost. Haha.
You suppose to help us how to put mod in DoW file?
read the readme guys
I can't use any of the DLC skin packs after installing this mod, anyone know of a fix or reason for this?
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Its Sorta Working But Req is default when playing can u help?
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First off, there needs to be better install directions for people. Refusing to do so because "people should know how to" is condescending and ignorant. Failing to include proper install directions is basic modder courtesy for those who don't do this on a regular basis. For those of you saying there is a readme - there wasn't one when I did it, which either means there are file inconsistencies during down load or some one just thought being a smart*** would be funny.
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