Ckan ksp как установить
7 июн. 2018 в 9:10
I found and installed the latest version (1.25.1) but get the following error everytime:
Is CKAN dead? Or is there another version of CKAN that I'm not familiar? This last version was updated January 2017, and the above problem was reported the same day the update was released, but does not appear to have ever been fixed.
I have been using CurseForge to manually download and update the various mods, which is a pain in the posterior.
7 июн. 2018 в 9:23This was a problem in older versions.
7 июн. 2018 в 9:31This was a problem in older versions.
I found and installed the latest version (1.25.1) but get the following error.7 июн. 2018 в 12:12
Jan 2017? Thats odd. Not sure where you got that from.
Did you download your copy from here?
These should be the only two files you really need. I myself created a folder for CKAN even though it isn't hugely needed so I can store backups of my mod installation lists and whatnot in the same place as CKAN.
Try downloading both of those files though, linked straight from the latest release of CKAN.
I'm assuming you're on Windows thats why I linked the Windows files.
This was a problem in older versions.
I found and installed the latest version (1.25.1) but get the following error.
Pleae download the newest version from the official repository and try again. No need to be salty about it. 7 июн. 2018 в 13:42
This was a problem in older versions.
I found and installed the latest version (1.25.1) but get the following error.
Oh I read it, I just ignored it because you are wrong. 7 июн. 2018 в 16:05
You apparently didn't read my original post:
Pleae download the newest version from the official repository and try again. No need to be salty about it. Yet another idiot who obviously has reading comprehension problems. 7 июн. 2018 в 16:15
Jan 2017? Thats odd. Not sure where you got that from.
Did you download your copy from here?
These should be the only two files you really need. I myself created a folder for CKAN even though it isn't hugely needed so I can store backups of my mod installation lists and whatnot in the same place as CKAN.
Try downloading both of those files though, linked straight from the latest release of CKAN.
I'm assuming you're on Windows thats why I linked the Windows files.
I got it from the same place you got it from. Is everyone suddenly a moron?
What part of I INSTALLED THE LATEST VERSION OF CKAN are you idiots not grasping?
CKAN has never worked properly, and still doesn't. The error I posted above is the exact same error CKAN has been experiencing since version 1.25.1 was released 18 months ago and hasn't been fixed since.
Contrary to what you might believe telling someone to do something that they have already done is not providing help. It only demonstrates that you have absolutely no clue how to resolve the problem.
7 июн. 2018 в 16:45 Reread that again. The current release is from this April. 8 июн. 2018 в 5:10CKAN has never worked properly, and still doesn't. The error I posted above is the exact same error CKAN has been experiencing since version 1.25.1 was released 18 months ago and hasn't been fixed since.
Your reading comprehension sucks, you know that, right? 1.25.1 was realeased in April this year, not 18 months ago. Again, please download the newset version from the official repository. If the error persists, please direct any bug reports to the issues section on the official repository. This is a support forum for KSP, not third-party mods or utilities.
That aside, as far as i can tell CKAN is working fine for the majority of people (me included), so the error is probably on your end.
8 июн. 2018 в 12:20CKAN has never worked properly, and still doesn't. The error I posted above is the exact same error CKAN has been experiencing since version 1.25.1 was released 18 months ago and hasn't been fixed since.
Your reading comprehension sucks, you know that, right? 1.25.1 was realeased in April this year, not 18 months ago. Again, please download the newset version from the official repository. If the error persists, please direct any bug reports to the issues section on the official repository. This is a support forum for KSP, not third-party mods or utilities.
That aside, as far as i can tell CKAN is working fine for the majority of people (me included), so the error is probably on your end.
Why do you idiots even bother to respond if you can't even comprehend the problem? You are just another example of how public education has completely failed.
Здравствуйте, товарищи.
проблема в следующем: при запуске CKAN, он запускается нормально:
Но как только я ставлю галочку на любом моде в списке, выскакивает эта ошибка:
При нажатии на кнопку "сведения" появляется это:
************** Оперативная отладка (JIT) **************
Для подключения оперативной (JIT) отладки файл .config данного
приложения или компьютера (machine.config) должен иметь
значение jitDebugging, установленное в секции
Приложение также должно быть скомпилировано с включенной
< jitDebugging="true" />
Я абсолютный нуб и весь этот текст для меня хуже, чем новые ворота для барана :(
Если нажать на окне ошибки кнопку "продолжить", окно закроется, CKAN продолжит работать, но кнопка "Apply changes" заблокирована.
Ошибка выскакивает всякий раз при установке очередной галочки в списке модов.
Это происходит с любой версией KSP и любой версией CKAN. Винда 7 ultimate, переустановка не помогает (ни винды, ни CKAN, ни KSP).
Комп: Атлон 2 x3 440 3 ГГц, 4 Гб ОЗУ DDR3, видеокарта радеон HD 5400, KSP установлен на SSD 120 Гб, грузится очень быстро, версия 1.04 работает прекрасно, 1.05 глючит по черному.
Если кто-нить из вас знает, в чем тут проблема и как это лечится, подскажите, пожалуйста, а то ручная установка всех модов - жуткий геморрой :(
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Менеджер модов Kerbal Space Program - Список модов обновляется через интернет. Способен искать нужный мод, скачивать, устанавливать, дополнительные необходимые и рекомендуемые моды, а так же обновлять существующие.
В базе почти все существующие моды.
- ckan.exe
- Source code (tar.gz)
- Вы можете изначально использовать исходный код в виде Python скриптов, или перейти на использование mono для GNU/Linux.
Запуск программы, используем mono:
Автор использует дистрибутив openSUSE 13.x
$ zypper in mono-complete
Данного программного пакета достаточно для необходимых зависимостей и запуска программы CKAN.
- Скаченый бинарный файл ckan.exe копируется в папку с игрой Kerbal Space Program.
(.. /SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program).
- Запуск командой "mono ckan.exe".
- Программа автоматически создаст каталог CKAN в папке с игрой.
- GUIConfig.xml
- installed-default.ckan
- registry.json
Перечень рабочих папок:
GUI меню программы CKAN готово к работе.
Возможно дополнительно понадобятся пакеты:
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libcurl-devel
Обновление сертификата для mono:
$ mozroots --import
Меню программы CKAN в данном мануале не рассмотрено, все на доступном ENG меню.
При возникновении проблем после установки модов, или удалении модов, используйте отладку через файл persistent.sfs.
../SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/saves/$name/persistent.sfs
- 883 строка funds = 455626.250377867, Ваше значение средств в режиме Карьеры.
Дополнительно проанализировав файл, исправите значения от положения солнца, до частей последнего крафта.
Подборка мануалов космической тематики в Steam от автора.
Kerbal Space Program v1.1 (Edit 17.05.2015).
Пишите заметки по улучшению, используйте и модифицируйте на своё усмотрение.
17 мая. 2015 в 8:51The CKAN is a metadata respository and associated tools to allow you to find, install, and manage mods for Kerbal Space Program. It provides strong assurances that mods are installed in the way prescribed by their metadata files, for the correct version of Kerbal Space Program, alongside their dependencies, and without any conflicting mods.
CKAN is great for players and for authors:
players can find new content and install it with just a few clicks;
modders don't have to worry about misinstall problems or outdated versions;
The CKAN has been inspired by the solid and proven metadata formats from both the Debian project and the CPAN, each of which manages tens of thousands of packages.
I Like it better than the curse one :)
17 мая. 2015 в 9:21Never worked for me. tried it. it failed miserably. I moved on.
Maybe tell your friends that developed CKAN to build a utility that actually "works" instead of having netframework and horrible internet code that gives constant ERRORS!
Basically CKAN is garbage with a nice UI
17 мая. 2015 в 14:18I guess the flaw is on your system, works like a charm for me.
Really? are we at 3rd grade now. grow up man
first of all, im not related to CKAN in any way, I think it is a lot better than Curse . I can choose all the mods i want and install em at once, oh yea, and there are no adds.
Again, im pretty sure its your system that is garbage. (software or hardware). 17 мая. 2015 в 15:57CKAN is great, I agree. very simple to keep mods managed and updated, and helps me remember what I even have installed! I don't go too mod crazy, but when I do I go CKAN. I typically only have 10-15 at a time installed.
Great tool to help manage though!
17 мая. 2015 в 16:37CKAN can cause issues in a lot of situations. I personally don't recommend using it unless you are installing a mod you know, you know is updated and CKAN has it updated. Especially dangerous after recent KSP updates. And that's not mentioning when it's trying to rewrite a dependency you already have, or failing the download, or just plain ol' crashing.
There's no substitute to going to the source and downloading it from there.
20 мая. 2015 в 4:23Never worked for me. tried it. it failed miserably. I moved on.
Maybe tell your friends that developed CKAN to build a utility that actually "works" instead of having netframework and horrible internet code that gives constant ERRORS!
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