Dark souls 3 как убрать лок в 60 фпс
12 апр. 2016 в 3:38 I don't understand why they have to set an FPS cap. I didn't buy my 144hz monitor to play at 60 fps 12 апр. 2016 в 3:40 I don't understand why they have to set an FPS cap. I didn't buy my 144hz monitor to play at 60 fps 12 апр. 2016 в 3:40 cuz the game and the animation was made for 60 fps? no? play cs go or dota to have 144 fps animation.12 апр. 2016 в 3:41 There is locked Vsync. Wait for DS3fix which will probably be soon 12 апр. 2016 в 3:54 cuz the game and the animation was made for 60 fps? no? play cs go or dota to have 144 fps animation. So by your logic developer should just limit all their game to the same ♥♥♥♥ as console. Why should they Implement different coding for PC player right 12 апр. 2016 в 3:54 There is locked Vsync. Wait for DS3fix which will probably be soon 12 апр. 2016 в 3:57 There is locked Vsync. Wait for DS3fix which will probably be soon And then get shadowbanned like in DS2 and be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ for online play 12 апр. 2016 в 4:01 cuz the game and the animation was made for 60 fps? no? play cs go or dota to have 144 fps animation.
So by your logic developer should just limit all their game to the same ♥♥♥♥ as console. Why should they Implement different coding for PC player right You don't seem to understand how Dark Souls games work. Literally everything is tied to the frame rate. It wouldn't work at 144hz. I have a 144hz monitor too but I'm not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about it because I understand how this game works. There won't be a DSFix for this because there's nothing wrong with it on any PC built in the last two to three years and the framerate will never be unlocked to 144 because it would break literally everything in the game.
Get the ♥♥♥♥ over it.
12 апр. 2016 в 4:01 There is locked Vsync. Wait for DS3fix which will probably be soon And then get shadowbanned like in DS2 and be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ for online play DSFix never got a single person banned, ever. It literally can't in the way that it works. 12 апр. 2016 в 4:06While it kinda sucks, as others have said, 60FPS cap is because of From's habit with tying gameplay to frames. At higher framerates, it can cause strange behaviors. You can see evidence of this with DS1, where some jumps become impossible at 60FPS. And in the original DS2 release, with the double durability weardown per strike.
It sucks that it works that way, but I guess it's probably easier or more precise than other means?
12 апр. 2016 в 4:06 Btw you can't notice fps differences around 60 fps, going higher than 60 is useless. 12 апр. 2016 в 4:08 Btw you can't notice fps differences around 60 fps, going higher than 60 is useless. Unless your monitor supports higher than 60hz its noticeable 12 апр. 2016 в 4:11 Since when 60 fps is not enough? Give a so called "PC master race" user any reason to whine and he will. It's like hearing that 3rd person action games needs FOV. don't be surprised I really read it on a lame forum, and people were agreeing to that. 12 апр. 2016 в 4:15 Guys its possible to set your monitor to 144hz if you have a nvidia card, just lock it to 144hz for this game in the control settings. You will only have 60 fps, but still 144hz.. and for me that made sense todo as my color profile is messedup for 60hz. So no its not vsync bound. 12 апр. 2016 в 4:37Sorry but its a myth or ignorance that you cant notice differences in higher Framerates, you can clearly notice differences between 30, 60 and 120+ Fps with Screens supporting that. It would take an hour to describe everything why DS3 uses this and whats the good and bad sides for both ways and how everything works. In the end its up to the Developers and how their Engine works aswell as that the standard is still 60 Fps whats good in my opinion because it isnt too wonky and it isnt too fluid.
Also you cant blame the Developers because they didnt build up the Game on your dreams and wishes, you can talk for months and this wouldnt change the fact that this Game is the result of the Developers mind. Its Art, same as Pictures, Books, Music and Movies its still Art, its not a subject to change in matter of different opinions and favorites. You now have two options, accept the Art and enjoy it or dont accept it and go for something else and yes techincal features do count as Art for Games, Movies and Music.
Уже и 60 мало. Помню первый ДС вообще был с локом на 30, приходилось фиксы искать, чтобы на 60 поставить.
Время идет,частота обновления не стоит на месте)
Ну что там на счет анлока ФПС и частоты развертки? Хочу поиграть при 60+ ФПС на родной частоте 144ГЦ (можно и 120).
Понимаю что тут весомая доля сарказма, но.
В вашем случае ФПС упирается не в программное ограничение, а в аппаратное. Наверняка железо слабое.
Ты прав. Не стоит на месте. Чем новее игра, тем меньше мы видим FPS.
У этой игры специфический движок. Хочешь проваливаться сквозь лестницы или лифты? Тогда без проблем. Осталось только дождаться, когда такой анлок сделают.
1) Удалить предыдущие версии мода, если такие имеются.
2) Распаковать Zip. архив в корневую папку с игрой
3) Чтобы снять ограничение в 60 фпс необходимо в файле DSfix.ini в строке FPSlimit поменять 30 на 60(выше не советую, персонаж проваливаться под текстуры), и unlockFPS поменять 0 на 1. Также необходимо поменять enableVsync 1 на 0.
4) Также можно в этом же файле убрать начальную заставку, поменяв в строчке skipIntro 0 на 1.
Наслаждайтесь 1080p и 60 fps.
Разработчик Dark Souls напомнил фанатам про оригинальное название хардкорной игры
Данный фикс устраняет или пытается уменьшить резкие падения фпс (фризы), мод не увеличивает фпс, а всего-лишь пытается сделать его стабильным.
Мод был протестирован мною, и результат был положителен, было 44-13 фпс, стало 41-26.
Переместить файлы из мода (без папок внутри) в директорию с .exe файлом игры.
Файл из папки Nvidia или Ati (зависит от производителя карты) переместить туда-же.
При первом запуске отрубаем инет, и программы для мониторинга фпс. (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ЗАПУСК ОТ ИМЕНИ АДМИНА . )
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Dark Souls 3 "Yapped v1.1.1 - Изменение параметров оружия и т.д."
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